[Vegan-commits] r2799 - in pkg/vegan: . R inst man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Dec 3 18:03:29 CET 2013

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2013-12-03 18:03:28 +0100 (Tue, 03 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 2799

first stage of replacing old anova.cca: rename old functions to ccanova*

Modified: pkg/vegan/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/vegan/DESCRIPTION	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/DESCRIPTION	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: vegan
 Title: Community Ecology Package
-Version: 2.1-39
-Date: November 10, 2013
+Version: 2.1-40
+Date: December 3, 2013
 Author: Jari Oksanen, F. Guillaume Blanchet, Roeland Kindt, Pierre Legendre, 
    Peter R. Minchin, R. B. O'Hara, Gavin L. Simpson, Peter Solymos, 
    M. Henry H. Stevens, Helene Wagner  

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-`anova.cca` <-
-    function (object, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.01, step = 100, perm.max = 9999, 
-              by = NULL, ...) 
-    if (is.null(object$CA) || is.null(object$CCA) ||
-        object$CCA$rank == 0 || object$CA$rank == 0)
-        return(anova.ccanull(object))
-    perm.max <- max(step-1, perm.max)
-    if (perm.max %% step == 0)
-        perm.max <- perm.max - 1
-    if (!is.null(by)) {
-        by <- match.arg(by, c("axis", "terms", "margin"))
-        if (by == "axis") 
-            sol <- anova.ccabyaxis(object, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, 
-                                   step = step, perm.max = perm.max, by = NULL, 
-                                   ...)
-        else if (by == "margin") {
-            sol <- anova.ccabymargin(object, alpha = alpha, beta = beta,
-                                     step = step, perm.max = perm.max,
-                                     by = NULL, ...)
-            }
-        else {
-            mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
-            if (!is.null(mf$...) && any(k <- pmatch(names(mf$...), 
-                                                    "permutations", nomatch = FALSE))) 
-                step <- unlist(mf$...[k == 1])
-            sol <- anova.ccabyterm(object, step = step, ...)
-        }
-        return(sol)
-    }
-    seed <- NULL
-    betaq <- c(beta/2, 1 - beta/2)
-    nperm <- 0
-    unsure <- TRUE
-    hits <- 0
-    while (unsure && nperm < perm.max) {
-        adj <- as.numeric(nperm == 0)
-        tst <- permutest.cca(object, step - adj, ...)
-        if (is.null(seed)) 
-            seed <- tst$Random.seed
-        nperm <- nperm + step - adj
-        hits <- hits + sum(tst$F.perm >= tst$F.0)
-        fork <- qbinom(betaq, nperm, alpha)
-        if (hits < fork[1] || hits > fork[2]) 
-            unsure <- FALSE
-    }
-    Fval <- c(tst$F.0, NA)
-    Pval <- c((hits+1)/(nperm+1), NA)
-    nperm <- c(nperm, NA)
-    table <- data.frame(tst$df, tst$chi, Fval, nperm, Pval)
-    is.rda <- inherits(object, "rda")
-    colnames(table) <- c("Df", ifelse(is.rda, "Var", "Chisq"), 
-                         "F", "N.Perm", "Pr(>F)")
-    head <- paste("Permutation test for", tst$method, "under", 
-                  tst$model, "model\n")
-    if (!is.null(tst$strata)) 
-        head <- paste(head, "Permutations stratified within '", 
-                      tst$strata, "'\n", sep = "")
-    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    structure(table, heading = c(head, mod), Random.seed = seed, 
-              class = c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame"))

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyaxis.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyaxis.R	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyaxis.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-`anova.ccabyaxis` <-
-    function (object, cutoff = 1,  ...) 
-    cutoff <- cutoff + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
-    rnk <- object$CCA$rank
-    if (!max(rnk, 0)) 
-        stop("Needs a constrained ordination")
-    if (is.null(object$terms)) 
-        stop("Analysis is only possible for models fitted using formula")
-    ## Handle missing values in scores, both "omit" and "exclude" to
-    ## match dims with data.
-    if (!is.null(object$na.action)) {
-        u <- napredict(structure(object$na.action, class="exclude"),
-                       object$CCA$u)
-    } else {
-        u <- object$CCA$u
-    }
-    ## Get conditions
-    if (!is.null(object$pCCA)) {
-        CondMat <- qr.X(object$pCCA$QR)
-        ## deweight if CCA
-        if (!inherits(object, "rda"))
-            CondMat <- sweep(CondMat, 1, sqrt(object$rowsum), "/")
-    }
-    else
-        CondMat <- NULL
-    ## pad with NA rows if there is a subset
-    if (!is.null(object$subset)) {
-        lc <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object$subset),
-                     ncol = NCOL(u))
-        lc[object$subset,]  <- u
-        if (!is.null(CondMat)) {
-            tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object$subset),
-                          ncol = NCOL(CondMat))
-            tmp[object$subset,] <- CondMat
-            CondMat <- tmp
-        }
-        object$call$subset <- object$subset
-    } else {
-        lc <- u
-    }
-    lc <- as.data.frame(lc)
-    axnam <- colnames(lc)
-    df <- c(rep(1, rnk), object$CA$rank)
-    chi <- c(object$CCA$eig, Residual = object$CA$tot.chi)
-    Fval <- c(chi[1:rnk]/df[1:rnk]/chi[rnk+1]*df[rnk+1], NA)
-    nperm <- c(numeric(rnk), NA)
-    Pval <- rep(NA, rnk+1)
-    out <- data.frame(df, chi, Fval, nperm, Pval)
-    environment(object$terms) <- environment()
-    fla <- paste(". ~ ", axnam[1], "+ Condition(",
-                 paste(axnam[-1], collapse="+"),")")
-    if (!is.null(CondMat)) {
-        fla <- paste(fla, " + Condition(CondMat)")
-        lc$CondMat <- CondMat
-    }
-    fla <- update(formula(object), fla)
-    sol <- anova(update(object, fla, data=lc),  ...)
-    out[c(1, rnk + 1), ] <- sol
-    seed <- attr(sol, "Random.seed")
-    attr(out, "names") <- attr(sol, "names")
-    .call <- pasteCall(object$call, "Model:")
-    attr(out, "heading") <- sub(" \n","", .call)
-    attr(out, "Random.seed") <- seed
-    bigseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
-    bigperm <- out$N.Perm[1]
-    if (rnk > 1) {
-        for (.ITRM in 2:rnk) {
-            fla <- paste(".~", axnam[.ITRM], "+Condition(",
-                         paste(axnam[-(.ITRM)], collapse="+"),")")
-            if (!is.null(CondMat))
-                fla <- paste(fla, "+ Condition(CondMat)")
-            fla <- update(formula(object),  fla) 
-            sol <- update(object, fla, data = lc)
-            assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
-            out[.ITRM, ] <- as.matrix(anova(sol, ...))[1,]
-            if (out[.ITRM, "N.Perm"] > bigperm) {
-                bigperm <- out[.ITRM, "N.Perm"]
-                bigseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, 
-                  inherits = FALSE)
-            }
-            if (out[.ITRM, "Pr(>F)"] > cutoff)
-                break
-        }
-    }
-    assign(".Random.seed", bigseed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
-    class(out) <- c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame")
-    out

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabymargin.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabymargin.R	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabymargin.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-`anova.ccabymargin` <-
-    function(object, step=100, scope, ...)
-    if(inherits(object, "prc"))
-        stop("anova(..., by = 'margin') cannot be used for 'prc' results")
-    if (!missing(scope) && is.character(scope))
-        trms <- scope
-    else
-        trms <- drop.scope(object, scope)
-    alltrms <- labels(terms(object$terminfo))
-    keep <- trms %in% alltrms
-    trms <- trms[keep]
-    ntrms <- length(trms)
-    bigperm <- 0
-    for (.ITRM in 1:ntrms) {
-        fla <- formula(object)
-        ## Put all trms except current into Condition() and update
-        ## formula
-        if (length(alltrms) > 1) {
-            keeptrms <- alltrms[!(alltrms==trms[.ITRM])]
-            updfla <- paste("Condition(",paste(keeptrms, collapse="+"), ")")
-            fla <- update(fla, paste(". ~ . + ", updfla))
-        }
-        tmp <- update(object, fla)
-        tmp <- anova(tmp, step=step, ...)
-        ## Start every permutation from the same seed, but get the
-        ## seed of the longest simulation and reset the RNG to that
-        ## state when exiting the function
-        if (tmp[1,"N.Perm"] > bigperm) {
-            bigperm <- tmp[1, "N.Perm"]
-            bigseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv,
-                           inherits = FALSE)
-        }
-        if (.ITRM == 1) {
-            seed <- attr(tmp, "Random.seed")
-            sol <- tmp
-        }
-        else {
-            sol <- rbind(sol[1:(.ITRM-1),], as.matrix(tmp[1,]), sol[.ITRM,])
-        }
-        assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
-    }
-    ## Put RNG at the end of the longest simulation
-    if (bigperm > 0)
-        assign(".Random.seed", bigseed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
-    rownames(sol)[1:ntrms] <- trms
-    head <- attr(sol, "heading")
-    head[1] <- paste(head[1], "Marginal effects of terms\n", sep="")
-    head[2] <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    attr(sol, "heading") <- head
-    sol

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-`anova.ccabyterm` <-
-    function (object, step = 100, ...) 
-    ## Data set size may change during iteration if there are missing
-    ## values: use length(object$residual) to check this like step,
-    ## drop1.default, add1.default do.
-    n0 <- length(object$residuals)
-    trm <- terms(object)
-    call <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
-    trmlab <- attr(trm, "term.labels")
-    trmlab <- trmlab[trmlab %in% attr(terms(object$terminfo), 
-                                      "term.labels")]
-    ntrm <- length(trmlab)
-    ## 'adj' puts the result together with the permutations and reduces
-    ## number of simulations by one so that P = (hits+1)/(permutations+1).
-    ## The first step is reduced by adj.
-    adj <- (step %% 10) == 0
-    step <- step - adj
-    pchi <- matrix(0, nrow = ntrm + 1, ncol = step)
-    chi <- numeric(ntrm + 1)
-    df <- numeric(ntrm + 1)
-    names(df) <- c(trmlab, "Residual")
-    sim <- permutest.cca(object, permutations = step, ...)
-    pchi[ntrm + 1, ] <- sim$den
-    pchi[ntrm, ] <- sim$num
-    df[ntrm:(ntrm + 1)] <- sim$df
-    chi[ntrm:(ntrm + 1)] <- sim$chi
-    if (!is.null(object$call$data))
-        modelframe <- ordiGetData(object$call, globalenv())
-    else
-        modelframe <- model.frame(object)
-    for (.ITRM in ntrm:2) {
-        if (ntrm < 2) 
-            break
-        assign(".Random.seed", sim$Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
-        fla <- as.formula(paste(" . ~ . -", trmlab[.ITRM]))
-        object <- update(object, fla,
-                         if (!is.null(modelframe)) data = modelframe)
-        ## Change in data set due to missing values?
-        if (length(object$residuals) != n0)
-            stop("number of rows has changed: remove missing values?")
-        if (is.null(object$CCA)) 
-            break
-        sim <- permutest.cca(object, permutations = step, ...)
-        pchi[.ITRM, ] <- pchi[.ITRM, ] - sim$num
-        chi[.ITRM] <- chi[.ITRM] - sim$chi[1]
-        df[.ITRM] <- df[.ITRM] - sim$df[1]
-        pchi[.ITRM - 1, ] <- sim$num
-        chi[.ITRM - 1] <- sim$chi[1]
-        df[.ITRM - 1] <- sim$df[1]
-    }
-    Fval <- chi/df/(chi[ntrm + 1]/df[ntrm + 1])
-    Fval[ntrm + 1] <- NA
-    pchi <- sweep(pchi, 1, df, "/")
-    pchi[-(ntrm + 1), ] <- sweep(pchi[-(ntrm + 1), , drop = FALSE], 
-                                 2, pchi[ntrm + 1, , drop = FALSE], "/")
-    ## Round to avoid arbitrary P values due to numerical precision
-    pchi <- round(pchi, 12)
-    Fval <- round(Fval, 12)
-    P <- rowSums(sweep(pchi[-(ntrm + 1), , drop = FALSE], 1, 
-                       Fval[-(ntrm + 1)], ">="))
-    P <- c((P + adj)/(step + adj), NA)
-    out <- data.frame(df, chi, Fval, c(rep(step, ntrm), NA), 
-                      P)
-    inertname <- if (sim$method == "cca") 
-        "Chisq"
-    else "Var"
-    colnames(out) <- c("Df", inertname, "F", "N.Perm", "Pr(>F)")
-    out <- out[out[, 1] > 0 | out[, 2] > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
-               ]
-    head <- paste("Permutation test for", sim$method, "under", 
-                  sim$model, "model\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)\n")
-    if (!is.null(sim$strata)) 
-        head <- paste(head, "Permutations stratified within '", 
-                      sim$strata, "'\n", sep = "")
-    structure(out, heading = c(head, call), Random.seed = sim$Random.seed, 
-              class = c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame"))

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.R (from rev 2796, pkg/vegan/R/anova.cca.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+`anova.cca` <-
+    function (object, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.01, step = 100, perm.max = 9999, 
+              by = NULL, ...) 
+    if (is.null(object$CA) || is.null(object$CCA) ||
+        object$CCA$rank == 0 || object$CA$rank == 0)
+        return(anova.ccanull(object))
+    perm.max <- max(step-1, perm.max)
+    if (perm.max %% step == 0)
+        perm.max <- perm.max - 1
+    if (!is.null(by)) {
+        by <- match.arg(by, c("axis", "terms", "margin"))
+        if (by == "axis") 
+            sol <- ccanova.byaxis(object, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, 
+                                   step = step, perm.max = perm.max, by = NULL, 
+                                   ...)
+        else if (by == "margin") {
+            sol <- ccanova.bymargin(object, alpha = alpha, beta = beta,
+                                     step = step, perm.max = perm.max,
+                                     by = NULL, ...)
+            }
+        else {
+            mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
+            if (!is.null(mf$...) && any(k <- pmatch(names(mf$...), 
+                                                    "permutations", nomatch = FALSE))) 
+                step <- unlist(mf$...[k == 1])
+            sol <- ccanova.byterm(object, step = step, ...)
+        }
+        return(sol)
+    }
+    seed <- NULL
+    betaq <- c(beta/2, 1 - beta/2)
+    nperm <- 0
+    unsure <- TRUE
+    hits <- 0
+    while (unsure && nperm < perm.max) {
+        adj <- as.numeric(nperm == 0)
+        tst <- permutest.cca(object, step - adj, ...)
+        if (is.null(seed)) 
+            seed <- tst$Random.seed
+        nperm <- nperm + step - adj
+        hits <- hits + sum(tst$F.perm >= tst$F.0)
+        fork <- qbinom(betaq, nperm, alpha)
+        if (hits < fork[1] || hits > fork[2]) 
+            unsure <- FALSE
+    }
+    Fval <- c(tst$F.0, NA)
+    Pval <- c((hits+1)/(nperm+1), NA)
+    nperm <- c(nperm, NA)
+    table <- data.frame(tst$df, tst$chi, Fval, nperm, Pval)
+    is.rda <- inherits(object, "rda")
+    colnames(table) <- c("Df", ifelse(is.rda, "Var", "Chisq"), 
+                         "F", "N.Perm", "Pr(>F)")
+    head <- paste("Permutation test for", tst$method, "under", 
+                  tst$model, "model\n")
+    if (!is.null(tst$strata)) 
+        head <- paste(head, "Permutations stratified within '", 
+                      tst$strata, "'\n", sep = "")
+    mod <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    structure(table, heading = c(head, mod), Random.seed = seed, 
+              class = c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame"))

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.byaxis.R (from rev 2796, pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyaxis.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.byaxis.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.byaxis.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+`ccanova.byaxis` <-
+    function (object, cutoff = 1,  ...) 
+    cutoff <- cutoff + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
+    rnk <- object$CCA$rank
+    if (!max(rnk, 0)) 
+        stop("Needs a constrained ordination")
+    if (is.null(object$terms)) 
+        stop("Analysis is only possible for models fitted using formula")
+    ## Handle missing values in scores, both "omit" and "exclude" to
+    ## match dims with data.
+    if (!is.null(object$na.action)) {
+        u <- napredict(structure(object$na.action, class="exclude"),
+                       object$CCA$u)
+    } else {
+        u <- object$CCA$u
+    }
+    ## Get conditions
+    if (!is.null(object$pCCA)) {
+        CondMat <- qr.X(object$pCCA$QR)
+        ## deweight if CCA
+        if (!inherits(object, "rda"))
+            CondMat <- sweep(CondMat, 1, sqrt(object$rowsum), "/")
+    }
+    else
+        CondMat <- NULL
+    ## pad with NA rows if there is a subset
+    if (!is.null(object$subset)) {
+        lc <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object$subset),
+                     ncol = NCOL(u))
+        lc[object$subset,]  <- u
+        if (!is.null(CondMat)) {
+            tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object$subset),
+                          ncol = NCOL(CondMat))
+            tmp[object$subset,] <- CondMat
+            CondMat <- tmp
+        }
+        object$call$subset <- object$subset
+    } else {
+        lc <- u
+    }
+    lc <- as.data.frame(lc)
+    axnam <- colnames(lc)
+    df <- c(rep(1, rnk), object$CA$rank)
+    chi <- c(object$CCA$eig, Residual = object$CA$tot.chi)
+    Fval <- c(chi[1:rnk]/df[1:rnk]/chi[rnk+1]*df[rnk+1], NA)
+    nperm <- c(numeric(rnk), NA)
+    Pval <- rep(NA, rnk+1)
+    out <- data.frame(df, chi, Fval, nperm, Pval)
+    environment(object$terms) <- environment()
+    fla <- paste(". ~ ", axnam[1], "+ Condition(",
+                 paste(axnam[-1], collapse="+"),")")
+    if (!is.null(CondMat)) {
+        fla <- paste(fla, " + Condition(CondMat)")
+        lc$CondMat <- CondMat
+    }
+    fla <- update(formula(object), fla)
+    sol <- ccanova(update(object, fla, data=lc),  ...)
+    out[c(1, rnk + 1), ] <- sol
+    seed <- attr(sol, "Random.seed")
+    attr(out, "names") <- attr(sol, "names")
+    .call <- pasteCall(object$call, "Model:")
+    attr(out, "heading") <- sub(" \n","", .call)
+    attr(out, "Random.seed") <- seed
+    bigseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
+    bigperm <- out$N.Perm[1]
+    if (rnk > 1) {
+        for (.ITRM in 2:rnk) {
+            fla <- paste(".~", axnam[.ITRM], "+Condition(",
+                         paste(axnam[-(.ITRM)], collapse="+"),")")
+            if (!is.null(CondMat))
+                fla <- paste(fla, "+ Condition(CondMat)")
+            fla <- update(formula(object),  fla) 
+            sol <- update(object, fla, data = lc)
+            assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+            out[.ITRM, ] <- as.matrix(ccanova(sol, ...))[1,]
+            if (out[.ITRM, "N.Perm"] > bigperm) {
+                bigperm <- out[.ITRM, "N.Perm"]
+                bigseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, 
+                  inherits = FALSE)
+            }
+            if (out[.ITRM, "Pr(>F)"] > cutoff)
+                break
+        }
+    }
+    assign(".Random.seed", bigseed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+    class(out) <- c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame")
+    out

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.bymargin.R (from rev 2796, pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabymargin.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.bymargin.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.bymargin.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+`ccanova.bymargin` <-
+    function(object, step=100, scope, ...)
+    if(inherits(object, "prc"))
+        stop("ccanova(..., by = 'margin') cannot be used for 'prc' results")
+    if (!missing(scope) && is.character(scope))
+        trms <- scope
+    else
+        trms <- drop.scope(object, scope)
+    alltrms <- labels(terms(object$terminfo))
+    keep <- trms %in% alltrms
+    trms <- trms[keep]
+    ntrms <- length(trms)
+    bigperm <- 0
+    for (.ITRM in 1:ntrms) {
+        fla <- formula(object)
+        ## Put all trms except current into Condition() and update
+        ## formula
+        if (length(alltrms) > 1) {
+            keeptrms <- alltrms[!(alltrms==trms[.ITRM])]
+            updfla <- paste("Condition(",paste(keeptrms, collapse="+"), ")")
+            fla <- update(fla, paste(". ~ . + ", updfla))
+        }
+        tmp <- update(object, fla)
+        tmp <- ccanova(tmp, step=step, ...)
+        ## Start every permutation from the same seed, but get the
+        ## seed of the longest simulation and reset the RNG to that
+        ## state when exiting the function
+        if (tmp[1,"N.Perm"] > bigperm) {
+            bigperm <- tmp[1, "N.Perm"]
+            bigseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv,
+                           inherits = FALSE)
+        }
+        if (.ITRM == 1) {
+            seed <- attr(tmp, "Random.seed")
+            sol <- tmp
+        }
+        else {
+            sol <- rbind(sol[1:(.ITRM-1),], as.matrix(tmp[1,]), sol[.ITRM,])
+        }
+        assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+    }
+    ## Put RNG at the end of the longest simulation
+    if (bigperm > 0)
+        assign(".Random.seed", bigseed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+    rownames(sol)[1:ntrms] <- trms
+    head <- attr(sol, "heading")
+    head[1] <- paste(head[1], "Marginal effects of terms\n", sep="")
+    head[2] <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    attr(sol, "heading") <- head
+    sol

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.byterm.R (from rev 2796, pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccabyterm.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.byterm.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/ccanova.byterm.R	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+`ccanova.byterm` <-
+    function (object, step = 100, ...) 
+    ## Data set size may change during iteration if there are missing
+    ## values: use length(object$residual) to check this like step,
+    ## drop1.default, add1.default do.
+    n0 <- length(object$residuals)
+    trm <- terms(object)
+    call <- paste("Model:", c(object$call))
+    trmlab <- attr(trm, "term.labels")
+    trmlab <- trmlab[trmlab %in% attr(terms(object$terminfo), 
+                                      "term.labels")]
+    ntrm <- length(trmlab)
+    ## 'adj' puts the result together with the permutations and reduces
+    ## number of simulations by one so that P = (hits+1)/(permutations+1).
+    ## The first step is reduced by adj.
+    adj <- (step %% 10) == 0
+    step <- step - adj
+    pchi <- matrix(0, nrow = ntrm + 1, ncol = step)
+    chi <- numeric(ntrm + 1)
+    df <- numeric(ntrm + 1)
+    names(df) <- c(trmlab, "Residual")
+    sim <- permutest.cca(object, permutations = step, ...)
+    pchi[ntrm + 1, ] <- sim$den
+    pchi[ntrm, ] <- sim$num
+    df[ntrm:(ntrm + 1)] <- sim$df
+    chi[ntrm:(ntrm + 1)] <- sim$chi
+    if (!is.null(object$call$data))
+        modelframe <- ordiGetData(object$call, globalenv())
+    else
+        modelframe <- model.frame(object)
+    for (.ITRM in ntrm:2) {
+        if (ntrm < 2) 
+            break
+        assign(".Random.seed", sim$Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
+        fla <- as.formula(paste(" . ~ . -", trmlab[.ITRM]))
+        object <- update(object, fla,
+                         if (!is.null(modelframe)) data = modelframe)
+        ## Change in data set due to missing values?
+        if (length(object$residuals) != n0)
+            stop("number of rows has changed: remove missing values?")
+        if (is.null(object$CCA)) 
+            break
+        sim <- permutest.cca(object, permutations = step, ...)
+        pchi[.ITRM, ] <- pchi[.ITRM, ] - sim$num
+        chi[.ITRM] <- chi[.ITRM] - sim$chi[1]
+        df[.ITRM] <- df[.ITRM] - sim$df[1]
+        pchi[.ITRM - 1, ] <- sim$num
+        chi[.ITRM - 1] <- sim$chi[1]
+        df[.ITRM - 1] <- sim$df[1]
+    }
+    Fval <- chi/df/(chi[ntrm + 1]/df[ntrm + 1])
+    Fval[ntrm + 1] <- NA
+    pchi <- sweep(pchi, 1, df, "/")
+    pchi[-(ntrm + 1), ] <- sweep(pchi[-(ntrm + 1), , drop = FALSE], 
+                                 2, pchi[ntrm + 1, , drop = FALSE], "/")
+    ## Round to avoid arbitrary P values due to numerical precision
+    pchi <- round(pchi, 12)
+    Fval <- round(Fval, 12)
+    P <- rowSums(sweep(pchi[-(ntrm + 1), , drop = FALSE], 1, 
+                       Fval[-(ntrm + 1)], ">="))
+    P <- c((P + adj)/(step + adj), NA)
+    out <- data.frame(df, chi, Fval, c(rep(step, ntrm), NA), 
+                      P)
+    inertname <- if (sim$method == "cca") 
+        "Chisq"
+    else "Var"
+    colnames(out) <- c("Df", inertname, "F", "N.Perm", "Pr(>F)")
+    out <- out[out[, 1] > 0 | out[, 2] > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
+               ]
+    head <- paste("Permutation test for", sim$method, "under", 
+                  sim$model, "model\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)\n")
+    if (!is.null(sim$strata)) 
+        head <- paste(head, "Permutations stratified within '", 
+                      sim$strata, "'\n", sep = "")
+    structure(out, heading = c(head, call), Random.seed = sim$Random.seed, 
+              class = c("anova.cca", "anova", "data.frame"))

Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
 VEGAN DEVEL VERSIONS at http://r-forge.r-project.org/
-Version 2.1-39 (opened November 10, 2013)
+Version 2.1-40 (opened December 3, 2013)	
+	* anova.cca: start deprecation of old anova.cca and rename it to
+	ccanova. Vegan should fail all tests while deprecation is
+	incomplete and new code is not yet in use.
+Version 2.1-39 (closed December 3, 2013)
 	* anova.cca: started to rewrite the anova.cca family of functions
 	for permute package. At the first stage, a temporary development

Deleted: pkg/vegan/man/anova.cca.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/anova.cca.Rd	2013-12-03 16:37:33 UTC (rev 2798)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/anova.cca.Rd	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-\title{Permutation Test for Constrained Correspondence Analysis,
-  Redundancy Analysis and Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates }
-  This function is deprecated.
-\method{anova}{cca}(object, alpha=0.05, beta=0.01, step=100, perm.max=9999,
-      by = NULL, ...)
-  \item{object}{A result object from \code{\link{cca}}. }
-  \item{alpha}{Targeted Type I error rate. }
-  \item{beta}{Accepted Type II error rate. }
-  \item{step}{Number of permutations during one step. }
-  \item{perm.max}{Maximum number of permutations. }
-  \item{by}{Setting \code{by = "axis"} will assess significance for each
-    constrained axis, and setting \code{by = "terms"} will assess
-    significance for each term (sequentially from first to last), and
-    setting \code{by = "margin"} will assess the marginal effects of the
-    terms (each marginal term analysed in a model with all other
-    variables).}
-  \item{\dots}{Parameters passed to other functions. 
-    \code{anova.cca} passes all arguments to
-    \code{permutest.cca}. In \code{anova} with \code{by = "axis"} you
-    can use argument \code{cutoff} (defaults \code{1}) which stops
-    permutations after exceeding the given level. }
-  This function contains a deprecated version of \code{anova.cca}.
-  The new function is completely rewritten. With the same random
-  number seed and the same number of permutations, the results are
-  mostly identical. The only difference is that marginal tests
-  (\code{by = "margin"}) are implemented differently. The most
-  important difference is that the new code is based on the
-  \pkg{permute} package and uses the fixed number of permutations in
-  all tests (cf. below). Both the new and old functions are based
-  \code{\link{permutest.cca}}, and the function can pass extra
-  arguments to \code{permutest.cca}.
-  In \code{anova.cca} the number of permutations is controlled by
-  targeted \dQuote{critical} \eqn{P} value (\code{alpha}) and accepted
-  Type II or rejection error (\code{beta}).  If the results of
-  permutations differ from the targeted \code{alpha} at risk level
-  given by \code{beta}, the permutations are terminated.  If the
-  current estimate of \eqn{P} does not differ significantly from
-  \code{alpha} of the alternative hypothesis, the permutations are
-  continued with \code{step} new permutations (at the first step, the
-  number of permutations is \code{step - 1}).  However, with
-  \code{by="terms"} a fixed number of permutations will be used, and
-  this is given by argument \code{permutations}, or if this is
-  missing, by \code{step}.
-  The function is deprecated and replaced with \code{\link{anova.cca}}. 
-  Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. (2012). \emph{Numerical Ecology}. 3rd
-  English ed. Elsevier.
-  Legendre, P., Oksanen, J. and ter Braak, C.J.F. (2011). Testing the
-  significance of canonical axes in redundancy analysis. 
-  \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution} 2, 269--277.
-\author{Jari Oksanen}
-\keyword{ multivariate }
-\keyword{ htest }

Added: pkg/vegan/man/ccanova.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/ccanova.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/ccanova.Rd	2013-12-03 17:03:28 UTC (rev 2799)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+\title{Permutation Test for Constrained Correspondence Analysis,
+  Redundancy Analysis and Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates }
+  This function is deprecated.
+ccanova(object, alpha=0.05, beta=0.01, step=100, perm.max=9999,
+      by = NULL, ...)
+  \item{object}{A result object from \code{\link{cca}}. }
+  \item{alpha}{Targeted Type I error rate. }
+  \item{beta}{Accepted Type II error rate. }
+  \item{step}{Number of permutations during one step. }
+  \item{perm.max}{Maximum number of permutations. }
+  \item{by}{Setting \code{by = "axis"} will assess significance for each
+    constrained axis, and setting \code{by = "terms"} will assess
+    significance for each term (sequentially from first to last), and
+    setting \code{by = "margin"} will assess the marginal effects of the
+    terms (each marginal term analysed in a model with all other
+    variables).}
+  \item{\dots}{Parameters passed to other functions. 
+    \code{anova.cca} passes all arguments to
+    \code{permutest.cca}. In \code{anova} with \code{by = "axis"} you
+    can use argument \code{cutoff} (defaults \code{1}) which stops
+    permutations after exceeding the given level. }
+  Function \code{ccanova} is a deprecated version of \code{anova.cca}.
+  The new \code{link{\anova.cca}} function is completely
+  rewritten. With the same random number seed and the same number of
+  permutations, the results are mostly identical. The only difference
+  is that marginal tests (\code{by = "margin"}) are implemented
+  differently. The most important difference is that the new code is
+  based on the \pkg{permute} package and uses the fixed number of
+  permutations in all tests (cf. below). Both the new and old
+  functions are based \code{\link{permutest.cca}}, and the function
+  can pass extra arguments to \code{permutest.cca}.
+  In \code{ccanova} the number of permutations is controlled by
+  targeted \dQuote{critical} \eqn{P} value (\code{alpha}) and accepted
+  Type II or rejection error (\code{beta}).  If the results of
+  permutations differ from the targeted \code{alpha} at risk level
+  given by \code{beta}, the permutations are terminated.  If the
+  current estimate of \eqn{P} does not differ significantly from
+  \code{alpha} of the alternative hypothesis, the permutations are
+  continued with \code{step} new permutations (at the first step, the
+  number of permutations is \code{step - 1}).  However, with
+  \code{by="terms"} a fixed number of permutations will be used, and
+  this is given by argument \code{permutations}, or if this is
+  missing, by \code{step}.
+  The function is deprecated and replaced with \code{\link{anova.cca}}. 
+  Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. (2012). \emph{Numerical Ecology}. 3rd
+  English ed. Elsevier.
+\author{Jari Oksanen}
+\keyword{ multivariate }
+\keyword{ htest }

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