[Rsiena-help] error using the GUI

Maarten van Zalk maarten.vanzalk at oru.se
Thu Feb 10 12:02:21 CET 2011

Dear RSiena users,

I'm getting an error that I cannot explain when using the GUI  (I have updated to the latest version of R and RSiena, as well as the packages needed).

I'm modeling two networks (one offline friendship network and one online friendship network with 341 participants. When setting up the model using the GUI, I specify the missings as being "6 9" (6's for the people not present in that specific network, e.g. online friends not being present in the offline network). There are no longitudinal missings (so every person is present at each measurement). 

After setting up the data, I enter the model specifications and try to estimate the model (no additional variables/behaviors are included yet). The I get the error:

Error in if (dra[i,i] < 0). missing value where TRUE/FALSe needed.

Has anyone encountered this problem?

Kind regards,

Maarten van Zalk

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