[Rquantlib-devel] RQuantLib on Mac OS X 10.10

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Oct 28 18:41:18 CET 2014

On 28 October 2014 at 11:35, Jack Drew wrote:
| Recently, I am trying to create a new RQuantLib setup. I am on mac os x 10.10 and R 3.0.2. I have installed QuantLib 1.4, and RQuantLib. From my terminal, within R, I can require RQuantLib and use it with no problems. However, if I try to require RQuantLib within the R GUI or within my StatET Eclipse, I get:
| Loading required package: RQuantLib
| Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'RQuantLib', details:
| call: if (is.character(qc) && nchar(qc) > 1) {
| error: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
| In addition: Warning message:
| running command 'bash -c 'type -p quantlib-config' 2>/dev/null' had status 1
| I am not sure what I am missing, since the package works fine from the terminal. Please help, if you are able to.

So quantlib-config is not found.

I don't own (or access) an OS X machine but even I noticed all these hoopla
over 10.10 not setting PATH -- that could be the culprit. Google for
something like

          RStudio "OS X" 10.10 PATH

and you just get pointers.  One trick appears to be to launch RStudio from
the term.app.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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