[adegenet-forum] Several questions

mchiappero at efn.uncor.edu mchiappero at efn.uncor.edu
Tue Jan 19 18:37:12 CET 2010

Dear Thibaut:

I found a seemingly minor problem when plotting the sPCA results:
everything works fine except the connection network graphic. It shows
the points representing my samples correctly, but no connections at
all. However, when I plot the connection network alone, it seems to be
OK. Am I making a mistake or is it a bug?
Also, I have two questions (I hope the last and I don't bother you any more):
First: how do I perform the Gtest and Ltest on the second principal  
I know this may seem dumb, and is probably a very basic "R thing",
but I can't realize how to do it and I couldn´t find any instruction
in the manual or tutorials.
The other is a request for advice: my dataset consists of individuals
(rodents) captured inside a city and in a nearby (~10 km)
agroecosystem. The problem is that in each of these two areas,
captures were conducted in several locations, and in each one,
individuals are very close together in relation to the total area.
Therefore the black or white squares in the sPCA graphic are highly
superimposed. Do you think it would be correct to indicate each
location with, say, a circle, and to separate each of the squares
representing the scores of each individual so that their size could be
Again, thank you very much

Marina B. Chiappero
Genética de Poblaciones y Evolución
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Av. Velez Sarsfield 299
(5000) Córdoba. Argentina

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