[Rcpp-devel] Irregular crash with rcpp and inline
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Fri Apr 13 15:14:29 CEST 2012
As a second follow-up: if you
a) use RcppArmadillo,
b) you also define
somewhere (I use ~/.R/Makevars) to suppress R's new -DNDEBUG
which otherwise turns debugging asserts off
then you get bounds checking from Armadillo on the normal (eg round
parenthesis) vector and matrix access operations.
In which case the run-time behaviour of the (non-fixed but translated to
RcppArmadillo) file becomes
edd at max:~$ r /tmp/marie.r
error: Mat::operator(): out of bounds
Error in myfx(dist, rta) :
Execution halted
edd at max:~$
which is a lot nicer than a naked segfault.
The RcppArmadillo version is below. I also corrected one last minor
editorial thingie: cxxfunction's signature use 'NumericVector', we usually
use "numeric" or "integer" here.
suppressMessages(library(inline)) # this will include Rcpp for us
mycppfx <- '
// Input values # no need to include cmath again
arma::vec distc = Rcpp::as<arma::vec>(dist);
arma::vec rtac = Rcpp::as<arma::vec>(rta);
int nc = distc.size();
arma::vec dx(nc);
arma::vec dy(nc);
arma::mat coord(nc+1,2);
// Transforming relative turning angle into absolute turning angle
arma::vec ata(nc);
ata(0) = fmod(rtac(0),2*PI);
for(int j = 1; j < nc+1; j++){
ata(j)= fmod(ata(j-1) + rtac(j),2*PI);
//Change into cartesian coordinates
// Calculate the displacement in each direction
dx = distc * cos(ata);
dy = distc * sin(ata);
nc += 1;
// Add the displacments
coord(0,0) = coord(0,1) = 0;
for(int j = 1; j < nc+1; j++){
coord(j,0) = coord(j-1, 0) + dx(j-1);
coord(j,1) = coord(j-1, 1) + dy(j-1);
return Rcpp::wrap(coord);
myfx <- cxxfunction(signature(dist ="numeric", rta="numeric"),
body = mycppfx, plugin = "RcppArmadillo")
n <- 1000
dist <- rexp(n,10)
rta <- rvm(n,0,1)
res <- myfx(dist,rta)
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