[Soiltexture-commits] r41 - / pkg pkg/soiltexture pkg/soiltexture/R pkg/soiltexture/chm pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc pkg/soiltexture/man pkg/soiltexture/tests

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Mon Sep 13 18:18:17 CEST 2010

Author: jmoeys
Date: 2010-09-13 18:18:16 +0200 (Mon, 13 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 41

Made the package compatible with versions of R prior to 2.11.1 (R >= 2.4.1).

Modified: pkg/soiltexture/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/soiltexture/DESCRIPTION	2010-09-13 12:05:37 UTC (rev 40)
+++ pkg/soiltexture/DESCRIPTION	2010-09-13 16:18:16 UTC (rev 41)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 Package: soiltexture
-Version: 1.01
-Date: 2010-08-31
+Version: 1.02
+Date: 2010-09-13
 Title: Functions for soil texture plot, classification and transformation
 Author: Julien MOEYS <jules_m78-soiltexture at yahoo.fr>, contributions from Wei Shangguan.
 Maintainer: Julien MOEYS <jules_m78-soiltexture at yahoo.fr> 
-Depends: R (>= 2.11.1), sp, MASS, drc
-Suggests: plotrix 
+Depends: R (>= 2.4.1), sp, MASS
+Suggests: drc
 Description: "The Soil Texture Wizard" is a set of R functions designed to produce 
     texture triangles (also called texture plots, texture diagrams, texture ternary plots), 
     classify and transform soil textures data. These functions virtually allows to plot any 

Modified: pkg/soiltexture/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/soiltexture/NAMESPACE	2010-09-13 12:05:37 UTC (rev 40)
+++ pkg/soiltexture/NAMESPACE	2010-09-13 16:18:16 UTC (rev 41)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import(sp, MASS, drc)
+import(sp, MASS)

Modified: pkg/soiltexture/R/soiltexture.R
--- pkg/soiltexture/R/soiltexture.R	2010-09-13 12:05:37 UTC (rev 40)
+++ pkg/soiltexture/R/soiltexture.R	2010-09-13 16:18:16 UTC (rev 41)
@@ -2243,87 +2243,9 @@
-TT.check.ps.lim.Xm <- function(# Internal. Check the consistency between 'base.ps.lim' and 'dat.ps.lim'. 
-### Check the consistency between 'base.ps.lim' and 'dat.ps.lim'. 
-### 4 tests performed.
-    base.ps.lim,  
-    dat.ps.lim,  
- ps.lim.length=c(4,4)
-### vector of 2 integers. Number of particle size classes + 1. c(base,dat)
-##author<<Wei Shangguan
-){  #
-    # if( length( base.ps.lim ) != length( dat.ps.lim ) ) 
-    # {   #
-    #     stop( paste( 
-    #         sep="", 
-    #         "The length of the 'base' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
-    #         "the length of the 'dat' particle size classes limits.\n", 
-    #         "Either check the 'base' particle size classes limits vector,\n", 
-    #         "or check number of column in tri.data.\n"  
-    #     ) )   #
-    # }   #
-    #
-    if( length( base.ps.lim ) != ps.lim.length[1] ) 
-    {   #
-        stop( paste( 
-            sep="", 
-            "The length of the 'base' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
-            ps.lim.length[1], " (number of particle size classes+1; from ps min to ps.max)\n", 
-            "Actual value: ", length( base.ps.lim ), ".\n", 
-            "Either check the 'base' particle size classes limits,\n", 
-            "or check number of column in tri.data.\n"  
-        ) )   #
-    }   #
-    #
-    if( length( dat.ps.lim ) != ps.lim.length[2] ) 
-    {   #
-        stop( paste( 
-            sep="", 
-            "The length of the 'dat' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
-            ps.lim.length[2], " (number of particle size classes +1; from ps min to ps.max)\n", 
-            "Actual value: ", length( dat.ps.lim ), ".\n", 
-            "Either check the 'dat' particle size classes limits,\n", 
-            "or check number of column in tri.data.\n"  
-        ) )   #
-    }   #
-    #
-    if( base.ps.lim[1] != dat.ps.lim[1] ) 
-    {   #
-        stop( paste( 
-            sep="", 
-            "The first value of the 'dat' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
-            "the first value of the 'base' particle size classes limits.\n", 
-            "Actual value, base: ", base.ps.lim[1], ", dat: ", dat.ps.lim[1]  
-        ) )   #
-    }   #
-    #
-    if( base.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[1]] != dat.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[2]] ) 
-    {   #
-        stop( paste( 
-            sep="", 
-            "The last value of the 'dat' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
-            "the last value of the 'base' particle size classes limits.\n", 
-            "Actual value, base: ", base.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[1]], ", dat: ", dat.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[2]]  
-        ) )   #
-    }   #
-    #
-#    if( base.ps.lim[1] == 0 ) 
-#    {   #
-#        if( base.ps.lim[2] < dat.ps.lim[2] )
-#        stop( paste( 
-#            sep="", 
-#            "When the 1st value of 'dat' and 'base' particle size classes limits is 0\n", 
-#            "The 2nd value of the 'base' particle size classes limits must higher or equal to\n", 
-#            "the 2nd value of the 'dat' particle size classes limits.\n"  
-#        ) )   #
-#    }   #
-}   #
 TT.text.transf <- function(# Log-linear transformation of a soil texture data table between 2 particle size systems (3 classes).
 ### Log-linear transformation of a soil texture data table 
 ### ('tri.data') from one 
@@ -2614,449 +2536,6 @@
-TT.text.transf.Xm <- function(# Transformations of a soil texture data table between 2 particle size systems (X classes), various methods.
-### using various Particle Size Distribution (PSD) models including Anderson (AD), Fredlund4P (F4P), Fredlund3P (F3P),
-### modified logistic growth (ML), Offset-Nonrenormalized Lognormal (ONL), Offset-Renormalized Lognormal (ORL),
-### Skaggs (S), van Genuchten type(VG),van Genuchten modified(VGM), Weibull (W), Logarithm(L),
-### Logistic growth (LG), Simple Lognormal (SL),Shiozawa and Compbell (SC).
-### The performance of PSD models is influenced by many aspects like soil texture class,
-### number and position (or closeness) of observation points, clay content etc.
-### The latter four PSD models perform worse than the former ten.
-### The AD, F4P, S, and W model is recommended for most of texture classes.
-### And it will be even better to compare several different PSD models and using the results of the model
-### with the minimum residual sum of squares (or other measures).
-### Sometimes, the fitting will failed for the iteration is not converged or some errors happened.
-### Transformation of a soil texture data table
-### ('tri.data') from one
-### particle size system ('dat.ps.lim') into another
-### ('base.ps.lim'). No limit in the number of texture classes
-### in the input and output texture tables. See TT.text.transf
-### for transformation involving only 3 particle classes. 'tri.data'
-### can only contain texture data.
-##author<<Wei Shangguan
-    tri.data,
-    base.ps.lim,
-    dat.ps.lim,
-    text.sum        = NULL,
-    text.tol        = NULL,
-    tri.sum.tst     = NULL,
-    tri.pos.tst     = NULL,
-    psdmodel        = "AD",
-    omethod         = "all",#see optim for available methods, the default "all" is to run all methods and
-                            # choose the best results with minimum residual sum of squares (RSS).
-    tri.sum.norm    = FALSE #Weather the sum of is
-    TT.auto.set( set.par = FALSE )
-    #
-    TT.data.test.X(
-        tri.data    = tri.data,
-        text.sum    = text.sum,
-        text.tol    = text.tol,
-        tri.sum.tst = tri.sum.tst,
-        tri.pos.tst = tri.pos.tst
-    )   #
-    #
-    tri.data <- t(  apply(
-        X       = tri.data,
-        MARGIN  = 1,
-        FUN     = function(X){
-            cumsum(X)/100
-        }   #
-    )   )   #
-    #
-    ps.end   <- dim( tri.data )[2] + 1
-    #
-    TT.check.ps.lim.Xm(
-        base.ps.lim     = base.ps.lim,
-        dat.ps.lim      = dat.ps.lim,
-        ps.lim.length   = c(length(base.ps.lim),ps.end)
-    )   #
-    #
-    if( base.ps.lim[1] != 0 )
-    {   #
-        tri.data <- cbind(
-            "ZERO" = rep(0,dim(tri.data)[1]),
-            tri.data
-        )   #
-        #
-        ps.start    <- 1
-    }else{
-        ps.start    <- 2
-    }   #
-    #Particle size diameter in micro-meters (will be converted in milli-meters)
-    base.ps.lim <- base.ps.lim/1000
-    dat.ps.lim <- dat.ps.lim/1000
-#    base.ps.lim2 <- TT.dia2phi(base.ps.lim)
-#    dat.ps.lim2  <- TT.dia2phi(dat.ps.lim)
-    #
-#    old.col.nm   <- colnames( tri.data )
-    #
-    fitpsd <- function(
-    y,
-    xin,
-    xout,
-    psdmodel,
-    method)
-    {
-        require( "drc" ) # Added 2010/08/11 by JM
-        #
-        #default max and min of initial parameters
-        maxspa1 <- 1
-        minspa1 <- 0.1
-        maxspa2 <- 1
-        minspa2 <- 0.1
-        #erf error function for ONL and ORL model
-        erf <- function(x) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
-        #r0 for S model
-        r0  <- xin[1]
-        #dmax, dmin for W model
-        dmax <- xin[length(xin)]
-        dmin <- r0
-        # Particle Size Distribution (PSD) models
-        AD  <- function(dose, parm)
-            {parm[, 1] + parm[, 2]*atan(parm[, 3]*log10(dose/parm[, 4]))}
-        F4P <- function(dose, parm)
-            {(1-(log(1+parm[,1]/dose)/log(1+parm[,1]/0.0001))^7)/(log(exp(1)+(parm[,2]/dose)^parm[,3]))^parm[,4]}
-        F3P <- function(dose, parm)
-            {(1-(log(1+0.001/dose)/log(1+0.001/0.0001))^7)/(log(exp(1)+(parm[,1]/dose)^parm[,2]))^parm[,3]}
-        ML  <- function(dose, parm)
-            {1/(1+parm[,1]*exp(-parm[,2]*dose^parm[,3]))}
-        ONL <- function(dose, parm)
-            {
-                t   <- (-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
-                (1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2+parm[,3]
-            }
-        ORL <- function(dose, parm)
-            {
-                t   <- (-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
-                (1-parm[,3])*(1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2+parm[,3]
-            }
-        # no ability to predict the content below r0
-        S   <- function(dose, parm)
-            {1/(1+(1/y[1]-1)*exp(-parm[,1]*((dose-r0)/r0)^parm[,2]))}
-        VG  <- function(dose, parm)
-            {(1+(parm[,1]/dose)^parm[,2])^(1/parm[,2]-1)}
-        # old form is right
-        VGM <- function(dose, parm)
-            {y[1]+(1-y[1])*(1+(parm[,1]*dose)^(-parm[,2]))^(-1/parm[,2]-1)}
-        #This is the wrong form of VGM
-#        VGM <- function(dose, parm)
-#            {y[1]+(1-y[1])*(1+(parm[,1]*dose)^(-parm[,2]))^(1/parm[,2]-1)}
-        # no ability to predict the content below dmin
-        W   <- function(dose, parm)
-            {parm[,3]+(1-parm[,3])*(1-exp(-parm[,1]*((dose-dmin)/(dmax-dmin))^parm[,2]))}
-        L   <- function(dose, parm)
-            {parm[,1]*log(dose)+parm[,2]}
-        LG  <- function(dose, parm)
-            {1/(1+parm[,1]*exp(-parm[,2]*dose))}
-        SC  <- function(dose, parm)
-            {
-                t   <-(-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
-                (1-parm[,3])*(1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2+parm[,3]*(1+t*erf((log(dose)+1.96)/1*2^0.5))/2
-            }
-        SL  <- function(dose, parm)
-            {
-                t   <-(-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
-                (1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2
-            }
-        if( psdmodel == "AD" )
-        {
-            logi    <- AD
-            pn      <- 4
-            pname   <- c("f0", "b", "c", "r0")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "F4P" )
-        {
-            logi    <- F4P
-            pn      <- 4
-            pname   <- c("df","a","n","m")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "F3P" )
-        {
-            logi    <- F3P
-            pn      <- 3
-            pname   <- c("a","n","m")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "ML" )
-        {
-            logi    <- ML
-            pn      <- 3
-            pname   <- c("a","b","c")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "ONL" )
-        {
-        logi    <- ONL
-        pn      <- 3
-        pname   <- c("u","o","c")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "ORL" )
-        {
-            logi    <- ORL
-            pn      <- 3
-            pname   <- c("u","o","e")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "S" )
-        {
-            logi    <- S
-            pn      <- 2
-            pname   <- c("u","c")
-            #S model can not deal with first texture data with zero value
-            if(y[1] == 0) y[1] <- 0.0001
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "VG" )
-        {
-            logi    <- VG
-            pn      <- 2
-            pname   <- c("dg","n")
-            maxspa2 <- 2
-            minspa2 <- 1
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "VGM" )
-        {
-            logi    <- VGM
-            pn      <- 2
-            pname   <- c("dg","n")
-            maxspa1 <- 200
-            minspa1 <- 4
-            maxspa2 <- 2
-            minspa2 <- 0.5
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "W" )
-        {
-            logi    <- W
-            pn      <- 3
-            pname   <- c("a","b","c")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "L" )
-        {
-            logi    <- L
-            pn      <- 2
-            pname   <- c("a","b")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "LG" )
-        {
-            logi    <- LG
-            pn      <- 2
-            pname   <- c("a","b")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "SC" )
-        {
-            logi    <- SC
-            pn      <- 3
-            pname   <- c("u","o","e")
-        }
-        else if ( psdmodel == "SL" )
-        {
-            logi    <- SL
-            pn      <- 2
-            pname   <- c("u","o")
-        }
-        #default lower and upper limit for drc::drm, these values should not set
-        #at the beginning of the function for pn is set later
-        lowerl <- rep(10e-9,times=pn)
-        upperl <- rep(10e+5,times=pn)
-        #Initailize spa for drc::drm
-        spa <- c(1,1,1,1)
-        #methods used in optim() of drc::drm
-        meth <- c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN")
-        mdev <- 100
-        for( i in 1:5 ) # The nonlinear optimization runs were carried out using at least
-                        # five random initial parameter estimates for all soils.
-                        #When the final solution for each soil converged to different parameter values,
-                        #the parameter values with the best fitting statistics (RSS) were kept.
-        {
-            if( method == "all" )# using all optim methods
-            {
-                for( j in 1:5 )
-                {
-                    repeat
-                    {
-                        spa[1:pn-1]     <- runif(n = pn-1,max = maxspa1,min = minspa1)
-                        spa[pn]         <- runif(n = 1,max = maxspa2,min = minspa2)
-                        tt<- try( drm(y ~ xin, fct = list( logi, NULL,pname ), # JM:2010/08/11 changed drc::drm to drm alone
-                                start   = spa[1:pn],
-                                #roust  = "median",
-                                lowerl  = lowerl,
-                                upperl  = upperl,
-                                control = drmc(constr = TRUE,maxIt = 500, # JM:2010/08/11 changed drc::drmc to drmc alone
-                                    noMessage   = TRUE,
-                                    method      = meth[j],
-                                    # method    = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN"),
-                                    #trace      = TRUE
-                                )
-                            )
-                            , silent = TRUE
-                         )
-                        if( !inherits(tt, "try-error") )
-                        {
-                            dev <- sum(residuals(tt)^2)
-                            if( mdev > dev )
-                            {
-                                mdev    <- dev
-                                ttbest  <- tt
-                            }
-                            break
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                repeat
-                {
-                    spa[1:pn-1] <- runif(n=pn-1,max = maxspa1,min = minspa1)
-                    spa[pn]     <- runif(n=1,max = maxspa2,min = minspa2)
-                    tt  <- try( drm(y ~ xin, fct = list(logi, NULL, pname), # JM:2010/08/11 changed drc::drm to drm alone
-                            start   = spa[1:pn],
-                            #roust  = "median",
-                            lowerl  = lowerl,
-                            upperl  = upperl,
-                            control = drmc(constr = TRUE,maxIt = 500,# JM:2010/08/11 changed drc::drmc to drmc alone
-                                noMessage   = TRUE,
-                                method      = method,
-                                # method    = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN"),
-                                #trace      = TRUE
-                            )
-                        )
-                        , silent = TRUE
-                    )
-                    if( !inherits(tt, "try-error") )
-                    {
-                        dev<-sum(residuals(tt)^2)
-                        if( mdev>dev )
-                        {
-                            mdev <- dev
-                            ttbest <- tt
-                        }
-                        break
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            #when the residual sum of error (deviance) is very small, the iteration is stopped to save time
-            if(mdev < 0.0001) break
-        }
-        #predict() has some bug for PSD model to predict the target values
-        if( psdmodel == "AD" )
-        {
-            pre <- coef(ttbest)[1] + coef(ttbest)[2]*atan(coef(ttbest)[3]*log10(xout/coef(ttbest)[4]))
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "F4P" )
-        {
-            pre <- (1-(log(1+coef(ttbest)[1]/xout)/log(1+coef(ttbest)[1]/0.0001))^7)/(log(exp(1)+(coef(ttbest)[2]/xout)^coef(ttbest)[3]))^coef(ttbest)[4]
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "F3P" )
-        {
-            pre <- (1-(log(1+0.001/xout)/log(1+0.001/0.0001))^7)/(log(exp(1)+(coef(ttbest)[1]/xout)^coef(ttbest)[2]))^coef(ttbest)[3]
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "ML" )
-        {
-            pre <- 1/(1+coef(ttbest)[1]*exp(-coef(ttbest)[2]*xout^(coef(ttbest)[3])))
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "ONL" )
-        {
-           t    <- (-1)^(log(xout) >= coef(ttbest)[1]+1)
-           pre  <- (1+t*erf((log(xout)+coef(ttbest)[1])/coef(ttbest)[2]*2^0.5))/2+(coef(ttbest)[3])
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "ORL" )
-        {
-            t   <- (-1)^(log(xout) >= coef(ttbest)[1]+1)
-            pre <- (1-coef(ttbest)[3])*(1+t*erf((log(xout)+coef(ttbest)[1])/coef(ttbest)[2]*2^0.5))/2+coef(ttbest)[3]
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "S" )
-        {
-            pre <- 1/(1+(1/y[1]-1)*exp(-coef(ttbest)[1]*((xout-r0)/r0)^coef(ttbest)[2]))
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "VG" )
-        {
-            pre <- (1+(coef(ttbest)[1]/xout)^coef(ttbest)[2])^(1/coef(ttbest)[2]-1)
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "VGM" )
-        {
-            pre <- y[1]+(1-y[1])*(1+(coef(ttbest)[1]*xout)^(-coef(ttbest)[2]))^(1/coef(ttbest)[2]-1)
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "W" )
-        {
-            pre <- coef(ttbest)[3]+(1-coef(ttbest)[3])*(1-exp(-coef(ttbest)[1]*((xout-dmin)/(dmax-dmin))^coef(ttbest)[2]))
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "L" )
-        {
-            pre <- coef(ttbest)[1]*log(xout)+coef(ttbest)[2]
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "LG" )
-        {
-            pre <- 1/(1+coef(ttbest)[1]*exp(-coef(ttbest)[2]*xout))
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "SC" )
-        {
-            t   <- (-1)^(log(xout) >= coef(ttbest)[1]+1)
-            pre <- (1-coef(ttbest)[3])*(1+t*erf((log(xout)+coef(ttbest)[1])/coef(ttbest)[2]*2^0.5))/2+coef(ttbest)[3]*(1+t*erf((log(xout)+1.96)/1*2^0.5))/2
-        }
-        else if( psdmodel == "SL" )
-        {
-            t   <- (-1)^(log(xout) >= coef(ttbest)[1]+1)
-            pre <- (1+t*erf((log(xout)+coef(ttbest)[1])/coef(ttbest)[2]*2^0.5))/2
-        }
-        #pre are the predicted values, coef(ttbest) are the model paremeters,
-        out <- c(pre[1],pre[2:length(pre)]-pre[1:length(pre)-1])*100
-        #dev is the deviance ( Residual Sum of Squaures)
-        c(out,coef(ttbest),dev=mdev*10000)
-    }
-    results <- t(apply(
-        X       = tri.data[1:dim(tri.data)[1],],
-        MARGIN  = 1,
-        FUN     = fitpsd,
-        xin     = dat.ps.lim[ ps.start:ps.end ],
-        xout    = base.ps.lim[ ps.start:length(base.ps.lim) ],
-        psdmodel= psdmodel,
-        method  = omethod)
-    )
-#    results <- t(apply(
-#        X       = tri.data[1:5,],
-#        MARGIN  = 1,
-#        FUN     = fitpsd,
-#        xin     = dat.ps.lim[ ps.start:ps.end ],
-#        xout    = base.ps.lim[ ps.start:length(base.ps.lim) ],
-#        psdmodel= psdmodel,
-#        method  = omethod)
-#    )
-    colnames(results)[1:(length(base.ps.lim)-ps.start+1)]<-
-         paste(sep = "",c(0,base.ps.lim[ ps.start:(length(base.ps.lim)-1)])*1000,"-",base.ps.lim[ ps.start:length(base.ps.lim) ]*1000)
-    results
-#     my.text4 <- data.frame(
-#         "CLAY"  = c(05,60,15,05,25,05,25,45,65,75,13,47),
-#         "FSILT" = c(02,04,10,15,25,40,35,20,10,05,10,20),
-#         "CSILT" = c(03,04,05,10,30,45,30,25,05,10,07,23),
-#         "SAND"  = c(90,32,70,70,20,10,10,10,20,10,70,10)
-#     )   #
-#     TT.text.transf.Xm(
-#       tri.data    = my.text4,
-#       base.ps.lim = c(0,2,20,50,2000),
-#       dat.ps.lim  = c(0,2,20,63,2000),
-#       psdmodel    = "S"
-#     )   #
-#     TT.text.transf.Xm( # JM: does not work on my PC
-#       tri.data    = my.text4,
-#       base.ps.lim = c(0,1,50,2000),
-#       dat.ps.lim  = c(0,2,30,60,2000),
-#       psdmodel    = "AD",
-#       omethod     = "Nelder-Mead"
-#     )
 TT.deg2rad <- function(# Function to convert angle in degree to angle in radian.
 ### Function to convert angle in degree to angle in radian.
@@ -3683,8 +3162,8 @@
         "pty"   = "s", 
         "xpd"   = TRUE, 
         "bg"    = bg, 
-        "fg"    = fg, 
-        "col"   = col  
+        "fg"    = fg  
+        #"col"  = col  
     )   #
     par.list    <- par.list[ unlist(lapply(X=par.list,FUN=function(X){!is.null(X)})) ] 
@@ -6355,8 +5834,8 @@
             point.x = data.points.xy$"xpos",  
             point.y = data.points.xy$"ypos",  
             pol.x   = xpol,  
-            pol.y   = ypol, 
-            mode.checked = TRUE 
+            pol.y   = ypol  
+            # mode.checked = TRUE 
         )   # 
         return( PiP.res ) 
@@ -6735,8 +6214,10 @@
     lims <- c(range(x), range(y))
-    gx <- seq.int( lims[1], lims[2], length.out = n ) 
-    gy <- seq.int( lims[3], lims[4], length.out = n ) 
+    # gx <- seq.int( lims[1], lims[2], length.out = n ) 
+    gx <- seq( from = lims[1], to = lims[2], length.out = n ) 
+    # gy <- seq.int( lims[3], lims[4], length.out = n ) 
+    gy <- seq( from = lims[3], to = lims[4], length.out = n ) 

Added: pkg/soiltexture/R/text.transf.R
--- pkg/soiltexture/R/text.transf.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/soiltexture/R/text.transf.R	2010-09-13 16:18:16 UTC (rev 41)
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+# source( "C:/_RTOOLS/SWEAVE_WORK/SOIL_TEXTURES/rforge/pkg/soiltexture/R/text.transf.r" ) 
+TT.check.ps.lim.Xm <- function(# Internal. Check the consistency between 'base.ps.lim' and 'dat.ps.lim'. 
+### Check the consistency between 'base.ps.lim' and 'dat.ps.lim'. 
+### 4 tests performed.
+ base.ps.lim, 
+ dat.ps.lim, 
+ ps.lim.length=c(4,4)
+### vector of 2 integers. Number of particle size classes + 1. c(base,dat)
+##author<<Wei Shangguan
+){  #
+    # if( length( base.ps.lim ) != length( dat.ps.lim ) ) 
+    # {   #
+    #     stop( paste( 
+    #         sep="", 
+    #         "The length of the 'base' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
+    #         "the length of the 'dat' particle size classes limits.\n", 
+    #         "Either check the 'base' particle size classes limits vector,\n", 
+    #         "or check number of column in tri.data.\n"  
+    #     ) )   #
+    # }   #
+    #
+    if( length( base.ps.lim ) != ps.lim.length[1] ) 
+    {   #
+        stop( paste( 
+            sep="", 
+            "The length of the 'base' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
+            ps.lim.length[1], " (number of particle size classes+1; from ps min to ps.max)\n", 
+            "Actual value: ", length( base.ps.lim ), ".\n", 
+            "Either check the 'base' particle size classes limits,\n", 
+            "or check number of column in tri.data.\n"  
+        ) )   #
+    }   #
+    #
+    if( length( dat.ps.lim ) != ps.lim.length[2] ) 
+    {   #
+        stop( paste( 
+            sep="", 
+            "The length of the 'dat' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
+            ps.lim.length[2], " (number of particle size classes +1; from ps min to ps.max)\n", 
+            "Actual value: ", length( dat.ps.lim ), ".\n", 
+            "Either check the 'dat' particle size classes limits,\n", 
+            "or check number of column in tri.data.\n"  
+        ) )   #
+    }   #
+    #
+    if( base.ps.lim[1] != dat.ps.lim[1] ) 
+    {   #
+        stop( paste( 
+            sep="", 
+            "The first value of the 'dat' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
+            "the first value of the 'base' particle size classes limits.\n", 
+            "Actual value, base: ", base.ps.lim[1], ", dat: ", dat.ps.lim[1]  
+        ) )   #
+    }   #
+    #
+    if( base.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[1]] != dat.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[2]] ) 
+    {   #
+        stop( paste( 
+            sep="", 
+            "The last value of the 'dat' particle size classes limits must be equal to\n", 
+            "the last value of the 'base' particle size classes limits.\n", 
+            "Actual value, base: ", base.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[1]], ", dat: ", dat.ps.lim[ps.lim.length[2]]  
+        ) )   #
+    }   #
+    #
+#    if( base.ps.lim[1] == 0 ) 
+#    {   #
+#        if( base.ps.lim[2] < dat.ps.lim[2] )
+#        stop( paste( 
+#            sep="", 
+#            "When the 1st value of 'dat' and 'base' particle size classes limits is 0\n", 
+#            "The 2nd value of the 'base' particle size classes limits must higher or equal to\n", 
+#            "the 2nd value of the 'dat' particle size classes limits.\n"  
+#        ) )   #
+#    }   #
+}   #
+TT.text.transf.Xm <- function(# Transformations of a soil texture data table between 2 particle size systems (X classes), various methods.
+### using various Particle Size Distribution (PSD) models including Anderson (AD), Fredlund4P (F4P), Fredlund3P (F3P),
+### modified logistic growth (ML), Offset-Nonrenormalized Lognormal (ONL), Offset-Renormalized Lognormal (ORL),
+### Skaggs (S), van Genuchten type(VG),van Genuchten modified(VGM), Weibull (W), Logarithm(L),
+### Logistic growth (LG), Simple Lognormal (SL),Shiozawa and Compbell (SC).
+### The performance of PSD models is influenced by many aspects like soil texture class,
+### number and position (or closeness) of observation points, clay content etc.
+### The latter four PSD models perform worse than the former ten.
+### The AD, F4P, S, and W model is recommended for most of texture classes.
+### And it will be even better to compare several different PSD models and using the results of the model
+### with the minimum residual sum of squares (or other measures).
+### Sometimes, the fitting will failed for the iteration is not converged or some errors happened.
+### Transformation of a soil texture data table
+### ('tri.data') from one
+### particle size system ('dat.ps.lim') into another
+### ('base.ps.lim'). No limit in the number of texture classes
+### in the input and output texture tables. See TT.text.transf
+### for transformation involving only 3 particle classes. 'tri.data'
+### can only contain texture data.
+### This function requires the "drc" package to be installed.
+##author<<Wei Shangguan
+text.sum= NULL,
+text.tol= NULL,
+tri.sum.tst= NULL,
+tri.pos.tst= NULL,
+psdmodel= "AD",
+omethod= "all",
+### see optim for available methods, the default "all" is to run all methods and 
+### choose the best results with minimum residual sum of squares (RSS).
+###Weather the sum of is
+    TT.auto.set( set.par = FALSE )
+    #
+    TT.data.test.X(
+        tri.data    = tri.data,
+        text.sum    = text.sum,
+        text.tol    = text.tol,
+        tri.sum.tst = tri.sum.tst,
+        tri.pos.tst = tri.pos.tst
+    )   #
+    #
+    tri.data <- t(  apply(
+        X       = tri.data,
+        MARGIN  = 1,
+        FUN     = function(X){
+            cumsum(X)/100
+        }   #
+    )   )   #
+    #
+    ps.end   <- dim( tri.data )[2] + 1
+    #
+    TT.check.ps.lim.Xm(
+        base.ps.lim     = base.ps.lim,
+        dat.ps.lim      = dat.ps.lim,
+        ps.lim.length   = c(length(base.ps.lim),ps.end)
+    )   #
+    #
+    if( base.ps.lim[1] != 0 )
+    {   #
+        tri.data <- cbind(
+            "ZERO" = rep(0,dim(tri.data)[1]),
+            tri.data
+        )   #
+        #
+        ps.start    <- 1
+    }else{
+        ps.start    <- 2
+    }   #
+    #Particle size diameter in micro-meters (will be converted in milli-meters)
+    base.ps.lim <- base.ps.lim/1000
+    dat.ps.lim <- dat.ps.lim/1000
+#    base.ps.lim2 <- TT.dia2phi(base.ps.lim)
+#    dat.ps.lim2  <- TT.dia2phi(dat.ps.lim)
+    #
+#    old.col.nm   <- colnames( tri.data )
+    # Added 2010/06/13 Julien Moeys
+    if( !"drc" %in%  as.character( installed.packages()[,1] ) ) 
+    {   #
+        stop( "The function 'TT.text.transf.Xm' needs the package 'drc'\n Please install it ( install.packages(\"drc\") )" ) 
+    }else{ 
+        require( "drc" ) 
+    }   #
+    #
+    fitpsd <- function(
+    y,
+    xin,
+    xout,
+    psdmodel,
+    method)
+    {
+        require( "drc" ) # Added 2010/08/11 by JM
+        #
+        #default max and min of initial parameters
+        maxspa1 <- 1
+        minspa1 <- 0.1
+        maxspa2 <- 1
+        minspa2 <- 0.1
+        #erf error function for ONL and ORL model
+        erf <- function(x) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
+        #r0 for S model
+        r0  <- xin[1]
+        #dmax, dmin for W model
+        dmax <- xin[length(xin)]
+        dmin <- r0
+        # Particle Size Distribution (PSD) models
+        AD  <- function(dose, parm)
+            {parm[, 1] + parm[, 2]*atan(parm[, 3]*log10(dose/parm[, 4]))}
+        F4P <- function(dose, parm)
+            {(1-(log(1+parm[,1]/dose)/log(1+parm[,1]/0.0001))^7)/(log(exp(1)+(parm[,2]/dose)^parm[,3]))^parm[,4]}
+        F3P <- function(dose, parm)
+            {(1-(log(1+0.001/dose)/log(1+0.001/0.0001))^7)/(log(exp(1)+(parm[,1]/dose)^parm[,2]))^parm[,3]}
+        ML  <- function(dose, parm)
+            {1/(1+parm[,1]*exp(-parm[,2]*dose^parm[,3]))}
+        ONL <- function(dose, parm)
+            {
+                t   <- (-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
+                (1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2+parm[,3]
+            }
+        ORL <- function(dose, parm)
+            {
+                t   <- (-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
+                (1-parm[,3])*(1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2+parm[,3]
+            }
+        # no ability to predict the content below r0
+        S   <- function(dose, parm)
+            {1/(1+(1/y[1]-1)*exp(-parm[,1]*((dose-r0)/r0)^parm[,2]))}
+        VG  <- function(dose, parm)
+            {(1+(parm[,1]/dose)^parm[,2])^(1/parm[,2]-1)}
+        # old form is right
+        VGM <- function(dose, parm)
+            {y[1]+(1-y[1])*(1+(parm[,1]*dose)^(-parm[,2]))^(-1/parm[,2]-1)}
+        #This is the wrong form of VGM
+#        VGM <- function(dose, parm)
+#            {y[1]+(1-y[1])*(1+(parm[,1]*dose)^(-parm[,2]))^(1/parm[,2]-1)}
+        # no ability to predict the content below dmin
+        W   <- function(dose, parm)
+            {parm[,3]+(1-parm[,3])*(1-exp(-parm[,1]*((dose-dmin)/(dmax-dmin))^parm[,2]))}
+        L   <- function(dose, parm)
+            {parm[,1]*log(dose)+parm[,2]}
+        LG  <- function(dose, parm)
+            {1/(1+parm[,1]*exp(-parm[,2]*dose))}
+        SC  <- function(dose, parm)
+            {
+                t   <-(-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
+                (1-parm[,3])*(1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2+parm[,3]*(1+t*erf((log(dose)+1.96)/1*2^0.5))/2
+            }
+        SL  <- function(dose, parm)
+            {
+                t   <-(-1)^(log(dose) >= parm[,1]+1)
+                (1+t*erf((log(dose)+parm[,1])/parm[,2]*2^0.5))/2
+            }
+        if( psdmodel == "AD" )
+        {
+            logi    <- AD
+            pn      <- 4
+            pname   <- c("f0", "b", "c", "r0")
+        }
+        else if ( psdmodel == "F4P" )
+        {
+            logi    <- F4P
+            pn      <- 4
+            pname   <- c("df","a","n","m")
+        }
+        else if ( psdmodel == "F3P" )
+        {
+            logi    <- F3P
+            pn      <- 3
+            pname   <- c("a","n","m")
+        }
+        else if ( psdmodel == "ML" )
+        {
+            logi    <- ML
+            pn      <- 3
+            pname   <- c("a","b","c")
+        }
+        else if ( psdmodel == "ONL" )
+        {

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/soiltexture -r 41

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