[Xts-commits] r655 - pkg/xtsExtra/R

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Mon Jul 2 16:48:01 CEST 2012

Author: weylandt
Date: 2012-07-02 16:48:01 +0200 (Mon, 02 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 655

Shameless copy of PA::legend to remove that dependency; made explicit that only under-legend is supported

Modified: pkg/xtsExtra/R/barplot.R
--- pkg/xtsExtra/R/barplot.R	2012-07-02 14:23:28 UTC (rev 654)
+++ pkg/xtsExtra/R/barplot.R	2012-07-02 14:48:01 UTC (rev 655)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 #   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-barplot.xts <- function(height, stacked = TRUE, scale = FALSE, ...) {
+barplot.xts <- function(height, stacked = TRUE, scale = FALSE, auto.legend = TRUE, ...) {
   # Don't like this name for input variable, 
   # but we must match S3 generic so we'll just change it
   x = height 
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
   # Args from charts.StackedBar -- which of this go into signature and which from dots?
-  w = x 
   colorset = NULL
   space = 0.2
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
   cex.labels = 0.8
   cex.main = 1
-  legend.loc="under"
   element.color = "darkgray"
   unstacked = TRUE
@@ -56,6 +54,11 @@
   nc = NCOL(x)
   nr = NROW(x)
+  if(nr == 1L){
+    stop("Time-oriented barplot for single observation is not yet supported.")
+    # This should dispatch to an unstacked plot, but those aren't working just yet
+  }
   time.scale = periodicity(x)$scale
   ep = axTicksByTime(x, major.ticks, format.labels = date.format)
@@ -71,13 +74,13 @@
   minmargin <- if(is.null(xlab)) 3 else 5
   # multiple columns being passed into 'x', 
-  # so we'll stack the bars and put a legend underneith
-  if(!is.null(legend.loc) ){
-    if(legend.loc =="under") {# put the legend under the chart
-      layout(rbind(1,2), heights=c(6,1), widths=1)
-      par(mar=c(3,4,4,2)+.1) # set the margins of the barplot panel
-      # c(bottom, left, top, right)
-    }
+  # For now we only support under-legend
+  # Set up two panels if needed
+  if(auto.legend){
+    layout(rbind(1,2), heights=c(6,1), widths=1)
+    par(mar=c(3,4,4,2)+.1) # set the margins of the barplot panel
+      # Note to self: mar= order is c(bottom, left, top, right)
   # Much faster way to get positives and negatives than P Carl's method
@@ -95,8 +98,11 @@
   # t() drops xts-ness and returns a named matrix so dispatches properly
   barplot(t(positives), col=colorset, space=space, axisnames = FALSE, axes = FALSE, ylim=ylim, ...)
   barplot(t(negatives), add=TRUE , col=colorset, space=space, las = las, xlab = xlab, cex.names = cex.lab, axes = FALSE, axisnames = FALSE, ylim=ylim, ...)
   axis(2, col = element.color, las = las, cex.axis = cex.axis)
   title(ylab = ylab, cex = cex.lab)
   if (xaxis) {
       axis(1, at=posn, labels=FALSE, col='#BBBBBB')
@@ -111,22 +117,280 @@
     #axis(1, at = lab.ind, lab=rownames[lab.ind], cex.axis = cex.axis, col = elementcolor)
     #             title(xlab = xlab, cex = cex.lab)
     # use axis(..., las=3) for vertical labels.
-    }
-    box(col = element.color)
+  }
+  box(col = element.color)
-    if(!is.null(legend.loc)){
-      if(legend.loc =="under"){ # draw the legend under the chart
-        par(mar=c(0,2,0,1)+.1) # set the margins of the second panel
-        plot.new()
-        if(nc <4)
-          ncol= nc
-        else
-          ncol = 4
-        PerformanceAnalytics::legend("center", legend=colnames(x), cex = cex.legend, fill=colorset, ncol=ncol, box.col=element.color, border.col = element.color)
-        par(op)
-      } # if legend.loc is null, then do nothing
-    }
+  if(auto.legend){ # For now, only supporting under-legend
+    par(mar=c(0,2,0,1)+.1) # set the margins of the second panel
+    plot.new()
+    ncol = min(nc, 4)
+    do_barplot.legend("center", legend=colnames(x), cex = cex.legend, fill=colorset, ncol=ncol, box.col=element.color, border.col = element.color)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
+do_barplot.legend <- function (x, y = NULL, legend, fill = NULL, col = par("col"),
+                               lty, lwd, pch, angle = 45, density = NULL, bty = "o", bg = par("bg"),
+                               pt.bg = NA, cex = 1, pt.cex = cex, pt.lwd = lwd, xjust = 0,
+                               yjust = 1, x.intersp = 1, y.intersp = 1, adj = c(0, 0.5),
+                               text.width = NULL, text.col = par("col"), merge = do.lines &&
+                                 has.pch, trace = FALSE, plot = TRUE, ncol = 1, horiz = FALSE,
+                               title = NULL, inset = 0, border.col = NULL, border.lwd = 1, border.lty = "solid", box.col = NULL, box.lwd = 1, box.lty = "solid")
+  # Modifications to core graphics legend() function
+  # @author R Core Dev Team
+  # @author modifications Peter Carl
+  # Minor modifications to the function include:
+  # - added border.col so that the legend border could be colored
+  # - added border.lwd to change the line width of the border
+  # - added border.lty to change the line type for the border
+  # - changed line segment end to a more squared type
+  # > plot.new()
+  # > par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+  # > legend("center",text.col=rainbow6equal, cex = .8, ncol=3, border.col = "grey",legend = colnames(data))
+  if (missing(legend) && !missing(y) && (is.character(y) ||
+    is.expression(y))) {
+    legend <- y
+    y <- NULL
+  }
+  mfill <- !missing(fill) || !missing(density)
+  if (length(title) > 1)
+    stop("invalid title")
+  n.leg <- if (is.call(legend))
+    1
+  else length(legend)
+  if (n.leg == 0)
+    stop("'legend' is of length 0")
+  auto <- if (is.character(x))
+    match.arg(x, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft",
+                   "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center"))
+  else NA
+  if (is.na(auto)) {
+    xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
+    x <- xy$x
+    y <- xy$y
+    nx <- length(x)
+    if (nx < 1 || nx > 2)
+      stop("invalid coordinate lengths")
+  }
+  else nx <- 0
+  xlog <- par("xlog")
+  ylog <- par("ylog")
+  rect2 <- function(left, top, dx, dy, density = NULL, angle, border = border.col, lty = border.lty, lwd = border.lwd, ...) {
+    r <- left + dx
+    if (xlog) {
+      left <- 10^left
+      r <- 10^r
+    }
+    b <- top - dy
+    if (ylog) {
+      top <- 10^top
+      b <- 10^b
+    }
+    rect(left, top, r, b, angle = angle, density = density, border = border, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)
+  }
+  segments2 <- function(x1, y1, dx, dy, ...) {
+    x2 <- x1 + dx
+    if (xlog) {
+      x1 <- 10^x1
+      x2 <- 10^x2
+    }
+    y2 <- y1 + dy
+    if (ylog) {
+      y1 <- 10^y1
+      y2 <- 10^y2
+    }
+    segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, lend="butt", ...) # added squared end to line seg
+  }
+  points2 <- function(x, y, ...) {
+    if (xlog)
+      x <- 10^x
+    if (ylog)
+      y <- 10^y
+    points(x, y, ...)
+  }
+  text2 <- function(x, y, ...) {
+    if (xlog)
+      x <- 10^x
+    if (ylog)
+      y <- 10^y
+    text(x, y, ...)
+  }
+  if (trace)
+    catn <- function(...) do.call("cat", c(lapply(list(...),
+                                                  formatC), list("\n")))
+  cin <- par("cin")
+  Cex <- cex * par("cex")
+  if (is.null(text.width))
+    text.width <- max(strwidth(legend, units = "user", cex = cex))
+  else if (!is.numeric(text.width) || text.width < 0)
+    stop("'text.width' must be numeric, >= 0")
+  xc <- Cex * xinch(cin[1], warn.log = FALSE)
+  yc <- Cex * yinch(cin[2], warn.log = FALSE)
+  xchar <- xc
+  xextra <- 0
+  yextra <- yc * (y.intersp - 1)
+  ymax <- max(yc, strheight(legend, units = "user", cex = cex))
+  ychar <- yextra + ymax
+  if (trace)
+    catn("  xchar=", xchar, "; (yextra,ychar)=", c(yextra,
+                                                   ychar))
+  if (mfill) {
+    xbox <- xc * 0.8
+    ybox <- yc * 0.5
+    dx.fill <- xbox
+  }
+  do.lines <- (!missing(lty) && (is.character(lty) || any(lty >
+    0))) || !missing(lwd)
+  n.legpercol <- if (horiz) {
+    if (ncol != 1)
+      warning("horizontal specification overrides: Number of columns := ",
+              n.leg)
+    ncol <- n.leg
+    1
+  }
+  else ceiling(n.leg/ncol)
+  if (has.pch <- !missing(pch) && length(pch) > 0) {
+    if (is.character(pch) && !is.na(pch[1]) && nchar(pch[1],
+                                                     type = "c") > 1) {
+      if (length(pch) > 1)
+        warning("not using pch[2..] since pch[1] has multiple chars")
+      np <- nchar(pch[1], type = "c")
+      pch <- substr(rep.int(pch[1], np), 1:np, 1:np)
+    }
+    if (!merge)
+      dx.pch <- x.intersp/2 * xchar
+  }
+  x.off <- if (merge)
+    -0.7
+  else 0
+  if (is.na(auto)) {
+    if (xlog)
+      x <- log10(x)
+    if (ylog)
+      y <- log10(y)
+  }
+  if (nx == 2) {
+    x <- sort(x)
+    y <- sort(y)
+    left <- x[1]
+    top <- y[2]
+    w <- diff(x)
+    h <- diff(y)
+    w0 <- w/ncol
+    x <- mean(x)
+    y <- mean(y)
+    if (missing(xjust))
+      xjust <- 0.5
+    if (missing(yjust))
+      yjust <- 0.5
+  }
+  else {
+    h <- (n.legpercol + (!is.null(title))) * ychar + yc
+    w0 <- text.width + (x.intersp + 1) * xchar
+    if (mfill)
+      w0 <- w0 + dx.fill
+    if (has.pch && !merge)
+      w0 <- w0 + dx.pch
+    if (do.lines)
+      w0 <- w0 + (2 + x.off) * xchar
+    w <- ncol * w0 + 0.5 * xchar
+    if (!is.null(title) && (tw <- strwidth(title, units = "user",
+                                           cex = cex) + 0.5 * xchar) > w) {
+      xextra <- (tw - w)/2
+      w <- tw
+    }
+    if (is.na(auto)) {
+      left <- x - xjust * w
+      top <- y + (1 - yjust) * h
+    }
+    else {
+      usr <- par("usr")
+      inset <- rep(inset, length.out = 2)
+      insetx <- inset[1] * (usr[2] - usr[1])
+      left <- switch(auto, bottomright = , topright = ,
+                     right = usr[2] - w - insetx, bottomleft = , left = ,
+                     topleft = usr[1] + insetx, bottom = , top = ,
+                     center = (usr[1] + usr[2] - w)/2)
+      insety <- inset[2] * (usr[4] - usr[3])
+      top <- switch(auto, bottomright = , bottom = , bottomleft = usr[3] +
+        h + insety, topleft = , top = , topright = usr[4] -
+        insety, left = , right = , center = (usr[3] +
+        usr[4] + h)/2)
+    }
+  }
+  if (plot && bty != "n") {
+    if (trace)
+      catn("  rect2(", left, ",", top, ", w=", w, ", h=",
+           h, ", ...)", sep = "")
+    rect2(left, top, dx = w, dy = h, col = bg, density = NULL, border = border.col)#added border = border.col
+  }
+  xt <- left + xchar + xextra + (w0 * rep.int(0:(ncol - 1),
+                                              rep.int(n.legpercol, ncol)))[1:n.leg]
+  yt <- top - 0.5 * yextra - ymax - (rep.int(1:n.legpercol,
+                                             ncol)[1:n.leg] - 1 + (!is.null(title))) * ychar
+  if (mfill) {
+    if (plot) {
+      fill <- rep(fill, length.out = n.leg)
+      rect2(left = xt, top = yt + ybox/2, dx = xbox, dy = ybox,
+            col = fill, density = density, angle = angle,
+            border = box.col) #removed internal border
+    }
+    xt <- xt + dx.fill
+  }
+  if (plot && (has.pch || do.lines))
+    col <- rep(col, length.out = n.leg)
+  if (missing(lwd))
+    lwd <- par("lwd")
+  if (do.lines) {
+    seg.len <- 2
+    if (missing(lty))
+      lty <- 1
+    lty <- rep(lty, length.out = n.leg)
+    lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = n.leg)
+    ok.l <- !is.na(lty) & (is.character(lty) | lty > 0)
+    if (trace)
+      catn("  segments2(", xt[ok.l] + x.off * xchar, ",",
+           yt[ok.l], ", dx=", seg.len * xchar, ", dy=0, ...)")
+    if (plot)
+      segments2(xt[ok.l] + x.off * xchar, yt[ok.l], dx = seg.len *
+        xchar, dy = 0, lty = lty[ok.l], lwd = lwd[ok.l],
+                col = col[ok.l])
+    xt <- xt + (seg.len + x.off) * xchar
+  }
+  if (has.pch) {
+    pch <- rep(pch, length.out = n.leg)
+    pt.bg <- rep(pt.bg, length.out = n.leg)
+    pt.cex <- rep(pt.cex, length.out = n.leg)
+    pt.lwd <- rep(pt.lwd, length.out = n.leg)
+    ok <- !is.na(pch) & (is.character(pch) | pch >= 0)
+    x1 <- (if (merge)
+      xt - (seg.len/2) * xchar
+           else xt)[ok]
+    y1 <- yt[ok]
+    if (trace)
+      catn("  points2(", x1, ",", y1, ", pch=", pch[ok],
+           ", ...)")
+    if (plot)
+      points2(x1, y1, pch = pch[ok], col = col[ok], cex = pt.cex[ok],
+              bg = pt.bg[ok], lwd = pt.lwd[ok])
+    if (!merge)
+      xt <- xt + dx.pch
+  }
+  xt <- xt + x.intersp * xchar
+  if (plot) {
+    if (!is.null(title))
+      text2(left + w/2, top - ymax, labels = title, adj = c(0.5,
+                                                            0), cex = cex, col = text.col)
+    text2(xt, yt, labels = legend, adj = adj, cex = cex,
+          col = text.col)
+  }
+  invisible(list(rect = list(w = w, h = h, left = left, top = top),
+                 text = list(x = xt, y = yt)))

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