[Xts-commits] r851 - in pkg/xtsExtra: . R man sandbox
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Sat Sep 13 00:36:00 CEST 2014
Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-09-13 00:36:00 +0200 (Sat, 13 Sep 2014)
New Revision: 851
Modified: pkg/xtsExtra/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/xtsExtra/NAMESPACE 2014-09-12 22:16:50 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/NAMESPACE 2014-09-12 22:36:00 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
## Graphics
S3method(plot, xts)
-S3method(barplot, xts)
+#S3method(barplot, xts)
Modified: pkg/xtsExtra/R/plot.R
--- pkg/xtsExtra/R/plot.R 2014-09-12 22:16:50 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/R/plot.R 2014-09-12 22:36:00 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -1,529 +1,529 @@
-# xtsExtra: Extensions to xts during GSOC-2012
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Weylandt: michael.weylandt at gmail.com
-# Scatterplot code taken from plot.zoo in the CRAN zoo package
-# Thanks to A. Zeilis & G.Grothendieck
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-`plot.xts` <- function(x, y = NULL, screens = 'auto', layout.screens = 'auto', ...,
- yax.loc = c("none", "out", "in", "flip", "left", "right", "top"),
- auto.grid = TRUE, major.ticks = 'auto', minor.ticks = TRUE, major.format = TRUE,
- bar.col.up = 'white', bar.col.dn ='red', candle.col='black',
- xy.labels = FALSE, xy.lines = NULL, ylim = 'auto', panel = default.panel,
- auto.legend = FALSE, legend.names = colnames(x), legend.loc = "topleft",
- legend.pars = NULL, events, blocks, nc, nr) {
- # Set cex.lab early to a reasonable default; this allows user to still override
- if(length(screens) > 1L || (NCOL(x) > 1L && identical(screens, "auto"))) par(cex.lab = 0.8)
- # Restore old par() options from what I change in here
- old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
- on.exit(par(old.par))
- on.exit(assign(".plot.xts", recordPlot(), .GlobalEnv), add = TRUE)
- dots <- list(...)
- do.call(par, dots[!(names(dots) %in%
- c("col", "type", "lwd", "pch", "log", "cex", "ylab", "main", "axes", "xlab", "lty"))])
- ## if y supplied: scatter plot y ~ x
- if(!is.null(y)) {
- xlab <- if("xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots[["xlab"]] else deparse(substitute(x))
- ylab <- if("ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots[["ylab"]] else deparse(substitute(y))
- if(NCOL(x) > 1L || NCOL(y) > 1L){
- layout(matrix(seq_len(NCOL(x)*NCOL(y)),ncol = NCOL(x), nrow = NCOL(y)))
- par(mar = c(2,2,2,2), oma = c(0,0,3,0))
- for(i in seq_len(NCOL(x))){
- for(j in seq_len(NCOL(y))){
- do_scatterplot(x[,i], y[,j], xy.labels, xy.lines, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...,
- main = paste(names(x)[i],"vs.",names(y)[j]))
- }
- }
- mtext(paste(xlab, "vs.", ylab), outer = TRUE, line = 0)
- return(invisible(merge(x,y)))
- } else {
- return(do_scatterplot(x,y, xy.labels, xy.lines, xlab, ylab, ...))
- }
- }
- ## Else : no y, only x
- # Need to catch this one early before try.xts forces evaluation
- main <- if(!("main" %in% names(dots))) deparse(substitute(x)) else dots[["main"]]
- x <- try.xts(x)
- if("xlim" %in% names(dots)){
- xlim <- dots[["xlim"]]
- if(is.timeBased(xlim)){
- if(length(xlim) != 2L) stop("Need endpoints only for xlim")
- xlim <- do.call(paste0("as.",indexClass(x))[1L], list(xlim))
- x <- x[(index(x) > xlim[1L]) & (index(x) < xlim[2L]), , drop = FALSE]
- }
- if(is.numeric(xlim)){
- warning("Using xlim as row indices -- provide timeBased xlim",
- "if you wish to subset that way")
- x <- x[xlim[1L]:xlim[2L], drop = FALSE]
- }
- if(is.character(xlim)){
- x <- x[xlim, , drop = FALSE]
- }
- }
- yax.loc <- match.arg(yax.loc)
- # Catch OHLC case independently
- if("type" %in% names(dots) && dots[["type"]] %in% c('candles','bars')){
- type <- dots[["type"]]
- if(!xts:::is.OHLC(x)) stop(type, '-chart not supported for non-OHLC series')
- do_plot.ohlc(x, bar.col.up = bar.col.up, bar.col.dn = bar.col.dn,
- candle.col = candle.col, major.ticks = major.ticks,
- minor.ticks = minor.ticks, auto.grid = auto.grid,
- major.format = major.format, main = main,
- candles = (type == "candles"), events = events,
- blocks = blocks, yax.loc = yax.loc, ylim = ylim, ...)
- } else {
- # Else need to do layout plots
- screens <- do_layout(x, screens = screens, layout.screens = layout.screens,
- yax.loc = yax.loc, nc = nc, nr = nr, ylim = ylim)
- layout.screens <- screens[["layout.screens"]]
- have_x_axis <- screens[["have_x_axis"]]
- have_y_axis <- screens[["have_y_axis"]]
- ylab.axis <- screens[["ylab.axis"]]
- ylim <- screens[["ylim"]]
- screens <- screens[["screens"]]
- x.split <- split.xts.by.cols(x, screens)
- # Set panelwise parameters here
- ylab <- dots[["ylab"]]
- if(is.null(ylab)) {
- if(is.null(names(x)))
- ylab <- ""
- else
- ylab <- split(names(x), screens)
- }
- log <- dots[["log"]]
- if(is.null(log)) log <- ""
- if(auto.legend) legend.names <- split(legend.names, screens)
- # For now, loop over screens one by one constructing relevant elements
- for(i in seq_along(levels((screens)))){
- x.plot <- x.split[[i]]
- col.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("col", dots, screens, i)
- pch.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("pch", dots, screens, i)
- cex.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("cex", dots, screens, i)
- lwd.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("lwd", dots, screens, i)
- type.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("type", dots, screens, i)
- lty.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("lty", dots, screens, i)
- log.panel <- get.elm.recycle(log, i)[[1L]]
- ylab.panel <- get.elm.recycle(ylab, i)[[1L]]
- panel.panel <- match.fun(if(length(panel) > 1L) get.elm.recycle(panel, i) else panel)
- # Note that do_add.grid also sets up axes and what not
- do_add.grid(x.plot, major.ticks, major.format, minor.ticks,
- auto.grid = auto.grid, ylab = ylab.panel, log = log.panel,
- have_x_axis = have_x_axis[i], have_y_axis = have_y_axis[i],
- ylab.axis = ylab.axis[which.max(layout.screens == i)], # Use which.max to get first hit
- events = events, blocks = blocks,
- yax.loc = yax.loc, ylim = get.elm.recycle(ylim, i))
- legend.pars.add <- do_add.panel(x.plot, panel = panel.panel, col = col.panel, lwd = lwd.panel,
- pch = pch.panel, type = type.panel, cex = cex.panel, lty = lty.panel)
- if(auto.legend && !is.na(get.elm.recycle(legend.loc,i)))
- do.call(do_add.legend, c(legend.names = list(legend.names[[i]]),
- legend.loc = get.elm.recycle(legend.loc, i),
- legend.pars.add, legend.pars))
- }
- }
- title(main, outer = TRUE) # outer = length(levels(screens)) > 1L)
- return(invisible(reclass(x)))
-do_scatterplot <- function(x, y, xy.labels, xy.lines, xlab, ylab, main,
- log, cex, xlim, ylim, type, pch, col, ...){
- if(missing(main)) main <- paste(xlab, "vs.", ylab)
- if(missing(log)) log <- ''
- if(missing(cex)) cex <- 0.8
- if(missing(pch)) pch <- 1L
- if(missing(col)) col <- 1L
- x <- try.xts(x); y <- try.xts(y)
- xy.xts <- merge(x, y, join = "inner")
- xy <- coredata(xy.xts)
- xy <- xy.coords(xy[,1L], xy[,2L])
- if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)], na.rm = TRUE)
- if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)], na.rm = TRUE)
- do.lab <- if(is.logical(xy.labels)) xy.labels else TRUE
- if(is.null(xy.lines)) xy.lines <- do.lab
- ptype <- if(missing(type)){if(do.lab) "n" else "p"} else type
- type <- if(missing(type)){if(do.lab) "c" else "l"} else type
- plot(xy[1:2], type = ptype, main = main, xlab = xlab,
- ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, pch = pch, col = col)
- if(do.lab) text(xy[1:2], cex = cex, labels = if(!is.logical(xy.labels))
- xy.labels else index2char(index(xy.xts)), col = col)
- if(xy.lines) segments(xy[[1L]][-NROW(xy[[1L]])],xy[[2L]][-NROW(xy[[2L]])],
- xy[[1L]][-1L],xy[[2L]][-1L], col = col)
- return(invisible(xy.xts))
-do_layout <- function(x, screens, layout.screens, yax.loc, nc, nr, ylim){
- # By default one screen per panel
- screens <- factor(if(identical(screens,"auto")) seq_len(NCOL(x)) else
- rep(screens, length.out = NCOL(x)))
- if(identical(layout.screens, "auto")){
- layout.screens <- seq_along(levels(screens))
- if(!missing(nc) && !missing(nr))
- layout.screens <- matrix(layout.screens, ncol = nc, nrow = nrow)
- if(missing(nc) && !missing(nr))
- layout.screens <- matrix(layout.screens, nrow = nr)
- if(!missing(nc) && missing(nr))
- layout.screens <- matrix(layout.screens, ncol = nc)
- }
- if(is.list(layout.screens)) {
- layout.args <- layout.screens[-1L]
- layout.screens <- layout.screens[[1L]]
- }
- layout.screens <- as.matrix(layout.screens)
- have_x_axis <- logical(length(levels(screens)))
- for(i in seq_len(NROW(layout.screens))){
- if(i == NROW(layout.screens)){
- have_x_axis[layout.screens[i,]] <- TRUE
- } else {
- if(!identical(as.logical(diff(layout.screens[i, ])),
- as.logical(diff(layout.screens[i + 1L,])))){
- have_x_axis[layout.screens[i,]] <- TRUE
- }
- }
- }
- have_y_axis <- logical(length(levels(screens)))
- for(i in seq_len(NCOL(layout.screens))){
- if(i == 1L){
- have_y_axis[layout.screens[,i]] <- TRUE
- } else {
- if(!identical(as.logical(diff(layout.screens[ ,i - 1L])),
- as.logical(diff(layout.screens[ ,i])))){
- have_y_axis[layout.screens[,i]] <- TRUE
- }
- }
- }
- # Here we handle y-axis labeling case by case and mark when margins are needed
- # From this part, we return a vector ylab.axis giving L/R/None marks for y-labels
- # Margins are set appropriately back in main function body
- ylab.axis <- layout.screens
- if(yax.loc == "none") ylab.axis[] <- "none"
- # If labels are set to left/right we need them in all panels
- if(yax.loc == "right" || yax.loc == "left") {
- have_y_axis[] <- TRUE # Since forcing labels, we write a y-axis everywhere
- ylab.axis[] <- yax.loc
- }
- if(yax.loc == "out" || yax.loc == "in"){
- if(NCOL(layout.screens) != 2L) stop("yax.loc not consistent with layout -- too many columns.")
- # If labels are set to out we need them for outer panels only
- # If labels are set to in we need them for inner panels only
- ylab.axis[,1L] <- if(yax.loc == "out") "left" else "right"
- ylab.axis[,2L] <- if(yax.loc == "out") "right" else "left"
- have_y_axis[] <- TRUE # Axes for all if TRUE
- }
- # If labels are set to flip we do a little bit of work to arrange them
- if(yax.loc == "flip") {
- for(i in seq_len(NCOL(ylab.axis)))
- ylab.axis[,i] <- rep(c("left","right"), length.out = NROW(ylab.axis))
- have_y_axis[] <- TRUE
- }
- if(yax.loc == "top"){
- ylab.axis[] <- yax.loc
- have_y_axis[] <- TRUE
- have_x_axis[] <- TRUE
- }
- # Moving internal margin code to the panel-wise setup, leaving oma (outer) margin here
- if(length(levels(screens)) > 1L) par(oma = c(1,1,4,1))
- if(yax.loc == "none") par(oma = c(1,4,4,3))
- if(length(levels(screens)) == 1L && yax.loc != "none") par(oma = c(1,1,4,1))
- if(identical(ylim,'fixed')){
- ylim <- list(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
- } else if(identical(ylim, 'auto')){
- if(yax.loc == "none") {
- ylim <- lapply((1:NROW(layout.screens))[!duplicated(layout.screens)], function(y) {
- do.call(range,
- list(split.xts.by.cols(x, screens)[layout.screens[y,]], na.rm = TRUE))})
- } else {
- ylim <- lapply(split.xts.by.cols(x, screens), function(x) range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
- }
- } else{
- if(!is.matrix(ylim)) dim(ylim) <- c(1L, NROW(ylim))
- ylim <- lapply(1:NROW(ylim), function(x) ylim[x,1:2])
- }
- # Would like to use do.call and as.list so pro-users can pass widths and heights
- # to layout -- currently undocumented behavior
- # do.call("layout", as.list(layout.screens))
- # Currently I add a little bit extra height to those screens with x-axes
- if(length(layout.screens) > 1L){
- if(!exists("layout.args")) {
- layout(layout.screens, heights = 1 + 0.05*NROW(unique(layout.screens)) *
- apply(layout.screens, 1L ,function(j) any(have_x_axis[j])))
- # More dirty hacking.... still not perfect
- } else {
- do.call(layout, c(list(layout.screens), layout.args))
- }
- }
- return(list(layout.screens = layout.screens, screens = screens, have_x_axis = have_x_axis,
- have_y_axis = have_y_axis, ylab.axis = ylab.axis, ylim = ylim))
-do_add.grid <- function(x, major.ticks, major.format, minor.ticks, axes,
- auto.grid, xlab, ylab, log, have_x_axis, have_y_axis,
- ylab.axis, events, blocks, yax.loc, ylim, ...){
- # Set Margins for each panel here!
- if(yax.loc == "flip"){
- par(mar = have_x_axis*c(3.4, 0, 0, 0) + c(0, 4.5, 0, 4.5))
- } else {
- par(mar = have_x_axis*c(3.4,0,0,0) +
- switch(ylab.axis,
- none = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
- left = c(0, 4.5, 0, 1.5),
- right = c(0, 1.5, 0, 4.5),
- top = c(0, 4.5, 1.5, 1.5)))
- }
- # Plotting Defaults
- if(missing(axes)) axes <- TRUE
- if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- ''
- if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- ''
- if(missing(log)) log <- ''
- xy <- list(x = .index(x), y = seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = NROW(x)))
- plot(xy$x, xy$y, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = xlab, ylab = '', log = log, ylim = ylim)
- mtext(side = 2 + 2*(ylab.axis == "right") + 1*(ylab.axis == "top"), text = if(ylab.axis == "none") "" else ylab,
- line = 3 - 2.5*(ylab.axis == "top"), cex = par("cex.lab"), col = par("col.lab"))
- ep <- axTicksByTime(x, major.ticks, format.labels = major.format)
- if(!missing(blocks)){
- do_add.shading(blocks, ylim)
- }
- if(!missing(events)){
- do_add.event(events, ylim)
- }
- if(auto.grid) {
- abline(v = xy$x[ep], col = 'grey', lty = 4L)
- grid(NA, NULL)
- }
- if(axes) {
- if(have_x_axis){
- if(minor.ticks) axis(1L, at = xy$x, labels = FALSE, col = par("col.axis"))
- axis(1L, at = xy$x[ep], labels = names(ep), lwd = 1L, col = par("col.axis"),
- mgp = if(any(grepl("\n",names(ep), fixed = TRUE))) c(3, 2, 0) else c(3,1,0))
- # Not sure why I have to force col.axis but it seems I do
- }
- if(have_y_axis){
- axis(2L + 2L*(ylab.axis == "right"), col = par("col.axis"))
- }
- }
- box()
-do_add.panel <- function(x, col, pch, cex, lwd, type, panel, lty, ...){
- if(is.null(col)) col <- seq_len(NCOL(x))
- if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1L
- if(is.null(cex)) cex <- 1L
- if(is.null(lwd)) lwd <- 1L
- if(is.null(type)) type <- "l"
- if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1L
- panel(.index(x), x, col = col, pch = pch, type = type,
- lwd = lwd, cex = cex, lty = lty)
- list(col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex, lwd = lwd, type = type, lty = lty)
-do_add.shading <- function(blocks, y){
- yrng <- c(0, -3*max(y), 3*min(y), 3*max(y), -3*min(y)) # Dirty Hack
- for(j in seq_along(blocks[["start.time"]])){
- rect(as.POSIXct(get.elm.recycle(blocks[["start.time"]], j)), max(yrng),
- as.POSIXct(get.elm.recycle(blocks[["end.time"]], j)), min(yrng),
- col = if(!is.null(blocks[["col"]]))
- get.elm.recycle(blocks[["col"]],j) else "lightblue1",
- border = NA)
- }
-do_add.event <- function(events, y){
- getFromEvents <- function(prop, j, default){
- if(!is.null(events[[prop]])) get.elm.recycle(events[[prop]],j) else default
- }
- for(j in seq_along(events[["time"]])){
- time <- as.POSIXct(get.elm.recycle(events[["time"]],j))
- label <- get.elm.recycle(events[["label"]], j)
- col <- getFromEvents("col", j, "red")
- lty <- getFromEvents("lty", j, 2)
- y.adj <- getFromEvents("y.adj", j, 0)
- offset <- getFromEvents("offset", j, 0.2)
- pos <- getFromEvents("pos", j, 2)
- text(x = time, y = max(y) - y.adj, label = label,
- offset = offset, pos = pos, srt = 90, col = col)
- abline(v = time, col = col, lty = lty)
- }
-do_add.legend <- function(legend.names, legend.loc, col, lwd, pch, cex, type, lty, ...){
- do.call(legend, list(
- x = legend.loc,
- legend = legend.names,
- col = col,
- lwd = ifelse(!(type %in% c("n","p")), lwd, NA),
- pch = ifelse(type %in% c("p","b","o"), pch, NA),
- cex = cex,
- lty = lty, ...))
-do_plot.ohlc <- function(x, bar.col.up, bar.col.dn, candle.col, major.ticks,
- minor.ticks, major.format, auto.grid,
- candles, events, blocks, yax.loc, ylim, ...){
- if(exists(".QUANTMOD_MESSAGE", .GlobalEnv) && get(".QUANTMOD_MESSAGE", .GlobalEnv)) {
- message("Note that CRAN Package quantmod provides much better OHLC charting.\n",
- "This message will show once per session.")
- # Help page says not to use assignInMyNamespace() so we'll do it manually in .GlobalEnv
- # Also, it was only introduced in R 2.15 so probably better to remove it
- assign(".QUANTMOD_MESSAGE", FALSE, envir = .GlobalEnv)
- }
- if(identical(ylim, 'auto') || identical(ylim, 'fixed')) ylim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
- # Extract OHLC Columns and order them
- x <- x[,xts:::has.OHLC(x, TRUE)]
- par(oma = c(1,4,4,3))
- do_add.grid(x, major.ticks = major.ticks, major.format = major.format,
- minor.ticks = minor.ticks, auto.grid = auto.grid,
- have_x_axis = TRUE, have_y_axis = TRUE, ylab.axis = "none",
- events = events, blocks = blocks, yax.loc = yax.loc, ylim = ylim, ...)
- width = .2*deltat(x)
- # Better to do this with xts:::Op etc when moved to xts package?
- if(candles) rect(.index(x) - width/4, x[,2L], .index(x) + width/4, x[,3L],
- col = candle.col, border = candle.col)
- # Bars for all OHLC
- rect(.index(x) - width, x[, 1L], .index(x) + width, x[, 4L],
- col = ifelse(x[,4L] > x[,1L], bar.col.up, bar.col.dn), border = candle.col)
- return(invisible(reclass(x)))
-# split.xts which returns an xts instead of a zoo
-split.xts.by.cols <- function(x, f){
- lapply(split(seq_len(NCOL(x)), f), function(cols) x[,cols])
-get.elm.recycle <- function(vec, n){
- j <- n %% length(vec)
- vec[[if(j) j else length(vec)]]
-get.elm.from.dots <- function(par, dots, screens, n){
- # Return NULL if par is not supplied
- if(!(par %in% names(dots))) return(NULL)
- # Repeat par to length of screens and take n-th screen
- if(length(screens) == 1L){
- par <- rep(list(dots[[par]]), length.out = length(screens))
- } else {
- par <- rep(dots[[par]], length.out = length(screens))
- }
- par <- split(par, screens)
- j <- n %% length(par)
- par[[if(j) j else length(par)]]
-default.panel <- function(index, x, col, pch, cex, lwd, type, lty){
- # This unexported function exists only to provide a
- # default panel function within plot.xts
- for(j in seq_len(NCOL(x))){
- col.t <- get.elm.recycle(col, j)
- pch.t <- get.elm.recycle(pch, j)
- cex.t <- get.elm.recycle(cex, j)
- lwd.t <- get.elm.recycle(lwd, j)
- type.t <- get.elm.recycle(type, j)
- lty.t <- get.elm.recycle(lty, j)
- lines(index, x[,j], col = col.t, pch = pch.t, type = type.t,
- lwd = lwd.t, cex = cex.t, lty = lty.t)
- }
+# # xtsExtra: Extensions to xts during GSOC-2012
+# #
+# # Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Weylandt: michael.weylandt at gmail.com
+# #
+# # Scatterplot code taken from plot.zoo in the CRAN zoo package
+# # Thanks to A. Zeilis & G.Grothendieck
+# #
+# # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# # (at your option) any later version.
+# #
+# # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# # GNU General Public License for more details.
+# #
+# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# `plot.xts` <- function(x, y = NULL, screens = 'auto', layout.screens = 'auto', ...,
+# yax.loc = c("none", "out", "in", "flip", "left", "right", "top"),
+# auto.grid = TRUE, major.ticks = 'auto', minor.ticks = TRUE, major.format = TRUE,
+# bar.col.up = 'white', bar.col.dn ='red', candle.col='black',
+# xy.labels = FALSE, xy.lines = NULL, ylim = 'auto', panel = default.panel,
+# auto.legend = FALSE, legend.names = colnames(x), legend.loc = "topleft",
+# legend.pars = NULL, events, blocks, nc, nr) {
+# # Set cex.lab early to a reasonable default; this allows user to still override
+# if(length(screens) > 1L || (NCOL(x) > 1L && identical(screens, "auto"))) par(cex.lab = 0.8)
+# # Restore old par() options from what I change in here
+# old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
+# on.exit(par(old.par))
+# on.exit(assign(".plot.xts", recordPlot(), .GlobalEnv), add = TRUE)
+# dots <- list(...)
+# do.call(par, dots[!(names(dots) %in%
+# c("col", "type", "lwd", "pch", "log", "cex", "ylab", "main", "axes", "xlab", "lty"))])
+# ## if y supplied: scatter plot y ~ x
+# if(!is.null(y)) {
+# xlab <- if("xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots[["xlab"]] else deparse(substitute(x))
+# ylab <- if("ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots[["ylab"]] else deparse(substitute(y))
+# if(NCOL(x) > 1L || NCOL(y) > 1L){
+# layout(matrix(seq_len(NCOL(x)*NCOL(y)),ncol = NCOL(x), nrow = NCOL(y)))
+# par(mar = c(2,2,2,2), oma = c(0,0,3,0))
+# for(i in seq_len(NCOL(x))){
+# for(j in seq_len(NCOL(y))){
+# do_scatterplot(x[,i], y[,j], xy.labels, xy.lines, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...,
+# main = paste(names(x)[i],"vs.",names(y)[j]))
+# }
+# }
+# mtext(paste(xlab, "vs.", ylab), outer = TRUE, line = 0)
+# return(invisible(merge(x,y)))
+# } else {
+# return(do_scatterplot(x,y, xy.labels, xy.lines, xlab, ylab, ...))
+# }
+# }
+# ## Else : no y, only x
+# # Need to catch this one early before try.xts forces evaluation
+# main <- if(!("main" %in% names(dots))) deparse(substitute(x)) else dots[["main"]]
+# x <- try.xts(x)
+# if("xlim" %in% names(dots)){
+# xlim <- dots[["xlim"]]
+# if(is.timeBased(xlim)){
+# if(length(xlim) != 2L) stop("Need endpoints only for xlim")
+# xlim <- do.call(paste0("as.",indexClass(x))[1L], list(xlim))
+# x <- x[(index(x) > xlim[1L]) & (index(x) < xlim[2L]), , drop = FALSE]
+# }
+# if(is.numeric(xlim)){
+# warning("Using xlim as row indices -- provide timeBased xlim",
+# "if you wish to subset that way")
+# x <- x[xlim[1L]:xlim[2L], drop = FALSE]
+# }
+# if(is.character(xlim)){
+# x <- x[xlim, , drop = FALSE]
+# }
+# }
+# yax.loc <- match.arg(yax.loc)
+# # Catch OHLC case independently
+# if("type" %in% names(dots) && dots[["type"]] %in% c('candles','bars')){
+# type <- dots[["type"]]
+# if(!xts:::is.OHLC(x)) stop(type, '-chart not supported for non-OHLC series')
+# do_plot.ohlc(x, bar.col.up = bar.col.up, bar.col.dn = bar.col.dn,
+# candle.col = candle.col, major.ticks = major.ticks,
+# minor.ticks = minor.ticks, auto.grid = auto.grid,
+# major.format = major.format, main = main,
+# candles = (type == "candles"), events = events,
+# blocks = blocks, yax.loc = yax.loc, ylim = ylim, ...)
+# } else {
+# # Else need to do layout plots
+# screens <- do_layout(x, screens = screens, layout.screens = layout.screens,
+# yax.loc = yax.loc, nc = nc, nr = nr, ylim = ylim)
+# layout.screens <- screens[["layout.screens"]]
+# have_x_axis <- screens[["have_x_axis"]]
+# have_y_axis <- screens[["have_y_axis"]]
+# ylab.axis <- screens[["ylab.axis"]]
+# ylim <- screens[["ylim"]]
+# screens <- screens[["screens"]]
+# x.split <- split.xts.by.cols(x, screens)
+# # Set panelwise parameters here
+# ylab <- dots[["ylab"]]
+# if(is.null(ylab)) {
+# if(is.null(names(x)))
+# ylab <- ""
+# else
+# ylab <- split(names(x), screens)
+# }
+# log <- dots[["log"]]
+# if(is.null(log)) log <- ""
+# if(auto.legend) legend.names <- split(legend.names, screens)
+# # For now, loop over screens one by one constructing relevant elements
+# for(i in seq_along(levels((screens)))){
+# x.plot <- x.split[[i]]
+# col.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("col", dots, screens, i)
+# pch.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("pch", dots, screens, i)
+# cex.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("cex", dots, screens, i)
+# lwd.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("lwd", dots, screens, i)
+# type.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("type", dots, screens, i)
+# lty.panel <- get.elm.from.dots("lty", dots, screens, i)
+# log.panel <- get.elm.recycle(log, i)[[1L]]
+# ylab.panel <- get.elm.recycle(ylab, i)[[1L]]
+# panel.panel <- match.fun(if(length(panel) > 1L) get.elm.recycle(panel, i) else panel)
+# # Note that do_add.grid also sets up axes and what not
+# do_add.grid(x.plot, major.ticks, major.format, minor.ticks,
+# auto.grid = auto.grid, ylab = ylab.panel, log = log.panel,
+# have_x_axis = have_x_axis[i], have_y_axis = have_y_axis[i],
+# ylab.axis = ylab.axis[which.max(layout.screens == i)], # Use which.max to get first hit
+# events = events, blocks = blocks,
+# yax.loc = yax.loc, ylim = get.elm.recycle(ylim, i))
+# legend.pars.add <- do_add.panel(x.plot, panel = panel.panel, col = col.panel, lwd = lwd.panel,
+# pch = pch.panel, type = type.panel, cex = cex.panel, lty = lty.panel)
+# if(auto.legend && !is.na(get.elm.recycle(legend.loc,i)))
+# do.call(do_add.legend, c(legend.names = list(legend.names[[i]]),
+# legend.loc = get.elm.recycle(legend.loc, i),
+# legend.pars.add, legend.pars))
+# }
+# }
+# title(main, outer = TRUE) # outer = length(levels(screens)) > 1L)
+# return(invisible(reclass(x)))
+# }
+# do_scatterplot <- function(x, y, xy.labels, xy.lines, xlab, ylab, main,
+# log, cex, xlim, ylim, type, pch, col, ...){
+# if(missing(main)) main <- paste(xlab, "vs.", ylab)
+# if(missing(log)) log <- ''
+# if(missing(cex)) cex <- 0.8
+# if(missing(pch)) pch <- 1L
+# if(missing(col)) col <- 1L
+# x <- try.xts(x); y <- try.xts(y)
+# xy.xts <- merge(x, y, join = "inner")
+# xy <- coredata(xy.xts)
+# xy <- xy.coords(xy[,1L], xy[,2L])
+# if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)], na.rm = TRUE)
+# if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)], na.rm = TRUE)
+# do.lab <- if(is.logical(xy.labels)) xy.labels else TRUE
+# if(is.null(xy.lines)) xy.lines <- do.lab
+# ptype <- if(missing(type)){if(do.lab) "n" else "p"} else type
+# type <- if(missing(type)){if(do.lab) "c" else "l"} else type
+# plot(xy[1:2], type = ptype, main = main, xlab = xlab,
+# ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, pch = pch, col = col)
+# if(do.lab) text(xy[1:2], cex = cex, labels = if(!is.logical(xy.labels))
+# xy.labels else index2char(index(xy.xts)), col = col)
+# if(xy.lines) segments(xy[[1L]][-NROW(xy[[1L]])],xy[[2L]][-NROW(xy[[2L]])],
+# xy[[1L]][-1L],xy[[2L]][-1L], col = col)
+# return(invisible(xy.xts))
+# }
+# do_layout <- function(x, screens, layout.screens, yax.loc, nc, nr, ylim){
+# # By default one screen per panel
+# screens <- factor(if(identical(screens,"auto")) seq_len(NCOL(x)) else
+# rep(screens, length.out = NCOL(x)))
+# if(identical(layout.screens, "auto")){
+# layout.screens <- seq_along(levels(screens))
+# if(!missing(nc) && !missing(nr))
+# layout.screens <- matrix(layout.screens, ncol = nc, nrow = nrow)
+# if(missing(nc) && !missing(nr))
+# layout.screens <- matrix(layout.screens, nrow = nr)
+# if(!missing(nc) && missing(nr))
+# layout.screens <- matrix(layout.screens, ncol = nc)
+# }
+# if(is.list(layout.screens)) {
+# layout.args <- layout.screens[-1L]
+# layout.screens <- layout.screens[[1L]]
+# }
+# layout.screens <- as.matrix(layout.screens)
+# have_x_axis <- logical(length(levels(screens)))
+# for(i in seq_len(NROW(layout.screens))){
+# if(i == NROW(layout.screens)){
+# have_x_axis[layout.screens[i,]] <- TRUE
+# } else {
+# if(!identical(as.logical(diff(layout.screens[i, ])),
+# as.logical(diff(layout.screens[i + 1L,])))){
+# have_x_axis[layout.screens[i,]] <- TRUE
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# have_y_axis <- logical(length(levels(screens)))
+# for(i in seq_len(NCOL(layout.screens))){
+# if(i == 1L){
+# have_y_axis[layout.screens[,i]] <- TRUE
+# } else {
+# if(!identical(as.logical(diff(layout.screens[ ,i - 1L])),
+# as.logical(diff(layout.screens[ ,i])))){
+# have_y_axis[layout.screens[,i]] <- TRUE
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# # Here we handle y-axis labeling case by case and mark when margins are needed
+# # From this part, we return a vector ylab.axis giving L/R/None marks for y-labels
+# # Margins are set appropriately back in main function body
+# ylab.axis <- layout.screens
+# if(yax.loc == "none") ylab.axis[] <- "none"
+# # If labels are set to left/right we need them in all panels
+# if(yax.loc == "right" || yax.loc == "left") {
+# have_y_axis[] <- TRUE # Since forcing labels, we write a y-axis everywhere
+# ylab.axis[] <- yax.loc
+# }
+# if(yax.loc == "out" || yax.loc == "in"){
+# if(NCOL(layout.screens) != 2L) stop("yax.loc not consistent with layout -- too many columns.")
+# # If labels are set to out we need them for outer panels only
+# # If labels are set to in we need them for inner panels only
+# ylab.axis[,1L] <- if(yax.loc == "out") "left" else "right"
+# ylab.axis[,2L] <- if(yax.loc == "out") "right" else "left"
+# have_y_axis[] <- TRUE # Axes for all if TRUE
+# }
+# # If labels are set to flip we do a little bit of work to arrange them
+# if(yax.loc == "flip") {
+# for(i in seq_len(NCOL(ylab.axis)))
+# ylab.axis[,i] <- rep(c("left","right"), length.out = NROW(ylab.axis))
+# have_y_axis[] <- TRUE
+# }
+# if(yax.loc == "top"){
+# ylab.axis[] <- yax.loc
+# have_y_axis[] <- TRUE
+# have_x_axis[] <- TRUE
+# }
+# # Moving internal margin code to the panel-wise setup, leaving oma (outer) margin here
+# if(length(levels(screens)) > 1L) par(oma = c(1,1,4,1))
+# if(yax.loc == "none") par(oma = c(1,4,4,3))
+# if(length(levels(screens)) == 1L && yax.loc != "none") par(oma = c(1,1,4,1))
+# if(identical(ylim,'fixed')){
+# ylim <- list(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
+# } else if(identical(ylim, 'auto')){
+# if(yax.loc == "none") {
+# ylim <- lapply((1:NROW(layout.screens))[!duplicated(layout.screens)], function(y) {
+# do.call(range,
+# list(split.xts.by.cols(x, screens)[layout.screens[y,]], na.rm = TRUE))})
+# } else {
+# ylim <- lapply(split.xts.by.cols(x, screens), function(x) range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
+# }
+# } else{
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svnlook diff /svnroot/xts -r 851
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