[Zooimage-commits] r180 - pkg/zooimage/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Apr 8 10:19:30 CEST 2010

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2010-04-08 10:19:30 +0200 (Thu, 08 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 180

Remove all R code files with .r extensqion, instead of .R

Deleted: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIClass.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIClass.r	2010-04-08 08:12:37 UTC (rev 179)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIClass.r	2010-04-08 08:19:30 UTC (rev 180)
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-# {{{ Copyright (c) 2004, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
-# This file is part of ZooImage .
-# ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# }}}
-# Version 1.2.0: check for package loading, and add a 'package' attribute to ZIClass
-### TODO: allow for defining parameters and use a plugin mechanism
-# {{{ ziclass
-# {{{ ZIClass
-#' Modifications in calculation of probabilities to accept variables selection v1.2-2
-"ZIClass" <- function(df,
-	algorithm = c("lda", "randomForest"), package = c("MASS", "randomForest"),
-	Formula = Class ~ logArea + Mean + StdDev + Mode + Min + Max + logPerim. +
-		logMajor + logMinor + Circ. + logFeret + IntDen + Elongation + CentBoxD +
-		GrayCentBoxD + CentroidsD + Range + MeanPos + SDNorm + CV,
-	calc.vars = "calc.vars", k.xval = 10, ...) {
-	# check package availability
-	### TODO: add error checking in all evals!
-	require(ipred)
-	package <- package[1]
-	if (!is.null(package)){
-		require( package, character.only = TRUE )
-	}
-	# check calc.vars
-	calc.vars <- calc.vars[1]
-	if (!is.null(calc.vars)) {
-		CV <- match.fun( calc.vars )
-		df <- CV(df)
-	}
-	# algorithm
-	algorithm <- algorithm[1]
-	algo.fun  <- match.fun( algorithm )
-	ZI.class <- algo.fun(Formula, data = df, ...)
-	ZI.class <- structure( ZI.class,
-		class     = c("ZIClass", class(ZI.class)),
-		algorithm = algorithm,
-		package   = package,
-		calc.vars = CV,
-		classes   = df[[ as.character(Formula)[2] ]] )
-	# Calculate predictions with full training set
-    attr(ZI.class, "predict") <- predict(ZI.class, df, calc.vars = FALSE, class.only = TRUE)
-	### Calculation of probabilities
-  	if (algorithm == "randomForest") {
-  		# Use Formula for the probabilities v1.2-2
-  		rf <- randomForest(formula = Formula, data = df)
-  		attr(ZI.class, "proba") <- predict(object = rf, newdata = df, type = "prob")
-	}
-	# Possibly make a k-fold cross-validation and check results
-	if (!is.null(k.xval)) {
-		mypredict <- if (algorithm == "lda") {
-			function(object, newdata) predict(object, newdata = newdata)$class
-		} else {
-			function(object, newdata) predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "class")
-		}
-    	res <- cv( attr(ZI.class, "classes" ), Formula, data = df, model = get(algorithm),
-			predict = mypredict, k = k.xval, predictions = TRUE, ...)$predictions
-		attr(ZI.class, "kfold.predict") <- res
-		attr(ZI.class, "k") <- k.xval
-    attr(ZI.class, "formula") <- Formula
-    attr(ZI.class, "path") <- attr(df, "path")
-	}
-	return(ZI.class)
-# {{{ print.ZIClass
-"print.ZIClass" <- function(x, ...) {
-	algorithm <- attr(x, "algorithm")
-	classes   <- attr(x, "classes")
-	lclasses  <- levels(classes)
-    predict   <- attr(x, "predict")
-	k         <- attr(x, "k")
-	cat("A ZIClass object predicting for", length(lclasses), "classes:\n")
-	print(lclasses)
-	Confu <- confu(classes, predict)
-	mism <- 100 * (1 - ( sum(diag(Confu)) / sum(Confu) ) )
-	# Change the number of digits to display
-	oldDigits <- options(digits = 4); on.exit(options(oldDigits))
-	cat("\nAlgorithm used:", algorithm, "\n")
-	cat("Mismatch in classification: ", mism, "%\n", sep = "")
-	if (!is.null(k)) {
-    	cat("k-fold cross validation error estimation (k = ", k, "):\n", sep = "")
-		kfold.predict <- attr(x, "kfold.predict")
-		prior         <- table(classes)
-		ok            <- diag(table(classes, kfold.predict))
-		err           <- 100 * (1 - (sum(ok) / sum(prior)) )
-		cat(err, "%\n", sep = "")
-		cat("\nError per class:\n")
-		`Error (%)` <- sort(1 - (ok / prior)) * 100
-		print(as.data.frame(`Error (%)`))
-	}
-	return(invisible(x))
-# }}}
-# {{{ predict.ZIClass
-"predict.ZIClass" <- function(object, ZIDat, calc.vars = TRUE, class.only = FALSE, ...) {
-	# Make sure we have correct objects
-	mustbe( object, "ZIClass" )
-	mustbe( ZIDat , c("ZIDat", "data.frame") )
-	# Possibly load a specific package for prediction
-	package <- attr(object, "package")
-	if (is.null(package)) {
-        # This is for old version, we make sure to load
-        # MASS, randomForest, class, rpart, e1071, ipred
-        # Rem: nnet has a special treatment in nnet2
-        require(MASS)
-        require(randomForest)
-        require(class)
-        require(rpart)
-        require(e1071)
-        require(ipred)
-    } else {
-        # Make sure that the specific required package is loaded
-        require( package, character.only = TRUE )
-    }
-    class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
-	data <- as.data.frame(ZIDat)
-	if (calc.vars){
-		data <- attr(object, "calc.vars")(data)
-	}
-	Ident <- predict(object, newdata = data, type = "class")
-	# Special case for prediction from an LDA (list with $class item)
-	if (inherits(Ident, "list") && "class" %in% names(Ident)){
-		Ident <- Ident$class
-	}
-	if (!class.only) {
-		res <- cbind(ZIDat, Ident)
-		class(res) <- class(ZIDat)
-	} else {
-		res <- Ident
-	}
-	return(res)
-# }}}
-# }}}
-# {{{ confusion
-# {{{ confu
-"confu" <- function(classes1, classes2, classes.predicted = FALSE) {
-	if (is.factor(classes1) || is.factor(classes2)) {
-		if (NROW(classes1) != NROW(classes2)){
-			stop("Not same number of items in classes1 and classes2")
-		}
-		# Check that levels match
-		mustmatch( levels(classes1), levels(classes2),
-			msg = "'Class' levels in the two objects do not match" )
-		clCompa <- data.frame(Class.x = classes1, Class.y = classes2)
-	} else { # Merge two data frame according to common objects in "Id" column
-		# Check levels match
-		mustmatch( levels(classes1$Class), levels(classes22$Class),
-			msg = "Levels for 'Class' in the two objects do not match")
-		# Are there common objects left?
-		clCompa <- merge(classes1, classes2, by = "Id")
-		if (nrow(clCompa) == 0){
-			stop("No common objects between the two 'classes' objects")
-		}
-	}
-	# How many common objects by level?
-	NbPerClass <- table(clCompa$Class.x)
-	# Confusion matrix
-	if (classes.predicted) {
-		Conf <- table(classes = clCompa$Class.x, predicted = clCompa$Class.y)
-	} else {
-		Conf <- table(Class1 = clCompa$Class.x, Class2 = clCompa$Class.y)
-	}
-	# Pourcent of common objects
-	Acc <- sum(diag(Conf)) / sum(Conf)*100
-	# Change labels to get a more compact presentation
-	colnames(Conf) <- formatC(1:ncol(Conf), digits = 1, flag = "0")
-	rownames(Conf) <- paste(colnames(Conf), rownames(Conf))
-	# Results
-	res <- Conf
-	attr(res, "accuracy") <- Acc
-	attr(res, "nbr.per.class") <- NbPerClass
-	return(res)
-# }}}
-# {{{ confu.map
-"confu.map" <- function(set1, set2, level = 1){
-	opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) ; on.exit(par = opar)
-    par(mar = c(5, 12, 4, 2) + 0.1)
-	n <- length(levels(set1))
-	image(1:n, 1:n, 1/ (t(confu(set1, set2)[n:1, 1:n])),
-		col = heat.colors(10),
-		xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
-    axis(1, at = 1:n, las = 2)
-    axis(2, at = n:1, labels = paste(levels(set1), 1:n), las = 1)
-    abline(h = (1:(n + 1)) - 0.5, lty = 2, col = "gray")
-    abline(v = (1:(n + 1)) - 0.5, lty = 2, col = "gray")
-# }}}
-# {{{ confusion.tree
-# New function v1.2-2 using library gplots
-confusion.tree <- function (confmat, maxval, margin=NULL, Rowv = TRUE, Colv = TRUE) {
-	nX <- nrow(confmat)
-	nY <- ncol(confmat)
-	nZ <- nX*nY
-	confmat <- pmin( confmat, maxval )
-	require(RColorBrewer)
-	mypalette <- brewer.pal(maxval-1, "Spectral")
-	library(gplots)
-	heatmap.2(confmat, col= c(0,mypalette), symm=TRUE, margin=margin,
-		trace="both", Rowv=Rowv, Colv=Colv, cexRow=0.2 + 1/log10(nX),
-		cexCol=0.2 + 1/log10(nY),tracecol="Black", linecol=FALSE)
-# }}}
-# {{{ confusion.bar
-# New function v 1.2-2 false positive and negative
-confusion.bar <- function(confmat, mar=NULL) {
-	mustbe(confmat, c("table", "matrix" ) )
-	Nn <- nrow(confmat)
-	## percent of correctly predicted objects in the test set
-	pred.tok <- diag(confmat) / colSums(confmat)*100
-	# If there are no items good recognize 0/0 = NaN so replace NaN by 0 for calculation
-  	if (NaN %in% pred.tok){
-		pred.tok[pred.tok == "NaN"] <- 0
-  	}
-	# percent of items in the test set predicted in its category
-	pred.tfrac <- diag(confmat) / rowSums(confmat)*100
-	pred.tfrac[ is.nan( pred.tfrac) ] <- 0
-	prediction <- cbind(pred.tok, pred.tfrac)
-	prediction.df <- data.frame(prediction)
-	CR <- prediction[1:Nn,2] #
-	FN <- 100 - CR # faux négatif = objects which exist in the test set but not in the training set;
-	# they are wrongly predicted as not to belong to a particular group
-	prediction.df$FN <- FN
-	#put to scale
-	CR2              <- prediction[1:Nn,1]
-	FP               <- 100-CR2 # Faux positifs
-	prediction.df$FP <- FP
-	prediction.df    <- round(prediction.df,0) # arrondi les valeurs à des dombres entiers
-	Failure          <- prediction.df[c("FN", "FP")]
-	# put all to scale
-	allN        <- CR+FN # all negative
-	allP        <- CR2+FP # all positive
-	cr          <- (CR/allN)*100 #% good identify by pc
-	cr2         <- (CR2/allP)*100 #% good identify by pc
-	fn          <- (FN/allN)*100 # percentage of FN
-	fp          <- (FP/allP)*100 # percentage of FP
-	all         <- matrix( c( fn, cr, cr2, fp), ncol = 4); colnames(all) <- c( "fn", "cr", "cr2", "fp")
-	Order       <- order( all[, 2] + all[, 3] , decreasing = TRUE) # trie du mieux reconnu au moin bon
-	all2        <- t(all[Order, ]) # transposer la matrice triée
-	Failure     <- Failure[Order,] # grp du moin au plus d'erreur
-	Failure.mat <- as.matrix(Failure)
-	Nmat        <- ncol(all2)
-	#### Construction du graphe
-	valx  <- matrix( c(rep(2 , Nmat), rep(198, Nmat)),ncol=2) #matrix for location
-	valx2 <- matrix( c(rep(98, Nmat), rep(102, Nmat)),ncol=2) #matrix for location
-	omar  <- par("mar") ; on.exit( par(omar) ) # mar = margin size c(bottom, left, top, right)
-	par(mar=mar);
-	barplot(all2[,!is.na(all2[2,])], horiz=TRUE,
-		col=c("PeachPuff2", "green3", "green3", "lemonChiffon2"),
-		xaxt="n", las=1, space = 0)
-	text(valx  , row(valx) - 0.45 , Failure.mat , cex=0.7)
-	text(valx2 , row(valx2)- 0.45 , 100 - Failure.mat , cex=0.7)
-	#### Ajout des légendes
-  	legend(100, Nmat+(Nmat/15),
-		legend = c("false negative (FN)", "true positive (TP)", "false positive (FP)"),
-		xjust = 0.5, fill = c("PeachPuff2", "green3", "lemonChiffon2"),
-		bty="n", horiz = TRUE)
-	legend(100, Nmat/55, "Percentage", xjust = 0.5, bty = "n")
-	segx0 <- rep(c(25, 50, 75, 125, 150, 175),2)
-	segy0 <- rep(c(0, Nmat),c(6,6))
-	segments(segx0[c(1:6)], segy0[c(1:6)], segx0[c(7:12)], segy0[c(7:12)], col="red", lty=2)
-	valx3 <- c(25, 50, 75, 125, 150, 175)
-	text(valx3[1:6], -(Nmat/35), labels= segx0[c(1:3, 7:9)], cex=0.7)
-# }}}
-# }}}
-# {{{ nnet2
-# {{{ nnet2
-"nnet2" <- function(formula, data, size = 7, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 1000, ...) {
- 	require(nnet)
-	structure(
-		nnet(formula = formula, data = data, size = size, rang = rang, decay = decay, maxit = maxit, ...),
-		class = c("nnet2", "nnet.formula", "nnet") )
-# }}}
-# {{{ predict.nnet2
-"predict.nnet2" <- function (object, newdata, type = c("raw", "class"), ...) {
-	mustbe( object, "nnet2" )
-	require(nnet)
-    class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
-	res <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = type, ...)
-	# If type is class, we got a character vector... but should get a factor
-	if (type == "class"){
-    	res <- factor(res, levels = object$lev)
-	}
-	return(res)
-# }}}
-# }}}
-# {{{ lvq
-# {{{ lvq
-#' Extract classes and training vars from data, according to formula lhs ~ rhs
-#' This is a very simplified way of doing it... It does not manage complex formula constructions!
-"lvq" <- function(formula, data, k = 5, size = NULL) {
-	require(class)
-    vars <- all.vars(formula)
-	train <- data[, vars[-1]]
-	cl <- data[, vars[1]]
-	lev <- levels(cl)
-	codebk <- olvq1(train, cl, lvqinit(train, cl, k = k, size = size))
-	res <- list(codebook = codebk, data = data, vars = vars, classes = cl, lev = lev)
-	class(res) <- "lvq"
-	return(res)
-# }}}
-# {{{ predict.lvq
-"predict.lvq" <- function(object, newdata, type = "class", ...) {
-   	mustbe( object, "lvq" )
-	require(class)
-    if (missing(newdata)) {
-		newdata <- object$data
-	}
-	lvqtest(object$codebook, newdata[, object$vars[-1]])
-# }}}
-# }}}
-# {{{ FormVarsSelect
-#' Formula calculation by variables selection for the classifier creation v1.2-2
-FormVarsSelect <- function(x){
-	# x must be a ZItrain object
-	mustbe( x, "ZI1Train" )
-	# Parameters measured on particles and new variables calculated
-	mes <- as.vector(colnames(calc.vars(x)))
-	# Selection of features for the creation of the classifier
-	keep <- select.list(list = mes,
-	  preselect = c("ECD", "FIT_Area_ABD", "FIT_Diameter_ABD", "FIT_Volume_ABD", "FIT_Diameter_ESD",
-    "FIT_Volume_ESD", "FIT_Length", "FIT_Width", "FIT_Aspect_Ratio", "FIT_Transparency",
-    "FIT_Intensity", "FIT_Sigma_Intensity", "FIT_Sum_Intensity", "FIT_Compactness",
-    "FIT_Elongation", "FIT_Perimeter", "FIT_Convex_Perimeter", "FIT_Roughness",
-    "FIT_Ch1_Peak", "FIT_Ch1_TOF", "FIT_Ch2_Peak", "FIT_Ch2_TOF",
-    "Area", "Mean", "StdDev", "Mode", "Min", "Max", "Perim.", "Width","Height",
-    "Major", "Minor", "Circ.", "Feret", "IntDen", "Median", "Skew", "Kurt", "Elongation",
-    "CentBoxD", "GrayCentBoxD", "CentroidsD", "Range", "MeanPos", "SDNorm", "CV", "logArea",
-    "logPerim.", "logMajor", "logMinor", "logFeret"),
-    multiple = TRUE, title = "Select variables to keep")
-	# Creation of one formula for classifier calculation
-	res <- as.formula(paste("Class ~ ", paste(keep, collapse= "+")))
-	return(res)
-# }}}
-# :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false:folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:

Deleted: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.r	2010-04-08 08:12:37 UTC (rev 179)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.r	2010-04-08 08:19:30 UTC (rev 180)
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
-# {{{ Copyright (c) 2004, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
-# This file is part of ZooImage .
-# ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# }}}
-# {{{ process.sample
-"process.sample" <- function(ZidFile, ZIClass, ZIDesc,
-		abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL, abd.type = "absolute",
-		bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = c(1, 0, 1), headers = c("Abd", "Bio"),
-		spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL, spec.breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), spec.use.Dil = TRUE,
-		exportdir = NULL, show.log = TRUE, SemiTab = NULL, Semi = FALSE) {
-	# Check if the ZidFile exists
-	checkFileExists( ZidFile )
-	# Check if ZIClass is of the right class
-	mustbe(ZIClass, "ZIClass")
-	# Get ZIDat from the ZidFile
-	ZIDat <- read.zid(ZidFile)
-	Sample <- get.sampleinfo(ZidFile, type = "sample", ext = extensionPattern(".zid") )
-	# Check if one can get sample metadata from ZIDesc
-	RES <- ZIDesc[ZIDesc$Label == Sample, ] 
-	if (nrow(RES) != 1) {
-		stop( "ZIDesc has no data for that sample!" )
-	}
-	# Predict classes (add a new column Ident to the table)
-	ZIDat <- predict(ZIClass, ZIDat)
-  # Modif Kevin Denis for Semi Automatic classification
-	if(Semi){
-    if(is.null(SemiTab)){
-      stop("You must provide a table with semi automatic classification")
-    }
-    if(!inherits(SemiTab, "ZITrain")) stop("SemiTab must be a ZItrain object with manual classification")
-    # Extract ZidFile subtable from SemiTab (Semi automatic classification general table)
-    SemiClass <- SemiTab[sub("[+].*", "", as.character(SemiTab$Label)) %in% noext(ZidFile),]
-    # Repalce automatic recogntion by semi automatic one
-    for(j in 1: nrow(SemiClass)){
-      ZIDat[ZIDat$Item == j, ]$Ident <- SemiClass[SemiClass$Item == j,]$Class
-    }
-	}
-	Grp <- levels(ZIDat$Ident)	
-	if (is.null(abd.groups)) {
-		# Calculate groups (list with levels to consider)
-		abd.groups <- as.list(c("", Grp))
-		names(abd.groups) <- c("total", Grp)
-	}
-	# Process abundances
-	ABD <- Abd.sample(ZIDat, Sample, taxa = abd.taxa, groups = abd.groups, type = abd.type,
-		header = headers[1])
-	RES <- cbind(RES, t(ABD))
-	# Process biomasses
-	if (!is.null(bio.conv)) {
-		if (is.null(bio.groups)) {
-			# Calculate groups (list with levels to consider)
-			bio.groups <- as.list(c("", Grp))
-			names(bio.groups) <- c("total", Grp)
-		}
-        BIO <- Bio.sample(ZIDat, Sample, taxa = bio.taxa, conv = bio.conv,
-			groups = bio.groups, header = headers[2], exportdir = exportdir)
-		RES <- cbind(RES, t(BIO))
-	}
-	# Process size spectra
-	if (!is.null(spec.breaks)) {
-		if (is.null(spec.groups)) {
-			# Calculate groups (list with levels to consider)
-			spec.groups <- as.list(c("", Grp))
-			names(spec.groups) <- c("total", Grp)
-		}
-		SPC <- Spectrum.sample(ZIDat, Sample, taxa = spec.taxa, groups = spec.groups,
-			breaks = spec.breaks, use.Dil = spec.use.Dil)
-		SPClist <- list()
-		SPClist[[Sample]] <- SPC
-		attr(RES, "spectrum") <- SPClist
-	}
-	attr(RES, "metadata") <- attr(ZIDesc, "metadata")
-	class(RES) <- c("ZI1Res", "ZIRes", "data.frame")
-	return(RES)
-# }}}
-# {{{ process.samples
-"process.samples" <- function(path = ".", ZidFiles = NULL, ZIClass, 
-	ZIDesc = read.description("Description.zis"),
-	abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL, abd.type = "absolute",
-	bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = c(1, 0, 1), headers = c("Abd", "Bio"),
-	spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL, spec.breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), spec.use.Dil = TRUE,
-	exportdir = NULL, show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE, SemiTab = NULL, Semi = FALSE) {
-	# Determine which samples do we have to process...
-	if (is.null(ZidFiles)) {
-    	# Get the list of files from ZIDesc
-		ZidFiles <- paste(ZIDesc$Label, ".zid", sep = "")
-		if (path == "."){
-			path <- getwd()
-		}
-		ZidFiles <- file.path(path, ZidFiles)
-	} else { # Check that all zid files have entries in ZIDesc
-		Samples <- get.sampleinfo(ZidFiles, type = "sample", ext = extensionPattern(".zid") )
-		mustcontain( ZIDesc$Label, Samples, "One or more samples not in ZIDesc!" )
-	}
-	# Start the process
-	logClear()
-	ok <- TRUE
-	restot <- NULL
-	imax <- length(ZidFiles)
-	cat("Processing",  imax, "samples...\n")
-	logProcess(paste("Processing",  imax, "samples..."))
-	results <- lapply( 1:imax, function(i){
-		Progress(i, imax)
-    # Modif Kevin Denis for semi automatic recognition
-    if(Semi){
-      if(is.null(SemiTab)){
-        stop("You must provide a table with manual classification")
-      }
-      if(!inherits(SemiTab, "ZITrain")) stop("SemiTab must be a ZItrain object with manual classification")
-      if(noext(ZidFiles[i]) %in% sub("[+].*", "", as.character(SemiTab$Label))){
-    		tryCatch({
-          res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
-            abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
-            bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
-            spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
-            exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE, SemiTab = Semi.Auto, Semi = TRUE)
-    			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-    			res
-    		  }, zooImageError = function(e){
-    			logError( e )
-    			NULL
-    		} )      
-      } else {
-    		tryCatch({
-    			res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
-    				abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
-    				bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
-    				spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
-    				spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
-            	    exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE)
-    			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-    			res
-    		  }, zooImageError = function(e){
-    			logError( e )
-    			NULL
-    		} )
-      }
-    } else { 		
-  		tryCatch({
-  			res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
-  				abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
-  				bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
-  				spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
-  				spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
-          	    exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE)
-  			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-  			res
-  		}, zooImageError = function(e){
-  			logError( e )
-  			NULL
-  		} )
-  	}
-  # end modif Kevin Denis
-	})
-	ClearProgress()
-	results <- Filter( Negate(is.null), results )
-	restot <- do.call( rbind, results )
-	attr( restot, "spectrum" ) <- unlist( lapply( results, attr, "spectrum") )
-	attr( restot, "metadata" ) <- attr( results[[length(results)]], "metadata" )
-	class(restot) <- c("ZI1Res", "ZIRes", "data.frame")
-	# {{{ Final report
-	finish.loopfunction( ok = ok, show.log = show.log, bell = bell )
-	# }}}
-	return(restot)
-# }}}
-# {{{ Spectrum.sample
-#' Cut a sample into ECD classes (for size spectra)
-"Spectrum.sample" <- function(ZIDat, sample, taxa = NULL, groups = NULL,
-	breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), use.Dil = TRUE) {
-	# Check arguments
-	mustbe(ZIDat, "ZIDat")
-	mustbeString( sample, 1 )
-	# Extract only data for a given sample
-	# Sample is everything before a '+' sign
-	Smps <- getSample( ZIDat$Label, unique = TRUE, must.have = sample )
-	Smp <- ZIDat[Smps == sample, ]
-	# Determine the number of images in this sample
-	imgs <- unique(ZIDat$Label)
-	lists <- lapply( imgs, function(im){
-		tryCatch( {
-			Spectrum(Smp, im, taxa = taxa, groups = groups, 
-				breaks = breaks, use.Dil = use.Dil)
-		}, zooImageError = function(e) NULL )
-	} )
-	list.add(lists)
-# }}}
-# {{{ Spectrum
-"Spectrum" <- function(ZIDat, image,  taxa = NULL, groups = NULL,
-	breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), use.Dil = TRUE, RealT = FALSE) {
-	if (!RealT) {
-  	# Check arguments
-  	mustbe(ZIDat, "ZIDat")
-  	mustbeString( image, 1)
-  	# Select the image
-  	dat <- ZIDat[ZIDat$Label == image, ]
-  	if (nrow(dat) == 0){
-  		warning("ZIDat contains no '", image, "' data!")
-  	}
-  	# Remember dilution (in case there are no data)
-  	Dil <- if (nrow(dat) > 0) dat$Dil[1] else 1
-  	# taxa must correspond to levels in ZIDat$Ident
-  	if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-  		mustcontain( levels(dat$Ident), taxa, "taxa not in ZIDat")
-  		dat <- dat[dat$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
-  	}
-  	if (is.null(groups)) {
-  		# Total spectrum only
-  		groups <- list("")
-  		names(groups) <- "total"
-  	}
-  	mustbe( groups, "list" )
-  	res <- lapply( groups, function( g ){
-  		if (length(g) == 1 && g == "") { # Total abundance
-  			Dat <- dat$ECD
-  		} else { # Abundance for given groups
-  			Dat <- dat$ECD[dat$Ident %in% g ]
-  		}
-  		spc <- table(cut(Dat, breaks = breaks))
-  		if (use.Dil) spc <- spc * Dil
-  		spc
-  	} )
-  	names( res ) <- names( groups )
-  	attr(res, "breaks") <- breaks
-  	attr(res, "unit")   <- if(use.Dil) "ind/m^3" else "count"
-  	return(res)
-  } else {
-    # Real Time recognition
-    # ZIDat is a table with VIS measurements and automatic Ident
-  	# taxa must correspond to levels in ZIDat$Ident
-  	if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-  		mustcontain( levels(ZIDat$Ident), taxa, "taxa not in ZIDat")
-  #		if (!all(taxa %in% levels(ZIDat$Ident)))
-  #			stop("taxa not in ZIDat")
-  		Dat <- ZIDat[ZIDat$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
-  	}
-    if (is.null(groups)) {
-  		# Total spectrum only
-  		groups <- list("")
-  		names(groups) <- "total"
-  	}
-    mustbe( groups, "list" )
-    res <- lapply( groups, function( g ){
-  		if (length(g) == 1 && g == "") { # Total abundance
-  			Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD/1000 # in 'mm'
-  		} else { # Abundance for given groups
-  			Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD[ZIDat$Ident %in% g ]/1000 # in 'mm'
-  		}
-  		spc <- table(cut(Dat, breaks = breaks))
-  		if (use.Dil) spc <- spc * Dil
-  		spc
-  	} )
-  #	res <- list()
-  #	gnames <- names(groups)
-  #	for (i in 1: length(groups)) {
-  #		if (length(groups[[i]]) == 1 && groups[[i]] == "") { # Total abundance
-  #			Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD/1000 # in 'mm'
-  #		} else { # Abundance for given groups
-  #			Dat <- ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD[ZIDat$Ident %in% groups[[i]]]/1000 # in 'mm'
-  #		}
-  #		spc <- table(cut(Dat, breaks = breaks))
-  #		if (use.Dil) spc <- spc * Dil
-  #		res[[gnames[i]]] <- spc
-  #	}
-  	names( res ) <- names( groups )
-  	attr(res, "breaks") <- breaks
-  	attr(res, "unit") <- if(use.Dil) "ind/m^3" else "count"
-  	return(res)
-  }
-# }}}
-# {{{ Bio.sample
-#' Convert ECD (biomass calculation, etc.)
-"Bio.sample" <- function(ZIDat, sample, taxa = NULL, groups = NULL,
-	conv = c(1, 0, 1), header = "Bio", exportdir = NULL, RealT = FALSE) {
-	if (!RealT) {
-  	# Check arguments
-  	mustbe(ZIDat, "ZIDat" )
-  	mustbeString( sample, 1 )
-  	# Extract only data for a given sample
-  	Smps <- getSample( ZIDat$Label, unique = T, must.have = sample )
-  	Smp <- ZIDat[Smps == sample, ]
-  	# Subsample, depending on taxa we keep
-  	if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-  		mustcontain( levels(Smp$Ident), taxa, "taxa not in the sample")
-  		Smp <- Smp[Smp$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
-  	}
-  	if (nrow(Smp) == 0){
-  		stop("no data for this sample/taxa in ZIDat")
-  	}
-  	# Add P1/P2/P3 conversion params to the table
-  	if (inherits(conv, "data.frame")) {
-  		if (  ! all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3") ) || !all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "a", "b", "c") ) ){
-  			stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
-  		}
-  		IdSmp <- as.character(Smp$Ident)
-  		IdSmpU <- unique(IdSmp)
-  		IdConv <- as.character(conv$Group)
-  		# Eliminate [other] from the table and the list and keep its values for further use
-  		IsOther <- (IdConv == "[other]")
-  		Other <- conv[IsOther, ]
-  		if (sum(IsOther) > 0) {
-  		  IdConv <- IdConv[!IsOther]
-  		  conv <- conv[!IsOther, ]
-  		  conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-  		}
-          if (!all(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)) {
-              if (nrow(Other) > 0) {
-                  # Fill all the other groups with the formula for other and issue a warning
-                  NotThere <- IdSmpU[!(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)]
-                  warning(paste("Applying default [other] biomass conversion for ", paste(NotThere, collapse = ", "), sep = ""))
-                  N <- length(NotThere)
-                  conv2 <- data.frame(Group = NotThere, P1 = rep(Other[1, 2], N),
-                      P2 = rep(Other[1, 3], N), P3 = rep(Other[1, 4], N))
-                  conv <- rbind(conv, conv2)
-                  conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-              } else {
-                  # All groups must be there: stop!
-                  stop("Not all 'Ident' in sample match 'Group' in the conv table")
-              }
-          }
-  		# Line number of the corresponding parameter
-  		# is calculated as the level of a factor whose levels
-  		# are the same as in the conversion table
-  		Pos <- as.numeric(factor(IdSmp, levels = as.character(conv$Group)))
-  		Smp$P1 <- conv[Pos, "P1"]
-  		Smp$P2 <- conv[Pos, "P2"]
-  		Smp$P3 <- conv[Pos, "P3"]
-  	} else { # Use the same three parameters for all
-  		if (length(conv) != 3){
-  			stop("You must provide a vector with three numbers")
-  		}
-  		Smp$P1 <- conv[1]
-  		Smp$P2 <- conv[2]
-  		Smp$P3 <- conv[3]
-  	}
-  	# Individual contributions to biomass by m^3
-      Smp$Biomass <- (Smp$P1 * Smp$ECD + Smp$P2)^Smp$P3 * Smp$Dil
-      # AZTI special treatment
-      # introducimos la formula de montagnes y la correccion para ESD(2.61951)
-  	#Smp$Biomass <- (0.109 * (pi*4/3*((2.61951*Smp$ECD)/2)^3)^0.991) * Smp$Dil
-      if (!is.null(exportdir)){
-          write.table(Smp, file = paste(file.path(exportdir, sample), "_Bio.txt", sep = ""),
-  			sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
-  	}
-  	if (is.null(groups)) {
-  		# Total biomass only
-  		res <- sum(Smp$Biomass)
-  		names(res) <- header
-  	} else {
-  		mustbe( groups, "list" )
-  		res <- if( length(groups) == 1 && groups==""){
-  			sum( Smp$Biomass )
-  		} else{
-  			sapply( groups, function(g) sum( Smp$Biomass[ Smp$Ident %in% g ] ) )
-  		}
-  		names( res ) <- paste(header, names(groups))
-  	}
-   	return(res)
-  } else {
-    # real time recognition -> use FlowCAM measurements
-    # Subsample, depending on taxa we keep
-  	Smp <- ZIDat
-  	if (!is.null(taxa)) {
-  		mustcontain( levels(Smp$Ident), taxa, "taxa not in the sample")
-  		Smp <- Smp[Smp$Ident %in% taxa, ] # Select taxa
-  	}
-  	if (nrow(Smp) == 0){
-  		stop("no data for this sample/taxa in ZIDat")
-  	}
-  	# Add P1/P2/P3 conversion params to the table
-  	if (inherits(conv, "data.frame")) {
-  		if (  ! all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3") ) || !all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "a", "b", "c") ) ){
-  			stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
-  		}
-  		IdSmp <- as.character(Smp$Ident)
-  		IdSmpU <- unique(IdSmp)
-  		IdConv <- as.character(conv$Group)
-  		# Eliminate [other] from the table and the list and keep its values for further use
-  		IsOther <- (IdConv == "[other]")
-  		Other <- conv[IsOther, ]
-  		if (sum(IsOther) > 0) {
-  		  IdConv <- IdConv[!IsOther]
-  		  conv <- conv[!IsOther, ]
-  		  conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-  		}
-          if (!all(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)) { # If groups from table not in Ident
-              if (nrow(Other) > 0) {
-                  # Fill all the other groups with the formula for other and issue a warning
-                  NotThere <- IdSmpU[!(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)]
-                  warning(paste("Applying default [other] biomass conversion for ", paste(NotThere, collapse = ", "), sep = ""))
-                  N <- length(NotThere)
-                  conv2 <- data.frame(Group = NotThere, P1 = rep(Other[1, 2], N),
-                      P2 = rep(Other[1, 3], N), P3 = rep(Other[1, 4], N))
-                  conv <- rbind(conv, conv2)
-                  conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-              } else {
-                  # All groups must be there: stop!
-                  stop("Not all 'Ident' in sample match 'Group' in the conv table")
-              }
-          }
-  		# Line number of the corresponding parameter
-  		# is calculated as the level of a factor whose levels
-  		# are the same as in the conversion table
-  		Pos <- as.numeric(factor(IdSmp, levels = as.character(conv$Group)))
-  		Smp$P1 <- conv[Pos, "P1"]
-  		Smp$P2 <- conv[Pos, "P2"]
-  		Smp$P3 <- conv[Pos, "P3"]
-  	} else { # Use the same three parameters for all
-  		if (length(conv) != 3){
-  			stop("You must provide a vector with three numbers")
-      }
-      Smp$P1 <- conv[1]
-  		Smp$P2 <- conv[2]
-  		Smp$P3 <- conv[3]
-  	}
-  	# Individual contributions to biomass by m^3
-      Smp$Biomass <- (Smp$P1 * Smp$FIT_Diameter_ABD + Smp$P2)^Smp$P3 # no dilution because real time process
-      # AZTI special treatment
-      # introducimos la formula de montagnes y la correccion para ESD(2.61951)
-  	#Smp$Biomass <- (0.109 * (pi*4/3*((2.61951*Smp$FIT_Diameter_ABD)/2)^3)^0.991) * Smp$Dil
-    if (!is.null(exportdir)){
-      write.table(Smp, file = paste(file.path(exportdir, sample), "_Bio.txt", sep = ""),
-  		  sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
-    }
-    # Export table in global R
-    Bio.tab <<- Smp
-  	if (is.null(groups)) {
-  		# Biomass of all groups
-  		res <- NULL
-      grps <- levels(Smp$Ident)
-      for(i in 1:length(grps)){
-        res[i] <- sum(Smp$Biomass[Smp$Ident %in% grps[i]])
-  		}
-  		names(res) <- grps
-  	} else {
-  		mustbe( groups, "list" )
-  		res <- if( length(groups) == 1 && groups==""){
-  			sum( Smp$Biomass )
-  		} else{
-  			sapply( groups, function(g) sum( Smp$Biomass[ Smp$Ident %in% g ] ) )
-  		}
-  		names( res ) <- names(groups)
-  	}
-   	return(res)
-  }
-# }}}
-# {{{ Abd.sample
-#' Calculate abundances for various taxa in a sample
-"Abd.sample" <- function(ZIDat, sample, taxa = NULL, groups = NULL,
-	type = c("absolute", "log", "relative"), header = "Abd") {
-	# Check arguments
-	mustbe( ZIDat, "ZIDat")
-	mustbeString( sample, 1 )

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/zooimage -r 180

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