[Zooimage-commits] r194 - in pkg/zooimage: R man

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Fri Sep 3 15:37:02 CEST 2010

Author: kevin
Date: 2010-09-03 15:37:02 +0200 (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 194

- ZIMan.R: several functions to classify vignettes according the automatic predictions, to create a ZIMan object containing manual validation of predictions, to explore changes done by the manual validation, to classify vignettes after a filter.
- ZIMan.Rd: information associated to ZIMan.R.
- gui.R: modify ClassifyVigns, add SubpartZIDat to subset a ZIDat according a filter, add classifyAfterFilter to classify vignettes after a filter, modification of process sample to use manual validation
- ZIRes.R: modification of functions (process.sample, process.samples, Spectrum.sampe, Spectrum, Bio.sample, Abd.sample) to use the manual validation information to predict time series.

Added: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIMan.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIMan.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIMan.R	2010-09-03 13:37:02 UTC (rev 194)
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
+# This file is part of ZooImage
+# ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Function to classify vignettes according automatic prediction by a ZIClass object
+"classifVign" <- function(zidfile, ZIDat = NULL, Dir = "_manuValidation", ZIClass, log = TRUE,
+  ProbaThreshold = NULL, ProbaBio = NULL, DiffMax = 0.2, Filter = NULL)
+  DirName <- dirname(zidfile)
+  ZidName <- noext(zidfile)
+  ZidDir <- file.path(DirName, ZidName)
+  # Check if Directory with the same names as ZIdfile
+  if(file.exists(ZidDir) && file.info(ZidDir)$isdir){
+    # There is a directory which already exists
+    stop(paste(ZidName, "already exists in your directory!"))
+  }
+  # If we want to extract vignette in a directory with a special name
+  if(Dir == ZidName){
+    # Temporary name for vignettes extraction will be renamed at the end of process!
+    dir <- paste(ZidName, "_Temp", sep = "")
+    # We have to rename the directory at the end of the process!
+    Rename <- TRUE
+  } else {
+    dir <- Dir
+    # We don't have to rename this directory at the end!
+    Rename <- FALSE
+  }
+  # What is the final Directory name?
+  if(isTRUE(Rename)){
+    FinalDirName <- ZidDir
+  } else {
+    FinalDirName <- file.path(DirName, dir)
+  }
+  # Check Rdata if Rdata exist in the final directory: useful to add new vignettes to one directory
+  ContinueProcess <- TRUE
+  if(file.exists(FinalDirName) && file.info(FinalDirName)$isdir){
+    # There is a directory which already exists
+    Pattern <- "_dat1.RData"
+    RdataFiles <- list.files(path = FinalDirName, pattern = Pattern)
+    # List Rdata Files in this direcotroy
+    if(length(RdataFiles) >0 ){ # At least one Rdata in the directory
+      # Check if the current zid file correspond to one RData file
+      if(ZidName %in% gsub(Pattern, "", RdataFiles)){
+	# Stop this zidfile has already been validated
+	cat(paste(ZidName, "has already been manually validated in", basename(FinalDirName), "directory", "\n", sep = " ")) # Process continues with cat!
+	ContinueProcess <- FALSE
+      } 
+    }
+  }
+  # Do we continue the process for this zid file?
+  if(isTRUE(ContinueProcess)){
+    # Do we use a ZIDat object allready recognized?
+    if(is.null(ZIDat)){
+      Zid <- read.zid(zidfile)
+    } else {
+      Zid <- ZIDat
+    }
+    ##### Code for suspect detection!
+#    # Recognition of the zid file only if we don't have a probability
+#    if(is.null(attr(Zid, "ProbaParam"))){
+#      Rec <- predict(ZIClass, Zid, proba = TRUE, ProbaBio = ProbaBio, DiffMax = DiffMax)
+#    } else {
+#      Rec <- Zid
+#    }
+    # Code for simple prediction!
+    # Recognition of the zid file only if we don't have an 'Ident' column
+    if(!isTRUE("Ident" %in% names(Zid))){
+      Rec <- predict(ZIClass, Zid)
+    } else {
+      Rec <- Zid
+    }
+    # Prediction of table
+    Predictions <- Rec$Ident
+    # Classify only suspect particles
+    if(!is.null(ProbaThreshold)){
+      Rec <- Suspect_Threshold(ZIDat = Rec, Threshold = ProbaThreshold)
+    }
+    # Do we apply a filter?
+    if(!is.null(Filter)){
+      Rec <- SubpartThreshold(ZIDat = Rec, Filter = Filter)
+      cat(paste("Only", nrow(Rec), "filtered vignettes have been classified\n", sep = " "))
+    }
+    # List of groups in the sample
+    Gp <- unique(Rec$Ident)
+    # Path of all directories  
+    if(!is.null(attr(ZIClass, "path"))){
+      # There is a 'path' attribute associated with the classifer
+      GpDir <- file.path(DirName, dir, attr(ZIClass, "path"))
+    } else {
+      # only create classifier without taxonomic relationship
+      GpDir <- file.path(DirName, dir, Gp)
+    }
+    # Create directories for new groups on harddisk
+    for(i in 1 : length(GpDir)){
+      if(!file.exists(GpDir)[i]){
+	dir.create(GpDir[i], showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
+      }
+    }
+    uncompress.zid(zidfile)
+    # Copy vignettes from zidfile directory to group directories
+    Rec$Vign <- make.Id(Rec)
+    for(i in 1:nrow(Rec)){
+      # Debug 2010-04-08
+       From <- file.path(ZidDir, paste(Rec$Vign[i], "jpg", sep = "."))
+       To <- file.path(GpDir[basename(GpDir) %in% as.character(Rec$Ident[i])], paste(Rec$Vign[i], "jpg", sep = "."))
+       file.copy(from = From, to = To, overwrite = FALSE)
+       file.remove(From)
+    }
+    # Copy Rdata in root directory
+    From <- file.path(ZidDir, paste(ZidName, "_dat1.RData", sep = ""))
+    To <- file.path(file.path(DirName, dir), paste(ZidName, "_dat1.RData", sep = ""))
+    file.copy(from = From, to = To, overwrite = FALSE)
+    Rdata <- To
+    file.remove(From)
+    # Remove directory
+    unlink(ZidDir, recursive = TRUE)
+    # Add Automatic recognition column to Rdata!
+    AddIdent(RdataFile = Rdata, Auto = Predictions)
+    if(isTRUE(Rename)){
+      # Rename correctly the Directory wher the zid file have been exported!
+      file.rename(from = file.path(dirname(zidfile), dir), to = FinalDirName)
+    }
+    # Message to confirm the end of the treatment
+    if(log){
+      cat(paste("Vignettes of", ZidName,"have been exported into", basename(FinalDirName), "directory", "\n", sep = " "))
+    }
+  }
+# loop to classify vignettes from several zid files in _manuValidation
+"classifVign.all" <- function(zidfiles, ZIClass, Dir = "_manuValidation", log = TRUE)
+  for(i in 1 : length(zidfiles)){
+    classifVign(zidfile = zidfiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, Dir = Dir, log = log) 
+  }
+  cat("--- Process Done ---\n")
+# function to add 'Ident' column to a ZIDat directly in the Rdata file
+"AddIdent" <- function(RdataFile, Auto)
+  if(!is.character(RdataFile)){
+    stop("'RdataFile' muste be the path of the Rdata to modify")
+  }
+  # Load Rdata in memory
+  load(file = RdataFile, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+  # Add the Ident column
+  ZI.sample$Ident <- as.factor(Auto)
+  # Replace existing Rdata
+  save(ZI.sample, file = RdataFile)
+  # Remove Rdata from memory
+  rm(ZI.sample, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+# function to read Manual Validation
+"get.ZIMan" <- function(dir, creator = NULL, desc = NULL, keep_ = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
+  # Use get.ZITrain function to read vignette
+  ManValidation <- get.ZITrain(dir = dir, creator = creator, desc = desc, keep_ = keep_, na.rm = na.rm)
+  # Add attributes with names of samples already manually validated
+  RDataFiles <- list.files(dir, pattern = "_dat1.RData")
+  RDataSamples <- gsub("_dat1.RData", "", RDataFiles)
+  attr(ManValidation, "Samples") <- RDataSamples
+  # Change classes of the object
+  class(ManValidation) <- c("ZIMan", class(ManValidation))
+  return(ManValidation)
+# Function to provide groups avfter manual validation
+"NewClass" <- function(ZIMan)
+  # Check arguments
+  if(!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
+    stop("ZIMan must be an object of class 'ZIMan'")
+  if(!isTRUE("Class" %in% names(ZIMan)))
+    stop("ZIMan doesn't contain a column named 'Class'")
+  # New identification
+  res <- table(ZIMan$Class)
+  return(res)
+# confusion matrix before and after Manual validation
+"ZIConf.ZIMan" <- function(ZIMan)
+  # Chack arguments
+  if(!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
+    stop("ZIMan must be an object of class 'ZIMan'")
+  if(!isTRUE("Class" %in% names(ZIMan)))
+    stop("ZIMan doesn'y contain a column named 'Class'")
+  if(!isTRUE("Ident" %in% names(ZIMan)))
+    stop("ZIMan doesn'y contain a column named 'Ident'")
+  # Confusion matrix
+  res <- table(Class = ZIMan$Class, Predict = ZIMan$Ident)
+  return(res)
+# Difference between prediction
+"ZIManCompa" <- function(ZIMan)
+  # Chack arguments
+  if(!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
+    stop("ZIMan must be an object of class 'ZIMan'")
+  if(!isTRUE("Class" %in% names(ZIMan)))
+    stop("ZIMan doesn'y contain a column named 'Class'")
+  if(!isTRUE("Ident" %in% names(ZIMan)))
+    stop("ZIMan doesn'y contain a column named 'Ident'")
+  # Difference
+  Before <- table(ZIMan$Ident)
+  After <- table(ZIMan$Class)
+  res <- list(Predicted = Before, Validated = After)
+  return(res)  
+# Tools to subpart a ZIDat table in fuction of one parameter
+# Select a parameter in the list of variable
+"SelectParam" <- function(ZIDat){
+    res <- select.list(names(ZIDat), multiple = FALSE, title = "Parameter to use")
+    return(res)
+# Create a threshold formula
+"createThreshold" <- function(ZIDat)
+    # Select the parameter to use
+    Param <- SelectParam(ZIDat = ZIDat)
+    # Select the threshold
+    Message <- paste("Range:", "From", round(range(ZIDat[, Param])[1], digits = 1),
+        "To", round(range(ZIDat[, Param])[2], digits = 1), ";", "Select the threshold:",
+        sep = " ")
+    Threshold <- zooimage:::dialogString(Message,
+        default = paste(Param, "< 50", sep = " "))
+        if (is.null(Threshold) || length(Threshold) == 0 || Threshold == "") return(invisible())
+    return(Threshold)
+# Substract a ZIDat table according a threshold formula
+"SubpartThreshold" <- function(ZIDat, Filter = NULL){
+    # Do we use a Filter directly?
+    if(is.null(Filter)){
+        Threshold <- createThreshold(ZIDat = ZIDat)
+    } else {
+        if(!is.character(Filter)) stop("Filter must be like 'Parameter < Value'")
+        Threshold <- Filter
+    }
+    # Determine particle responding to the threshold
+    SubPart <- within(ZIDat, {
+        Index <- eval(parse(text = (Threshold)))
+        })
+    res <- ZIDat[SubPart$Index,]
+    attr(res, "Threshold") <- Threshold
+    return(res)

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.R	2010-09-03 09:59:48 UTC (rev 193)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.R	2010-09-03 13:37:02 UTC (rev 194)
@@ -30,6 +30,40 @@
 	# Get ZIDat from the ZidFile
 	ZIDat <- read.zid(ZidFile)
+	# By default, we have to predict ZidFile with a classifier
+	MakePredictions <- TRUE
+	# Modify Kevin 2010-08-03
+	if(!is.null(ZIMan)) {
+		# We want to use a ZIMan table
+		if(!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
+			stop("ZIMan must be a data.frame of class 'ZIMan'")
+		# List of samples allready manually validated
+		AllSamples <- attr(ZIMan, "Samples")
+		# Check if manual validation exists for this zid file
+		if(noext(ZidFile) %in% AllSamples){
+			# The ZidFile has been manually validated --> use Class column for identification
+			# Subtable of ZidFile vignettes
+			Vignettes <- make.Id(ZIDat)
+			ZIDat <- ZIMan[ZIMan$Id %in% Vignettes,]
+			# Order Table
+			ZIDat <- ZIDat[order(ZIDat$Item),]
+			# We don't have to predict this sample anymore!)
+			MakePredictions <- FALSE
+		}
+	}
+	if(isTRUE(MakePredictions)){
+		# Check if ZIClass is a classifier
+		if(!inherits(ZIClass, "ZIClass")) stop("ZIClass must be an object of class 'ZIClass'")
+		# We have to recognize the zid file with a classifier
+		ZIDat <- predict(ZIClass, ZIDat)
+	}
+	# Get ZIDat from the ZidFile
 	Sample <- get.sampleinfo(ZidFile, type = "sample",
 		ext = extensionPattern(".zid"))
@@ -38,25 +72,15 @@
 	if (nrow(RES) != 1)
 		stop("ZIDesc has no data for that sample!")
-	# Predict classes (add a new column Ident to the table)
-	ZIDat <- predict(ZIClass, ZIDat)
+	# Use manual validation if it is present
+	if(isTRUE(MakePredictions)){
+		# Use Automatic prediction
+		Grp <- levels(ZIDat$Ident)	
+	} else {
+		# Use manual validation as identification
+		Grp <- levels(ZIDat$Class)
+	}
-  # Modif Kevin Denis for Semi Automatic classification
-	if (isTRUE(Semi)) {
-		if(is.null(SemiTab))
-			stop("You must provide a table with semi automatic classification")
-		if (!inherits(SemiTab, "ZITrain"))
-			stop("SemiTab must be a ZItrain object with manual classification")
-		# Extract ZidFile subtable from SemiTab
-		# (Semi automatic classification general table)
-		SemiClass <- SemiTab[sub("[+].*", "", as.character(SemiTab$Label)) %in%
-			noext(ZidFile),]
-		# Replace automatic recogntion by semi automatic one
-		for (j in 1: nrow(SemiClass))
-		ZIDat[ZIDat$Item == j, ]$Ident <- SemiClass[SemiClass$Item == j, ]$Class
-	}
-	Grp <- levels(ZIDat$Ident)	
 	if (is.null(abd.groups)) {
 		# Calculate groups (list with levels to consider)
 		abd.groups <- as.list(c("", Grp))
@@ -75,7 +99,7 @@
 			bio.groups <- as.list(c("", Grp))
 			names(bio.groups) <- c("total", Grp)
-        BIO <- Bio.sample(ZIDat, Sample, taxa = bio.taxa, conv = bio.conv,
+		BIO <- Bio.sample(ZIDat, Sample, taxa = bio.taxa, conv = bio.conv,
 			groups = bio.groups, header = headers[2], exportdir = exportdir)
 		RES <- cbind(RES, t(BIO))
@@ -103,13 +127,14 @@
 abd.type = "absolute", bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = c(1, 0, 1),
 headers = c("Abd", "Bio"), spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL,
 spec.breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), spec.use.Dil = TRUE, exportdir = NULL,
-show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE, SemiTab = NULL, Semi = FALSE)
+show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE, ZIMan = NULL)
 	# Determine which samples do we have to process...
 	if (is.null(ZidFiles)) {
     	# Get the list of files from ZIDesc
 		ZidFiles <- paste(ZIDesc$Label, ".zid", sep = "")
-		if (path == ".") path <- getwd()
+		if (path == ".")
+			path <- getwd()
 		ZidFiles <- file.path(path, ZidFiles)
 	} else { # Check that all zid files have entries in ZIDesc
 		Samples <- get.sampleinfo(ZidFiles, type = "sample",
@@ -129,68 +154,24 @@
 	results <- lapply(1:imax, function (i) {
 		Progress(i, imax)
-		# Modif Kevin Denis for semi automatic recognition
-		if (isTRUE(Semi)) {
-			if (is.null(SemiTab))
-				stop("You must provide a table with manual classification")
-			if (!inherits(SemiTab, "ZITrain"))
-				stop("SemiTab must be a ZItrain object with manual classification")
-			if (noext(ZidFiles[i]) %in% sub("[+].*", "",
-				as.character(SemiTab$Label))) {
-				tryCatch({
-					res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass,
-						ZIDesc = ZIDesc, abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups,
-						abd.type = abd.type, bio.taxa = bio.taxa,
-						bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv,
-						headers = headers, spec.taxa = spec.taxa,
-						spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks,
-						spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil, exportdir = exportdir,
-						show.log = FALSE, SemiTab = SemiTab, Semi = TRUE)
+		# Modif Kevin Denis for manual validation --> Add ZIMan argument
+		tryCatch({
+			res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass,
+				ZIDesc = ZIDesc, abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups,
+				abd.type = abd.type, bio.taxa = bio.taxa,
+				bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv,
+				headers = headers, spec.taxa = spec.taxa,
+				spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
+				spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil, exportdir = exportdir,
+				show.log = FALSE, ZIMan = ZIMan)
+			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
+			return(res)
+		}, zooImageError = function (e) {
+			logError(e)
+			return(NULL)
+		})
-					logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-					return(res)
-				  }, zooImageError = function (e) {
-					logError(e)
-					return(NULL)
-				})      
-			} else {
-				tryCatch({
-					res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass,
-						ZIDesc = ZIDesc, abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups,
-						abd.type = abd.type, bio.taxa = bio.taxa,
-						bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv,
-						headers = headers, spec.taxa = spec.taxa,
-						spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
-						spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil, exportdir = exportdir,
-						show.log = FALSE)
-					logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-					return(res)
-				  }, zooImageError = function (e) {
-					logError(e)
-					return(NULL)
-				})
-			}
-		} else { 		
-			tryCatch({
-				res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass,
-					ZIDesc = ZIDesc, abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups,
-					abd.type = abd.type, bio.taxa = bio.taxa,
-					bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv,
-					headers = headers, spec.taxa = spec.taxa,
-					spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
-					spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil, exportdir = exportdir,
-					show.log = FALSE)
-				logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-				return(res)
-			}, zooImageError = function (e) {
-				logError(e)
-				return(NULL)
-			})
-		}
-		# End modif Kevin Denis
@@ -222,7 +203,7 @@
 	Smp <- ZIDat[Smps == sample, ]
 	# Determine the number of images in this sample
-	imgs <- unique(ZIDat$Label)
+	imgs <- as.character(unique(ZIDat$Label))
 	lists <- lapply( imgs, function(im) {
 			Spectrum(Smp, im, taxa = taxa, groups = groups, breaks = breaks,
@@ -235,74 +216,90 @@
 "Spectrum" <- function (ZIDat, image,  taxa = NULL, groups = NULL,
 	breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), use.Dil = TRUE, RealT = FALSE)
+	# Modif Kev for manual validation 2010-08-03 All $Ident replaced by [, Predictions]
+	if("Class" %in% names(ZIDat)){
+		# We use manual validation
+		Predictions <- "Class"
+	} else {
+		# We use automatic recognition
+		Predictions <- "Ident"
+	}
 	if (!isTRUE(RealT)) {
 		# Check arguments
-		if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat"))
+		if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat")) 
 			stop("'ZIDat' must be a 'ZIDat' object")
-		if (!is.character(image) || length(image) != 1)
-		stop("'image' must be a single character string")
+		if (!is.character(image) || length(image) != 1) 
+			stop("'image' must be a single character string")
 		# Select the image
 		dat <- ZIDat[ZIDat$Label == image, ]
 		if (nrow(dat) == 0)
 			warning("ZIDat contains no '", image, "' data!")
 		# Remember dilution (in case there are no data)
-		Dil <- if (nrow(dat) > 0) dat$Dil[1] else 1
+		Dil <- if (nrow(dat) > 0)
+			dat$Dil[1]
+		else 1
-		# Taxa must correspond to levels in ZIDat$Ident
+		# Taxa must correspond to levels in ZIDat[, Predictions]
 		if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(dat$Ident)))
-				stop("taxa not in 'ZIDat'")
-			dat <- dat[dat$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
+			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(dat[, Predictions]))) 
+			    stop("taxa not in 'ZIDat'")
+			dat <- dat[dat[, Predictions] %in% taxa, ]
 		if (is.null(groups)) {
 			# Total spectrum only
 			groups <- list("")
 			names(groups) <- "total"
-		if (!inherits(groups, "list"))
-			stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
+		if (!inherits(groups, "list")) 
+		    stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
 		res <- lapply(groups, function (g) {
-			if (length(g) == 1 && g == "") { # Total abundance
-				Dat <- dat$ECD
-			} else { # Abundance for given groups
-				Dat <- dat$ECD[dat$Ident %in% g]
+			if (length(g) == 1 && g == "") {
+			    Dat <- dat$ECD
+			} else {
+			    # Abundance for given groups
+			    Dat <- dat$ECD[dat[, Predictions] %in% g]
 			spc <- table(cut(Dat, breaks = breaks))
-			if (isTRUE(use.Dil)) spc <- spc * Dil
+			if (isTRUE(use.Dil))
+				spc <- spc * Dil
 		names(res) <- names(groups)
 		attr(res, "breaks") <- breaks
-		attr(res, "unit")   <- if(use.Dil) "ind/m^3" else "count"
+		attr(res, "unit")  <- if(use.Dil)
+			"ind/m^3"
+		else "count"
 	} else {
 		# Real Time recognition
 		# ZIDat is a table with VIS measurements and automatic Ident
 		# taxa must correspond to levels in ZIDat$Ident
 		if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(dat$Ident)))
-				stop("taxa not in 'ZIDat'")
-			Dat <- ZIDat[ZIDat$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
+			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(ZIDat[, Predictions])))
+				stop("taxa not in ZIDat")
+			Dat <- ZIDat[ZIDat[, Predictions] %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
 		if (is.null(groups)) {
 			# Total spectrum only
 			groups <- list("")
 			names(groups) <- "total"
-		if (!inherits(groups, "list"))
-			stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
+		if (!inherits(groups, "list")) 
+		    stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
 		res <- lapply( groups, function (g) {
 			if (length(g) == 1 && g == "") { # Total abundance
 				Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD/1000 # in 'mm'
-			} else { # Abundance for given groups
-				Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD[ZIDat$Ident %in% g ]/1000 # in 'mm'
+			else { # Abundance for given groups
+				Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD[ZIDat[, Predictions] %in% g ]/1000 # in 'mm'
+			}
 			spc <- table(cut(Dat, breaks = breaks))
-			if (isTRUE(use.Dil)) spc <- spc * Dil
+			if (isTRUE(use.Dil))
+				spc <- spc * Dil
 	#	res <- list()
@@ -328,11 +325,20 @@
 "Bio.sample" <- function (ZIDat, sample, taxa = NULL, groups = NULL,
 conv = c(1, 0, 1), header = "Bio", exportdir = NULL, RealT = FALSE)
+	# Modif Kev for manual validation 2010-08-03 All $Ident replaced by [, Predictions]
+	if("Class" %in% names(ZIDat)){
+		# We use manual classification
+		Predictions <- "Class"
+	} else {
+		# We use automatic recogntion
+		Predictions <- "Ident"
+	}
 	if (!isTRUE(RealT)) {
 		# Check arguments
-		if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat"))
+		if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat")) 
 			stop("'ZIDat' must be a 'ZIDat' object")
-		if (!is.character(sample) || length(sample) != 1)
+		if (!is.character(sample) || length(sample) != 1) 
 			stop("'sample' must be a single character string")
 		# Extract only data for a given sample
@@ -341,19 +347,25 @@
 		# Subsample, depending on taxa we keep
 		if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-				if (!all(taxa %in% levels(Smp$Ident)))
-					stop("taxa not in the sample")
-				Smp <- Smp[Smp$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
+			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(Smp[, Predictions]))) 
+				stop("taxa not in the sample")
+			Smp <- Smp[Smp[, Predictions] %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
 		if (nrow(Smp) == 0)
 			stop("no data for this sample/taxa in ZIDat")
 		# Add P1/P2/P3 conversion params to the table
 		if (inherits(conv, "data.frame")) {
-			if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3")) ||
-				!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "a", "b", "c")))
-				stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
-			IdSmp <- as.character(Smp$Ident)
+# BUG if not abc as colnmaes even if P1 , P2 and P3 are correct!
+#			if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3")) ||
+#				!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "a", "b", "c")))
+#				stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
+			if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3")))
+				stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3'")
+# BUG if not abc as colnmaes even if P1 , P2 and P3 are correct!
+			IdSmp <- as.character(Smp[, Predictions])
 			IdSmpU <- unique(IdSmp)
 			IdConv <- as.character(conv$Group)
 			# Eliminate [other] from the table and the list and keep its values
@@ -365,22 +377,23 @@
 				conv <- conv[!IsOther, ]
 				conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
 			if (!all(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)) {
 				if (nrow(Other) > 0) {
-			        # Fill all the other groups with the formula for other
+					# Fill all the other groups with the formula for other
 					# and issue a warning
-			        NotThere <- IdSmpU[!(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)]
-			        warning("Applying default [other] biomass conversion for ",
+					NotThere <- IdSmpU[!(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)]
+					warning("Applying default [other] biomass conversion for ",
 						paste(NotThere, collapse = ", "))
-			        N <- length(NotThere)
-			        conv2 <- data.frame(Group = NotThere, P1 = rep(Other[1, 2], N),
-			            P2 = rep(Other[1, 3], N), P3 = rep(Other[1, 4], N))
-			        conv <- rbind(conv, conv2)
-			        conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-			    } else {
-			        # All groups must be there: stop!
-			        stop("Not all 'Ident' in sample match 'Group' in the conv table")
-			    }
+					N <- length(NotThere)
+					conv2 <- data.frame(Group = NotThere, P1 = rep(Other[1, 2], N),
+						P2 = rep(Other[1, 3], N), P3 = rep(Other[1, 4], N))
+					conv <- rbind(conv, conv2)
+					conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
+				} else {
+					# All groups must be there: stop!
+					stop("Not all 'Ident' in sample match 'Group' in the conv table")
+				}
 			# Line number of the corresponding parameter
 			# is calculated as the level of a factor whose levels
@@ -389,7 +402,8 @@
 			Smp$P1 <- conv[Pos, "P1"]
 			Smp$P2 <- conv[Pos, "P2"]
 			Smp$P3 <- conv[Pos, "P3"]
-		} else { # Use the same three parameters for all
+		} else {
+			# Use the same three parameters for all
 			if (length(conv) != 3)
 				stop("You must provide a vector with three numbers")
 			Smp$P1 <- conv[1]
@@ -402,7 +416,7 @@
 		# introducimos la formula de montagnes y la correccion para ESD(2.61951)
 		#Smp$Biomass <- (0.109 * (pi*4/3*((2.61951*Smp$ECD)/2)^3)^0.991) * Smp$Dil
 		if (!is.null(exportdir))
-		    write.table(Smp, file = paste(file.path(exportdir, sample),
+			write.table(Smp, file = paste(file.path(exportdir, sample),
 				"_Bio.txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
 		if (is.null(groups)) {
@@ -410,33 +424,39 @@
 			res <- sum(Smp$Biomass)
 			names(res) <- header
 		} else {
-			if (!inherits(groups, "list"))
+			if (!inherits(groups, "list")) 
 				stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
-			res <- if (length(groups) == 1 && groups=="") {
+ 			res <- if (length(groups) == 1 && groups=="") {
 			} else {
-				sapply(groups, function(g) sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp$Ident %in% g]))
+				sapply(groups, function(g) sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp[, Predictions] %in% g]))
 			names(res) <- paste(header, names(groups))
 	} else {
 		# Real time recognition -> use FlowCAM measurements
-		# Subsample, depending on taxa we keep
 		Smp <- ZIDat
 		if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(Smp$Ident)))
+			if (!all(taxa %in% levels(Smp[, Predictions])))
 				stop("taxa not in the sample")
-			Smp <- Smp[Smp$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
+			Smp <- Smp[Smp[, Predictions] %in% taxa, ]
 		if (nrow(Smp) == 0)
 			stop("no data for this sample/taxa in ZIDat")
 		# Add P1/P2/P3 conversion params to the table
 		if (inherits(conv, "data.frame")) {
-			if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3")) ||
-				!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "a", "b", "c")))
-				stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
-			IdSmp <- as.character(Smp$Ident)
+# BUG if not abc as colnmaes even if P1 , P2 and P3 are correct!
+#			if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3")) ||
+#				!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "a", "b", "c")))
+#				stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
+			if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3")))
+				stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3'columns!")
+# BUG if not abc as colnmaes even if P1 , P2 and P3 are correct!
+			IdSmp <- as.character(Smp[, Predictions])
 			IdSmpU <- unique(IdSmp)
 			IdConv <- as.character(conv$Group)
 			# Eliminate [other] from the table and the list and keep its values
@@ -481,31 +501,24 @@
 		# Individual contributions to biomass by m^3
 		Smp$Biomass <- (Smp$P1 * Smp$FIT_Diameter_ABD + Smp$P2) ^ Smp$P3
-		# No dilution because real time process
-		# AZTI special treatment
-		# introducimos la formula de montagnes y la correccion para ESD(2.61951)
-		#Smp$Biomass <- (0.109 *
-		#(pi*4/3*((2.61951*Smp$FIT_Diameter_ABD)/2)^3)^0.991) * Smp$Dil
 		if (!is.null(exportdir))
 			write.table(Smp, file = paste(file.path(exportdir, sample),
 				"_Bio.txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
-		# Export table in global R
-		# TODO: we should get rid of this!!!
 		assign("Bio.tab", Smp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
 		if (is.null(groups)) {
 			# Biomass of all groups
 			res <- NULL
-			grps <- levels(Smp$Ident)
+			grps <- levels(Smp[, Predictions])
 			for (i in 1:length(grps))
-				res[i] <- sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp$Ident %in% grps[i]])
+				res[i] <- sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp[, Predictions] %in% grps[i]])
 			names(res) <- grps
 		} else {
-			if (!inherits(groups, "list"))
+			if (!inherits(groups, "list")) 
 				stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
-			res <- if (length(groups) == 1 && groups=="") {
+ 			res <- if (length(groups) == 1 && groups=="") {
 			} else {
-				sapply(groups, function (g) sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp$Ident %in% g]))
+				sapply(groups, function (g) sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp[, Predictions] %in% g]))
 			names(res) <- names(groups)
@@ -518,11 +531,20 @@
 type = c("absolute", "log", "relative"), header = "Abd")
 	# Check arguments
-	if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat"))
+	if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat")) 
 		stop("'ZIDat' must be a 'ZIDat' object")
-	if (!is.character(sample) || length(sample) != 1)
+	if (!is.character(sample) || length(sample) != 1) 
 		stop("'sample' must be a single character string")
-	type <- match.arg(type, several.ok = FALSE)
+ 	type <- match.arg(type, several.ok = FALSE)
+	# Modif Kev for manual validation 2010-08-03 All $Ident replaced by [, Predictions]
+	if("Class" %in% names(ZIDat)){
+		# We use manual classification
+		Predictions <- "Class"
+	} else {
+		# We use automatic recogntion
+		Predictions <- "Ident"
+	}
 	# Extract only data for a given sample
 	Smps <- getSample(ZIDat$Label, unique = TRUE, must.have = sample)
@@ -530,9 +552,9 @@
 	# Subsample, depending on taxa we keep
 	if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-		if (!all(taxa %in% levels(Smp$Ident)))
+		if (!all(taxa %in% levels(Smp[, Predictions])))
 			stop("taxa not in the sample")
-		Smp <- Smp[Smp$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
+		Smp <- Smp[Smp[, Predictions] %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
 	if (nrow(Smp) == 0)
 		stop("no data for this sample/taxa in ZIDat")
@@ -542,8 +564,7 @@
 		Table <- table(Smp$Dil)
 		Coefs <- 1 / Table / length(Table)
 		Dils <- as.numeric(names(Table))
-		Pos <- as.numeric(factor(as.character(Smp$Dil),
-			levels = as.character(Dils)))
+		Pos <- as.numeric(factor(as.character(Smp$Dil), levels = as.character(Dils)))
 		Smp$Coef <- Coefs[Pos]
 	} else {
 		# If absolute or log abundance, calculation in ind/m^3)
@@ -554,12 +575,12 @@
 		res <- sum(Smp$Coef)
 		names(res) <- header
 	} else {
-		if (!inherits(groups, "list"))
+		if (!inherits(groups, "list")) 
 			stop("'groups' must be a 'list' object")
-		res <- if (length(groups) == 1 && groups == "") {
+ 		res <- if (length(groups) == 1 && groups == "") {
 		} else {
-			sapply(groups, function (g) sum(Smp$Coef[Smp$Ident %in% g]))
+			sapply(groups, function (g) sum(Smp$Coef[Smp[, Predictions] %in% g]))
 		names(res) <- paste(header, names(groups))

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/gui.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/gui.R	2010-09-03 09:59:48 UTC (rev 193)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/gui.R	2010-09-03 13:37:02 UTC (rev 194)
@@ -777,111 +777,126 @@
     assignTemp("ZI.LastZIS", zisfile)
-"processSamples" <- function ()
+"processSamples" <-
+	function() {
 	# Ask for a description.zis file, look at all samples described there
 	# Calculate abundances, total and partial size spectra and possibly biomasses
 	# Get the last edited description.zis file
 	# Get a possibly saved directory as default one
 	zisfile <- getTemp("ZI.LastZIS")
-	if (is.null(zisfile) || !file.exists(zisfile)) zisfile <- ""
-    # Ask for a file
-	if (zisfile != "") {
-		zisfile <- paste(as.character(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes =
-			"{{ZooImage samples description} {.zis}}",
+	if (is.null(zisfile) || !file.exists(zisfile))
+		zisfile <- ""
+	# Ask for a file
+	if (zisfile != "") {	
+		zisfile <- paste(as.character(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = "{{ZooImage samples description} {.zis}}",
 			initialfile = basename(zisfile), initialdir = dirname(zisfile),
-			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")
-	} else if (file.exists(file.path(getwd(), "Description.zis"))) {
-		zisfile <- paste(as.character(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes =
-			"{{ZooImage samples description} {.zis}}",
+			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")		
+	}
+	else if (file.exists(file.path(getwd(), "Description.zis"))) {
+		zisfile <- paste(as.character(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = "{{ZooImage samples description} {.zis}}",
 			initialfile = "Description.zis", initialdir = getwd(),
-			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")
-	} else {
-		zisfile <- paste(as.character(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes =
-			"{{ZooImage samples description} {.zis}}",
-			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")
+			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")		
-	if (length(zisfile) == 0 || zisfile == "") return(invisible())
-	# Add Kevin Denis option for Semi automatic classification 
+	else {
+		zisfile <- paste(as.character(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = "{{ZooImage samples description} {.zis}}",
+			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")		
+	}

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/zooimage -r 194

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