[Rsiena-help] Effects of covariate similarity on the evolution of a bipartite graph?

Matteo Gagliolo mgagliol at ulb.ac.be
Mon Oct 8 16:33:23 CEST 2012

Dear RSiena users,

	I'm trying to analyze a two-mode network representing
interlocking directorates. I have covariates for the mode 
corresponding to boards, and I would like to see if there is 
a tendency of directors to join boards with similar covariates
(or equivalently, a tendency of boards to form interlocks with 
similar boards). Sort of an homophily at distance 2.

Taking the boards as mode one, I think this effect could be 
implemented as an interaction among egoX and altDist2,
as the latter would represent the average X of boards on which
a certain director is already sitting.

Here comes my problem: altDist2 is currently "blacklisted" in the 
code for bipartite nets. Diving into the code (RSienaTest r. 220)
I found out where it all happens: in file effects.r:773, function 
covarBipartiteEff (comments are mine, to explain the issue):
covarBipartiteEff<- function(covarname, poszvar, moreThan2, nodesetNbr,
        covRateEffects  <-  NULL
        if (nodesetNbr == 1) 
        {#This is the branch taken as the covariate is on the 1st mode(boards)
            covObjEffects <-
                createEffects("covarBipartiteObjective", covarname,
                              groupName=groupName, group=group,
                              netType=netType) #This returns "altX"  "altSqX"    
"egoX"    "altDist2" "simDist2", each replicated as eval/creat/endow
            covObjEffects <-
                covObjEffects[covObjEffects$shortName %in%
                              c("egoX"), ] #Here only "egoX" effects are 

So, it seems the code is currently allowing only for egoX effects for
covariates of the 1st mode.

Does anyone have an idea why? As all distance 2 nodes are in the same mode, I 
don't see why altDist2 and simDist2 should be blacklisted. 

Or maybe there is a more correct way to implement the "distance 2 
homophily" I am interested in?



Matteo Gagliolo <mgagliol at ulb.ac.be>
Group for research on Ethnic Relations, Migration and Equality (GERME),
Institute of Sociology;
Machine Learning Group (MLG), Computer Science Department.
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
GERME, ULB, CP 124, 44 av. Jeanne
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone +32 2 650 4798, Fax +32 2 650 4659

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