[RQt-devel] qtbase mac issues resolved

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 15:26:00 CET 2010

> Ok, I understand the benefits for documentation and consistency.
> I propose these functions:
> qaddItem: layer$addLayer
> qdeviceTransform: layer$deviceTransform(event)
> q(row,col)Stretch[<-]: layer$layout()$(row,col)[Set]Stretch()
> q(h,v)Spacing<-: layer$layout()$setHorizontal(Vertical)Spacing()
> qbackgroundBrush<-: scene$backgroundBrush <- brush
> qgraphicsScene: Qt$QGraphicsScene()
> qclearSelection: layer$clearSelection()
> qzValue<-: layer$setZValue()
> qprimitives: layer$primitives()
> qminimumSize<-: layer$setMinimumSize()
> qcacheMode<-: layer$setCacheMode()
> qclip<-: layer$setClip()
> qfocus<-: layer$setFocus()
> qlimits<-: layer$setLimits
> qoverlayScene: layer$overlayScene()
> Think of anything else?

Looks good.  I assume you'll have getters for all the setters? (e.g.
qlimts: layer$getLimits)

In my mind the next most important thing would be a bit of documentation about:

 * units (data vs. pixel etc)
 * the main classes: layer vs. scene
 * how layer layouts work
 * events

These are all things that I've asked you about in the past, but I keep
forgetting how they work.  If you could jot the essentials down
somewhere, I'd be happy to add to them.

It would also be nice to have a convenience method that would create a
static image:

static_image(function(p) {
  qdrawPoint(0.1, 0.2, colour = "red")

This would initialise the scene and a layer, open the window and draw.
 If !interactive() it would immediately close.  This would be useful
for examples and tests.


Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University

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