[spcopula-commits] r97 - / pkg pkg/R pkg/man www

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Fri May 24 17:08:19 CEST 2013

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2013-05-24 17:08:18 +0200 (Fri, 24 May 2013)
New Revision: 97

- added full spatio-temporal support (still needs tesating!)

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: copula driven spatial analysis
 Version: 0.1-1
-Date: 2013-05-21
+Date: 2013-05-24
 Author: Benedikt Graeler
 Maintainer: Benedikt Graeler <ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de>
 Description: This package provides a framework to analyse via copulas spatial and spatio-temporal data provided in the format of the spacetime package. Additionally, support for calculating different multivariate return periods is implemented.
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+  spatio-temporalPreparation.R
@@ -30,5 +31,6 @@
+  stVineCopula.R

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
 export(joeBiCopula, surJoeBiCopula, r90JoeBiCopula, r270JoeBiCopula)
 export(surClaytonCopula, r90ClaytonCopula, r270ClaytonCopula)
 export(surGumbelCopula, r90GumbelCopula, r270GumbelCopula)
-export(vineCopula, spVineCopula)
+export(spCopula, stCopula)
+export(vineCopula, spVineCopula, stVineCopula)
+export(neighbourhood, stNeighbourhood)
 export(empiricalCopula, genEmpCop)
 # general functions
@@ -20,18 +21,18 @@
 export(invdduCopula, invddvCopula)
 # tweaks
 # export(setSizeLim)
 # spatial
 export(calcSpTreeDists, dropSpTree)
 # fitting
 export(fitCorFun, loglikByCopulasLags, fitSpCopula, composeSpCopula)
 # MRP functions
 export(genEmpKenFun, genInvKenFun)
@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@
 export(criticalPair, criticalTriple)
 ## classes
-exportClasses(asCopula, cqsCopula, neighbourhood, empiricalCopula)
-exportClasses(vineCopula, spCopula, stCopula, spVineCopula)
+exportClasses(asCopula, cqsCopula, neighbourhood, stNeighbourhood, empiricalCopula)
+exportClasses(spCopula, stCopula, vineCopula, spVineCopula, stVineCopula)
 # wrappers to CDVine
 exportClasses(BB1Copula, surBB1Copula, r90BB1Copula, r270BB1Copula)

Modified: pkg/R/Classes.R
--- pkg/R/Classes.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/R/Classes.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
     return("Parameter and lower bound have non-equal length")
   if (any(is.na(param) | param > upper | param < lower))
     return("Parameter value out of bound")
-  if (length(object at fixed >0)){
+  if (object at fixed != ""){
     if(!("a" %in% object at fixed | "b" %in% object at fixed))
       return("The slot fixed may only refer to \"a\" or \"b\".")
     if ("a" %in% object at fixed & "b" %in% object at fixed)
@@ -208,6 +208,17 @@
+## Spatio-temporal Vine Copula ##
+validStVineCopula <- function(object) {
+  return(validStCopula(object at stCop) & validObject(object at topCop))
+setClass("stVineCopula", representation("copula", stCop="stCopula", topCop="copula"),
+         validity = validStVineCopula, contains=list("copula"))
 ## spatial classes providing the data ##
@@ -259,3 +270,32 @@
          validity = validNeighbourhood, contains = list("Spatial"))
+## ST neighbourhood
+validStNeighbourhood <- function(object) {
+  sizeN <- nrow(object at data)
+  if (object at prediction & is.null(object at dataLocs))
+    return("The spatio-temporal locations of the data have to be provided for the estimation procedure.")
+  dimDists <- dim(object at distances)
+  if (nrow(object at data) != dimDists[1]) 
+    return("Data and distances have unequal number of rows.")
+  dimInd <- dim(object at index)
+  if (nrow(object at data) != dimInd[1]) 
+    return("Data and index have unequal number of rows.")
+  if (dimDists[2] != dimInd[2]) 
+    return("Data and index have unequal number of columns.")
+  else 
+    return(TRUE)
+         representation = representation(data = "data.frame", 
+                                         distances="array", 
+                                         index="array",
+                                         locations="ST",
+                                         dataLocs="optionalST",
+                                         var="character", 
+                                         prediction="logical"),
+         validity = validStNeighbourhood, contains = list("ST"))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/asCopula.R
--- pkg/R/asCopula.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/R/asCopula.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -184,47 +184,36 @@
 # method
 #  one of kendall or spearman according to the calculation of moa
-fitASC2.itau <- function(copula, data, estimate.variance) {
-tau <- cor(data,method="kendall")[1,2]
-esti <- fitASC2.moa(tau, data, method="itau")
-copula <- asCopula(esti)
-           estimate = esti, 
-           var.est = matrix(NA), 
-           loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
-           nsample = nrow(data),
-           method = "Inversion of Kendall's tau and MLE",
-           fitting.stats = list(convergence=as.integer(NA)),
-           copula = copula))
+fitASC2.itau <- function(copula, data, estimate.variance, tau=NULL) {
+  if(is.null(tau))
+    tau <- VineCopula:::fasttau(data[,1],data[,2])
+  esti <- fitASC2.moa(tau, data, method="itau")
+  copula <- asCopula(esti)
+  new("fitCopula", estimate = esti, var.est = matrix(NA), 
+      loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))), nsample = nrow(data),
+      method = "Inversion of Kendall's tau and MLE", 
+      fitting.stats = list(convergence=as.integer(NA)), copula = copula)
-fitASC2.irho <- function(copula, data, estimate.variance){
-rho <- cor(data,method="spearman")[1,2]
-esti <- fitASC2.moa(rho, data, method="itau")
-copula <- asCopula(esti)
-           estimate = esti, 
-           var.est = matrix(NA), 
-           loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
-           nsample = nrow(data),
-           method = "Inversion of Spearman's rho and MLE",
-           fitting.stats = list(convergence=as.integer(NA)),
-           copula = copula))
+fitASC2.irho <- function(copula, data, estimate.variance, rho=NULL){
+  if(is.null(rho))
+    rho <- cor(data,method="spearman")[1,2]
+  esti <- fitASC2.moa(rho, data, method="irho")
+  copula <- asCopula(esti)
+  new("fitCopula", estimate = esti, var.est = matrix(NA), 
+      loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))), nsample = nrow(data),
+      method = "Inversion of Spearman's rho and MLE",
+      fitting.stats = list(convergence=as.integer(NA)), copula = copula)
 fitASC2.moa <- function(moa, data, method="itau", tol=.Machine$double.eps^.5) {
   smpl <- as.matrix(data)
+  iFun <- switch(method, 
+                 itau=function(p) iTauASC2(p,moa),
+                 irho=function(p) iRhoASC2(p,moa))
-  iTau <- function(p) {
-    iTauASC2(p,moa)
-  }
-  iRho <- function(p) {
-    iRhoASC2(p,moa)
-  }
-  iFun <- switch(method, itau=iTau, irho=iRho)
   sec <- function (parameters) {
     res <- NULL
     for(param in parameters) {
@@ -235,9 +224,7 @@
   b <- optimize(sec,c(-1,1), tol=tol)$minimum
-  param <- c(iFun(b),b)
-  return(param)
+  return(c(iFun(b),b))
 # maximum log-likelihood estimation of a and b using optim

Modified: pkg/R/cqsCopula.R
--- pkg/R/cqsCopula.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/R/cqsCopula.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ##                                                  ##
-cqsCopula <- function (param=c(0,0), fixed=character(0)) {
+cqsCopula <- function (param=c(0,0), fixed="") {
   new("cqsCopula", dimension = as.integer(2), parameters = param, 
       param.names = c("a", "b"), param.lowbnd = c(limA(param[2]),-1),
       param.upbnd = c(1, 1), 
@@ -272,8 +272,6 @@
 fitCQSec.moa <- function(moa, data, method="itau", tol=.Machine$double.eps^.5) {
   smpl <- as.matrix(data)
@@ -298,9 +296,7 @@
   b <- optimize(sec,c(-1,1), tol=tol)$minimum
-  param <- c(iFun(b),b)
-  return(param)
+  return(c(iFun(b),b))
 # maximum log-likelihood estimation of a and b using optim

Modified: pkg/R/spCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spCopula.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/R/spCopula.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -422,18 +422,7 @@
 # cutoff -> maximal distance that should be considered for fitting
 # bounds -> the bounds of the correlation function (typically c(0,1))
 # method -> the measure of association, either "kendall" or "spearman"
-fitCorFun <- function(bins, degree=3, cutoff=NA, bounds=c(0,1), 
-                      cor.method=NULL, weighted=FALSE) {
-  if(is.null(cor.method)) {
-    if(is.null(attr(bins,"cor.method")))
-      stop("Neither the bins arguments has an attribute cor.method nor is the parameter cor.method provided.") 
-    else 
-      cor.method <- attr(bins,"cor.method")
-  } else {
-    if(!is.null(attr(bins,"cor.method")) && cor.method != attr(bins,"cor.method"))
-      stop("The cor.method attribute of the bins argument and the argument cor.method do not match.")
-  }
+fitCorFunSng <- function(bins, degree, cutoff, bounds, cor.method, weighted) {
   if (weighted) {
     bins <- as.data.frame(bins[c("np","meanDists","lagCor")])
@@ -449,6 +438,9 @@
   cat("Sum of squared residuals:",sum(fitCor$residuals^2),"\n")
+  if(cor.method=="fasttau") 
+    cor.method <- "kendall"
   function(x) {
     if (is.null(x)) return(cor.method)
     return(pmin(bounds[2], pmax(bounds[1], 
@@ -456,7 +448,33 @@
+fitCorFun <- function(bins, degree=3, cutoff=NA, bounds=c(0,1), 
+                      cor.method=NULL, weighted=FALSE){
+  if(is.null(cor.method)) {
+    if(is.null(attr(bins,"cor.method")))
+      stop("Neither the bins arguments has an attribute cor.method nor is the parameter cor.method provided.") 
+    else 
+      cor.method <- attr(bins,"cor.method")
+  } else {
+    if(!is.null(attr(bins,"cor.method")) && cor.method != attr(bins,"cor.method"))
+      stop("The cor.method attribute of the bins argument and the argument cor.method do not match.")
+  }
+  if(is.null(nrow(bins$lagCor)))
+    return(fitCorFunSng(bins, degree, cutoff, bounds, cor.method, weighted))
+  degree <- rep(degree,length.out=nrow(bins$lagCor))
+  calcKTau <- list()
+  for(j in 1:nrow(bins$lagCor)) {
+    calcKTau[[paste("fun",j,sep="")]] <- fitCorFunSng(data.frame(meanDists=bins$meanDists, 
+                                                                 lagCor=bins$lagCor[j,]),
+                                                      degree[j], cutoff, bounds, 
+                                                      cor.method, weighted)
+  }
+  return(calcKTau)
 # towards b)
 ## loglikelihoods for a dynamic spatial copula

Modified: pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 ##                                                    ##
-## neighbourhood constructor
+## spatial neighbourhood constructor
 neighbourhood <- function(data, distances, sp, dataLocs=NULL, index, 
                           prediction, var) {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
       prediction=x at prediction)
-setMethod("[[", "neighbourhood", selectFromNeighbourhood) 
+setMethod("[[", signature("neighbourhood","numeric","missing"), selectFromNeighbourhood) 
 ## calculate neighbourhood from SpatialPointsDataFrame
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   allData <- NULL
   for(i in 1:length(locations)) { # i <- 1
-    tempDists <- spDistsN1(spData,locations[i,])
+    tempDists <- spDists(spData,locations[i,])
     tempDists[tempDists < min.dist] <- Inf
     spLocs <- order(tempDists)[1:(size-1)]
     allLocs <- rbind(allLocs, spLocs)

Added: pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+##                                                           ##
+## functions based on spacetime preparing the use of copulas ##
+##                                                           ##
+## spatio-temporal neighbourhood constructor
+stNeighbourhood <- function(data, distances, STxDF, ST=NULL,index, 
+                          prediction, var) {
+  data <- as.data.frame(data)
+  sizeN <- nrow(data)
+  dimDists <- dim(distances)
+  stopifnot(dimDists[1]==sizeN)
+  stopifnot(dimDists[2]==ncol(data)-(!prediction))
+  stopifnot(dimDists[3]==2)
+  colnames(data) <- paste(paste("N", (0+prediction):dimDists[2], sep=""),var,sep=".")
+  if (anyDuplicated(rownames(data))>0)
+    rownames <- 1:length(rownames)
+  new("stNeighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, locations=STxDF, 
+      dataLocs=ST, index=index, prediction=prediction, var=var,
+      sp=as(STxDF at sp, "Spatial"), time=STxDF at time[1], 
+      endTime=STxDF at endTime[length(STxDF at endTime)])
+## show
+showStNeighbourhood <- function(object){
+  cat("A set of spatio-temporal neighbourhoods consisting of", dim(object at distances)[2]+1, "locations each \n")
+  cat("with",nrow(object at data),"rows of observations for:\n")
+  cat(object at var,"\n")
+## calculate neighbourhood from SpatialPointsDataFrame
+# returns an neighbourhood object
+getStNeighbours <- function(stData, ST, var=names(stData at data)[1], spSize=4, 
+                            t.lags=-(0:2), timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
+  stopifnot((!prediction && missing(ST)) || (prediction && !missing(ST)))
+  stopifnot(min.dist>0 || prediction)
+  timeSpan <- min(t.lags)
+  if(missing(ST) && !prediction)
+    ST=stData
+  if(is.na(timeSteps))
+    timeSteps <- length(stData at time)+timeSpan
+  stopifnot(is(ST,"ST"))
+  nLocs <- length(ST at sp)*timeSteps
+  if(any(is.na(match(var,names(stData at data)))))
+    stop("At least one of the variables is unkown or is not part of the data.")
+  if(prediction)
+    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(stData[,1], ST, var, spSize, prediction, min.dist)
+  else
+    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(stData[,1], var=var, size=spSize, min.dist=min.dist)
+  stNeighData <- NULL
+  stDists <- array(NA,c(nLocs,(spSize-1)*length(t.lags),2))
+  stInd <- array(NA,c(nLocs,(spSize-1)*length(t.lags),2))
+  for(i in 1:nrow(nghbrs at index)){ # i <- 1
+    tmpInst <- sample((1-timeSpan):length(stData at time), timeSteps) # draw random time steps for each neighbourhood
+    tmpData <- matrix(stData[c(i, nghbrs at index[i,]),  tmpInst,  var]@data[[1]],
+                      ncol=spSize, byrow=T) # retrieve the top level data
+    tmpInd <- matrix(rep(tmpInst,spSize-1),ncol=spSize-1)
+    for(t in t.lags[-1]) {
+      tmpData <- cbind(tmpData, matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,], 
+                                              tmpInst+t,var]@data[[1]],
+                                       ncol=spSize-1, byrow=T))
+      tmpInd <- cbind(tmpInd, matrix(rep(tmpInst+t,spSize-1),ncol=spSize-1))
+    }
+    stNeighData <- rbind(stNeighData, tmpData) # bind data row-wise
+    stDists[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at distances[i,],
+                                                          timeSteps*(spSize-1)),
+                                                      byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))  # store sp distances
+    stDists[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(t.lags,each=spSize-1),
+                                                          timeSteps),
+                                                      byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))  # store tmp distances
+    stInd[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at index[i,],
+                                                    timeSteps*(spSize-1)),
+                                                    byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))
+    stInd[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,2] <- tmpInd
+  }
+  if (prediction)
+    dataLocs <- stData
+  else 
+    dataLocs <- NULL
+  return(stNeighbourhood(as.data.frame(stNeighData), stDists, stData, ST, 
+                         stInd, prediction, var))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/stCopula.R
--- pkg/R/stCopula.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
+++ pkg/R/stCopula.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
-# constructor
-# dimension = "integer"     set to 2
-# parameters = "numeric"    set of parameters
-# param.names = "character" appropriate names
-# param.lowbnd = "numeric"  appropriate lower bounds
-# param.upbnd = "numeric"   appropriate upper bounds
-# fullname = "character"     messgae printed with "show"
-# components="list"         list of copulas (will be automatically supplemented 
-#			      by the independent copula)
-# distances="numeric"       the linking distances + the range (will be assigned
-#			      to the independent copula)
-# unit="character"          measurement unit of distance
-# depFun="function"         a optional spatial dependence function providing 
-#                             Kendalls tau or Spearman's rho to calib* or exact 
-#                             parameters
+## Spatio-Temporal Bivariate Copula ##
+## constructor ##
 stCopula <- function(components, distances, t.lags, stDepFun, unit="m", t.res="day") {
   spCopList <- list()
@@ -40,7 +31,9 @@
       spCopList=spCopList, t.lags=t.lags, t.res=t.res)
-## show method
+## show method ##
 showStCopula <- function(object) {
   cat(object at fullname, "\n")
   cat("Dimension: ", object at dimension, "\n")
@@ -55,270 +48,126 @@
 setMethod("show", signature("stCopula"), showStCopula)
-## spatial copula jcdf ##
+## spatial copula cdf ##
-# TODO: add again block support to the spatio-temporal copula
-# u 
-#   list containing two column matrix providing the transformed pairs,  their respective 
-#   separation distances and time steps
-pStCopula <- function (u, copula) {
-  if (!is.list(u) || !length(u)>=3) stop("Point pairs need to be provided with their separating spatial and temproal distances as a list.")
+pStCopula <- function (u, copula, h) {
+  stopifnot(ncol(h)==2)
+  stopifnot(nrow(h)==1 || nrow(h)==nrow(u))
-  if(!is.matrix(u[[1]])) u[[1]] <- matrix(u[[1]],ncol=2)
-  n <- nrow(u[[1]])
-  h <- u[[2]]
-  t.dist <- u[[3]]
+  n <- nrow(u)
+  tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(length(u)==4) {
-    block <- u[[4]]
-    if (n%%block != 0) stop("The block size is not a multiple of the data length:",n)
-  } else block <- 1
-  if(any(is.na(match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
-  if(length(h)>1 & length(h)!=n) 
-    stop("The spatial distance vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if(length(t.dist)>1 & length(t.dist)!=n) 
-    stop("The temporal distances vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if (length(t.dist)==1) {
-    res <- pSpCopula(copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)]], 
-                     list(u[[1]], h))
+  if (length(tDist)==1) {
+    res <- pSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at t.lags)]], h[,1])
   } else {
-    if(length(h)==1) h <- rep(h,n)
-    res <- NULL
-    for(i in 1:(n%/%block)) {
-      res <- rbind(res, pSpCopula(copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist[i],copula at t.lags)]],
-                                  list(u[[1]][((i-1)*block+1):(i*block),], h[i*block])))
+    res <- numeric(n)
+    for(t in tDist) {
+      tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      res[tmpInd] <- pSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
-  return(res)
+  res
-setMethod("pCopula", signature("numeric","stCopula"), pStCopula)
+setMethod(pCopula, signature("numeric","stCopula"), 
+          function(u, copula, log, ...) pStCopula(matrix(u,ncol=2), copula, ...))
+setMethod(pCopula, signature("matrix","stCopula"), pStCopula)
 ## spatial Copula density ##
-# u 
-#   three column matrix providing the transformed pairs and their respective 
-#   separation distances
-dStCopula <- function (u, copula) {
-  if (!is.list(u) || !length(u)>=3) stop("Point pairs need to be provided with their separating spatial and temproal distances as a list.")
+dStCopula <- function (u, copula, log, h) {
+  stopifnot(ncol(h)==2)
+  stopifnot(nrow(h)==1 || nrow(h)==nrow(u))
-  if(!is.matrix(u[[1]])) u[[1]] <- matrix(u[[1]],ncol=2)
-  n <- nrow(u[[1]])
-  h <- u[[2]]
-  t.dist <- u[[3]]
+  n <- nrow(u)
+  tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(length(u)==4) {
-    block <- u[[4]]
-    if (n%%block != 0) stop("The block size is not a multiple of the data length:",n)
-  } else block <- 1
-  if(any(is.na(match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
-  if(length(h)>1 & length(h)!=n) 
-    stop("The spatial distance vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if(length(t.dist)>1 & length(t.dist)!=n) 
-    stop("The temporal distances vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if (length(t.dist)==1) {
-    res <- dSpCopula(copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)]], 
-                     list(u[[1]], h))
+  if (length(tDist)==1) {
+    res <- dSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at t.lags)]], log, h[,1])
   } else {
-    if(length(h)==1) h <- rep(h,n)
-    res <- NULL
-    for(i in 1:(n%/%block)) {
-      res <- rbind(res, dSpCopula(copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist[i],copula at t.lags)]],
-                                  list(u[[1]][((i-1)*block+1):(i*block),], h[i*block])))
+    res <- numeric(n)
+    for(t in tDist) {
+      tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      res[tmpInd] <- dSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, log, h[tmpInd,1])
-  return(res)
+  res
-setMethod("dCopula", signature("list","stCopula"), dStCopula)
+setMethod(dCopula, signature("numeric","stCopula"), 
+          function(u, copula, log, ...) dStCopula(matrix(u,ncol=2), copula, log=log, ...))
+setMethod(dCopula, signature("matrix","stCopula"), dStCopula)
 ## partial derivatives ##
-## dduSpCopula
+## dduSpCopula ##
-dduStCopula <- function (u, copula) {
-  if (!is.list(u) || !length(u)>=3) stop("Point pairs need to be provided with their separating spatial and temproal distances as a list.")
+dduStCopula <- function (u, copula, h) {
+  stopifnot(ncol(h)==2)
+  stopifnot(nrow(h)==1 || nrow(h)==nrow(u))
-  if(!is.matrix(u[[1]])) u[[1]] <- matrix(u[[1]],ncol=2)
-  n <- nrow(u[[1]])
-  h <- u[[2]]
-  t.dist <- u[[3]]
+  n <- nrow(u)
+  tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(length(u)==4) {
-    t.block <- u[[4]]
-    if (n%%t.block != 0) stop("The block size is not a multiple of the data length:",n)
-  } else t.block <- 1
-  if(any(is.na(match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
-  if(length(h)>1 & length(h)!=n) 
-    stop("The spatial distance vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if(length(t.dist)>1 & length(t.dist)!=n) 
-    stop("The temporal distances vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if (length(t.dist)==1) {
-    res <- dduSpCopula(copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)]],
-                       list(u[[1]], h, block=t.block))
+  if (length(tDist)==1) {
+    res <- dduSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at t.lags)]], h[,1])
   } else {
-    if(length(h)==1) h <- rep(h,n)
-    res <- NULL
-    for(i in 1:(n%/%t.block)) {
-      cop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist[i*t.block],copula at t.lags)]]
-      tmpPair <- u[[1]][((i-1)*t.block+1):(i*t.block),]
-      res <- rbind(res, dduSpCopula(cop, list(tmpPair,h[i*t.block])))
+    res <- numeric(n)
+    for(t in tDist) {
+      tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      res[tmpInd] <- dduSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
-  return(res)
+  res
-setMethod("dduCopula", signature("list","stCopula"), dduStCopula)
+setMethod("dduCopula", signature("numeric","stCopula"), 
+          function(u, copula, ...) dduStCopula(matrix(u,ncol=2), copula, ...))
+setMethod("dduCopula", signature("matrix","stCopula"), dduStCopula)
-## ddvSpCopula
-ddvStCopula <- function (u, copula) {
-  if (!is.list(u) || !length(u)>=3) stop("Point pairs need to be provided with their separating spatial and temproal distances as a list.")
+## ddvSpCopula ##
+ddvStCopula <- function (u, copula, h) {
+  stopifnot(ncol(h)==2)
+  stopifnot(nrow(h)==1 || nrow(h)==nrow(u))
-  if(!is.matrix(u[[1]])) u[[1]] <- matrix(u[[1]],ncol=2)
-  n <- nrow(u[[1]])
-  h <- u[[2]]
-  t.dist <- u[[3]]
+  n <- nrow(u)
+  tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(length(u)==4) {
-    t.block <- u[[4]]
-    if (n%%t.block != 0) stop("The block size is not a multiple of the data length:",n)
-  } else t.block <- 1
-  if(any(is.na(match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
-  if(length(h)>1 & length(h)!=n) 
-    stop("The spatial distance vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if(length(t.dist)>1 & length(t.dist)!=n) 
-    stop("The temporal distances vector must either be of same length as rows in the data pairs or a single value.")
-  if (length(t.dist)==1) {
-    res <- ddvSpCopula(copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist,copula at t.lags)]],
-                       list(u[[1]], h, block=t.block))
+  if (length(tDist)==1) {
+    res <- ddvSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist,copula at t.lags)]], h[,1])
   } else {
-    if(length(h)==1) h <- rep(h,n)
-    res <- NULL
-    for(i in 1:(n%/%t.block)) {
-      cop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t.dist[i*t.block],copula at t.lags)]]
-      tmpPair <- u[[1]][((i-1)*t.block+1):(i*t.block),]
-      res <- rbind(res, ddvSpCopula(cop, list(tmpPair,h[i*t.block])))
+    res <- numeric(n)
+    for(t in tDist) {
+      tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      res[tmpInd] <- ddvSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
-  return(res)
+  res
-setMethod("ddvCopula", signature("list","stCopula"), ddvStCopula)
-# #############
-# ##         ##
-# ## FITTING ##
-# ##         ##
-# #############
-# # two models: 
-# # 1) Kendall's tau driven:
-# #    fit curve through emp. Kendall's tau values, identify validity ranges for
-# #    copula families deriving parameters from the fit, fade from one family to 
-# #    another at borders
-# # 2) convex-linear combination of copulas: 
-# #    fit one per lag, fade from one to another
-# # towards the first model:
-# # INPUT: the stBinning
-# # steps
-# # a) fit a curve
-# # b) estimate bivariate copulas per lag (limited to those with some 1-1-relation 
-# #    to Kendall's tau')
-# # c) select best fits based on ... e.g. log-likelihood, visual inspection
-# # d) compose bivariate copulas to one spatial copula
-# # OUTPUT: a spatial copula parametrixued by distance through Kendall's tau
-# # towards b)
-# # bins     -> typically output from calcBins
-# # calcTau  -> a function on distance providing Kendall's tau estimates, 
-# # families -> a vector of dummy copula objects of each family to be considered
-# #             DEFAULT: c(normal, t_df=4, clayton, frank, gumbel
-# loglikByCopulasLags <- function(bins, calcTau, families=c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0,dispstr="un"),
-#                                                           claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1))) {
-#   loglik <- NULL
-#   for (cop in families) {
-#     print(cop)
-#     tmploglik <- NULL
-#     for(i in 1:length(bins$meanDists)) {
-#       cop at parameters[1] <- iTau(cop,tau=calcTau(bins$meanDists[i]))
-#       tmploglik <- c(tmploglik, sum(log(dCopula(bins$lagData[[i]],cop))))
-#     }
-#     loglik <- cbind(loglik, tmploglik)
-#   }
-#   colnames(loglik) <- sapply(families, function(x) class(x)[1])
-#   return(loglik)
-# }
-# # towards d)
-# composeSpCop <- function(bestFit, families, bins, calcCor) {
-#   nfits <- length(bestFit)
-#   gaps <- which(diff(bestFit)!=0)
-#   if(missing(calcCor)) noCor <- nfits
-#   else noCor <- min(which(calcCor(bins$meanDists)<=0), nfits)
-#   breaks <- sort(c(gaps, gaps+1, noCor))
-#   breaks <- breaks[breaks<noCor]
-#   cops <- as.list(families[bestFit[breaks]])
-#   breaks <- unique(c(breaks, min(nfits,rev(breaks)[1]+1)))
-#   distances <- bins$meanDists[breaks]
-#   if(length(breaks)==length(cops)) {
-#     warning("Lags do not cover the entire range with positive correlation. ", 
-#              "An artifical one fading towards the indepCopula has been added.")
-#     distances <- c(distances, rev(distances)[1]+diff(bins$meanDists[nfits+c(-1,0)]))
-#   }
-#   if(missing(calcCor)) return(spCopula(components=cops, distances=distances, unit="m"))
-#   else return(spCopula(components=cops, distances=distances, unit="m", spDepFun=calcCor))
-# }
-# # in once
-# # bins   -> typically output from calcBins
-# # cutoff -> maximal distance that should be considered for fitting
-# # families -> a vector of dummy copula objects of each family to be considered
-# #             DEFAULT: c(normal, t_df=4, clayton, frank, gumbel
-# # ...
-# # type   -> the type of curve (by now only polynominals are supported)
-# # degree -> the degree of the polynominal
-# # bounds -> the bounds of the correlation function (typically c(0,1))
-# # method -> the measure of association, either "kendall" or "spearman"
-# fitSpCopula <- function(bins, cutoff=NA, families=c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0,dispstr="un"),
-#                                                     claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), ...) {
-#   calcTau <- fitCorFun(bins, cutoff=cutoff, ...)
-#   loglik <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, calcTau=calcTau, families=families)
-#   bestFit <- apply(apply(loglik, 1, rank),2,function(x) which(x==length(families)))
-#   return(composeSpCop(bestFit, families, bins, calcTau))
-# }
+setMethod("ddvCopula", signature("numeric","stCopula"), 
+          function(u, copula, ...) ddvStCopula(matrix(u,ncol=2), copula, ...))
+setMethod("ddvCopula", signature("matrix","stCopula"), ddvStCopula)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/stVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/stVineCopula.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/stVineCopula.R	2013-05-24 15:08:18 UTC (rev 97)
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+## methods for the spatial vine copula ##
+## constructor ##
+stVineCopula <- function(stCop, topCop) {
+  stopifnot(is(stCop,"stCopula"))
+  new("stVineCopula", dimension = as.integer(topCop at dimension+1),
+      parameters=numeric(), param.names = character(), param.lowbnd = numeric(), 
+      param.upbnd = numeric(), 
+      fullname = paste("Spatio-temporal vine copula family with 1 spatio-temporal tree."),
+      stCop=stCop, topCop=topCop)
+## show ##
+showStVineCopula <- function(object) {
+  dim <- object at dimension
+  cat(object at fullname, "\n")
+  cat("Dimension: ", dim, "\n")
+setMethod("show", signature("stVineCopula"), showStVineCopula)
+## density ##

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/spcopula -r 97

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