[Seqinr-forum] release 2.0-0

Jean lobry lobry at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Tue Oct 28 10:55:47 CET 2008

Dear seqinR,

seqinr 2.0-0 is on its way to CRAN.



Release 2.0-0

o New draft chapter about making RISA in silico added.

o Objects from class qaw created after a call to the
   query() function have gained a new generic print
   method to focus on the most important information: number
   of sequences in the list, list type and the corresponding request.

o Function query() now allows a missing listname
   argument. In this case, list1 is used to store the

o Function autosocket() has been changed to behave more
   friendly with outdated R versions. This is essentially a backward
   compatibility issue that will not be maintained in the future.
   The function autosocket() works hard to check that everything
   is OK with the last opened database, especially with the socket
   infos available in banknameSocket$socket thru its
   summary() generic. In old R versions (e.g. 2.6.2) this
   was returning socket instead of sockconn for the
   class, yielding an error in seqinR 1.1-7. The old result is now
   allowed but a warning is issued.

Jean R. Lobry            (lobry at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr)
Laboratoire BBE-CNRS-UMR-5558, Univ. C. Bernard - LYON I,
43 Bd 11/11/1918, F-69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX, FRANCE
allo  : +33 472 43 27 56     fax    : +33 472 43 13 88

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