[Sorvi-admin] soRvi package stats in R-Forge

Juuso Parkkinen juuso.parkkinen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 11:33:11 CET 2012

Dear R-Forge Team,

I am one of the developers of the soRvi package in R-Forge (
http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/sorvi/). We would be interested in
seeing the download statistics for our packge, but couldn't find this
information from R-Forge. I assume that the Admin - Stats - subpage would
be the correct place to look at this, but it doesn't seem to work (I tried
with Chrome and Firefox in both Ubuntu and Mac OS X).

Could you help me to see the package statistics, thanks!

with kind regards,
Juuso Parkkinen
soRvi team
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