[Xts-commits] r805 - in pkg/xtsExtra: . R sandbox

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jul 3 23:07:29 CEST 2014

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-07-03 23:07:28 +0200 (Thu, 03 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 805

Adding prototype that roughly follows the quantmod::chart_Series approach

Property changes on: pkg/xtsExtra
Added: svn:ignore
   + .Rproj.user

Modified: pkg/xtsExtra/.Rbuildignore
--- pkg/xtsExtra/.Rbuildignore	2014-05-17 21:03:47 UTC (rev 804)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/.Rbuildignore	2014-07-03 21:07:28 UTC (rev 805)
@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@

Added: pkg/xtsExtra/R/plot2.R
--- pkg/xtsExtra/R/plot2.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/R/plot2.R	2014-07-03 21:07:28 UTC (rev 805)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Environment for our xts chart objects
+.plotxtsEnv <- new.env()
+new.chob <- function(frame=1, xlim=c(1,10), ylim=list(structure(c(1,10), fixed=FALSE))){
+  # This function is modeled after quantmod::new.replot
+  Env <- new.env()
+  # Not exactly sure what frame is doing
+  Env$frame <- frame
+  # Env$asp <- asp
+  # xlim should always remain constant and be used for each subsequent plot
+  Env$xlim <- xlim
+  # ylim is a list where
+  # ylim[[1]] --> data[[1]], ..., ylim[[n]] --> data[[n]]
+  Env$ylim <- ylim
+  Env$pad1 <- 0.25 # bottom padding per frame
+  Env$pad3 <- 0.25 # top padding per frame 
+  ##### setters #####
+  # set_frame <- function(frame,clip=TRUE) {
+  #   Env$frame <<- frame
+  #   #set_window(clip) # change actual window
+  # }
+  set_frame <- function(frame) { Env$frame <<- frame }
+  # set_asp <- function(asp) { Env$asp <<- asp }
+  set_xlim <- function(xlim) { Env$xlim <<- xlim }
+  set_ylim <- function(ylim) { Env$ylim <<- ylim }
+  set_pad <- function(pad) { Env$pad1 <<- pad[1]; Env$pad3 <<- pad[2] }
+  ##### getters #####
+  get_frame <- function(frame) { Env$frame }
+  # get_asp   <- function(asp) { Env$asp }
+  get_xlim  <- function(xlim) { Env$xlim }
+  get_ylim  <- function(ylim) { Env$ylim }
+  get_pad   <- function() c(Env$pad1,Env$pad3)
+  # panels is a list where each element (i.e. slot) is what we want to evaluate
+  Env$panels <- list()
+  # add an expression to Env$panels (i.e. Env$actions in quantmod)
+  add <- function(x, env=Env, expr=FALSE, ...) {
+    if(!expr) {
+      x <- match.call()$x
+    }
+    # each element in the Env$panels list is an object with "frame" and "env"
+    # as environments
+    a <- structure(x, frame=Env$frame, env=env, ...)
+    Env$panels[[length(Env$panels)+1]] <<- a
+  }
+  # create a new environment that contains Env as one of its elements
+  plotxts_env <- new.env()
+  class(plotxts_env) <- c("plotxts", "environment")  
+  plotxts_env$Env <- Env
+  # add the setters to the plotxts_env environment
+  plotxts_env$set_frame <- set_frame
+  # plotxts_env$set_asp <- set_asp
+  plotxts_env$set_xlim <- set_xlim
+  plotxts_env$set_ylim <- set_ylim
+  plotxts_env$set_pad <- set_pad
+  # add the getters to the plotxts_env environment
+  plotxts_env$get_frame <- get_frame
+  # plotxts_env$get_asp <- get_asp
+  plotxts_env$get_xlim <- get_xlim
+  plotxts_env$get_ylim <- get_ylim
+  plotxts_env$get_pad <- get_pad
+  plotxts_env$add <- add
+  #plotxts_env$add_frame <- add_frame
+  #plotxts_env$update_frames <- update_frames
+  #plotxts_env$add_frame <- add_frame
+  #plotxts_env$next_frame <- next_frame
+  return(plotxts_env)
+# get the current chart object
+current.chob <- function(){ invisible(get(".xts_chob", .plotxtsEnv)) }
+# obviously need a better function name here
+plot2_xts <- function(R, byColumn=FALSE, ...){
+  # this function is modeled after quantmod::chart_Series
+  # initialize a new chart object
+  cs <- new.chob()
+  # Env$R will hold the original returns object passed in
+  cs$Env$R <- R
+  cs$Env$byColumn <- byColumn
+  cs$set_xlim(c(1, NROW(cs$Env$R)))
+  cs$set_ylim(list(structure(range(na.omit(cs$Env$R)),fixed=FALSE)))
+  # We should also do stuff here to get a common x-axis to use for each panel
+  # or chart to work with specifying multiples
+  # cs$set_xaxis()
+  cs$set_frame(1)
+  # Default plot behavior
+  # Can we just call chart.TimeSeries like this?
+  # This is a temporary workaround for this prototype
+  cs$Env$.formals <- formals(chart.TimeSeries)
+  cs$Env$.formals <- modify.args(cs$Env$.formals, arglist=list(...), dots=TRUE)
+  cs$Env$.formals$`...` <- NULL
+  assign(".xts_chob", cs, .plotxtsEnv)
+  cs
+# print/plot
+print.plotxts <- function(x, ...) plot.plotxts(x,...)
+plot.plotxts <- function(x, ...){
+  # Restore old par() options from what I change in here
+  old.par <- par()
+  on.exit(par(old.par))
+  plot.new()
+  # Here we assign x to the .plotxtsEnv
+  # x should have all of the data we need for plotting, layouts, etc
+  assign(".xts_chob", x, .plotxtsEnv)
+  .formals <- x$Env$.formals
+  R <- x$Env$R
+  pad1 <- x$Env$pad1
+  pad3 <- x$Env$pad3
+  # This is an ugly hack to get the basic prototype working
+  if(isTRUE(x$Env$byColumn)){
+    layout(matrix(seq.int(from=1, to=NCOL(R), by=1L)), widths=1, heights=1)
+    .formals$xaxis <- FALSE
+    .formals$main <- ""
+    .formals$ylim <- x$Env$ylim[[1]]
+    for(i in 1:NCOL(R)){
+      if(i == 1){
+        # 0 margin on the bottom
+        par(mar=c(pad1, 4, 4, 2))
+      } else if(i == NCOL(R)){
+        par(mar=c(5, 4, pad3, 2))
+      } else {
+        # 0 margin on the top and bottom
+        par(mar=c(pad1, 4, pad3, 2))
+      }
+      .formals <- modify.args(.formals, R=R[,i], dots=TRUE)
+      do.call(chart.TimeSeries, .formals)
+    }
+    ep <- xtsExtra:::axTicksByTime(R)
+    cex.axis = 1
+    label.height = cex.axis *(.5 + apply(t(names(ep)),1, function(X) max(strheight(X, units="in")/par('cin')[2]) ))
+    xaxis.labels = names(ep)
+    axis(1, at=ep, labels=xaxis.labels, las=1, lwd=1, mgp=c(3,label.height,0))
+  } else {
+    .formals <- modify.args(.formals, R=R, dots=TRUE)
+    do.call(chart.TimeSeries, .formals)
+  }
+  # Evaluate the expression in the Env$panels list
+  npanels <- length(x$Env$panels)
+  if(npanels > 0){
+    for(i in 1:npanels){
+      env <- attr(x$Env$panels[[i]], "env")
+      eval(x$Env$panels[[i]], env)
+    }
+  }

Added: pkg/xtsExtra/R/utils.R
--- pkg/xtsExtra/R/utils.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/R/utils.R	2014-07-03 21:07:28 UTC (rev 805)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+modify.args <- function(formals, arglist, ..., dots=FALSE)
+  # modify.args function from quantstrat
+  # avoid evaluating '...' to make things faster
+  dots.names <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
+  if(missing(arglist))
+    arglist <- NULL
+  arglist <- c(arglist, dots.names)
+  # see 'S Programming' p. 67 for this matching
+  # nothing to do if arglist is empty; return formals
+  if(!length(arglist))
+    return(formals)
+  argnames <- names(arglist)
+  if(!is.list(arglist) && !is.null(argnames) && !any(argnames == ""))
+    stop("'arglist' must be a *named* list, with no names == \"\"")
+  .formals  <- formals
+  onames <- names(.formals)
+  pm <- pmatch(argnames, onames, nomatch = 0L)
+  #if(any(pm == 0L))
+  #    message(paste("some arguments stored for", fun, "do not match"))
+  names(arglist[pm > 0L]) <- onames[pm]
+  .formals[pm] <- arglist[pm > 0L]
+  # include all elements from arglist if function formals contain '...'
+  if(dots && !is.null(.formals$...)) {
+    dotnames <- names(arglist[pm == 0L])
+    .formals[dotnames] <- arglist[dotnames]
+    #.formals$... <- NULL  # should we assume we matched them all?
+  }
+  .formals
+# This is how it is used in quantstrat in applyIndicators()
+# # replace default function arguments with indicator$arguments
+# .formals <- formals(indicator$name)
+# .formals <- modify.args(.formals, indicator$arguments, dots=TRUE)
+# # now add arguments from parameters
+# .formals <- modify.args(.formals, parameters, dots=TRUE)
+# # now add dots
+# .formals <- modify.args(.formals, NULL, ..., dots=TRUE)
+# # remove ... to avoid matching multiple args
+# .formals$`...` <- NULL
+# tmp_val <- do.call(indicator$name, .formals)
+# R (http://r-project.org/) Numeric Methods for Optimization of Portfolios
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Brian G. Peterson, Peter Carl, Ross Bennett, Kris Boudt
+# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
+# for full details see the file COPYING
+# $Id: utils.R 3302 2014-01-19 19:52:42Z braverock $

Added: pkg/xtsExtra/sandbox/test_plot2.R
--- pkg/xtsExtra/sandbox/test_plot2.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/sandbox/test_plot2.R	2014-07-03 21:07:28 UTC (rev 805)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+R <- edhec[,1:5]
+chart.TimeSeries(R, auto.grid=FALSE)
+plot2_xts(R, auto.grid=FALSE)
+chart.TimeSeries(R, minor.ticks=FALSE)
+plot2_xts(R, minor.ticks=FALSE)
+plot2_xts(R, byColumn=TRUE)
+title("Edhec Returns")
+x <- current.chob()
+# Get the structure of the environments
+##### scratch area #####
+# Should we have a theme object that sets all of the basic parameters such
+# as lty, lwd, las, cex, colorset, element.color, etc?
+# chart specification (i.e. the xts chob)
+# behaviors
+# default (similar to chart.TimeSeries)
+# small multiples
+# panels
+# chart specifications
+# - specifications for common charts (e.g. charts.PerformanceSummary)
+# what is he doing with frame and asp in chart_Series?
+# what are the following variables used ofr
+# frame
+# asp
+# clip
+# http://www.lemnica.com/esotericR/Introducing-Closures/

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