[Splm-commits] r72 - pkg/R
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Mon Apr 19 18:18:21 CEST 2010
Author: gpiras
Date: 2010-04-19 18:18:21 +0200 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 72
import main function for sim eq GM
Added: pkg/R/spsegm.R
--- pkg/R/spsegm.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/spsegm.R 2010-04-19 16:18:21 UTC (rev 72)
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+`spsegm` <-
+function(formula,data=list(), panel=FALSE,index=NULL, w, method='spatialsim', lags=NULL, errors=NULL, endogenous=NULL, zero.policy = FALSE){
+if(!inherits(formula, "list")) stop("formula should be a list in simultaneous equation models")
+if(!inherits(w, c("listw","matrix"))) stop("w has to be an object of class 'listw' of 'matrix'")
+ if(is.matrix(w)) {
+ require(spdep)
+ w <- mat2listw(w)
+ }
+cl <- match.call()
+ if (!is.null(index)) {
+ require(plm)
+ data <- plm.data(data, index)
+ }
+ index <- data[, 1]
+ tindex <- data[, 2]
+ shortt<-unique(tindex)
+ shorti<-unique(index)
+ n<-length(shorti)
+ eq<-t<-length(shortt)
+if (n != length(listw$neighbours)) stop("listw objects and variables have different dimension")
+if(eq != length(formula)) stop("Number of equations and time periods in the data should correspond")
+ balanced <- (n*t) == nrow(data)
+ if (!balanced)
+ stop("Estimation method unavailable for unbalanced data")
+#print(attributes(model.frame(formula[[i]], data = data[tindex == shortt[i], ]))$names[1] )
+for (i in 1:eq){
+ xlist[[i]] <- model.matrix(formula[[i]], data = data[tindex == shortt[i], ])
+ colnames(xlist[[i]]) <- attributes(model.matrix(formula[[i]], data = data[tindex == shortt[i], ]) )$dimnames[[2]]
+ ylist[[i]] <- model.response(model.frame(formula[[i]], data = data[tindex == shortt[i], ]))
+ names(ylist[[i]])[1]<-attributes(model.frame(formula[[i]], data = data[tindex == shortt[i], ]))$names[1]
+ Wylist[[i]] <- lag.listw(listw, ylist[[i]])
+ K[i] <- dim(xlist[[i]])[[2]]
+#int <- ifelse(colnames(xlist[[i]])[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
+# wx <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = (K[i] - (int - 1)))
+ # for (j in int : K[i]) {
+ # wx[,j- (int - 1)] <- lag.listw(listw, xlist[[i]][,j])
+ # }
+#Wxlist[[i]]<- wx
+#WWxlist[[i]]<- lag.listw(listw, Wxlist[[i]])
+ }
+if (n != length(listw$neighbours)) stop("listw objects and variables have different dimension")
+for (i in 1:eq){
+ xlist[[i]] <- model.matrix(formula[[i]], data = data)
+# Wxlist[[i]] <- lag.listw(listw, xlist[[i]])
+ ylist[[i]] <- as.matrix(model.frame(formula[[i]], data = data)[1])
+ Wylist[[i]] <- lag.listw(listw, ylist[[i]])
+ K[i] <- dim(xlist[[i]])[[2]]
+#int <- ifelse(colnames(xlist[[i]])[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
+# wx <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = (K[i] - (int - 1)))
+ # for (j in int : K[i]) {
+ # wx[,j- (int - 1)] <- lag.listw(listw, xlist[[i]][,j])
+ # }
+#Wxlist[[i]]<- wx
+# WWxlist[[i]]<- lag.listw(listw, Wxlist[[i]])
+if(length(lags)!= eq) stop("The length of lags should equal the number of equations")
+ }
+if(length(errors)!= eq) stop("The length of errors should equal the number of equations")
+ }
+# print(endogenous)
+if(length(endogenous)!= eq) stop("The length of errors should equal the number of equations")
+for(i in 1:eq){
+ if(endogenous[[i]][i]==TRUE){
+ endogenous[[i]][i]<-FALSE
+ warning(paste("Dependent variable cannot be on the right hand side in equation",i))
+# print(endogenous[[i]][i])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+for (i in 1:eq) {
+if(panel) holdy<-names(ylist[[i]])[1]
+else holdy<-colnames(ylist[[i]])
+Ynames<-c(Ynames, holdy)
+ allnames<-c(allnames,hold)
+ }
+colnames(xall) <-allnames
+for (j in 1:length(allnames)) sel[j]<-unique(which(colnames(xall)==allnames[j]))[1]
+if(!is.null(which(colnames(xall)=="(Intercept)"))) {
+ xallni<-xall[,-which(colnames(xall)=="(Intercept)")]
+ }
+#if(is.null(endogenous) && is.null(lags)){
+# }
+ for (i in 1:eq){
+ endogenous[[i]]<-rep(TRUE,(eq))
+ endogenous[[i]][i]<-FALSE
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:eq) lags[[i]]<-rep(TRUE,(eq))
+ }
+ymat<-matrix(unlist(ylist), n,eq)
+ for (i in 1:eq){
+end<-ymat[,which(endogenous[[i]] ==TRUE)]
+ }
+ }
+#once the first step coefficients are obtained, one can proceed to perform the GM estimator
+if(is.null(errors)) errors<-rep(TRUE,eq)
+while (i <=eq){
+ mom<-Ggsararsp(u=r[,i],W=listw)
+ pars<-c(0,0)
+ estim <- nlminb(pars, searg, v = mom, verbose =FALSE)
+ rho[i]<-estim$par[1]
+ sigma[i]<-estim$par[2]
+ }
+ i=i+1
+##transform the y's and Wy's
+Z<-Matrix(0,eq*n,sum(K) +nlags+ nend)
+PZ<-Matrix(0,eq*n,sum(K) +nlags+ nend)
+for (i in 1:eq){
+ xtlist[[i]] <- xlist[[i]] - as.numeric(rho[i]) * lag.listw(listw,xlist[[i]])
+for (t in 1:eq){
+ ytlist[[t]]<- ylist[[t]] - as.numeric(rho[i]) * lag.listw(listw,ylist[[t]])
+ Wytlist[[t]] <- lag.listw(listw,ytlist[[t]])
+ }
+Wytmat<-matrix(unlist(Wytlist), n,eq)
+ytmat<-matrix(unlist(ytlist), n,eq)
+endt<-ytmat[,which(endogenous[[i]] ==TRUE)]
+ est<-tslssp(ytmat[,i],ytend,xtlist[[i]],inst)
+ r2[,i]<-est$residuals
+ b2[[i]]<-est$coefficients
+ }
+ lower<- n*(i-1)+1
+ upper<- n*i
+ hold<-xtlist[[i]]
+ ytend<-cbind(Wyt,endt)
+if(!is.null(ytend)) hold<-cbind(endt,hold,Wyt)
+ pos1<-pos1+ ncol(hold)
+ Z[lower:upper,((pos1-ncol(hold)+1):pos1)]<-hold
+ PZ[lower:upper,((pos1-ncol(hold)+1):pos1)]<-P%*%hold
+ Yt[lower:upper,]<-ytmat[,i]
+ }
+AZ <- Matrix(0,n*eq,ncol(Z))
+for(i in 1:ncol(Z)){
+ tmp <- matrix(Z[,i],n,eq)
+tmpt <- t(tmp)
+tmp2 <- SIGMAinv%*%tmpt
+tmp3 <- matrix(t(tmp2),nrow=n*eq,ncol=1)
+AZH <- matrix(,n*eq,ncol(PZ))
+for(i in 1:ncol(PZ)){
+ tmp <- matrix(PZ[,i],n,eq)
+tmpt <- t(tmp)
+tmp2 <- SIGMAinv%*%tmpt
+tmp3 <- matrix(t(tmp2),nrow=n*eq,ncol=1)
+Ytm <- matrix(Yt,n,eq)
+Ytmt <- t(Ytm)
+Ay1 <- SIGMAinv%*%Ytmt
+Ay <- matrix(t(Ay1),nrow=n*eq,ncol=1)
+model.data <- list(ylist,xlist)
+spmod <- list(method=method, coefficients=delta, errcomp=NULL, vcov=VC,
+ vcov.errcomp= NULL, residuals=NULL, fitted.values=NULL,
+ sigma2=NULL, type=type, model= model.data, N=n,
+ EQ=eq,K=sum(K), call=cl,terms=NULL, Xnames=Xnames,Ynames=Ynames,
+ spec=K,lags=lags, errors=errors, endogenous=endogenous, rho=rho )
+class(spmod)<- "splm"
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