[Zooimage-commits] r177 - pkg/zooimage/R

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Fri Aug 21 11:29:12 CEST 2009

Author: kevin
Date: 2009-08-21 11:29:08 +0200 (Fri, 21 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 177

Modifications for the semi automatic classification
gui.r: option to select a manual error correction directory

ZIres.r: implementation to use the manual error correction in the "normal" ZooImage treatment flow.

I am not sure about the modification about process.samples function (ZIRes.r) because the loop has been replaced by a lapply function which contains different other functions. This part maybe contains a bug (sorry in advance). Anyway, the modifications of the old code works on my laptop (windows XP).

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.r	2009-07-03 07:53:57 UTC (rev 176)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.r	2009-08-21 09:29:08 UTC (rev 177)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 		abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL, abd.type = "absolute",
 		bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = c(1, 0, 1), headers = c("Abd", "Bio"),
 		spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL, spec.breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), spec.use.Dil = TRUE,
-		exportdir = NULL, show.log = TRUE) {
+		exportdir = NULL, show.log = TRUE, SemiTab = NULL, Semi = FALSE) {
 	# Check if the ZidFile exists
 	checkFileExists( ZidFile )
@@ -41,6 +41,21 @@
 	# Predict classes (add a new column Ident to the table)
 	ZIDat <- predict(ZIClass, ZIDat)
+  # Modif Kevin Denis for Semi Automatic classification
+	if(Semi){
+    if(is.null(SemiTab)){
+      stop("You must provide a table with semi automatic classification")
+    }
+    if(!inherits(SemiTab, "ZITrain")) stop("SemiTab must be a ZItrain object with manual classification")
+    # Extract ZidFile subtable from SemiTab (Semi automatic classification general table)
+    SemiClass <- SemiTab[sub("[+].*", "", as.character(SemiTab$Label)) %in% noext(ZidFile),]
+    # Repalce automatic recogntion by semi automatic one
+    for(j in 1: nrow(SemiClass)){
+      ZIDat[ZIDat$Item == j, ]$Ident <- SemiClass[SemiClass$Item == j,]$Class
+    }
+	}
 	Grp <- levels(ZIDat$Ident)	
 	if (is.null(abd.groups)) {
 		# Calculate groups (list with levels to consider)
@@ -90,7 +105,7 @@
 	abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL, abd.type = "absolute",
 	bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = c(1, 0, 1), headers = c("Abd", "Bio"),
 	spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL, spec.breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), spec.use.Dil = TRUE,
-	exportdir = NULL, show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE) {
+	exportdir = NULL, show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE, SemiTab = NULL, Semi = FALSE) {
 	# Determine which samples do we have to process...
 	if (is.null(ZidFiles)) {
@@ -115,20 +130,60 @@
 	results <- lapply( 1:imax, function(i){
 		Progress(i, imax)
-		tryCatch({
-			res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
-				abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
-				bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
-				spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
-				spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
-        	    exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE)
-			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
-			res
-		}, zooImageError = function(e){
-			logError( e )
-			NULL
-		} )
-	} )
+    # Modif Kevin Denis for semi automatic recognition
+    if(Semi){
+      if(is.null(SemiTab)){
+        stop("You must provide a table with manual classification")
+      }
+      if(!inherits(SemiTab, "ZITrain")) stop("SemiTab must be a ZItrain object with manual classification")
+      if(noext(ZidFiles[i]) %in% sub("[+].*", "", as.character(SemiTab$Label))){
+    		tryCatch({
+          res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
+            abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
+            bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
+            spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
+            exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE, SemiTab = Semi.Auto, Semi = TRUE)
+    			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
+    			res
+    		  }, zooImageError = function(e){
+    			logError( e )
+    			NULL
+    		} )      
+      } else {
+    		tryCatch({
+    			res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
+    				abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
+    				bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
+    				spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
+    				spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
+            	    exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE)
+    			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
+    			res
+    		  }, zooImageError = function(e){
+    			logError( e )
+    			NULL
+    		} )
+      }
+    } else { 		
+  		tryCatch({
+  			res <- process.sample(ZidFiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, ZIDesc = ZIDesc,
+  				abd.taxa = abd.taxa, abd.groups = abd.groups, abd.type = abd.type,
+  				bio.taxa = bio.taxa, bio.groups = bio.groups, bio.conv = bio.conv, headers = headers,
+  				spec.taxa = spec.taxa, spec.groups = spec.groups, spec.breaks = spec.breaks, 
+  				spec.use.Dil = spec.use.Dil,
+          	    exportdir = exportdir, show.log = FALSE)
+  			logProcess("OK", ZidFiles[i])
+  			res
+  		}, zooImageError = function(e){
+  			logError( e )
+  			NULL
+  		} )
+  	}
+  # end modif Kevin Denis
+	})

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/gui.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/gui.r	2009-07-03 07:53:57 UTC (rev 176)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/gui.r	2009-08-21 09:29:08 UTC (rev 177)
@@ -824,6 +824,8 @@
 			title = "Select a ZIS file")), collapse = " ")
 	if (length(zisfile) == 0 || zisfile == "") return(invisible())
+  # Add Kevin Denis option for Semi automatic classification 
 	# Option dialog box
     res <- modalAssistant(paste(getTemp("ZIname"), "samples processing"),
 		c("Each sample registered in the description.zis file",
@@ -834,13 +836,49 @@
 		"particle individually, check the option below.",
 		"Click 'OK' to proceed...", ""),
-		init = "0", check = "Save individual calculations", help.topic = "processSamples")
+		init = "0", options = "Semi Automatic Classification",
+    check = "Save individual calculations", help.topic = "processSamples")
 	# Analyze result
 	if (res == "ID_CANCEL") return(invisible())
  	# Do we save individual calculations?
  	if (res == "1") exportdir <- dirname(zisfile) else exportdir <- NULL
+ 	if (res == "1") exportdir <- dirname(zisfile) else exportdir <- NULL
+  # Add Kevin Denis for semi automatic classification
+  # Do we use Semi automatic classification?
+  if (res == "Semi Automatic Classification"){
+    res <- modalAssistant(paste(getTemp("ZIname"), "samples processing"),
+    	c("Each sample registered in the description.zis file",
+    	"will be processed in turn to extract ecological",
+    	"parameters (abundances, biomasses, size spectra).",
+    	"",
+          "If you want to save calculation done on each",
+    	"particle individually, check the option below.",
+          "",
+    	"Click 'OK' to proceed...", ""),
+    	init = "0", check = "Save individual calculations", help.topic = "processSamples")
+  	# Analyze result
+  	if (res == "ID_CANCEL") return(invisible())
+   	# Do we save individual calculations?
+   	if (res == "1") exportdir <- dirname(zisfile) else exportdir <- NULL
-    # Get a list of samples from the description file
+    # Read the manual error correction directory called Semi.Auto
+    dir <- getTemp("ZI.TrainDir")
+    if (is.null(dir) || !file.exists(dir) || !file.info(dir)$isdir) dir <- getwd()
+    # Ask for a base directory of a training set...
+    dir <- tkchooseDirectory(initialdir = dir, mustexist = "1", title = paste("Select a", getTemp("ZIname"), "Manual classification base dir"))
+    dir <- tclvalue(dir)
+    if (is.null(dir) || dir == "" || !file.exists(dir) || !file.info(dir)$isdir)
+      return(invisible())
+    res <- get.ZITrain(dir, creator = NULL, desc = NULL, keep_ = FALSE)
+    assign("Semi.Auto", res, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+    # Create an object for condition
+    Semi.Classif <- TRUE
+  } else {
+    Semi.Classif <- FALSE
+  } 
+  # Get a list of samples from the description file
 	smpdesc <- read.description(zisfile)
 	smplist <- list.samples(smpdesc)
 	# Are there samples in it?
@@ -886,12 +924,23 @@
 	if (is.null(name) || length(name) == 0 || name == "") return(invisible())
 	name <- make.names(name)	# Make sure it is a valid name!
 	# Process sample by sample and collect results together in a ZIRes object
+  # Add Kevin Denis for semi automatic classification
+  if(Semi.Classif){
 	res <- process.samples(path = dirname(zisfile), ZidFiles = NULL, ZICobj, ZIDesc = read.description(zisfile),
 		abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL, abd.type = "absolute",
 		bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = conv, headers = c("Abd", "Bio"),
 		spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL, spec.breaks = brks, spec.use.Dil = TRUE,
+		exportdir = exportdir, show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE, SemiTab = Semi.Auto, Semi = TRUE)
+  } else {
+  res <- process.samples(path = dirname(zisfile), ZidFiles = NULL, ZICobj, ZIDesc = read.description(zisfile),
+		abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL, abd.type = "absolute",
+		bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = conv, headers = c("Abd", "Bio"),
+		spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL, spec.breaks = brks, spec.use.Dil = TRUE,
 		exportdir = exportdir, show.log = TRUE, bell = FALSE)
-	# Assign this result to the variable
+	}
+  # Assign this result to the variable
 	assign(name, res, envir = .GlobalEnv)
 	# Remember the name of the variable
 	assignTemp("ZI.LastRES", name)

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