[Vegan-commits] r2800 - in pkg/vegan: R inst man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Dec 3 18:13:16 CET 2013

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2013-12-03 18:13:16 +0100 (Tue, 03 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 2800

second step of new anova.cca: rename anovacca to anova.cca -- expect trouble

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R (from rev 2796, pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+`anova.cca` <-
+    function(object, ..., permutations = how(nperm=999), by = NULL,
+             model = c("reduced", "direct", "full"),
+             parallel = getOption("mc.cores"), strata = NULL,
+             cutoff = 1, scope = NULL) 
+    model <- match.arg(model)
+    ## permutations is either a single number, a how() structure or a
+    ## permutation matrix
+    if (length(permutations) == 1) {
+        nperm <- permutations
+        permutations <- how(nperm = nperm)
+    }
+    if (!is.null(strata)) {
+        if (!inherits(permutations, "how"))
+            stop("'strata' can be used only with simple permutation or with 'how()'")
+        if (!is.null(permutations$block))
+            stop("'strata' cannot be applied when 'blocks' are defined in 'how()'")
+        setBlocks(permutations) <- strata
+    }
+    ## now permutations is either a how() structure or a permutation
+    ## matrix. Make it to a matrix if it is "how"
+    if (inherits(permutations, "how")) {
+        permutations <- shuffleSet(nrow(object$CA$u),
+                                   control = permutations)
+        seed <- attr(permutations, "seed")
+        control <- attr(permutations, "control")
+    }
+    else # we got a permutation matrix and seed & control are unknown
+        seed <- control <- NULL
+    nperm <- nrow(permutations)
+    ## stop permutations block
+    ## see if this was a list of ordination objects
+    dotargs <- list(...)
+    ## we do not want to give dotargs to anova.ccalist, but we
+    ## evaluate 'parallel' and 'model' here
+    if (length(dotargs)) {
+        isCCA <- sapply(dotargs, function(z) inherits(z, "cca"))
+        if (any(isCCA)) {
+            dotargs <- dotargs[isCCA]
+            object <- c(list(object), dotargs)
+            sol <-
+                anova.ccalist(object, 
+                              permutations = permutations,
+                              model = model,
+                              parallel = parallel)
+            attr(sol, "Random.seed") <- seed
+            attr(sol, "control") <- control
+            return(sol)
+        }
+    }
+    ## We only have a single model: check if it is empty
+    if (is.null(object$CA) || is.null(object$CCA) ||
+        object$CCA$rank == 0 || object$CA$rank == 0)
+        return(anova.ccanull(object))
+    ## by cases
+    if (!is.null(by)) {
+        by <- match.arg(by, c("terms", "margin", "axis"))
+        sol <- switch(by,
+                      "terms" = anova.ccabyterm(object,
+                      permutations = permutations,
+                      model = model, parallel = parallel),
+                      "margin" = anova.ccabymargin(object,
+                      permutations = permutations,
+                      model = model, parallel = parallel,
+                      scope = scope),
+                      "axis" = anova.ccabyaxis(object,
+                      permutations = permutations,
+                      model = model, parallel = parallel,
+                      cutoff = cutoff))
+        attr(sol, "Random.seed") <- seed
+        attr(sol, "control") <- control
+        return(sol)
+    }
+    ## basic overall test
+    tst <- permutest.cca(object, permutations = permutations, ...)
+    Fval <- c(tst$F.0, NA)
+    Pval <- (sum(tst$F.perm >= tst$F.0) + 1)/(tst$nperm + 1)
+    Pval <- c(Pval, NA)
+    table <- data.frame(tst$df, tst$chi, Fval, Pval)
+    is.rda <- inherits(object, "rda")
+    colnames(table) <- c("Df", ifelse(is.rda, "Variance", "ChiSquare"), 
+                         "F", "Pr(>F)")
+    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", tst$method, " under ", 
+                  tst$model, " model\n", howHead(control))
+    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    structure(table, heading = c(head, mod), Random.seed = seed,
+              control = control,
+              class = c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame"))

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R (from rev 2796, pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.byterm.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+### Implementation of by-cases for vegan 2.2 versions of
+### anova.cca. These are all internal functions that are not intended
+### to be called by users in normal sessions, but they should be
+### called from anova.cca (2.2). Therefore the user interface is rigid
+### and input is not checked. The 'permutations' should be a
+### permutation matrix.
+### by = terms builds models as a sequence of adding terms and submits
+### this to anova.ccalist
+`anova.ccabyterm` <-
+    function(object, permutations, model, parallel)
+    ## We need term labels but without Condition() terms
+    trms <- terms(object)
+    trmlab <- attr(trms, "term.labels")
+    trmlab <- trmlab[trmlab %in% attr(terms(object$terminfo),
+                                      "term.labels")]
+    ntrm <- length(trmlab)
+    m0 <- update(object, paste(".~.-", paste(trmlab, collapse="-")))
+    mods <- list(m0)
+    for(i in seq_along(trmlab)) {
+        fla <- paste(". ~ . + ", trmlab[i])
+        mods[[i+1]] <- update(mods[[i]], fla)
+    }
+    ## The result
+    sol <- anova.ccalist(mods, permutations = permutations,
+                         model = model, parallel = parallel)
+    ## Reformat
+    out <- data.frame(c(sol[-1,3], sol[ntrm+1,1]),
+                      c(sol[-1,4], sol[ntrm+1,2]),
+                      c(sol[-1,5], NA),
+                      c(sol[-1,6], NA))
+    isRDA <- inherits(object, "rda")
+    colnames(out) <- c("Df", ifelse(isRDA, "Variance", "ChiSquare"),
+                       "F", "Pr(>F)")
+    rownames(out) <- c(trmlab, "Residual")
+    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", object$method, " under ",
+                   model, " model\n",
+                   "Terms added sequentially (first to last)\n",
+                   howHead(attr(permutations, "control")))
+    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    attr(out, "heading") <- c(head, mod)
+    class(out) <- c("anova","data.frame")
+    out
+## by = margin: this is not a anova.ccalist case, but we omit each
+## term in turn and compare against the complete model.
+`anova.ccabymargin` <-
+    function(object, permutations, scope, ...)
+    nperm <- nrow(permutations)
+    ## Refuse to handle models with missing data
+    if (!is.null(object$na.action))
+        stop("by = 'margin' models cannot handle missing data")
+    ## We need term labels but without Condition() terms
+    if (!is.null(scope) && is.character(scope))
+        trms <- scope
+    else
+        trms <- drop.scope(object)
+    trmlab <- trms[trms %in% attr(terms(object$terminfo),
+                                      "term.labels")]
+    if(length(trmlab) == 0)
+        stop("the scope was empty: no available marginal terms")
+    ## baseline: all terms
+    big <- permutest(object, permutations, ...)
+    dfbig <- big$df[2]
+    chibig <- big$chi[2]
+    scale <- big$den/dfbig
+    ## Collect all marginal models. This differs from old version
+    ## (vegan 2.0) where other but 'nm' were partialled out within
+    ## Condition(). Now we only fit the model without 'nm' and compare
+    ## the difference against the complete model.
+    mods <- lapply(trmlab, function(nm, ...)
+           permutest(update(object, paste(".~.-", nm)),
+                     permutations, ...), ...)
+    ## Chande in df
+    Df <- sapply(mods, function(x) x$df[2]) - dfbig
+    ## F of change
+    Chisq <- sapply(mods, function(x) x$chi[2]) - chibig
+    Fstat <- (Chisq/Df)/(chibig/dfbig)
+    ## Simulated F-values
+    Fval <- sapply(mods, function(x) x$num)
+    ## Had we an empty model we need to clone the denominator
+    if (length(Fval) == 1)
+        Fval <- matrix(Fval, nrow=nperm)
+    Fval <- sweep(-Fval, 1, big$num, "+")
+    Fval <- sweep(Fval, 2, Df, "/")
+    Fval <- sweep(Fval, 1, scale, "/")
+    ## Simulated P-values
+    Pval <- (colSums(sweep(Fval, 2, Fstat, ">=")) + 1)/(nperm + 1)
+    ## Collect results to anova data.frame
+    out <- data.frame(c(Df, dfbig), c(Chisq, chibig),
+                      c(Fstat, NA), c(Pval, NA))
+    isRDA <- inherits(object, "rda")
+    colnames(out) <- c("Df", ifelse(isRDA, "Variance", "ChiSquare"),
+                       "F", "Pr(>F)")
+    rownames(out) <- c(trmlab, "Residual")
+    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", object$method, " under ",
+                   mods[[1]]$model, " model\n",
+                   "Marginal effects of terms\n",
+                   howHead(attr(permutations, "control")))
+    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    attr(out, "heading") <- c(head, mod)
+    class(out) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
+    out
+### Marginal test for axes
+`anova.ccabyaxis` <-
+    function(object, permutations, model, parallel, cutoff = 1)
+    nperm <- nrow(permutations)
+    ## Observed F-values and Df
+    eig <- object$CCA$eig
+    resdf <- nobs(object) - length(eig) - max(object$pCCA$rank, 0) - 1
+    Fstat <- eig/object$CA$tot.chi*resdf
+    Df <- rep(1, length(eig))
+    ## Marginal P-values
+    LC <- object$CCA$u
+    ## missing values?
+    if (!is.null(object$na.action))
+        LC <- napredict(structure(object$na.action,
+                                  class="exclude"), LC)
+    ## subset?
+    if (!is.null(object$subset)) {
+        tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object$subset),
+                      ncol = ncol(LC))
+        tmp[object$subset,] <- LC
+        LC <- tmp
+        object <- update(object, subset = object$subset)
+    }
+    LC <- as.data.frame(LC)
+    fla <- reformulate(names(LC))
+    Pvals <- rep(NA, length(eig))
+    environment(object$terms) <- environment()
+    for (i in 1:length(eig)) {
+        part <- paste("~ . +Condition(",
+                      paste(names(LC)[-i], collapse = "+"), ")")
+        upfla <- update(fla, part)
+        ## only one axis, and cannot partial out?
+        if (length(eig) == 1)
+            mod <- permutest(object, permutations, model = model,
+                             parallel = parallel)
+        else
+            mod <-
+                permutest(update(object, upfla, data = LC),
+                          permutations, model = model,
+                          parallel = parallel)
+        Pvals[i] <- (sum(mod$F.perm >= mod$F.0) + 1)/(nperm+1)
+        if (Pvals[i] > cutoff)
+            break
+    }
+    out <- data.frame(c(Df, resdf), c(eig, object$CA$tot.chi),
+                      c(Fstat, NA), c(Pvals,NA))
+    rownames(out) <- c(names(eig), "Residual")
+    isRDA <- inherits(object, "rda")
+    colnames(out) <- c("Df", ifelse(isRDA, "Variance", "ChiSquare"),
+                       "F", "Pr(>F)")
+    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", object$method, " under ",
+                   model, " model\n",
+                   "Marginal tests for axes\n",
+                   howHead(attr(permutations, "control")))
+    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    attr(out, "heading") <- c(head, mod)
+    class(out) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
+    out

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.R	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-`anovacca` <-
-    function(object, ..., permutations = how(nperm=999), by = NULL,
-             model = c("reduced", "direct", "full"),
-             parallel = getOption("mc.cores"), strata = NULL,
-             cutoff = 1, scope = NULL) 
-    model <- match.arg(model)
-    ## permutations is either a single number, a how() structure or a
-    ## permutation matrix
-    if (length(permutations) == 1) {
-        nperm <- permutations
-        permutations <- how(nperm = nperm)
-    }
-    if (!is.null(strata)) {
-        if (!inherits(permutations, "how"))
-            stop("'strata' can be used only with simple permutation or with 'how()'")
-        if (!is.null(permutations$block))
-            stop("'strata' cannot be applied when 'blocks' are defined in 'how()'")
-        setBlocks(permutations) <- strata
-    }
-    ## now permutations is either a how() structure or a permutation
-    ## matrix. Make it to a matrix if it is "how"
-    if (inherits(permutations, "how")) {
-        permutations <- shuffleSet(nrow(object$CA$u),
-                                   control = permutations)
-        seed <- attr(permutations, "seed")
-        control <- attr(permutations, "control")
-    }
-    else # we got a permutation matrix and seed & control are unknown
-        seed <- control <- NULL
-    nperm <- nrow(permutations)
-    ## stop permutations block
-    ## see if this was a list of ordination objects
-    dotargs <- list(...)
-    ## we do not want to give dotargs to anova.ccalist, but we
-    ## evaluate 'parallel' and 'model' here
-    if (length(dotargs)) {
-        isCCA <- sapply(dotargs, function(z) inherits(z, "cca"))
-        if (any(isCCA)) {
-            dotargs <- dotargs[isCCA]
-            object <- c(list(object), dotargs)
-            sol <-
-                anova.ccalist(object, 
-                              permutations = permutations,
-                              model = model,
-                              parallel = parallel)
-            attr(sol, "Random.seed") <- seed
-            attr(sol, "control") <- control
-            return(sol)
-        }
-    }
-    ## We only have a single model: check if it is empty
-    if (is.null(object$CA) || is.null(object$CCA) ||
-        object$CCA$rank == 0 || object$CA$rank == 0)
-        return(anova.ccanull(object))
-    ## by cases
-    if (!is.null(by)) {
-        by <- match.arg(by, c("terms", "margin", "axis"))
-        sol <- switch(by,
-                      "terms" = anovacca.byterm(object,
-                      permutations = permutations,
-                      model = model, parallel = parallel),
-                      "margin" = anovacca.bymargin(object,
-                      permutations = permutations,
-                      model = model, parallel = parallel,
-                      scope = scope),
-                      "axis" = anovacca.byaxis(object,
-                      permutations = permutations,
-                      model = model, parallel = parallel,
-                      cutoff = cutoff))
-        attr(sol, "Random.seed") <- seed
-        attr(sol, "control") <- control
-        return(sol)
-    }
-    ## basic overall test
-    tst <- permutest.cca(object, permutations = permutations, ...)
-    Fval <- c(tst$F.0, NA)
-    Pval <- (sum(tst$F.perm >= tst$F.0) + 1)/(tst$nperm + 1)
-    Pval <- c(Pval, NA)
-    table <- data.frame(tst$df, tst$chi, Fval, Pval)
-    is.rda <- inherits(object, "rda")
-    colnames(table) <- c("Df", ifelse(is.rda, "Variance", "ChiSquare"), 
-                         "F", "Pr(>F)")
-    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", tst$method, " under ", 
-                  tst$model, " model\n", howHead(control))
-    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    structure(table, heading = c(head, mod), Random.seed = seed,
-              control = control,
-              class = c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame"))

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.byterm.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.byterm.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anovacca.byterm.R	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-### Implementation of by-cases for vegan 2.2 versions of
-### anova.cca. These are all internal functions that are not intended
-### to be called by users in normal sessions, but they should be
-### called from anova.cca (2.2). Therefore the user interface is rigid
-### and input is not checked. The 'permutations' should be a
-### permutation matrix.
-### by = terms builds models as a sequence of adding terms and submits
-### this to anova.ccalist
-`anovacca.byterm` <-
-    function(object, permutations, model, parallel)
-    ## We need term labels but without Condition() terms
-    trms <- terms(object)
-    trmlab <- attr(trms, "term.labels")
-    trmlab <- trmlab[trmlab %in% attr(terms(object$terminfo),
-                                      "term.labels")]
-    ntrm <- length(trmlab)
-    m0 <- update(object, paste(".~.-", paste(trmlab, collapse="-")))
-    mods <- list(m0)
-    for(i in seq_along(trmlab)) {
-        fla <- paste(". ~ . + ", trmlab[i])
-        mods[[i+1]] <- update(mods[[i]], fla)
-    }
-    ## The result
-    sol <- anova.ccalist(mods, permutations = permutations,
-                         model = model, parallel = parallel)
-    ## Reformat
-    out <- data.frame(c(sol[-1,3], sol[ntrm+1,1]),
-                      c(sol[-1,4], sol[ntrm+1,2]),
-                      c(sol[-1,5], NA),
-                      c(sol[-1,6], NA))
-    isRDA <- inherits(object, "rda")
-    colnames(out) <- c("Df", ifelse(isRDA, "Variance", "ChiSquare"),
-                       "F", "Pr(>F)")
-    rownames(out) <- c(trmlab, "Residual")
-    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", object$method, " under ",
-                   model, " model\n",
-                   "Terms added sequentially (first to last)\n",
-                   howHead(attr(permutations, "control")))
-    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    attr(out, "heading") <- c(head, mod)
-    class(out) <- c("anova","data.frame")
-    out
-## by = margin: this is not a anova.ccalist case, but we omit each
-## term in turn and compare against the complete model.
-`anovacca.bymargin` <-
-    function(object, permutations, scope, ...)
-    nperm <- nrow(permutations)
-    ## Refuse to handle models with missing data
-    if (!is.null(object$na.action))
-        stop("by = 'margin' models cannot handle missing data")
-    ## We need term labels but without Condition() terms
-    if (!is.null(scope) && is.character(scope))
-        trms <- scope
-    else
-        trms <- drop.scope(object)
-    trmlab <- trms[trms %in% attr(terms(object$terminfo),
-                                      "term.labels")]
-    if(length(trmlab) == 0)
-        stop("the scope was empty: no available marginal terms")
-    ## baseline: all terms
-    big <- permutest(object, permutations, ...)
-    dfbig <- big$df[2]
-    chibig <- big$chi[2]
-    scale <- big$den/dfbig
-    ## Collect all marginal models. This differs from old version
-    ## (vegan 2.0) where other but 'nm' were partialled out within
-    ## Condition(). Now we only fit the model without 'nm' and compare
-    ## the difference against the complete model.
-    mods <- lapply(trmlab, function(nm, ...)
-           permutest(update(object, paste(".~.-", nm)),
-                     permutations, ...), ...)
-    ## Chande in df
-    Df <- sapply(mods, function(x) x$df[2]) - dfbig
-    ## F of change
-    Chisq <- sapply(mods, function(x) x$chi[2]) - chibig
-    Fstat <- (Chisq/Df)/(chibig/dfbig)
-    ## Simulated F-values
-    Fval <- sapply(mods, function(x) x$num)
-    ## Had we an empty model we need to clone the denominator
-    if (length(Fval) == 1)
-        Fval <- matrix(Fval, nrow=nperm)
-    Fval <- sweep(-Fval, 1, big$num, "+")
-    Fval <- sweep(Fval, 2, Df, "/")
-    Fval <- sweep(Fval, 1, scale, "/")
-    ## Simulated P-values
-    Pval <- (colSums(sweep(Fval, 2, Fstat, ">=")) + 1)/(nperm + 1)
-    ## Collect results to anova data.frame
-    out <- data.frame(c(Df, dfbig), c(Chisq, chibig),
-                      c(Fstat, NA), c(Pval, NA))
-    isRDA <- inherits(object, "rda")
-    colnames(out) <- c("Df", ifelse(isRDA, "Variance", "ChiSquare"),
-                       "F", "Pr(>F)")
-    rownames(out) <- c(trmlab, "Residual")
-    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", object$method, " under ",
-                   mods[[1]]$model, " model\n",
-                   "Marginal effects of terms\n",
-                   howHead(attr(permutations, "control")))
-    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    attr(out, "heading") <- c(head, mod)
-    class(out) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
-    out
-### Marginal test for axes
-`anovacca.byaxis` <-
-    function(object, permutations, model, parallel, cutoff = 1)
-    nperm <- nrow(permutations)
-    ## Observed F-values and Df
-    eig <- object$CCA$eig
-    resdf <- nobs(object) - length(eig) - max(object$pCCA$rank, 0) - 1
-    Fstat <- eig/object$CA$tot.chi*resdf
-    Df <- rep(1, length(eig))
-    ## Marginal P-values
-    LC <- object$CCA$u
-    ## missing values?
-    if (!is.null(object$na.action))
-        LC <- napredict(structure(object$na.action,
-                                  class="exclude"), LC)
-    ## subset?
-    if (!is.null(object$subset)) {
-        tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object$subset),
-                      ncol = ncol(LC))
-        tmp[object$subset,] <- LC
-        LC <- tmp
-        object <- update(object, subset = object$subset)
-    }
-    LC <- as.data.frame(LC)
-    fla <- reformulate(names(LC))
-    Pvals <- rep(NA, length(eig))
-    environment(object$terms) <- environment()
-    for (i in 1:length(eig)) {
-        part <- paste("~ . +Condition(",
-                      paste(names(LC)[-i], collapse = "+"), ")")
-        upfla <- update(fla, part)
-        ## only one axis, and cannot partial out?
-        if (length(eig) == 1)
-            mod <- permutest(object, permutations, model = model,
-                             parallel = parallel)
-        else
-            mod <-
-                permutest(update(object, upfla, data = LC),
-                          permutations, model = model,
-                          parallel = parallel)
-        Pvals[i] <- (sum(mod$F.perm >= mod$F.0) + 1)/(nperm+1)
-        if (Pvals[i] > cutoff)
-            break
-    }
-    out <- data.frame(c(Df, resdf), c(eig, object$CA$tot.chi),
-                      c(Fstat, NA), c(Pvals,NA))
-    rownames(out) <- c(names(eig), "Residual")
-    isRDA <- inherits(object, "rda")
-    colnames(out) <- c("Df", ifelse(isRDA, "Variance", "ChiSquare"),
-                       "F", "Pr(>F)")
-    head <- paste0("Permutation test for ", object$method, " under ",
-                   model, " model\n",
-                   "Marginal tests for axes\n",
-                   howHead(attr(permutations, "control")))
-    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    attr(out, "heading") <- c(head, mod)
-    class(out) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
-    out

Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
 Version 2.1-40 (opened December 3, 2013)	
-	* anova.cca: start deprecation of old anova.cca and rename it to
-	ccanova. Vegan should fail all tests while deprecation is
-	incomplete and new code is not yet in use.
+	* anova.cca: Function is now based on the new code, and the old
+	(deprecated) code is called ccanova. Except several functions to
+	fail while they depend on the old interface (certainly add1.cca,
+	drop1.cca, ordistep, ordiR2step). 
 Version 2.1-39 (closed December 3, 2013)

Copied: pkg/vegan/man/anova.cca.Rd (from rev 2798, pkg/vegan/man/anovacca.Rd)
--- pkg/vegan/man/anova.cca.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/anova.cca.Rd	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+\title{Permutation Test for Constrained Correspondence Analysis,
+  Redundancy Analysis and Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates }
+  The function performs an ANOVA like permutation test for Constrained
+  Correspondence Analysis (\code{\link{cca}}), Redundancy Analysis
+  (\code{\link{rda}}) or distance-based Redundancy Analysis (dbRDA,
+  \code{\link{capscale}}) to assess the significance of constraints.
+\method{anova}{cca}(object, ..., permutations = how(nperm=999),
+     by = NULL, model = c("reduced", "direct", "full"), 
+     parallel = getOption("mc.cores"), strata = NULL,
+     cutoff = 1, scope = NULL)
+\method{permutest}{cca}(x, permutations = how(nperm = 99), 
+     model = c("reduced", "direct"), first = FALSE, strata = NULL, 
+     parallel = getOption("mc.cores"),  ...) 
+  \item{object}{One or several result objects from \code{\link{cca}},
+    \code{\link{rda}} or \code{\link{capscale}}. If there are several
+    result objects, they are compared against each other in the ordre
+    they were supplied. For a single object, a test specified in
+    \code{by} or an overal test is given.}
+  \item{x}{A single ordination result object.}
+  \item{permutations}{Either a \code{\link[permute]{how}} result
+    defining permutations, or a permutation matrix with each row giving
+    the permutation indices, or the number of permutations for simple
+    permutations. See \code{\link{permutations}} for details.}
+  \item{by}{Setting \code{by = "axis"} will assess significance for
+    each constrained axis, and setting \code{by = "terms"} will assess
+    significance for each term (sequentially from first to last), and
+    setting \code{by = "margin"} will assess the marginal effects of
+    the terms (each marginal term analysed in a model with all other
+    variables)}
+  \item{model}{Permutation model: \code{model="direct"} permutes 
+    community data, and \code{model="reduced"} permutes residuals
+    of the community data after Conditions (partial model).}
+  \item{parallel}{Use parallel processing with the given number of
+    cores.}
+  \item{strata}{An integer vector or factor specifying the strata for
+    permutation. If supplied, observations are permuted only within
+    the specified strata. It is an error to use this when
+    \code{permutations} is a matrix, or a \code{\link[permute]{how}}
+    defines \code{blocks}. This is a legacy argument that will be
+    deprecated in the future: use 
+    \code{permutations = how(\dots, blocks)} instead. }
+  \item{cutoff}{Only effective with \code{by="axis"} where stops
+    permutations after an axis exceeds the \code{cutoff}.}
+  \item{scope}{Only effective with \code{by="margin"} where it can be
+    used to select the marginal terms for testing. The default is to
+    test all marginal terms in \code{\link{drop.scope}}.}
+  \item{\dots}{Parameters passed to other functions.  \code{anova.cca}
+    passes all arguments to \code{permutest.cca}. In \code{anova} with
+    \code{by = "axis"} you can use argument \code{cutoff} (defaults
+    \code{1}) which stops permutations after exceeding the given
+    level. }
+  Functions \code{anova.cca} and \code{permutest.cca} implement 
+  ANOVA like permutation tests for the joint effect of constraints in
+  \code{\link{cca}}, \code{\link{rda}} or \code{\link{capscale}}.
+  Functions \code{anova.cca} and \code{permutest.cca} differ in
+  printout style and in interface.  Function \code{permutest.cca} is
+  the proper workhorse, but \code{anova.cca} passes all parameters to
+  \code{permutest.cca}.
+  Function \code{anova} can analyse a sequence of constrained
+  ordination models. The analysis is based on the differences in
+  residual deviances in permutations of nested models.
+  The default test is for the sum of all constrained eigenvalues.
+  Setting \code{first = TRUE} will perform a test for the first
+  constrained eigenvalue.  Argument \code{first} can be set either in
+  \code{anova.cca} or in \code{permutest.cca}.  It is also possible to
+  perform significance tests for each axis or for each term
+  (constraining variable) using argument \code{by} in
+  \code{anova.cca}.  Setting \code{by = "axis"} will perform separate
+  significance tests for each constrained axis.  All previous
+  constrained axes will be used as conditions (\dQuote{partialled
+  out}) and a test for the first constrained eigenvalues is
+  performed (Legendre et al. 2011). 
+  You can stop permutation tests after exceeding a given
+   significance level with argument \code{cutoff} to speed up
+  calculations in large models. Setting \code{by = "terms"} will
+  perform separate significance test for each term (constraining
+  variable). The terms are assessed sequentially from first to last,
+  and the order of the terms will influence their
+  significances. Setting \code{by = "margin"} will perform separate
+  significance test for each marginal term in a model with all other
+  terms. The marginal test also accepts a \code{scope} argument for
+  the \code{\link{drop.scope}} which can be a character vector of term
+  labels that are analysed, or a fitted model of lower scope.  The
+  marginal effects are also known as \dQuote{Type III} effects, but
+  the current function only evaluates marginal terms. It will, for
+  instance, ignore main effects that are included in interaction
+  terms. In calculating pseudo-\eqn{F}, all terms are compared to the
+  same residual of the full model. 
+  Community data are permuted with choice \code{model="direct"},
+  and residuals after partial CCA/ RDA/ dbRDA with choice
+  \code{model="reduced"} (default).   If there is no partial CCA/
+  RDA/ dbRDA stage, \code{model="reduced"} simply permutes the data
+  and is equivalent to \code{model="direct"}.  The test statistic is
+  \dQuote{pseudo-\eqn{F}}, which is the ratio of constrained and
+  unconstrained total Inertia (Chi-squares, variances or something
+  similar), each divided by their respective ranks.  If there are no
+  conditions (\dQuote{partial} terms), the sum of all eigenvalues
+  remains constant, so that pseudo-\eqn{F} and eigenvalues would give
+  equal results.  In partial CCA/ RDA/ dbRDA, the effect of
+  conditioning variables (\dQuote{covariables}) is removed before
+  permutation, and these residuals are added to the non-permuted
+  fitted values of partial CCA (fitted values of \code{X ~ Z}).
+  Consequently, the total Chi-square is not fixed, and test based on
+  pseudo-\eqn{F} would differ from the test based on plain
+  eigenvalues. CCA is a weighted method, and environmental data are
+  re-weighted at each permutation step using permuted weights.  }
+  The function \code{anova.cca} calls \code{permutest.cca} and fills an
+  \code{\link{anova}} table.  
+  Some cases of \code{anova} need access to the original data on
+  constraints (at least \code{by = "term"} and \code{by = "margin"}),
+  and they may fail if data are unavailable.
+  Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. (2012). \emph{Numerical Ecology}. 3rd
+  English ed. Elsevier.
+  Legendre, P., Oksanen, J. and ter Braak, C.J.F. (2011). Testing the
+  significance of canonical axes in redundancy analysis. 
+  \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution} 2, 269--277.
+\author{Jari Oksanen}
+\seealso{\code{\link{anova.cca}}, \code{\link{cca}},
+  \code{\link{rda}}, \code{\link{capscale}} to get something to
+  analyse. Function \code{\link{drop1.cca}} calls \code{anova.cca}
+  with \code{by = "margin"}, and \code{\link{add1.cca}} an analysis
+  for single terms additions, which can be used in automatic or
+  semiautomatic model building (see \code{\link{deviance.cca}}). }
+vare.cca <- cca(varespec ~ Al + P + K, varechem)
+## overall test
+\keyword{ multivariate }
+\keyword{ htest }

Deleted: pkg/vegan/man/anovacca.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/anovacca.Rd	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/anovacca.Rd	2013-12-03 17:13:16 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-\title{Permutation Test for Constrained Correspondence Analysis,
-  Redundancy Analysis and Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates }
-  The function performs an ANOVA like permutation test for Constrained
-  Correspondence Analysis (\code{\link{cca}}), Redundancy Analysis
-  (\code{\link{rda}}) or distance-based Redundancy Analysis (dbRDA,
-  \code{\link{capscale}}) to assess the significance of constraints.
-anovacca(object, ..., permutations = how(nperm=999),
-     by = NULL, model = c("reduced", "direct", "full"), 
-     parallel = getOption("mc.cores"), strata = NULL,
-     cutoff = 1, scope = NULL)
-\method{permutest}{cca}(x, permutations = how(nperm = 99), 
-     model = c("reduced", "direct"), first = FALSE, strata = NULL, 
-     parallel = getOption("mc.cores"),  ...) 
-  \item{object}{One or several result objects from \code{\link{cca}},

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/vegan -r 2800

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