[Rcpp-devel] Dispatch on sparse and dense matrices...
Søren Højsgaard
sorenh at math.aau.dk
Sun Dec 8 22:47:38 CET 2013
Dear all,
I want to do some computation on a matrix, irrespective of whether it is a numeric matrix, an integer matrix or a sparse matrix (a dgCMatrix which can be handled with RcppEigen). For simplicity, I want to compute the sum of the elements.
To do so I use a template
template <typename TT>
SEXP do_compute( SEXP XX_ ){
const TT X(as<TT>(XX_));
return wrap(X.sum()); // some computation on X...
I then dispatch depending on input type with
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP compute ( SEXP XX_ ){
int type = TYPEOF(XX_) ;
switch( type ){
case 13 : return do_compute<MapMati>(XX_); // matrix - integer
case 14 : return do_compute<MapMatd>(XX_); // matrix - double
case 25 : return do_compute<MSpMat>(XX_); // dgCMatrix
return R_NilValue ;
and the numbers 13, 14, 25 are disclosed to by simply printing the type. I know that for integers and doubles I can do something "nicer":
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP compute2 ( SEXP XX_ ){
int type = TYPEOF(XX_) ;
switch( type ){
case INTSXP : return do_compute<MapMati>(XX_); // matrix - integer
case REALSXP : return do_compute<MapMatd>(XX_); // matrix - double
case 25 : return do_compute<MSpMat>(XX_); // dgCMatrix
return R_NilValue ;
Is there a similar keyword for sparse matrices??
If not, is the "code" 25 safe to use in an R-package??
Are there more elegant ways of handling the dispatch ??
The source file is attached. Thanks in advance.
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