[spcopula-commits] r96 - / pkg pkg/R pkg/demo pkg/man

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Tue May 21 10:26:21 CEST 2013

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2013-05-21 10:26:21 +0200 (Tue, 21 May 2013)
New Revision: 96

- bug fixes in the spatial copula demo spCopula.R

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: copula driven spatial analysis
 Version: 0.1-1
-Date: 2013-05-03
+Date: 2013-05-21
 Author: Benedikt Graeler
 Maintainer: Benedikt Graeler <ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de>
 Description: This package provides a framework to analyse via copulas spatial and spatio-temporal data provided in the format of the spacetime package. Additionally, support for calculating different multivariate return periods is implemented.
 License: GPL-2
 LazyLoad: yes
-Depends: copula (>= 0.999-5), spacetime (>= 1.0-2), VineCopula, methods, R (>= 2.15.0)
+Depends: copula (>= 0.999-6), spacetime (>= 1.0-2), VineCopula, methods, R (>= 2.15.0)
 URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/spcopula/

Modified: pkg/R/spVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
     xVals <- attr(condSecVine,"xVals")
     density <- condSecVine(xVals)
     nx <- length(xVals)
-    int <- cumsum(c(0,diff(xVals)*(p*diff(density)+density[-nx])))
+    int <- cumsum(c(0,diff(xVals)*(0.5*diff(density)+density[-nx])))
     lower <- max(which(int <= p))
     m <- (density[lower+1]-density[lower])/(xVals[lower+1]-xVals[lower])
     b <- density[lower]
@@ -268,4 +268,41 @@
          quantile=spCopPredict.quantile(predNeigh, spVine, margin, p),
          expectation=spCopPredict.expectation(predNeigh, spVine, margin, ...))
\ No newline at end of file
+# draw from a spatial vine
+# Algorithm 1 from Aas et al. (2006): Pair-copula constructions of multiple dependence
+r.spVineCop <- function(n, spVine, h) {
+  spVineDim <- spVine at dimension
+  sims <- NULL
+  for(runs in 1:n) {
+    init <- runif(spVineDim)
+    res <- init[1]
+    v <- matrix(NA,spVineDim,spVineDim)
+    v[1,1] <- init[1]
+    for (i in 2:spVineDim) { # i <- 2
+      v[i,1] <- init[i]
+      for (k in (i-1):1) { # k <- i-1
+        v[i,1] <- uniroot(function(u) {
+                            v[i,1] - ddvCopula(cbind(u,v[k,k]), spVine at spCop[[k]],
+                                               h=h[[k]][i-k])
+                          }, c(0,1))$root
+      }  
+      res <- c(res,v[i,1])
+      if(i==spVineDim)
+        break()
+      for(j in 1:(i-1)) {
+        v[i,j+1] <- ddvCopula(cbind(v[i,j],v[j,j]),spVine at spCop[[k]], h=h[[j]][i-j])
+      }
+    }
+    sims <- rbind(sims,res)
+  }
+  rownames(sims) <- NULL
+  sims
+setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric","spVineCopula"), 
+          function(n, copula, ...) r.spVineCop(n, copula, ...))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
       prediction=x at prediction)
-setMethod("[", signature("neighbourhood"), selectFromNeighbourhood) 
+setMethod("[[", "neighbourhood", selectFromNeighbourhood) 
 ## calculate neighbourhood from SpatialPointsDataFrame

Modified: pkg/R/vineCopulas.R
--- pkg/R/vineCopulas.R	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/R/vineCopulas.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -77,9 +77,10 @@
           function(u,copula) pvineCopula(as.matrix(u),copula))
 setMethod("pCopula", signature("matrix","vineCopula"), pvineCopula)
+## simulation
 rRVine <- function(n, copula) {
   RVM <- copula at RVM
-#   class(RVM) <- "RVineMatrix"
   RVineSim(n, RVM)

Modified: pkg/demo/MRP.R
--- pkg/demo/MRP.R	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/demo/MRP.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # estiamte the BB7 copula by means of maximum likelihood
-copQV <- fitCopula(BB7Copula(param=c(2,14)), peakVol, method="ml", 
+copQV <- fitCopula(BB7Copula(param=c(2,14)), peakVol, method="mpl", 
                    start=c(2,14), estimate.variance=F)@copula

Modified: pkg/demo/spCopula.R
--- pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -47,30 +47,31 @@
                                             claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
                                             gumbelCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5),
-bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau$loglik, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
                     function(x) which(x==7))
 ## set-up a spatial Copula ##
 spCop <- spCopula(components=list(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
                                   frankCopula(1), normalCopula(0), 
-                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0), 
                                   claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
+                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
                                   claytonCopula(0), indepCopula()),
                   spDepFun=calcKTauPol, unit="m")
 ## compare spatial copula loglik by lag:
 spLoglik <- NULL
-for(i in 1:length(bins$lags)) { # i <- 8
+for(i in 1:length(bins$lags)) { # i <- 7
+  cat("Lag",i,"\n")
   spLoglik <- c(spLoglik,
-                sum(dCopula(u=bins$lagData[[i]], spCop,log=T,
-                            h=bins$lags[[i]][,3])))
+                sum((dCopula(u=bins$lagData[[i]], spCop,log=T,
+                            h=bins$lags[[i]][,3]))))
 plot(spLoglik, ylab="log-likelihood", xlim=c(1,11)) 
-points(loglikTau[cbind(1:10,bestFitTau)], col="green", pch=16)
-points(loglikTau[,1], col="red", pch=5)
+points(loglikTau$loglik[cbind(1:10,bestFitTau)], col="green", pch=16)
+points(loglikTau$loglik[,1], col="red", pch=5)
 legend(6, 50,c("Spatial Copula", "best copula per lag", "Gaussian Copula",
                "number of pairs"), 
        pch=c(1,16,5,50), col=c("black", "green", "red"))
@@ -90,27 +91,14 @@
 # leave-one-out x-validation
-condVine <- function(condVar, dists, n=100) {
-  rat <- 0.2/(1:(n/2))-(0.1/((n+1)/2))
-  xVals <- unique(sort(c(rat,1-rat,1:(n-1)/(n))))
-  xLength <- length(xVals)
-  repCondVar <- matrix(condVar, ncol=length(condVar), nrow=xLength, byrow=T)
-  density <- dCopula(cbind(xVals, repCondVar), meuseSpVine, h=dists)
-  linAppr <- approxfun(c(0,xVals,1), density[c(1,1:xLength,xLength)] ,yleft=0, yright=0)
-  int <- integrate(linAppr,lower=0, upper=1)$value
-  return(function(u) linAppr(u)/int)
-time <- proc.time()  # ~30 s
+time <- proc.time()  # ~60 s
 predMedian <- NULL
 predMean <- NULL
-for(loc in 1:nrow(meuseNeigh at data)) { # loc <- 429  predNeigh$data[loc,1]
+for(loc in 1:nrow(meuseNeigh at data)) { # loc <- 145
-  condSecVine <- condVine(condVar=as.numeric(meuseNeigh at data[loc,-1]), 
-                          dists=meuseNeigh at distances[loc,,drop=F])
+  condSecVine <- condSpVine(condVar=as.numeric(meuseNeigh at data[loc,-1]), 
+                          dists=list(meuseNeigh at distances[loc,,drop=F]),meuseSpVine)
   predMedian <- c(predMedian, qMar(optimise(function(x) abs(integrate(condSecVine,0,x)$value-0.5),c(0,1))$minimum))
   condExp <-  function(x) {

Modified: pkg/man/loglikByCopulasLags.Rd
--- pkg/man/loglikByCopulasLags.Rd	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/man/loglikByCopulasLags.Rd	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-A matrix of spatial lags (rows) and copula family names (columns) holding the calculated log-likelihood values.
+A list containing a matrix (\code{loglik}) of spatial lags (rows) and copula family names (columns) holding the calculated log-likelihood value and a list o the corresponding copula fits.
 Benedikt Graeler
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 calcKTauPol <- fitCorFun(bins, degree=3)
 loglikTau <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, calcKTauPol)

Modified: pkg/man/neighbourhood-class.Rd
--- pkg/man/neighbourhood-class.Rd	2013-05-03 15:23:07 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/man/neighbourhood-class.Rd	2013-05-21 08:26:21 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 \title{Class \code{neighbourhood}}
 \description{A class representing a local spatial neighbourhood.}
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
     \item{names}{\code{signature(x = "neighbourhood")}: provides the variable names of the neighbourhood. }
     \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "neighbourhood")}: a brief description of the characteristics of the neighbourhood.}
     \item{spplot}{\code{signature(obj = "neighbourhood")}: plots the values of the one or more selected columns (0="central location", 1="closest neighbours", ...) at the coordinates of the central location.}
+    \item{[[}{subsets the selection of neighbourhoods returning a subset of these ("columnwise")}

Modified: spcopula_0.1-1.tar.gz
(Binary files differ)

Modified: spcopula_0.1-1.zip
(Binary files differ)

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