[Zooimage-commits] r228 - in pkg/mlearning: . R man
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Thu Aug 2 21:23:08 CEST 2012
Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2012-08-02 21:23:08 +0200 (Thu, 02 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 228
New stars confusion plot + sorted out plot() method for confusion object
Modified: pkg/mlearning/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/mlearning/DESCRIPTION 2012-08-02 08:49:02 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/mlearning/DESCRIPTION 2012-08-02 19:23:08 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Author: Ph. Grosjean & K. Denis
Maintainer: Ph. Grosjean <Philippe.Grosjean at umons.ac.be>
Depends: R (>= 2.14.0)
-Imports: dataframe, stats, nnet, class, MASS, e1071, randomForest, RWeka, RColorBrewer, gplots, grDevices
-Suggests: rJava, RWekajars, mlbench, datasets
+Imports: dataframe, stats, nnet, class, MASS, e1071, randomForest, RWeka, ipred, grDevices
+Suggests: rJava, RWekajars, mlbench, datasets, RColorBrewer
Description: This package provides alternate interface to various machine
learning algorithms in order to offer a unified, formula-based, interface.
However, given the caveats of the formula interface in R (leading to
Modified: pkg/mlearning/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/mlearning/NAMESPACE 2012-08-02 08:49:02 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/mlearning/NAMESPACE 2012-08-02 19:23:08 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
-importFrom(gplots, heatmap.2)
+#importFrom(gplots, heatmap.2)
#importFrom(gdata, combine)
@@ -21,13 +22,13 @@
S3method(confusion, default)
S3method(confusion, mlearning)
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
S3method(print, summary.mlearning)
S3method(plot, mlearning)
S3method(predict, mlearning)
+S3method(cvpredict, mlearning)
S3method(response, default)
S3method(train, default)
Modified: pkg/mlearning/R/confusion.R
--- pkg/mlearning/R/confusion.R 2012-08-02 08:49:02 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/mlearning/R/confusion.R 2012-08-02 19:23:08 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -128,59 +128,64 @@
X <- x
class(X) <- "table"
if (isTRUE(as.logical(error.col))) {
- print(cbind(X, `Error (%)` = round((1 - diag(X) / apply(X, 1, sum)) * 100, 1)))
+ print(cbind(X, `Error (FNR)` = round((1 - diag(X) / apply(X, 1, sum)), 3)))
} else print(X)
## Return the original object invisibly
-plot.confusion <- function (x, y,
-type = c("image", "image2", "tree_image", "precision_recall",
-"precision_recall2", "dendrogram"), ...)
+plot.confusion <- function (x, y = NULL,
+type = c("image", "barplot", "stars", "dendrogram"), stat1 = "Recall",
+stat2 = "Precision", ...)
- type <- match.arg(type)
- res <- switch(type[1],
- image = .confusionMap(x, ...),
- image2 = .confusionMap2(x, ...),
- tree_image = .confusionTree(x, ...),
- precision_recall = .confusionBar(x, ...),
- precision_recall2 = .confusionBar2(x, ...),
- dendrogram = .confusionDendro(x, ...),
- stop("'type' must be 'image', 'tree_image', 'precision_recall', 'precision_recall2' or 'dendrogram'"))
+ if (is.null(y)) type <- match.arg(type)[1] else type <- "stars"
+ res <- switch(type,
+ image = .confusionImage(x, y, ...),
+ barplot = .confusionBar(x, y, ...),
+ stars = .confusionStars(x, y, stat1 = stat1, stat2 = stat2, ...),
+ dendrogram = .confusionDendro(x, y, ...),
+ stop("'type' must be 'image', 'barplot', 'stars' or 'dendrogram'"))
## These functions do the respective graphs for confusion objects
-.confusionMap <- function (x, col = heat.colors(10),
-mar = c(5.1, 12.1, 4.1, 2.1), ...)
- if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
- stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
- omar <- par("mar")
- on.exit(par(omar))
- par(mar = mar)
- n <- ncol(x)
- image(1:n, 1:n, 1 / (t(x[n:1, 1:n])), col = col, xlab = "", ylab = "",
- xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ...)
- axis(1, at = 1:n, las = 2)
- axis(2, at = n:1, labels = paste(names(attr(x, "nbr.cols")), 1:n),
- las = 1)
- abline(h = (1:(n + 1)) - 0.5, lty = 2, col = "gray")
- abline(v = (1:(n + 1)) - 0.5, lty = 2, col = "gray")
- invisible(x)
+## Old (simpler) version
+#.confusionImage <- function (x, y = NULL, col = heat.colors(10),
+#mar = c(5.1, 12.1, 4.1, 2.1), ...)
+# if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
+# stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
-## Alternate graphical representation of the confusion matrix (modif K. Denis)
-.confusionMap2 <- function (x, mar = c(3.1, 10.1, 3.1, 3.1), asp = 1,
+# if (!is.null(y))
+# stop("cannot use a second classifier 'y' for this plot")
+# omar <- par("mar")
+# on.exit(par(omar))
+# par(mar = mar)
+# n <- ncol(x)
+# image(1:n, 1:n, 1 / (t(x[n:1, 1:n])), col = col, xlab = "", ylab = "",
+# xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ...)
+# axis(1, at = 1:n, las = 2)
+# axis(2, at = n:1, labels = paste(names(attr(x, "nbr.cols")), 1:n),
+# las = 1)
+# abline(h = (1:(n + 1)) - 0.5, lty = 2, col = "gray")
+# abline(v = (1:(n + 1)) - 0.5, lty = 2, col = "gray")
+# invisible(x)
+## Representation of the confusion matrix
+.confusionImage <- function (x, y = NULL, mar = c(3.1, 10.1, 3.1, 3.1), asp = 1,
label = "Actual \\ Predicted", sort = "complete", cex = 1, colfun = NULL,
ncols = 41, col0 = FALSE, grid.col = "gray", ...)
if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
+ if (!is.null(y))
+ stop("cannot use a second classifier 'y' for this plot")
## Default color function
- rwb.colors <- function (n, alpha = 1, s = 0.9, v = 0.9) {
+ if (!length(colfun)) colfun <- function (n, alpha = 1, s = 0.9, v = 0.9) {
if ((n <- as.integer(n[1L])) <= 0) return(character(0L))
## Define the initial (red) and final (blue) colors with white in between
cols <- c(hsv(h = 0, s = s, v = v, alpha = alpha), # Red
@@ -189,7 +194,6 @@
## Use a color ramp from red to white to blue
- if (!length(colfun)) colfun <- rwb.colors
manuLev <- sub("...", "", rownames(x))
autoLev <- manuLev
@@ -222,8 +226,8 @@
## Negative values (in blue) on the diagonal (correct IDs)
diag(confuCol) <- -diag(confuCol)
## Make an image of this matrix
- omar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
- on.exit(par(mar = omar))
+ opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
+ on.exit(par(opar))
par(mar = mar, cex = cex)
image(1:n, 1:n, -t(confuCol[nrow(confuCol):1, ]), zlim = c(-10, 10),
asp = asp, bty = "n", col = colfun(ncols), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
@@ -249,29 +253,38 @@
-.confusionTree <- function (x, maxval = 10, margins = c(2, 10),
-row.v = TRUE, col.v = TRUE, ...)
- if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
- stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
- nX <- nrow(x)
- nY <- ncol(x)
- nZ <- nX * nY
- confmat <- pmin(x, maxval)
- mypalette <- brewer.pal(maxval - 1, "Spectral")
- heatmap.2(x, col= c(0, mypalette), symm = TRUE, margins = margins,
- trace = "both", Rowv = row.v, Colv = col.v, cexRow = 0.2 + 1 / log10(nX),
- cexCol = 0.2 + 1 / log10(nY), tracecol = "Black", linecol = FALSE, ...)
+## Eliminated to avoid dependency on RColorBrewer and gplots!
+#.confusionTree <- function (x, y = NULL, maxval = 10, margins = c(2, 10),
+#row.v = TRUE, col.v = TRUE, ...)
+# if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
+# stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
+# if (!is.null(y))
+# stop("cannot use a second classifier 'y' for this plot")
+# nX <- nrow(x)
+# nY <- ncol(x)
+# nZ <- nX * nY
+# confmat <- pmin(x, maxval)
+# mypalette <- brewer.pal(maxval - 1, "Spectral")
+# heatmap.2(x, col= c(0, mypalette), symm = TRUE, margins = margins,
+# trace = "both", Rowv = row.v, Colv = col.v, cexRow = 0.2 + 1 / log10(nX),
+# cexCol = 0.2 + 1 / log10(nY), tracecol = "Black", linecol = FALSE, ...)
# Confusion bar with recall and precision in green bar and not outside as before
# function modified for publication hclust
-.confusionBar <- function (x, col = c("PeachPuff2", "green3", "lemonChiffon2"),
-mar = c(1.1, 8.1, 4.1, 2.1), cex = 0.7, cex.axis = cex, cex.legend = cex,
-main = "Precision versus Recall", min.width = 17, ...)
+.confusionBar <- function (x, y = NULL,
+col = c("PeachPuff2", "green3", "lemonChiffon2"), mar = c(1.1, 8.1, 4.1, 2.1),
+cex = 0.7, cex.axis = cex, cex.legend = cex, main = "Precision versus Recall",
+min.width = 17, ...)
if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
+ if (!is.null(y))
+ stop("cannot use a second classifier 'y' for this plot")
TP <- diag(x)
fn <- rowSums(x) - TP
fp <- colSums(x) - TP
@@ -346,55 +359,118 @@
## Precision vs Recall, alternate presentation
-.confusionBar2 <- function (x,
-col = c("PeachPuff2", "green", "green3", "lemonChiffon2"),
-mar = c(2.1, 8.1, 4.1, 2.1), cex = 0.7, cex.axis = cex, cex.legend = cex,
-main = "Precision versus Recall", ...)
+## Note used, but saved for now
+#.confusionBar <- function (x, y = NULL,
+#col = c("PeachPuff2", "green", "green3", "lemonChiffon2"),
+#mar = c(2.1, 8.1, 4.1, 2.1), cex = 0.7, cex.axis = cex, cex.legend = cex,
+#main = "Precision versus Recall", ...)
+# if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
+# stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
+# if (!is.null(y))
+# stop("cannot use a second classifier 'y' for this plot")
+# ## Calculation of statistics
+# Stats <- summary(x)
+# FDR <- Stats$FDR * 100
+# Precision <- Stats$Precision * 100
+# Recall <- Stats$Recall * 100
+# FNR <- Stats$FNR * 100
+# ## Order statistics according to Precision + recall
+# pos <- order(Recall + Precision, decreasing = TRUE)
+# ## Results to plot
+# res <- cbind(FDR, Precision, Recall, FNR)
+# ## Do the plot
+# omar <- par("mar")
+# on.exit(par(omar))
+# par(mar = mar)
+# barplot(t(res[pos, ]), horiz = TRUE, col = col, xaxt = "n", las = 1,
+# space = 0, ...)
+# ## Add information
+# n <- nrow(Stats)
+# Labels <- names(attr(x, "nbr.cols"))
+# axis(2, 1:n - 0.5, tick = FALSE, las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis,
+# labels = Labels[pos])
+# title(main = main)
+# text(rep(1, n), 1:n - 0.5, paste(round(FDR[pos]), "%", sep = ""),
+# adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
+# text(FDR[pos] + Precision[pos]/2, 1:n - 0.5, paste(round(Precision[pos]),
+# "%", sep = ""), adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
+# text(FDR[pos] + Precision[pos] + Recall[pos]/2, 1:n - 0.5,
+# paste(round(Recall[pos]), "%", sep = ""), adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
+# text(rep(191, n), 1:n - 0.5, paste(round(FNR[pos]), "%", sep = ""),
+# adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
+# legend("top", legend = c("False Discovery ", "Precision", "Recall",
+# "False Negative"), cex = cex.legend, fill = col, bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)
+# text(96, -0.5, "< higher precision - underestimate <=> overestimate - higher recall > ",
+# cex = cex)
+# invisible(res)
+.confusionStars <- function(x, y = NULL, stat1 = "Recall", stat2 = "Precision",
+main = NULL, col = NULL, ...)
- if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
- stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
- ## Calculation of statistics
- Stats <- summary(x)
- FDR <- Stats$FDR * 100
- Precision <- Stats$Precision * 100
- Recall <- Stats$Recall * 100
- FNR <- Stats$FNR * 100
- ## Order statistics according to Precision + recall
- pos <- order(Recall + Precision, decreasing = TRUE)
- ## Results to plot
- res <- cbind(FDR, Precision, Recall, FNR)
- ## Do the plot
- omar <- par("mar")
- on.exit(par(omar))
- par(mar = mar)
- barplot(t(res[pos, ]), horiz = TRUE, col = col, xaxt = "n", las = 1,
- space = 0, ...)
- ## Add information
- n <- nrow(Stats)
- Labels <- names(attr(x, "nbr.cols"))
- axis(2, 1:n - 0.5, tick = FALSE, las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis,
- labels = Labels[pos])
- title(main = main)
- text(rep(1, n), 1:n - 0.5, paste(round(FDR[pos]), "%", sep = ""),
- adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
- text(FDR[pos] + Precision[pos]/2, 1:n - 0.5, paste(round(Precision[pos]),
- "%", sep = ""), adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
- text(FDR[pos] + Precision[pos] + Recall[pos]/2, 1:n - 0.5,
- paste(round(Recall[pos]), "%", sep = ""), adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
- text(rep(191, n), 1:n - 0.5, paste(round(FNR[pos]), "%", sep = ""),
- adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex)
- legend("top", legend = c("False Discovery ", "Precision", "Recall",
- "False Negative"), cex = cex.legend, fill = col, bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)
- text(96, -0.5, "< higher precision - underestimate <=> overestimate - higher recall > ",
- cex = cex)
- invisible(res)
+ if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
+ stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
+ if (!is.null(y) && !inherits(x, "confusion"))
+ stop("'y' must be NULL or a 'confusion' object")
+ SupportedStats <- c("Recall", "Precision", "Specificity",
+ "NPV", "FPR", "FNR", "FDR", "FOR")
+ if (!stat1 %in% SupportedStats)
+ stop("stats1 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+ if (!stat2 %in% SupportedStats)
+ stop("stats2 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+ Blue <- topo.colors(16)
+ Green <- terrain.colors(16)
+ Stat <- summary(x)
+ if (!is.null(y)) { # Comparison of two confusion matrices
+ Stat2 <- summary(y)
+ Data <- data.frame(Stat2[, stat1], Stat[, stat1], Stat[, stat2],
+ Stat2[, stat2])
+ Data <- rbind(Data, rep(0, 4))
+ colnames(Data) <- paste(rep(c(stat1, stat2), each = 2), c(2, 1, 1, 2))
+ if (!length(main))
+ main <- paste("Groups comparison between classifier 1 and 2\nAccuracy 1 =",
+ round(attr(Stat, "Accuracy") * 100), "%, accuracy 2 =",
+ round(attr(Stat2, "Accuracy") * 100), "%")
+ if (!length(col))
+ col <- c("green", Green[1], Blue[2], Blue[6])
+ } else { # Single confusion matrix
+ Data <- data.frame(Stat[, stat1], Stat[, stat2])
+ Data <- rbind(Data, rep(0, 2))
+ colnames(Data) <- c(stat1, stat2)
+ if (!length(main))
+ main <- paste("Groups comparison\nAccuracy =",
+ round(attr(Stat, "Accuracy") * 100), "%")
+ if (!length(col))
+ col <- c(Green[1], Blue[2])
+ }
+ rownames(Data) <- c(rownames(Stat), " ")
+ ## Calculate key location
+ kl <- stars(Data, draw.segments = TRUE, scale = FALSE, # key.loc = c(13, 1.5),
+ len = 0.8, main = main, col.segments = col, plot = FALSE, ...)
+ kcoords <- c(max(kl[, 1]), min(kl[, 2]))
+ kspan <- apply(kl, 2, min) / 1.95
+ ## Draw the plot
+ res <- stars(Data, draw.segments = TRUE, scale = FALSE, key.loc = kcoords,
+ len = 0.8, main = main, col.segments = col, ...)
+ ## Draw a rectangle around key to differentiate it from the rest
+ rect(kcoords[1] - kspan[1], kcoords[2] - kspan[2], kcoords[1] + kspan[1],
+ kcoords[2] + kspan[2])
+ res
-## New graphical representation of the confusion matrix as a dendrogram
-.confusionDendro <- function (x, method = "ward")
+## Representation of the confusion matrix as a dendrogram
+.confusionDendro <- function (x, y = NULL, method = "ward")
if (!inherits(x, "confusion"))
stop("'x' must be a 'confusion' object")
+ if (!is.null(y))
+ stop("cannot use a second classifier 'y' for this plot")
## Transform the confusion matrix into a symmetric matrix by adding its
## transposed matrix
ConfuSim <- x + t(x)
@@ -627,88 +703,115 @@
-## Compare statistics between two classifiers for all groups
-comparisonPlot <- function (x, y, stat1 = "Recall",
-stat2 = "Precision", barplot = TRUE)
- SupportedStats <- c("Recall", "Precision", "Specificity", "NPV", "FPR",
- "FNR", "FDR", "FOR")
- if (!stat1 %in% SupportedStats)
- stop("stats1 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
- if (!stat2 %in% SupportedStats)
- stop("stats2 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
- n <- nrow(x)
- ## Select columns
- xstat1 <- x[, stat1]
- xstat2 <- x[, stat2]
- ystat1 <- y[, stat1]
- ystat2 <- y[, stat2]
- if (!isTRUE(as.logical(barplot))) {
- plot(xstat1, ylim = c(-1, 1.1), ylab = paste("<==", stat2, "/",
- stat1, "==>", sep = " "), xlab = "Groups", axes = FALSE,
- col = "red", main = "Comparison of two statistics for two classifiers",
- lwd = 2, cex = 1.5, pch = 3)
- points(ystat1, pch = 4, col = "blue", lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
- points(-xstat2, pch = 3, col = "red", lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
- points(-ystat2, pch = 4, col = "blue", lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
- ## Add lines for more comprehensive interpretation
- for (i in 1:n) abline(v = i, lty = 3, col = "lightgray")
- abline(h = 0, lty = 1)
- abline(h = 0.25, lty = 2)
- abline(h = 0.5, lty = 2)
- abline(h = 0.75, lty = 2)
- abline(h = -0.25, lty = 2)
- abline(h = -0.5, lty = 2)
- abline(h = -0.75, lty = 2)
- ## Add axes
- axis(1, at = 1:n, labels = 1:n)
- axis(2, at = c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
- labels = c(1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
- ## Add legend
- legend("topright", legend = c("Classifier 1", "Classifier 2"),
- pch = c(3, 4), col = c("red", "blue"), horiz = TRUE, bg = "white",
- cex = 0.75, pt.cex = 1.5, pt.lwd = 2)
- } else { # Barplot
- barplot(xstat1, ylim = c(-1.05, 1.15), axes = FALSE,
- ylab = paste("<==", stat2, "/", stat1, "==>", sep = " "),
- xlab = "Groups", main = "Comparison of two statistics for two classifiers")
- barplot(-xstat2, add = TRUE, axes = FALSE)
- ## Add lines for more comprehensive interpretation
- for (i in 1:n) abline(v = i + i * 0.2 - 0.5, lty = 3, col = "lightgray")
- abline(h = 0, lty = 1)
- abline(h = 0.25, lty = 2)
- abline(h = 0.5, lty = 2)
- abline(h = 0.75, lty = 2)
- abline(h = 1, lty = 3)
- abline(h = -0.25, lty = 2)
- abline(h = -0.5, lty = 2)
- abline(h = -0.75, lty = 2)
- abline(h = -1, lty = 3)
- X <- 1:n + 1:n * 0.2 - 0.5
- ## Add arrows (suppress wqrnings in case of zero length arrows)
- suppressWarnings(arrows(x0 = X, y0 = xstat1, x1 = X, y1 = ystat1,
- length = 0.1))
- suppressWarnings(arrows(x0 = X, y0 = -xstat2, x1 = X, y1 = -ystat2,
- length = 0.1))
- ## Add axes
- axis(1, at = X, labels = 1:n)
- axis(2, at = c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
- labels = c(1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
- ## Add legend
- legend("topright", legend = c("Classifier 1", "Classifier 2"),
- pch = c(15, 4), col = c("darkgray", "black"), horiz = TRUE,
- bg = "white", cex = 0.75, pt.cex = 1.5, pt.lwd = 2)
- }
- invisible(list(xstat1 = xstat1, xstat2 = xstat2,
- ystat1 = ystat1, ystat2 = ystat2))
+#comparisonPlot <-
+#function (x, y, stat1 = "Recall", stat2 = "Precision", type = c("barplot", "p", "stars"), ...)
+# type <- match.arg(type)
+# res <- switch(type[1], barplot = barplot.comparison(x, y, stat1, stat2, ...),
+# p = plot.comparison(x, y, stat1, stat2, ...),
+# stars = stars.comparison(x, y, stat1, stat2, ...), stop("'type' must be 'barplot', 'p' or 'stars'"))
+# invisible(res)
+#stars.comparison <- function(x, y, stat1 = "Recall", stat2 = "Precision", ...)
+# if(!inherits(x, "summary.confusion"))
+# stop("x must be a summary.confusion object")
+# if(!inherits(y, "summary.confusion"))
+# stop("y must be a summary.confusion object")
+# SupportedStats <- c("Recall", "Precision", "Specificity",
+# "NPV", "FPR", "FNR", "FDR", "FOR")
+# if (!stat1 %in% SupportedStats)
+# stop("stats1 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+# if (!stat2 %in% SupportedStats)
+# stop("stats2 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+# Blue <- topo.colors(16)
+# Green <- terrain.colors(16)
+# Data <- data.frame(y[, stat1], x[, stat1], x[, stat2], y[, stat2])
+# rownames(Data) <- rownames(x)
+# colnames(Data) <- c(paste(stat1, "_2", sep = ""), paste(stat1, "_1", sep = ""), paste(stat2, "_1", sep = ""), paste(stat2, "_2", sep = ""))
+# stars(Data, draw.segments = TRUE, scale = FALSE, key.loc = c(13,1.5), len = 0.8,
+# main = paste("Groups comparison between classifier 1 and 2", "\n", "Accuracy 1 =", round(attr(Stats, "Accuracy") *100), "%,", "Accuracy 2 =", round(attr(Stats2, "Accuracy") *100), "%"),
+# col.segments = c("green", Green[1], Blue[2], Blue[6]), ...)
+#barplot.comparison <- function(x, y, stat1 = "Recall", stat2 = "Precision", ...){
+# SupportedStats <- c("Recall", "Precision", "Specificity",
+# "NPV", "FPR", "FNR", "FDR", "FOR")
+# if (!stat1 %in% SupportedStats)
+# stop("stats1 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+# if (!stat2 %in% SupportedStats)
+# stop("stats2 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+# n <- nrow(x)
+# xstat1 <- x[, stat1]
+# xstat2 <- x[, stat2]
+# ystat1 <- y[, stat1]
+# ystat2 <- y[, stat2]
+# barplot(xstat1, ylim = c(-1.05, 1.15), axes = FALSE,
+# ylab = paste("<==", stat2, "/", stat1, "==>", sep = " "),
+# xlab = "Groups", main = "Comparison of two statistics for two classifiers", ...)
+# barplot(-xstat2, add = TRUE, axes = FALSE)
+# for (i in 1:n) abline(v = i + i * 0.2 - 0.5, lty = 3,
+# col = "lightgray")
+# abline(h = 0, lty = 1)
+# abline(h = 0.25, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = 0.5, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = 0.75, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = 1, lty = 3)
+# abline(h = -0.25, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = -0.5, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = -0.75, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = -1, lty = 3)
+# X <- 1:n + 1:n * 0.2 - 0.5
+# suppressWarnings(arrows(x0 = X, y0 = xstat1, x1 = X,
+# y1 = ystat1, length = 0.1))
+# suppressWarnings(arrows(x0 = X, y0 = -xstat2, x1 = X,
+# y1 = -ystat2, length = 0.1))
+# axis(1, at = X, labels = 1:n)
+# axis(2, at = c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5,
+# 0.75, 1), labels = c(1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25,
+# 0.5, 0.75, 1))
+# legend("topright", legend = c("Classifier 1", "Classifier 2"),
+# pch = c(15, 4), col = c("darkgray", "black"), horiz = TRUE,
+# bg = "white", cex = 0.75, pt.cex = 1.5, pt.lwd = 2)
+# invisible(list(xstat1 = xstat1, xstat2 = xstat2, ystat1 = ystat1,
+# ystat2 = ystat2))
+#plot.comparison <- function(x, y, stat1 = "Recall", stat2 = "Precision", ...){
+# SupportedStats <- c("Recall", "Precision", "Specificity",
+# "NPV", "FPR", "FNR", "FDR", "FOR")
+# if (!stat1 %in% SupportedStats)
+# stop("stats1 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+# if (!stat2 %in% SupportedStats)
+# stop("stats2 must be one of followed stats: Recall, Precision, Specificity, NPV, FPR, FNR, FDR, FOR")
+# n <- nrow(x)
+# xstat1 <- x[, stat1]
+# xstat2 <- x[, stat2]
+# ystat1 <- y[, stat1]
+# ystat2 <- y[, stat2]
+# plot(xstat1, ylim = c(-1, 1.1), ylab = paste("<==", stat2,
+# "/", stat1, "==>", sep = " "), xlab = "Groups", axes = FALSE,
+# col = "red", main = "Comparison of two statistics for two classifiers",
+# lwd = 2, cex = 1.5, pch = 3, ...)
+# points(ystat1, pch = 4, col = "blue", lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
+# points(-xstat2, pch = 3, col = "red", lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
+# points(-ystat2, pch = 4, col = "blue", lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
+# for (i in 1:n) abline(v = i, lty = 3, col = "lightgray")
+# abline(h = 0, lty = 1)
+# abline(h = 0.25, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = 0.5, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = 0.75, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = -0.25, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = -0.5, lty = 2)
+# abline(h = -0.75, lty = 2)
+# axis(1, at = 1:n, labels = 1:n)
+# axis(2, at = c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5,
+# 0.75, 1), labels = c(1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25,
+# 0.5, 0.75, 1))
+# legend("topright", legend = c("Classifier 1", "Classifier 2"),
+# pch = c(3, 4), col = c("red", "blue"), horiz = TRUE,
+# bg = "white", cex = 0.75, pt.cex = 1.5, pt.lwd = 2)
+# invisible(list(xstat1 = xstat1, xstat2 = xstat2, ystat1 = ystat1,
+# ystat2 = ystat2))
Modified: pkg/mlearning/R/mlearning.R
--- pkg/mlearning/R/mlearning.R 2012-08-02 08:49:02 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/mlearning/R/mlearning.R 2012-08-02 19:23:08 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
predict.mlearning <- function(object, newdata,
-type = c("class", "member", "both"), scale = TRUE, na.action = na.exclude, ...)
+type = c("class", "member", "both"), na.action = na.exclude, ...)
## Not usable for unsupervised type
if (attr(object, "type") == "unsupervised")
@@ -308,8 +308,7 @@
levels <- levels(object)
return(list(class = .expandFactor(factor(as.character(classes),
levels = levels), n, ndrop),
- member = .expandMatrix(.membership(members, levels = levels,
- scale = scale), n, ndrop)))
+ member = .expandMatrix(.membership(members, levels = levels), n, ndrop)))
} else {
res <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = pred.type[type], ...)
@@ -318,8 +317,8 @@
res <- switch(type,
class = .expandFactor(factor(as.character(res), levels = levels(object)),
n, ndrop),
- member = .expandMatrix(.membership(res, levels = levels(object),
- scale = scale), n, ndrop),
+ member = .expandMatrix(.membership(res, levels = levels(object)),
+ n, ndrop),
factor = .expandFactor(res, n, ndrop),
matrix = .expandMatrix(res, n, ndrop),
@@ -328,6 +327,91 @@
+cvpredict <- function (object, ...)
+ UseMethod("cvpredict")
+cvpredict.mlearning <- function(object, type = c("class", "member", "both"),
+cv.k = 10, cv.strat = TRUE, ...)
+ type <- switch(attr(object, "type"),
+ regression = "class", # Another way to ignore 'type' for regressions
+ classification = as.character(type)[1],
+ stop("works only for classification or regression mlearning objects"))
+ if (type == "class") {
+ predictions <- TRUE
+ getmodels <- FALSE
+ } else if (type == "member") {
+ predictions <- FALSE
+ getmodels <- TRUE
+ } else if (type == "both") {
+ predictions <- TRUE
+ getmodels <- TRUE
+ } else stop("type must be 'class', 'member' or 'both'")
+ ## Create data, using numbers are rownames
+ data <- data.frame(.response. = response(object), train(object))
+ rn <- rownames(data)
+ rownames(data) <- 1:NROW(data)
+ ## The predict() method with ... arguments added to the call
+ constructPredict <- function (...) {
+ fun <- function (object, newdata) return()
+ body(fun) <- as.call(c(list(substitute(predict),
+ object = substitute(object), newdata = substitute(newdata)), list(...)))
+ fun
+ }
+ Predict <- constructPredict(...)
+ ## Perform cross-validation or bootstrap for prediction
+ args <- attr(object, "args")
+ if (!is.list(args)) args <- list()
+ args$formula <- substitute(.response. ~ .)
+ args$data <- substitute(data)
+ args$model <- substitute(mlearning)
+ args$method <- attr(object, "method")
+ args$predict <- substitute(Predict)
+ args$estimator <- "cv"
+ args$est.para <- control.errorest(predictions = predictions,
+ getmodels = getmodels, k = cv.k, strat = cv.strat)
+ est <- do.call(errorest, args)
+ ## Only class
+ if (type == "class") {
+ res <- est$predictions
+ } else {
+ ## Need to calculate member
+ predMember <- function (x, object, ...)
+ suppressWarnings(predict(x, newdata =
+ train(object)[-as.numeric(rownames(train(x))), ], ...))
+ ## Apply predict on all model and collect results together
+ member <- lapply(est$models, predMember, object = object, type = "member",
+ na.action = na.exclude, ...)
+ ## Concatenate results
+ member <- do.call(rbind, member)
+ ## Sort in correct order and replace initial rownames
+ ord <- as.numeric(rownames(member))
+ rownames(member) <- rn[ord]
+ member <- member[order(ord), ]
+ if (type == "member") res <- member else
+ res <- list(class = est$predictions, member = member)
+ }
+ ## Add est object as "method" attribute, without predictions or models
+ est$name <- "cross-validation"
+ est$predictions <- NULL
+ est$models <- NULL
+ est$call <- match.call()
+ est$strat <- cv.strat
+ attr(res, "method") <- est
+ res
## Note: ldahist() in MASS (when only one LD) seems to be broken!
mlLda <- function (...)
@@ -343,7 +427,9 @@
if (!is.factor(response))
stop("only factor response (classification) accepted for mlLda")
- .args. <- list(...)$.args.
+ dots <- list(...)
+ .args. <- dots$.args.
+ dots$.args. <- NULL
if (!length(.args.)) .args. <- list(levels = levels(response),
n = c(intial = NROW(train), final = NROW(train)),
type = "classification", na.action = "na.pass",
@@ -352,7 +438,7 @@
## Return a mlearning object
structure(MASS:::lda.default(x = sapply(train, as.numeric),
grouping = response, ...), formula = .args.$formula, train = train,
- response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n,
+ response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n, args = dots,
optim = .args.$optim, numeric.only = TRUE, type = .args.$type,
pred.type = c(class = "class", member = "posterior", projection = "x"),
summary = NULL, na.action = .args.$na.action,
@@ -362,9 +448,8 @@
predict.mlLda <- function(object, newdata,
-type = c("class", "member", "both", "projection"), scale = TRUE,
-prior = object$prior, dimension,
-method = c("plug-in", "predictive", "debiased"), ...)
+type = c("class", "member", "both", "projection"), prior = object$prior,
+dimension, method = c("plug-in", "predictive", "debiased"), ...)
if (!inherits(object, "mlLda"))
stop("'object' must be a 'mlLda' object")
@@ -405,11 +490,10 @@
## Rework results according to what we want
class = factor(as.character(res$class), levels = levels(object)),
- member = .membership(res$posterior, levels = levels(object),
- scale = scale),
+ member = .membership(res$posterior, levels = levels(object)),
both = list(class = factor(as.character(res$class),
levels = levels(object)), member = .membership(res$posterior,
- levels = levels(object), scale = scale)),
+ levels = levels(object))),
projection = res$x,
stop("unrecognized 'type' (must be 'class', 'member', 'both' or 'projection')"))
@@ -428,7 +512,9 @@
if (!is.factor(response))
stop("only factor response (classification) accepted for mlQda")
- .args. <- list(...)$.args.
+ dots <- list(...)
+ .args. <- dots$.args.
+ dots$.args. <- NULL
if (!length(.args.)) .args. <- list(levels = levels(response),
n = c(intial = NROW(train), final = NROW(train)),
type = "classification", na.action = "na.pass",
@@ -437,7 +523,7 @@
## Return a mlearning object
structure(MASS:::qda.default(x = sapply(train, as.numeric),
grouping = response, ...), formula = .args.$formula, train = train,
- response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n,
+ response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n, args = dots,
optim = .args.$optim, numeric.only = TRUE, type = .args.$type,
pred.type = c(class = "class", member = "posterior"),
summary = NULL, na.action = .args.$na.action,
@@ -484,11 +570,10 @@
## Rework results according to what we want
class = factor(as.character(res$class), levels = levels(object)),
- member = .membership(res$posterior, levels = levels(object),
- scale = scale),
+ member = .membership(res$posterior, levels = levels(object)),
both = list(class = factor(as.character(res$class),
levels = levels(object)), member = .membership(res$posterior,
- levels = levels(object), scale = scale)),
+ levels = levels(object))),
stop("unrecognized 'type' (must be 'class', 'member' or 'both')"))
@@ -516,7 +601,9 @@
mlRforest.default <- function (train, response, ntree = 500, mtry,
replace = TRUE, classwt = NULL, ...)
- .args. <- list(...)$.args.
+ dots <- list(...)
+ .args. <- dots$.args.
+ dots$.args. <- NULL
if (!length(.args.)) {
if (!length(response)) {
type <- "unsupervised"
@@ -528,6 +615,9 @@
type = type, na.action = "na.pass",
mlearning.call = match.call(), method = "mlRforest")
+ dots$ntree <- ntree
+ dots$replace <- replace
+ dots$classwt <- classwt
## Return a mlearning object
if (missing(mtry) || !length(mtry)) {
@@ -535,13 +625,14 @@
y = response, ntree = ntree, replace = replace,
classwt = classwt, ...)
} else {
+ dots$mtry <- mtry
res <- randomForest:::randomForest.default(x = train,
y = response, ntree = ntree, mtry = mtry, replace = replace,
classwt = classwt, ...)
structure(res, formula = .args.$formula, train = train,
- response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n,
+ response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n, args = dots,
optim = .args.$optim, numeric.only = FALSE, type = .args.$type,
pred.type = c(class = "response", member = "prob", vote ="vote"),
summary = NULL, na.action = .args.$na.action,
@@ -551,13 +642,14 @@
predict.mlRforest <- function(object, newdata,
-type = c("class", "member", "both", "vote"),
-scale = TRUE, norm.votes = FALSE, oob = FALSE, ...) {
+type = c("class", "member", "both", "vote"), norm.votes = FALSE,
+method = c("direct", "oob"), ...)
type <- as.character(type)[1]
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/zooimage -r 228
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