[Rcpp-devel] Irregular crash with rcpp and inline
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Fri Apr 13 14:17:40 CEST 2012
Hi Marie,
Thanks for posting here.
On 13 April 2012 at 11:31, Marie Auger-Methe wrote:
| I am new to Rcpp, c++, and inline. I have created a simple test function
| which works some of the times but not all the times. It generally
Sign of a memory error writing past bounds...
| crashes when I run it with a large sample size or after calling the
| function multiple times. When it doesn't work, it crashes R completely
| and so I have no error message that can help me figure out what caused
| the problem.
| Here is my code:
| library(inline)
| library(Rcpp)
| library(CircStats)
| mycppfx <- '
| #include <cmath>
| // Input values
| NumericVector distc(dist);
| NumericVector rtac(rta);
| int nc = distc.size();
| NumericVector dx(nc);
| NumericVector dy(nc);
| NumericMatrix coord(nc+1,2);
| // Transforming relative turning angle into absolute turning angle
| NumericVector ata(nc);
| ata[0] = fmod(rtac[0],2*PI);
| for(int j = 1; j < nc+1; j++){
| ata[j] = fmod(ata[j-1] + rtac[j],2*PI);
| }
Here ata is length nc, yet you let j reach length nc --> one past the boundary.
If I change this, all is good as shown below.
| /////////////////////////////////
| //Change into cartesian coordinates
| // Calculate the displacement in each direction
| dx = distc * cos(ata);
| dy = distc * sin(ata);
| nc += 1;
| // Add the displacments
| for(int j = 1; j < nc; j++){
| coord(j,0) = coord(j-1, 0) + dx[j-1];
| coord(j,1) = coord(j-1, 1) + dy[j-1];
| }
| return coord;
| '
| myfx <- cxxfunction(signature(dist ="NumericVector",
| rta="NumericVector"),
| body = mycppfx, plugin = "Rcpp")
| n <- 1000
| dist <- rexp(n,10)
| rta <- rvm(n,0,1)
| res <- myfx(dist,rta)
| Any tips would be appreciated,
The ever-so-slightly modified version (below) works for me with three
repeated calls:
edd at max:~$ r /tmp/marie.r
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
[2,] -0.06557971 -0.03890566
[3,] -0.10972025 -0.04818246
[4,] -0.09398195 -0.11707111
[5,] -0.09527783 -0.13598975
[6,] -0.11354528 -0.13200467
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
[2,] -0.06557971 -0.03890566
[3,] -0.10972025 -0.04818246
[4,] -0.09398195 -0.11707111
[5,] -0.09527783 -0.13598975
[6,] -0.11354528 -0.13200467
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
[2,] -0.06557971 -0.03890566
[3,] -0.10972025 -0.04818246
[4,] -0.09398195 -0.11707111
[5,] -0.09527783 -0.13598975
[6,] -0.11354528 -0.13200467
edd at max:~$
My version is below.
Cheers, Dirk
suppressMessages(library(inline)) # this will include Rcpp for us
mycppfx <- '
// Input values # no need to include cmath again
NumericVector distc(dist);
NumericVector rtac(rta);
int nc = distc.size();
NumericVector dx(nc);
NumericVector dy(nc);
NumericMatrix coord(nc+1,2);
// Transforming relative turning angle into absolute turning angle
NumericVector ata(nc);
ata[0] = fmod(rtac[0],2*PI);
for(int j = 1; j < nc; j++){
ata[j] = fmod(ata[j-1] + rtac[j],2*PI);
//Change into cartesian coordinates
// Calculate the displacement in each direction
dx = distc * cos(ata);
dy = distc * sin(ata);
nc += 1;
// Add the displacments
for(int j = 1; j < nc; j++){
coord(j,0) = coord(j-1, 0) + dx[j-1];
coord(j,1) = coord(j-1, 1) + dy[j-1];
return coord;
myfx <- cxxfunction(signature(dist ="NumericVector",
body = mycppfx,
plugin = "Rcpp")
n <- 1000
dist <- rexp(n,10)
rta <- rvm(n,0,1)
res <- myfx(dist,rta)
res <- myfx(dist,rta)
res <- myfx(dist,rta)
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