[Splm-commits] r71 - pkg/R
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Mon Apr 19 18:16:35 CEST 2010
Author: gpiras
Date: 2010-04-19 18:16:35 +0200 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 71
remove main function for sim eq GM
Deleted: pkg/R/spsegm.R
--- pkg/R/spsegm.R 2010-04-19 16:12:01 UTC (rev 70)
+++ pkg/R/spsegm.R 2010-04-19 16:16:35 UTC (rev 71)
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-`spsegm` <-
-function(formula,data=list(), spec='default', listw, method='spatialsim',zero.policy = FALSE){
- ##make sure that the data are not plm data
-if (inherits(data,"plm.dim")) stop("Method not available for plm.data")
-if(attributes(terms(formula,"intercept"))$intercept==0) stop("The intercept shoudl be controlled through the argument spec")
-##generates model terms and model frames
- mt<-terms(formula,data=data)
- mf<-lm(formula,data,na.action=na.fail,method="model.frame")
- na.act<-attr(mf,'na.action')
-#generates x and y
-# N.B. y is not a vector but a matrix
- cl<-match.call()
- y<-model.extract(mf,"response")
- x<-model.matrix(mt,mf)
- xcolnames <- colnames(x)
-if (ncol(y)<=1) stop("spsegm requires more than one dependent variable")
-if (ncol(x)<=1) stop("spsegm requires more explanatory variables than simply the intercept")
-#number of equations is equal to the number of columns of y
- eq<-ncol(y)
- k<-ncol(x)
- obs<-nrow(x)
- type<-'spsegm'
-##check if the model is well specified
-if (spec!="default" && !is.list(spec)) stop("spec should either be default or a list type of object")
-if (is.list(spec) && length(spec) != eq) stop("The model has not been specified correctly: length of spec and number of columns of y should match")
-##check listw and its consistency with the data
-if (!inherits(listw,"listw")) stop("No neighborhood list")
-if (obs != length(listw$neighbours)) stop("listw objects and variables have different dimension")
-#generates the spatial lag of all y's
-for(i in 1:eq){
-wy[,i] <- lag.listw(listw,y[,i])
-###generates the instruments
-##it takes care of the argument spec
-#In fact, if it is equal to default x may or may not contain an intercept, whereas if
-# spec is a list, x always contains an intercept
-if (!is.list(spec)){
- K <- ifelse(xcolnames[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
- Wx <- matrix(nrow = obs, ncol = (k - (K - 1)))
- for (i in K:k) {
- wx <- lag.listw(listw, x[, i], zero.policy = zero.policy)
- if (any(is.na(wx)))
- stop("NAs in lagged independent variable")
- Wx[, (i - (K - 1))] <- wx
- }
-colnames(Wx) <- xcolnames[K:k]
-for(i in 1 : ncol(Wx)) WWx[,i]<-lag.listw(listw,Wx[,i])
- }
-else {
-for(i in 1 : (k-1)){
-for(i in 1 : (k-1)){
-# If spec is not a list (DEFAULT) all the instruments are used in all the equations
-# as well as all the wy and y are contained in all equations
-if (!is.list(spec)){
- inst=cbind(Wx,WWx)
- r<-matrix(,obs,eq)
- b<-matrix(,k+eq+(eq-1),eq)
- for (i in 1:eq){
- yend<-cbind(wy,y[,-i])
- est<-tslssp(y[,i],yend,x,inst)
- r[,i]<-est$residuals
- b[,i]<-est$coefficients
- }
- }
-# otherwise, one should select different x's in different equations
-else {
- inst=cbind(x,Wx,WWx)
- #print(inst)
- r<-matrix(,obs,eq)
- #lg<-array(,c(eq,1))
- b<-vector(mode="list",eq)
-#for (i in 1:eq) lg[i,]<-length(spec[[i]])
- #dm<-max(lg)
-for (i in 1:eq){
- yend<-cbind(wy,y[,-i])
- sel<-spec[[i]]
- est<-modtslssp(y[,i],yend,x[,sel],inst)
- r[,i]<-est$residuals
- b[[i]]<-est$coefficients
- }
-#once the first step coefficients are obtained, one can proceed to perform the GM estimator
-for (i in 1:eq){
- mom<-Ggsararsp(u=r[,i],W=listw)
- pars<-c(0,0)
- estim <- optim(pars, searg, v = mom, verbose =FALSE)
- rho[i,]<-estim$par[1]
- sigma[i,]<-estim$par[2]
-##this part generates a series of objects to be used in
-#the transformation of the data to perform the GS2SLS estimator
-##the object lg1 serves to establish the dimension of Z and PZ when spec is not default
-if (is.list(spec)) for (i in 1:eq) sel[i,]<-length(spec[[i]])
-##generates Z=[X,Y,Wy] and PZ whose dimensions depend on the specification
-if (!is.list(spec)) {
- Z<-Matrix(0,eq*obs,((eq-1)+eq+k)*eq)
- PZ<-Matrix(0,eq*obs,((eq-1)+eq+k)*eq)
- }
-else {
- for (i in 1:eq) lg[i,]<- eq+length(spec[[i]]) +(eq-1)
- Z<-Matrix(0,eq*obs, sum(lg))
- PZ<-Matrix(0,eq*obs, sum(lg))
- }
-## generates the matrix of intruments and the projections
-##transform the y's and Wy's
-for (i in 1:eq){
-for (j in 1:k) xt[,j] <- x[,j] - as.numeric(rho[i,]) * lag.listw(listw,x[,j])
-for (t in 1:eq) {
- yt[,t]<- y[,t] - as.numeric(rho[i,]) * lag.listw(listw,y[,t])
- Wyt[,t] <- lag.listw(listw,yt[,t])
- yendt<-cbind(Wyt,yt[,-i])
- ##on the transformed data perform S2SLS
- #note that this part also generates some of the objects (Z,PZ and Yt) needed for the system S3SLS estimator
- #Again the procedure is different whether spec is the default or not
-if (!is.list(spec)){
- inst=cbind(Wx,WWx)
- est<-tslssp(yt[,i],yendt,xt,inst)
- b2[[i]]<-est$coefficients
- r2[,i]<-est$residuals
- tmp1<-cbind(yt[,-i],xt,Wyt)
- A<-(obs*i)-obs+1
- B<- (obs*i)
- E<- i*ncol(tmp1)-ncol(tmp1)+1
- F<-i*ncol(tmp1)
- Z[A:B, E:F]<-tmp1
- PZ[A:B, E:F]<-P%*%tmp1
- Yt[A:B,]<-yt[,i]
- }
- inst=cbind(x,Wx,WWx)
- sel<-spec[[i]]
- ntc[i,]<- Sel1[i] + (i-1)*(eq+(eq-1)) +1
- lg1[i,]<- Sel1[i+1] + i*(eq+(eq-1))
- est<-modtslssp(yt[,i],yendt,xt[,sel],inst)
- b2[[i]]<-est$coefficients
- r2[,i]<-est$residuals
- A<-(obs*i)-obs+1
- B<- (obs*i)
- E<-ntc[i,]
- F<-lg1[i,]
- tmp1<-cbind(yt[,-i],xt[,sel],Wyt)
- Z[A:B, E:F]<-tmp1
- PZ[A:B, E:F]<-P%*%tmp1
- Yt[A:B,]<-yt[,i]
- }
-###this last part performs the full information estimation: GS3SLS
-##here there is an option of using Matrix (which implies a )
-AZ <- matrix(,obs*eq,ncol(Z))
-for(i in 1:ncol(Z)){
- tmp <- matrix(Z[,i],obs,eq)
-tmpt <- t(tmp)
-tmp2 <- SIGMAinv%*%tmpt
-tmp3 <- matrix(t(tmp2),nrow=obs*eq,ncol=1)
-AZH <- matrix(,obs*eq,ncol(PZ))
-for(i in 1:ncol(PZ)){
- tmp <- matrix(PZ[,i],obs,eq)
-tmpt <- t(tmp)
-tmp2 <- SIGMAinv%*%tmpt
-tmp3 <- matrix(t(tmp2),nrow=obs*eq,ncol=1)
-Ytm <- matrix(Yt,obs,eq)
-Ytmt <- t(Ytm)
-Ay1 <- SIGMAinv%*%Ytmt
-Ay <- matrix(t(Ay1),nrow=obs*eq,ncol=1)
-model.data <- data.frame(cbind(y,x[,-1]))
-spmod <- list(method=method, coefficients=delta, errcomp=NULL, vcov=VC,
- vcov.errcomp= NULL, residuals=NULL, fitted.values=NULL,
- sigma2=NULL, type=type, model= model.data, N=obs,
- EQ=eq,K=k, call=cl,terms=mt, Xnames=colnames(x),Ynames=colnames(y),
- spec=spec)
-class(spmod)<- "splm"
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