[Zooimage-commits] r82 - pkg/zooimage/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Apr 15 20:04:36 CEST 2009

Author: romain
Date: 2009-04-15 20:04:36 +0200 (Wed, 15 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 82


Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/zid.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/zid.r	2009-04-15 15:47:07 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/zid.r	2009-04-15 18:04:36 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -315,12 +315,10 @@
 	# {{{ Make sure everything is fine for this directory
 	ok <- TRUE
 	if (check) {
-		withRestarts( withCallingHandlers( { 
+		tryCatch( { 
 			verify.zid(zidir, type = type, check.vignettes = check.vignettes, show.log = FALSE)
 		} , zooImageError = function( e ){
 			logError( e )
-			invokeRestart( "zooImageError" )
-		} ), zooImageError = function( e ){
 			ok <<- FALSE
 		} )
@@ -503,10 +501,7 @@
 "uncompress.zid" <- function(zidfile, path = dirname(zidfile), delete.source = FALSE, show.log = TRUE) {
 	# {{{ Check if the file provided is a .zid file, and if it exists
-	if (!file.exists(zidfile))
-		stop(zidfile, " not found!")
-	if(length(grep("[.]zid$", zidfile)) == 0)
-		stop(file, " is not a .zid file!")
+	checkFileExists( zidfile, extension = "zid" )
 	# }}}
 	# {{{ Uncompress it
@@ -574,19 +569,9 @@
 	for (s in 1:smax) {
-		# TODO: revises this so that this function watches when uncompress.zid
-		#       starts and finishes and log the appropriate message using conditions
 		Progress(s, smax) 
 		uncompress.zid(zidfiles[s], path = path.extract,
 		  delete.source = delete.source, show.log = FALSE)
-		#< if (!uncompress.zid(zidfiles[s], path = path.extract,
-		#< 	delete.source = delete.source, show.log = FALSE)) {
-		#< 	ok <- FALSE
-		#< } else {
-		#< 	logProcess("OK", zidfiles[s])
-		#< }
 	# }}}

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/zis.r
--- pkg/zooimage/R/zis.r	2009-04-15 15:47:07 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/zis.r	2009-04-15 18:04:36 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -16,90 +16,65 @@
 # along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # }}}
-"read.description" <-
-	function(zisfile = "Description.zis") {
+# {{{ read.description
+"read.description" <- function(zisfile = "Description.zis", 
+	expected.sections = c( "Description","Series","Cruises","Stations","Samples")
+	) {
     ### TODO: a print function for ZIDesc object.
-	# Read a *.zis file, and construct a 'ZIDesc' object
-	deleteExtraRows <- function(df) {
-		Names <- names(df)
-		Del <- grep("^X[.][0-9]+$", Names)
-		if (length(Del) > 0) Names <- Names[-Del]
-		if ("X" %in% Names && all(is.na(df$X))) Names <- Names[Names != "X"]
-		return(df[ , Names])
-	}
-	if (!file.exists(zisfile) || file.info(zisfile)$isdir)
-		stop(zisfile, " not found, or not a file!")
-	if (length(grep("[.]zis$", tolower(zisfile))) == 0)
-		stop(zisfile, " is not a ZooImage sample description file (*.zis)!")
-	# check first line for ZI1
-	Line1 <- scan(zisfile, character(), nmax = 1, quiet = TRUE)
-	if (Line1 != "ZI1")
-		stop(zisfile, " does not appear to be ZooImage version 1 file, or it is corrupted!")
-	Lines <- scan(zisfile, character(), sep = "\t", skip = 1,
-		blank.lines.skip = FALSE, flush = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, comment.char = "#")
-	if (length(Lines) < 1)
+	checkFileExists( zisfile, extension = "zis", force.file = TRUE )
+	checkFirstLine( zisfile )
+	rl <- readLines( zisfile )
+	if (!length(rl) > 1){
 		stop("The file is empty or corrupted!")
-	# Determine the position of the various tables (Series, Cruises, Stations & Samples)
-	posSeries <- grep("[[]Series[]]", Lines) + 1
-	if (length(posSeries) == 0) stop("[Series] section not found!")
-	posCruises <- grep("[[]Cruises[]]", Lines) + 1
-	if (length(posCruises) == 0) stop("[Cruises] section not found!")
-	posStations <- grep("[[]Stations[]]", Lines) + 1
-	if (length(posStations) == 0) stop("[Stations] section not found!")
-	posSamples <- grep("[[]Samples[]]", Lines) + 1
-	if (length(posSamples) == 0) stop("[Samples] section not found!")
-	# Parse all the text before those tables
-	data <- Lines[1:(posSeries - 2)]
-	Desc <- parse.ini(data, "")
-	# Parse these tables
-	Series <- data.frame(); Cruises <- data.frame(); Stations <- data.frame()
-	Nrows <- posCruises - posSeries - 3
-	if (Nrows > 0) {
-		Series <- read.table(zisfile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, skip = posSeries,
-			dec = getDec(), blank.lines.skip = FALSE, nrows = Nrows)
-		Series <- deleteExtraRows(Series)
-		Names <- names(Series)
-		if (Names[1] == "X.Code") { Names[1] <- "Code"; names(Series) <- Names }
-	Nrows <- posStations - posCruises - 3
-	if (Nrows > 0) {
-		Cruises <- read.table(zisfile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, skip = posCruises,
-			dec = getDec(), blank.lines.skip = FALSE, nrows = Nrows)
-		Cruises <- deleteExtraRows(Cruises)
-		Names <- names(Cruises)
-		if (Names[1] == "X.Code") { Names[1] <- "Code"; names(Cruises) <- Names }
-		# Convert 'Start' and 'End' in dates
-		Stations$Start <- as.Date(Stations$Start)
-		Stations$End <- as.Date(Stations$End)
-	}
-	Nrows <- posSamples - posStations - 3
-	if (Nrows > 0) {
-		Stations <- read.table(zisfile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, skip = posStations,
-			dec = getDec(), blank.lines.skip = FALSE, nrows = Nrows)
-		Stations <- deleteExtraRows(Stations)
-		Names <- names(Stations)
-		if (Names[1] == "X.Code") { Names[1] <- "Code"; names(Stations) <- Names }
-		# Convert 'Start' and 'End' in dates
-		Stations$Start <- as.Date(Stations$Start)
-		Stations$End <- as.Date(Stations$End)
-	}
-	Samples <- read.table(zisfile, sep = "\t", dec = getDec(),header = TRUE,
-		skip = posSamples)
-	Samples <- deleteExtraRows(Samples)
-	Names <- names(Samples)
-	if (Names[1] == "X.Label") { Names[1] <- "Label"; names(Samples) <- Names }
-	# Convert 'Date' into a Date
-	Samples$Date <- as.Date(Samples$Date)
+	positions <- grep( "^[[].*[]]", rl )
+	names     <- sub( "^[[](.*)[]]", "\\1", rl[positions] )
+	if( !all( expected.sections %in% names ) ){
+		stop( "Incorrect zis file, does not have all expected sections" )
+	}          
+	start     <- positions + 1
+	end       <- c( tail( positions, -1 ) - 2, length(rl) )
+	data      <- lapply( 1:length( start ), function( i ){
+		if( names[i] == "Description" ){
+			rx <- "^(.*?)=(.*)$"
+			txt <- rl[ start[i] : end[i] ] 
+			variables <- sub( rx, "\\1", txt )
+			values    <- sub( rx, "\\2", txt )
+			out <- data.frame( matrix( values, nr = 1 ) )
+			names( out ) <- variables
+		} else{
+			con <- textConnection( rl[ start[i] : end[i] ] )
+			out <- read.table( con , 
+				sep = "\t", header = TRUE,
+				dec = getDec(), blank.lines.skip = FALSE )
+			close( con )
+			names(out)[1] <- sub( "^X\\.", "", names(out)[1] )
+			out <- out[ , !grepl( "^X\\.[0-9]+", names(out) ) ]
+			out
+		}
+		out
+	} )
+	names( data ) <- names
+	Samples        <- data[["Samples"]]
+	Samples$Date   <- as.Date(Samples$Date)
+	Series         <- data[["Series"]]
+	Cruises        <- data[["Cruises"]]
+	Cruises$Start  <- as.Date(Cruises$Start)
+	Cruises$End    <- as.Date(Cruises$End)
+	Stations 		<- data[["Stations"]]
+	Stations$Start <- as.Date(Stations$Start)
+	Stations$End   <- as.Date(Stations$End)
+	Description    <- data[["Description"]]
 	# Combine all this in a data frame + metadata
-	Meta <- list(Desc = Desc$Description, Series = Series, Cruises = Cruises, Stations = Stations)
-	attr(Samples, "metadata") <- Meta
-	# This is a "ZIDesc" object
-	class(Samples) <- c("ZIDesc", "data.frame")
-	return(Samples)
+	structure(Samples, 
+		metadata =  list(Desc = Description, Series = Series, 
+			Cruises = Cruises, Stations = Stations),
+		class = c("ZIDesc", "data.frame") )
+# }}}
 # {{{ createZis
 #' Create a .zis file from a template and edit it

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