[Basta-users] Error in DataCheck

Alejandro Sotillo Alejandro.SotilloGonzales at UGent.be
Fri Apr 27 16:45:43 CEST 2018

Dear Users/Authors,

I just started using BaSTA on R 3.5.0. I first downloaded the latest version available in CRAN (1.9.4), and encountered the same error as Paul Beziers described in: http://lists.r-forge.r-project.org/pipermail/basta-users/2016-August/000147.html

I then installed version 1.9.5 and encountered another error when running DataCheck(), and therefore also when running basta(). In this case I get the following error message:

Error in DataCheck(object, algObj$start, algObj$end, silent = TRUE) :
object 'type7' not found

For the moment, I'm working with the older version 1.9.3, which hasn't given any problems yet. But I'd like to use the latest version, if it's possible. Any idea what could be going wrong? I did notice that in the output of DataCheck() when running in versions 1.9.3 and 1.9.4 the last lines seem to count the cases where each error type happens, and type7 appears as NULL. Here the last lines of DataCheck() output as I get them now:








Thanks in advance for any help.

Kind regards,

Alejandro Sotillo

Terrestrial Ecology Unit
Department of Biology
Ghent University
K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35
B-9000 Ghent

+32 (0)9264 5086

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