[Vegan-commits] r339 - in pkg: R inst man

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Wed May 7 15:54:12 CEST 2008

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2008-05-07 15:54:12 +0200 (Wed, 07 May 2008)
New Revision: 339

added Helene Wagner's mso function for spatial partioning of rda and cca results

Added: pkg/R/mso.R
--- pkg/R/mso.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/mso.R	2008-05-07 13:54:12 UTC (rev 339)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+mso <- function (object.cca, object.xy, grain = 1, round.up = FALSE,
+                 permutations = FALSE) 
+    object <- object.cca
+    xy <- object.xy
+    N <- nrow(object$CA$Xbar)
+    if (class(object) == "rda") 
+        N <- 1
+    require(vegan)
+    Dist <- dist(xy)
+    object$grain <- grain
+    if (round.up) 
+        H <- ceiling(Dist/grain) * grain
+    else H <- round(Dist/grain) * grain
+    object$H <- H
+    H <- as.vector(H)
+    Dist <- sapply(split(Dist, H), mean)
+    object$vario <- data.frame(H = names(table(H)), Dist = Dist, 
+                               n = as.numeric(table(H)))
+    test <- list()
+    if (is.numeric(object$CCA$rank)) {
+        if (is.numeric(object$pCCA$rank)) {
+            test$pcca <- sapply(split(dist(object$pCCA$Fit)^2 * 
+                                      N/2, H), mean)
+            test$cca <- sapply(split(dist(object$CCA$Xbar - object$CA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                     N/2, H), mean)
+            test$ca <- sapply(split(dist(object$CA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                    N/2, H), mean)
+            test$all.cond <- sapply(split(dist(object$CCA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                          N/2, H), mean)
+            test$se <- sqrt(sapply(split(dist(object$CCA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                         N/2, H), var)/object$vario$n)
+            object$vario <- cbind(object$vario, All = test$all.cond, 
+                                  Sum = test$ca + test$cca, CA = test$ca,
+                                  CCA = test$cca,  pCCA = test$pcca,
+                                  se = test$se)
+        } else {
+            test$all <- sapply(split(dist(object$CCA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                     N/2, H), mean)
+            test$cca <- sapply(split(dist(object$CCA$Xbar - object$CA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                     N/2, H), mean)
+            test$ca <- sapply(split(dist(object$CA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                    N/2, H), mean)
+            test$se <- sqrt(sapply(split(dist(object$CCA$Xbar)^2 * 
+                                         N/2, H), var)/object$vario$n)
+            object$vario <- cbind(object$vario, All = test$all, 
+                                  Sum = test$ca + test$cca, CA = test$ca,
+                                  CCA = test$cca, se = test$se)
+        }
+    } else {
+        test$ca <- sapply(split(dist(object$CA$Xbar)^2 * N/2, 
+                                H), mean)
+        object$vario <- cbind(object$vario, All = test$ca, CA = test$ca)
+    }
+    if (permutations) {
+        ##require(base)
+        object$H.test <- matrix(0, length(object$H), nrow(object$vario))
+        for (i in 1:nrow(object$vario)) {
+            object$H.test[, i] <- as.numeric(object$H == object$vario$H[i])
+        }
+        xdis <- dist(object$CA$Xbar)^2
+        N <- attributes(xdis)$Size
+        statistic <- abs(cor(as.vector(xdis), object$H.test))
+        perm <- matrix(0, length(statistic), permutations)
+        for (i in 1:permutations) {
+            take <- sample(N, N)
+            permvec <- as.vector(as.dist(as.matrix(xdis)[take, 
+                                                         take]))
+            perm[, i] <- abs(cor(permvec, object$H.test))
+        }
+        object$vario$CA.signif <- apply((perm >= matrix(statistic, 
+                                         nrow(perm), ncol(perm)))/permutations, 1, sum)
+    }
+    class(object) <- c("mso", class(object))
+    object

Added: pkg/R/plot.mso.R
--- pkg/R/plot.mso.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/plot.mso.R	2008-05-07 13:54:12 UTC (rev 339)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+plot.mso <- function (x, alpha = 0.05, explained = FALSE, ...) 
+    object.cca <- x
+    if (is.data.frame(object.cca$vario)) {
+        object <- object.cca
+        vario <- object$vario
+        grain <- object$grain
+        z <- qnorm(alpha/2)
+        if (is.numeric(vario$CA.signif)) {
+            vario <- vario[, -ncol(vario)]
+        }
+        ymax <- max(vario[, -1:-3], na.rm = TRUE)
+        b <- ncol(vario) - 3
+        label <- c("", "", "", "Total variance", "Explained plus residual", 
+            "Residual variance", "Explained variance", "Conditioned variance")
+        par(omi = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0))
+        if (is.numeric(object$CCA$rank)) {
+            if (!explained) 
+                b <- b - 1
+            if (is.numeric(object$vario$se)) 
+                b <- b - 1
+            plot(vario$Dist, vario$All, type = "n", lty = 1, 
+                 pch = 3, xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Variance", 
+                 ylim = c(0, ymax), cex.lab = 1.2)
+            lines(vario$Dist, vario$All + z * vario$se, lty = 1)
+            lines(vario$Dist, vario$All - z * vario$se, lty = 1)
+            lines(vario$Dist, vario$Sum, type = "b", lty = 2, 
+                  pch = 3)
+            for (i in 6:(b + 3)) {
+                lines(vario$Dist, vario[, i], type = "b", lty = 1, 
+                      pch = i - 6)
+                points(x = 1.2 * grain,
+                       y = ymax - ymax * (b + 6 - i)/20, pch = i - 6)
+            }
+            text(x = rep(2 * grain, b - 1), y = ymax - ymax * 
+                 c(2:b)/20, label = label[c(2, b:3) + 3], pos = 4, 
+                 cex = 1.2)
+            points(x = 1.2 * grain, y = ymax - ymax * 2/20, pch = 3)
+            for (i in 2:b) {
+                lines(x = c(0.7, 1.1) * grain,
+                      y = rep(ymax -  ymax * i/20, 2),
+                      lty = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1)[i])
+                lines(x = c(1.3, 1.7) * grain,
+                      y = rep(ymax -  ymax * i/20, 2), lty = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1)[i])
+            }
+            text(x = c(vario$Dist), y = rep(0, length(vario$Dist)), 
+                 label = c(vario$n), cex = 0.8)
+            lines(x = rep(max(object$H)/2, 2), y = c(-10, ymax + 
+                                               10), lty = 3)
+            text(x = 2 * grain, y = ymax - ymax/20, label = "C.I. for total variance", 
+                 pos = 4, cex = 1.2)
+            lines(x = c(0.7, 1.7) * grain, y = rep(ymax - ymax/20, 2),
+                  lty = 1)
+        }
+        else {
+            plot(vario$Dist, vario$All, type = "b", lty = 1, 
+                 pch = 0, xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Variance", 
+                 ylim = c(0, ymax), cex.lab = 1.2)
+            lines(c(0, 10), rep(object$tot.chi, 2), lty = 5)
+            lines(x = c(0.7, 1.7) * grain, y = rep(ymax - ymax * 
+                                           b/20, 2), lty = 5)
+            text(x = 2 * grain, y = ymax - ymax * b/20, label = "Global variance estimate", 
+                 pos = 4, cex = 1.2)
+            text(x = c(vario$Dist), y = rep(0, length(vario$Dist)), 
+                 label = c(vario$n), cex = 0.8)
+            lines(x = rep(max(object$H)/2, 2), y = c(-10, ymax + 
+                                               10), lty = 3)
+            text(x = 2 * grain, y = ymax - ymax/20, label = "Total variance", 
+                 pos = 4, cex = 1.2)
+            lines(x = c(0.7, 1.7) * grain, y = rep(ymax - ymax/20, 
+                                           2), lty = 1)
+        }
+    }
+    if (is.numeric(object$vario$CA.signif)) {
+        a <- c(1:nrow(object$vario))[object$vario$CA.signif < 
+                                     alpha]
+        points(vario$Dist[a], object$vario$CA[a], pch = 15)
+        points(x = 1.2 * grain, y = ymax - ymax * (b + 1)/20, 
+               pch = 15)
+        text(x = 2 * grain, y = ymax - ymax * (b + 1)/20, pos = 4, 
+             cex = 1.2, label = c("Sign. autocorrelation"))
+        if (is.numeric(object$CCA$rank)) {
+            inflation <- 1 - weighted.mean(object$vario$CA, object$vario$n)/
+                weighted.mean(object$vario$CA[-a], 
+                              object$vario$n[-a])
+            cat("Error variance of regression model underestimated by", 
+                round(inflation * 100, 1), "percent", "\n")
+        }
+    }
+    invisible()

Modified: pkg/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2008-05-07 13:30:37 UTC (rev 338)
+++ pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2008-05-07 13:54:12 UTC (rev 339)
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
 Version 1.12-14 (opened May 7, 2008)
+	* mso: added Helene Wagner's mso function for direct multi-scale
+	ordination with constrained ordination or spatial partioning of
+	'cca' and 'rda' results (Ecology 85, 342-351; 2004). Thanks to
+	Helene Wagner for allowing the inclusion of the code.
 	* MOStest: new function to implement Mitchell-Olds & Shaw test for
 	the location of quadratic extreme in a defined interval.

Added: pkg/man/mso.Rd
--- pkg/man/mso.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/mso.Rd	2008-05-07 13:54:12 UTC (rev 339)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+\title{ Functions for performing and displaying a spatial partitioning
+of cca or rda results}
+\description{ The function \code{mso} adds an attribute \code{vario} to
+  an object of class \code{"cca"} that describes the spatial
+  partitioning of the \code{\link{cca}} object and performs an optional
+  permutation test for the spatial independence of residuals. The
+  function \code{plot.mso} creates a diagnostic plot of the spatial
+  partitioning of the \code{"cca"} object.  }
+mso(object.cca, object.xy, grain = 1, round.up = FALSE, permutations = FALSE)
+\method{plot}{mso}(x, alpha = 0.05, explained = FALSE, ...)
+  \item{object.cca}{ An object of class cca, created by the \code{\link{cca}} or
+    \code{\link{rda}} function.} 
+  \item{object.xy}{ A vector, matrix or data frame with the spatial
+    coordinates of the data represented by object.cca. Must have the
+    same number of rows as \code{object.cca\$CA\$Xbar} (see
+    \code{\link{cca.object}}). } 
+  \item{grain}{ Interval size for distance classes.}
+  \item{round.up}{ Determines the choice of breaks. If false, distances
+    are rounded to the nearest multiple of grain. If true, distances are
+    rounded to the upper multiple of grain.} 
+  \item{permutations}{ If false, suppresses the permutation test. If an
+    integer, determines the number of permutations for the Mantel test
+    of spatial independence of residual inertia.}
+  \item{x}{A result object of \code{mso}.}
+  \item{alpha}{ Significance level for the two-sided permutation test of
+    the Mantel statistic for spatial independence of residual inertia
+    and for the point-wise envelope of the variogram of the total
+    variance. A Bonferroni-type correction can be achieved by dividing
+    the overall significance value (e.g. 0.05) by the number of distance
+    classes.} 
+  \item{explained}{ If false, suppresses the plotting of the variogram
+    of explained variance.}
+  \item{\dots}{Other arguments passed to functions.}
+  The Mantel test is an adaptation of the function \code{\link{mantel}} of the
+  \pkg{vegan} package to the parallel testing of several distance classes. It
+  compares the mean inertia in each distance class to the pooled mean
+  inertia of all other distance classes. 
+  If there are explanatory variables (RDA, CCA, pRDA, pCCA) and a
+  significance test for residual autocorrelation was performed when
+  running the function \code{mso}, the function \code{plot.mso} will
+  print an estimate of how much the autocorrelation (based on
+  significant distance classes) causes the global error variance of the
+  regression analysis to be underestimated 
+  The function \code{mso} returns an amended \code{cca} or \code{rda}
+  object with the additional attributes \code{grain}, \code{H},
+  \code{H.test} and \code{vario}.  
+  \item{grain }{ The grain attribute defines the interval size of the
+    distance classes .} 
+  \item{H }{ H is an object of class 'dist' and contains the geographic
+    distances between observations.} 
+  \item{H.test }{ H.test contains a set of dummy variables that describe
+    which pairs of observations (rows = elements of \code{object\$H}) fall in
+    which distance class (columns). } 
+  \item{vario }{ The vario attribute is a data frame that contains some
+    or all of the following components for the rda case (cca case in
+    brackets): 
+    \item{H }{ Distance class as multiples of grain.}
+    \item{Dist }{ Average distance of pairs of observations in distance class H.}
+    \item{n }{ Number of unique pairs of observations in distance class
+      H.} 
+    \item{All }{ Empirical (chi-square) variogram of total variance
+      (inertia).} 
+    \item{Sum }{ Sum of empirical (chi-square) variograms of explained
+      and residual variance (inertia).} 
+    \item{CA }{ Empirical (chi-square) variogram of residual variance
+      (inertia).} 
+    \item{CCA }{ Empirical (chi-square) variogram of explained variance
+      (inertia).} 
+    \item{pCCA }{ Empirical (chi-square) variogram of conditioned
+      variance (inertia).} 
+    \item{se }{ Standard error of the empirical (chi-square) variogram
+      of total variance (inertia).} 
+    \item{CA.signif }{P-value of permutation test for spatial
+      independence of residual variance (inertia).} 
+  }
+\references{ Wagner, H.H. 2004. Direct multi-scale ordination with
+  canonical correspondence analysis. \emph{Ecology} 85: 342--351. } 
+\author{ The responsible author was Helene Wagner.} 
+\note{ The function is based on the code published in the Ecological
+  Archives E085-006 (\url{http://www.esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E085/006/default.htm}).  }
+\seealso{ Function \code{\link{cca}} and \code{\link{rda}},
+  \code{\link{cca.object}}. }
+## Reconstruct worked example of Wagner (submitted):
+X <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0), 3, 2)
+Y <- c(3, -1, -2)
+tmat <- c(1:3)
+## Canonical correspondence analysis (cca):
+Example.cca <- cca(X, Y)
+Example.cca <- mso(Example.cca, tmat)
+## Correspondence analysis (ca):
+Example.ca <- mso(cca(X), tmat)
+\keyword{ spatial }
+\keyword{ multivariate }

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