[Zooimage-commits] r176 - in pkg/zooimage: R man

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Fri Jul 3 09:53:58 CEST 2009

Author: kevin
Date: 2009-07-03 09:53:57 +0200 (Fri, 03 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 176

Small fine-tunings

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/capabilities.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/capabilities.R	2009-07-02 11:51:45 UTC (rev 175)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/capabilities.R	2009-07-03 07:53:57 UTC (rev 176)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #' utility that checks if the zip program is available
 checkZipAvailable <- function( ){
 	checkCapabilityAvailable( "zip", 
-		sprintf('"%s" -h %s', ZIpgm("zip", "misc"), if( !isWin() ) " > /dev/null"  ), 
+		sprintf('"%s" -h %s', ZIpgm("zip", "misc"), if( !isWin() ) " > /dev/null" else "" ), 
 		"zip - program from Info-Zip not found!" )
 # }}}
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #{{{ checkUnzipAvailable
 checkUnzipAvailable <- function( ){
 	checkCapabilityAvailable( "unzip", 
-		sprintf('"%s" -h %s', ZIpgm("unzip", "misc"), if( !isWin() ) " > /dev/null"  ), 
+		sprintf('"%s" -h %s', ZIpgm("unzip", "misc"), if( !isWin() ) " > /dev/null" else "" ), 
 		"unzip - program from Info-Zip not found!" )
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 #{{{ checkZipnoteAvailable
 checkZipnoteAvailable <- function( ){
 	checkCapabilityAvailable( "zipnote", 
-		sprintf('"%s" -h %s', ZIpgm("zipnote", "misc"), if( !isWin() ) " > /dev/null"  ), 
+		sprintf('"%s" -h %s', ZIpgm("zipnote", "misc"), if( !isWin() ) " > /dev/null" else "" ), 
 		"zipnote - program from Info-Zip not found!" )
 # }}}
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 #{{{ checkCapabilityAvailable
 checkCapabilityAvailable <- function( cap, cmd, msg ){
-	program <- cap
+  program <- cap
 	if( program == "dc_raw" && !isWin() ) {
 		program <- "dcraw"
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 	#               and we do not want this warning to be captured by our
 	#               error trapping
 	ok <- if( isWin() ){
-		system(cmd, invisible = TRUE) == 0
+	  	system(cmd, invisible = TRUE) == 0
 	} else {
 			system( sprintf( " which %s 2> /dev/null" , program ), intern = TRUE )

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/zzz.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/zzz.r	2009-07-02 11:51:45 UTC (rev 175)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/zzz.r	2009-07-03 07:53:57 UTC (rev 176)
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 # {{{ Loading ZooImage
 ".onAttach" <- function(libname, pkgname) {
-	# {{{ check package dependencies
+ 	# {{{ check package dependencies
 	(require(utils) || stop("Package 'utils' is required!"))
 	(require(svMisc) || stop("Package 'svMisc' from SciViews bundle is required!"))
 	(require(svWidgets) || stop("Package 'svWidgets' is required!"))
@@ -29,9 +30,8 @@
 	# {{{ check capabilities
-	checkUnzipAvailable()
+  checkUnzipAvailable()
-	# }}}
 	# {{{
 	if (!interactive()) options(ZIAssistant  = FALSE)

Added: pkg/zooimage/man/RealTime.Rd
--- pkg/zooimage/man/RealTime.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/zooimage/man/RealTime.Rd	2009-07-03 07:53:57 UTC (rev 176)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+\title{ The ZooImage Real time recognition functions for FlowCAM parameters }
+  These functions allow the user to recognize in near real time partciles digitized with the FlowCAM.
+  Some functions are currently developed for the AMORE III project.
+read.lst(x, skip = 2)
+predict.ZIClass.Real.Time(object, ZIDat, calc.vars = TRUE, class.only = FALSE, type = "class", na.rm = NULL, ...)
+hist.spectrum(spect, breaks = seq(0.05, 0.6, by = 0.05),
+	width = 0.1, xlab = "classes (mm)", ylab = "log(abundance + 1)", main = "",
+	ylim = c(0, 10))
+loop.opts(lst = ".",
+  classif = ZIC,
+  type = NULL,
+  SizeThreshold = NULL,
+  Export_Collages = NULL,
+  ZIprevSmp = NULL,
+  ZIlist = NULL,
+  Abd.all = TRUE,
+  Abd.gp = NULL,
+  Spec.all = NULL,
+  Spec.gp = NULL,
+  Bio.all = NULL,
+  Bio.gp = NULL,
+  breaks = seq(0.05, 3, by = 0.1),
+  conv = ".",
+  ZICompAbd = NULL,
+  ZICompSpectra = NULL,
+  ZICompBiomass = NULL,
+  ZICompSlope = NULL,
+  ZICompAbd.gp = NULL,
+  ZICompBio.gp = NULL
+  )
+SmpToComp(Prev = NULL, Samples = NULL, Table = NULL)
+save.loop.res(lst, Classif, breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), conv = c(1, 0, 1), save.dir = NULL)
+tclFun_(f, name = deparse(substitute(f)))
+  \item{x}{ a connection or a character string giving the name of the 'list' file to read. }
+  \item{skip}{ number of row to skip in the 'list' file. }
+  \item{object}{ the classifier to use for automatic recognition (ZIClass object). }
+  \item{ZIDat}{data.frame of the 'list' file which contains measurements made by the FlowCAM. }
+  \item{calc.vars}{ If \code{TRUE}, A function to use to calculate variables from the original data frame. }
+  \item{class.only}{ If \code{TRUE}, return a vector with classification, otherwise, return a 'ZIDat' object with 'Ident' column appended to it. }
+  \item{type}{ If \code{"prob"}, return probabilities only if random Forest is the used algorithm, else only classes are returned }
+  \item{na.rm}{ If \code{TRUE}, rows with NA values are not classified by the algorithm }
+  \item{tab}{ a data.frame resulting of the automatic recognition with a 'Ident' column }
+  \item{spect}{ vector of log transformed abundance of particles per size classes }
+  \item{breaks}{ Limits for the classes where to break the spectrum }
+  \item{width}{ width of bars on the barplot }
+  \item{xlab}{ legend of x axis }
+  \item{ylab}{ Legend of y axis }
+  \item{main}{ General legend of the barplot }
+  \item{ylim}{ numeric vector of y axis limits }
+  \item{lst}{ a connection or a character string giving the name of the 'list' file to read. }
+  \item{classif}{ the classifier to use for automatic recognition (ZIClass object). }
+  \item{type}{ If \code{"NULL"} barplot are provided, else \code{"l"} lines are provided -- not implemented yet --. }
+  \item{SizeThreshold}{ Size threshold in microns to filter particles, if \code{"NULL"} no size threshold is applied -- not implemented yet --. }
+  \item{Export_Collages}{ number of collages to copy in artificial subsamples, if \code{"NULL"} no artificial subsample created -- not implemented yet --. }
+  \item{ZIprevSmp}{ a connection or a character string giving the name of the 'list' file to compare, else \code{"NULL"} no comparison. }
+  \item{ZIlist}{ a list of character strings giving the name of the 'list' files to compare, else \code{"NULL"} no comparison. }
+  \item{Abd.all}{ If \code{"TRUE"} only total relative abundance is measured on the current sample, else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{Abd.gp}{ a character vector with names of groups to compare in relative abundance, else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{Spec.all}{ If \code{"TRUE"} only total size spectra is provided for the current sample, else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{Spec.gp}{ a character vector with names of groups to compare in size spectra, else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{Bio.all}{ If \code{"TRUE"} only total biomass is provided for the current sample, else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{Bio.gp}{ a character vector with names of groups to compare in relative abundance, else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{conv}{ Conversion parameters :a table with 4 column: group and the 3 parameters per group. }
+  \item{ZICompAbd}{ If \code{"TRUE"} only total relative abundance is compared between the current sample and other(s), else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{ZICompSpectra}{ If \code{"TRUE"} only total size spectra is compared between the current sample and other(s), else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{ZICompBiomass}{ If \code{"TRUE"} only total biomass is compared between the current sample and other(s), else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{ZICompSlope}{ If \code{"TRUE"} slope of log transformed size spectra are compared between the current sample and other(s), else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{ZICompAbd.gp}{ a character vector with names of groups to compare in relative abundance between the current sample and other(s), else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{ZICompBio.gp}{ a character vector with names of groups to compare in relative biomass between the current sample and other(s), else \code{"NULL"}. }
+  \item{ZIC}{ a classifier (ZIClass object). }
+  \item{Prev}{ a connection or a character string giving the name of the 'list' file to compare. }
+  \item{Samples}{ a connection or a character string giving the name of the directory containing samples to compare. }
+  \item{Table}{ a connection or a character string giving the name table to compare -- not implemented yet --. }
+  \item{Classif}{ the classifier to use for automatic recognition (ZIClass object). }
+  \item{save.dir}{ a connection or a character string giving the name of the directory to save the results. }
+  \code{read.lst()} is called to read a 'list' file at regular interval.
+  \code{predict.ZIClass.Real.Time()} is used to recognize the read 'list' file at regular interval.
+  \code{Biomass()} is used to calculate biomass of a sample.
+  \code{hist.spectrum()} is used to calculate barplot of log transformed size spectra.
+  \code{loop.opts()} is used to provide argument to the loop applied at regular interval.
+  \code{SampleCurrent()} is used to analyze the current sample in near-real time.
+  \code{CompaSamplePrev()} is used to analyze and compare the current sample with one sample already digitized in near-real time.
+  \code{CompaSampleList()} is used to analyze and compare the current sample with several samples already digitized in near-real time.
+  \code{process()} is used to recognize the current sample in near-real time.
+  \code{plotLines()} is used to plot abundance of the current sample in near-real time on line graph. -- currently developed --
+  \code{Export()} is used to create artificial sub sample for transect. -- currently developed --
+  \code{SelectGroups()} is used to select groups to plot.
+  \code{SmpToComp()} is used to select the sample to compare with the current sample.
+  \code{save.loop.res()} is used to save results of the automatic recognition of the current sample.
+  \code{tclFun_()} is used to control the loop.
+  \code{loopAsynch()} is the loop which applies functions for the real time recogntion.
+\author{ Kevin Denis <Kevin.Denis at umons.ac.be> and Philippe Grosjean <Philippe.Grosjean at umons.ac.be> }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{Bio.sample}} }
+# TO DO
+\keyword{ iteration }

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