[Rsiena-commits] r267 - in pkg: RSiena RSiena/R RSiena/src/model RSienaTest RSienaTest/src/model

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Mar 30 23:14:42 CEST 2014

Author: natalie
Date: 2014-03-30 23:14:41 +0200 (Sun, 30 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 267


Modified: pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION	2014-03-18 18:21:38 UTC (rev 266)
+++ pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION	2014-03-30 21:14:41 UTC (rev 267)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: RSiena
 Type: Package
 Title: Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
-Version: 1.1-266
-Date: 2014-03-17
+Version: 1.1-267
+Date: 2014-03-30
 Author: Ruth Ripley, Krists Boitmanis, Tom A.B. Snijders
 Depends: R (>= 2.15.0)
 Imports: Matrix

Added: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaRI.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaRI.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaRI.r	2014-03-30 21:14:41 UTC (rev 267)
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
+# *
+# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/
+# *
+# * File: sienaRI.r
+# *
+# * Description: Used to determine, print, and plots relative importances of effects
+# * in for potential desicions of actors at observation moments. 
+# *****************************************************************************/
+##@sienaRI. Use as RSiena:::sienaRI()
+sienaRI <- function(data, ans=NULL, theta=NULL, algorithm=NULL, effects=NULL)
+	if (!inherits(data, "siena"))
+	{
+		stop("no a legitimate Siena data specification")
+	}
+	if(!is.null(ans))
+	{
+		if (!inherits(ans, "sienaFit"))
+		{
+			stop(paste("ans is not a legitimate Siena fit object", sep="")) 
+		}
+		if(!is.null(algorithm)||!is.null(theta)||!is.null(effects))
+		{
+			warning(paste("some information are multiply defined \n results will be based on 'theta', 'algorithm', and 'effects' stored in 'ans' (as 'ans$theta', 'ans$x', 'ans$effects')", sep=""))
+		}
+		if(sum(ans$effects$include==TRUE & (ans$effects$type =="endow"|ans$effects$type =="creation")) > 0){
+			stop("sienaRI does not yet work for models that contain endowment or creation effects")
+		}
+		contributions <- getChangeContributions(algorithm = ans$x, data = data, effects = ans$effects)
+		RI <- expectedRelativeImportance(conts = contributions, effects = ans$effects, theta =ans$theta)
+	}else{
+		if (!inherits(algorithm, "sienaAlgorithm"))
+		{
+			stop(paste("algorithm is not a legitimate Siena algorithm specification", sep=""))
+		}
+		algo <- algorithm
+		if (!inherits(effects, "sienaEffects"))
+		{
+			stop(paste("effects is not a legitimate Siena effects object", sep=""))
+		}		
+		if(sum(effects$include==TRUE & (effects$type =="endow"|effects$type =="creation")) > 0)
+		{
+			stop("sienaRI does not yet work for models containinf endowment or creation effects")
+		}
+		effs <- effects
+		if (!is.numeric(theta))
+		{
+			stop("theta is not a legitimate parameter vector")
+		}
+		if(length(theta) != sum(effs$include==TRUE & effs$type!="rate"))
+		{
+			if(length(theta) != sum(effs$include==TRUE))
+			{
+				stop("theta is not a legitimate parameter vector \n number of parameters has to match number of effects")								
+			}
+			warning("length of theta does not match the number of objective function effects\n theta is treated as if containing rate parameters")		
+			paras <- theta
+			## all necessary information available
+			## call getChangeContributions
+			contributions <- getChangeContributions(algorithm = algo, data = data, effects = effs)
+			RI <- expectedRelativeImportance(conts = contributions, effects = effs, theta = paras)
+		}else{
+			paras <- theta
+			## all necessary information available
+			## call getChangeContributions
+			contributions <- getChangeContributions(algorithm = algo, data = data, effects = effs)
+			RI <- expectedRelativeImportance(conts = contributions, effects = effs, theta = paras)
+		}
+	}
+	RI
+##@getChangeContributions. Use as RSiena:::getChangeContributions
+getChangeContributions <- function(algorithm, data, effects)
+	## The following initializations data, effects, and model
+	## for calling "getTargets" in "siena07.setup.h"
+	## is more or less copied from "getTargets" in "getTargets.r".
+	## However, some modifications have been necessary to get it to work.
+	f <- unpackData(data,algorithm)
+	effects <- effects[effects$include,]
+	if (!is.null(algorithm$settings))
+	{
+		effects <- addSettingsEffects(effects, algorithm)
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		effects$setting <- rep("", nrow(effects))
+	}
+	pData <- .Call('setupData', PACKAGE=pkgname,
+			list(as.integer(f$observations)),
+			list(f$nodeSets))
+	## register a finalizer
+	ans <- reg.finalizer(pData, clearData, onexit = FALSE)
+	ans<- .Call('OneMode', PACKAGE=pkgname,
+			pData, list(f$nets))
+	ans<- .Call('Behavior', PACKAGE=pkgname, pData,
+			list(f$behavs))
+	ans<-.Call('ConstantCovariates', PACKAGE=pkgname,
+			pData, list(f$cCovars))
+	ans<-.Call('ChangingCovariates',PACKAGE=pkgname,
+			pData,list(f$vCovars))
+	ans<-.Call('DyadicCovariates',PACKAGE=pkgname,
+			pData,list(f$dycCovars))
+	ans<-.Call('ChangingDyadicCovariates',PACKAGE=pkgname,
+			pData, list(f$dyvCovars))
+	storage.mode(effects$parm) <- 'integer'
+	storage.mode(effects$group) <- 'integer'
+	storage.mode(effects$period) <- 'integer'
+	effects$effectPtr <- rep(NA, nrow(effects))
+	depvarnames <- names(data$depvars)
+	tmpeffects <- split(effects, effects$name)
+	myeffectsOrder <- match(depvarnames, names(tmpeffects))
+	ans <- .Call("effects", PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, tmpeffects)
+	pModel <- ans[[1]][[1]]
+	for (i in 1:length(ans[[2]])) 
+	{
+		effectPtr <- ans[[2]][[i]]
+		tmpeffects[[i]]$effectPtr <- effectPtr
+	}	
+	myeffects <- tmpeffects
+	for(i in 1:length(myeffectsOrder)){
+		myeffects[[i]]<-tmpeffects[[myeffectsOrder[i]]]
+	}
+	ans <- .Call("getTargets", PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel, myeffects, parallelrun=TRUE, returnActorStatistics=FALSE, returnStaticChangeContributions=TRUE)
+	ans	
+expectedRelativeImportance <- function(conts, effects, theta, effectNames = NULL)
+	waves <- length(conts[[1]])
+	effects <- effects[effects$include == TRUE,]
+	noRate <- effects$type != "rate"
+	effects <- effects[noRate,] 
+	if(sum(noRate)!=length(theta))
+	{
+		theta <- theta[noRate]
+	}
+	effectNa <- attr(conts,"effectNames")
+	effectTypes <- attr(conts,"effectTypes")
+	networkNames <- attr(conts,"networkNames")
+	networkTypes <- attr(conts,"networkTypes")
+	networkInteraction <- effects$interaction1
+	effectIds <- paste(effectNa,effectTypes,networkInteraction, sep = ".") 
+	currentDepName <- "" 
+	depNumber <- 0
+	for(eff in 1:length(effectIds))
+	{
+		if(networkNames[eff] != currentDepName)
+		{ 
+			currentDepName <- networkNames[eff]
+			actors <- length(conts[[1]][[1]][[1]])
+			if(networkTypes[eff] == "oneMode")
+			{
+				choices <- actors
+			}else if(networkTypes[eff] == "behavior"){
+				choices <- 3
+			}else{
+				stop("so far, sienaRI works only for dependent variables of type 'oneMode' or 'behavior'")
+			}
+			depNumber <- depNumber + 1		
+			currentDepEffs <- effects$name == currentDepName
+			effNumber <- sum(currentDepEffs)
+			RIs <- data.frame(row.names = effectIds[currentDepEffs])
+			RIs <- cbind(RIs, matrix(0, nrow=effNumber, ncol = actors))
+			entropies <- vector(mode="numeric", length = actors)
+			currentDepObjEffsNames <- paste(effects$shortName[currentDepEffs],effects$type[currentDepEffs],effects$interaction1[currentDepEffs],sep=".")
+			otherObjEffsNames <- paste(effects$shortName[!currentDepEffs],effects$type[!currentDepEffs],effects$interaction1[!currentDepEffs],sep=".")
+			expectedRI <- list()
+			RIActors <- list()
+			absoluteSumActors <- list()
+			entropyActors <-list()
+			for(w in 1:waves)
+			{
+				currentDepEffectContributions <- conts[[1]][[w]][currentDepEffs]
+				currentDepEffectContributions <- sapply(lapply(currentDepEffectContributions, unlist), matrix, nrow=actors, ncol=choices, byrow=TRUE, simplify="array")
+				distributions <- apply(apply(currentDepEffectContributions, c(2,1), as.matrix), 3, calculateDistributions, theta[which(currentDepEffs)])
+				distributions <- lapply(apply(distributions, 2, list), function(x){matrix(x[[1]], nrow=effNumber+1, ncol=choices, byrow=F)})
+				entropy_vector <- unlist(lapply(distributions,function(x){entropy(x[1,])}))
+				## If one wishes another measure than the L^1-difference between distributions,
+				## here is the right place to call some new function instead of "L1D".
+				RIs_list <- lapply(distributions,function(x){L1D(x[1,], x[2:dim(x)[1],])})
+				RIs_matrix <-(matrix(unlist(RIs_list),nrow=effNumber, ncol=actors, byrow=F))
+				RIs <- RIs_matrix 
+				entropies <- entropy_vector
+				RIActors[[w]] <- apply(RIs, 2, function(x){x/sum(x)})
+				absoluteSumActors[[w]] <- colSums(RIs)
+				entropyActors[[w]] <- entropies
+				expectedRI[[w]] <- rowSums(RIActors[[w]] )/dim(RIActors[[w]])[2]
+			}
+			RItmp <- NULL
+			RItmp$dependentVariable <- currentDepName
+			RItmp$expectedRI <- expectedRI
+			RItmp$RIActors <- RIActors
+			RItmp$absoluteSumActors <- absoluteSumActors
+			RItmp$entropyActors <- entropyActors
+			if(!is.null(effectNames))
+			{
+				RItmp$effectNames <- effectNames[currentDepEffs]
+			}else{
+				RItmp$effectNames <- paste(effectTypes[currentDepEffs], " ", effects$effectName[currentDepEffs], sep="")
+			}
+			class(RItmp) <- "sienaRI"
+			if(depNumber == 1){
+				RI <- RItmp
+			}else if(depNumber == 2){
+				RItmp1 <- RI
+				RI <- list()
+				RI[[1]]<-RItmp1
+				RI[[2]]<-RItmp
+			}else{
+				RI[[depNumber]]<-RItmp
+			}
+		}	
+	}
+	if(depNumber>1)
+	{
+		warning("more than one dependent variable\n return value is therefore not of class 'sienaRI'\n but a list of objects of class 'sienaRI'")								
+	}
+	RI
+calculateDistributions <- function(effectContributions = NULL, theta = NULL)
+	effects <- dim(effectContributions)[1]
+	choices <- dim(effectContributions)[2]
+	effectContributions[effectContributions=="NaN"]<-0
+	distributions <-  array(dim = c(effects+1,choices))
+	distributions[1,] <- exp(colSums(theta*effectContributions))/sum(exp(colSums(theta*effectContributions)))
+	for(eff in 1:effects)
+	{
+		t <- theta
+		t[eff] <- 0
+		distributions[eff+1,] <- exp(colSums(t*effectContributions))/sum(exp(colSums(t*effectContributions)))
+	}
+	distributions
+entropy <- function(distribution = NULL)
+	entropy <-  -1*(distribution %*% log(distribution)/log(length(distribution)))
+	certainty <- 1-entropy
+	certainty
+KLD <- function(referenz = NULL, distributions = NULL)
+	if(is.vector(distributions))
+	{
+		kld <- (referenz %*% (log(referenz)-log(distributions)))/log(length(referenz))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		kld <- colSums(referenz *(log(referenz)-t(log(distributions))))/log(length(referenz))
+	}
+	kld
+## calculates the L^1-differenz between distribution "reference" (which is a vector of length n)
+## and each row of distributions (which is a matrix with n columns)
+L1D <- function(referenz = NULL, distributions = NULL)
+	if(is.vector(distributions))
+	{
+		l1d <- sum(abs(referenz-distributions))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		l1d <- colSums(abs(referenz-t(distributions)))
+	}
+	l1d
+##@print.sienaRI Methods
+print.sienaRI <- function(x, ...){
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaRI"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate Siena relative importance of effects object")
+	}
+	cat(paste("\n  Expected relative importance of effects for dependent variable '", x$dependentVariable,"' at observation moments:\n\n\n", sep=""))
+	waves <- length(x$expectedRI)
+	effs <- length(x$effectNames)
+	colNames = paste("wave ", 1:waves, sep="")
+	line1 <- paste(format("", width =63), sep="")
+	line2 <- paste(format(1:effs,width=3), '. ', format(x$effectNames, width = 56),sep="")
+	for(w in 1:length(colNames))
+	{
+		line1 <- paste(line1, format(colNames[w], width=8),"  ", sep = "")
+		line2 <- paste(line2, format(round(x$expectedRI[[w]], 4), width=8, nsmall=4),"  ",sep="")
+	}
+	line2 <- paste(line2, rep('\n',effs), sep="")
+	cat(as.matrix(line1),'\n \n', sep='')    
+	cat(as.matrix(line2),'\n', sep='')    
+	invisible(x)
+##@summary.sienaRI Methods
+summary.sienaRI <- function(object, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaRI"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate Siena relative importance of effects object")
+	}
+	class(x) <- c("summary.sienaRI", class(x))
+	x
+##@print.summary.sienaRI Methods
+print.summary.sienaRI <- function(x, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "summary.sienaRI"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate summary of a Siena relative importance of effects object")
+	}
+	print.sienaRI(x)
+	invisible(x)
+##@plot.sienaRI Methods
+plot.sienaRI <- function(x, file = NULL, col = NULL, addPieChart = FALSE, radius = 1, width = NULL, height = NULL, legend = TRUE, legendColumns = NULL, legendHeight = NULL, cex.legend = NULL, cex.names = NULL, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaRI"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate Siena relative importance of effects object")
+	}
+	waves <- length(x$expectedRI)
+	actors <- dim(x$RIActors[[1]])[2]
+	if(legend)
+	{
+		if(!is.null(legendColumns))
+		{
+			if(is.numeric(legendColumns))
+			{
+				legendColumns <- as.integer(legendColumns)
+			}else{
+				legendColumns <- NULL
+				warning("legendColumns has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+			}
+		}
+		if(is.null(legendColumns))
+		{
+			legendColumns <-floor((actors+2)/11)
+		}
+		if(!is.null(legendHeight))
+		{
+			if(is.numeric(legendHeight))
+			{
+				legendHeight <- legendHeight
+			}else{
+				legendHeight <- NULL
+				warning("legendHeight has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+			}
+		}
+		if(is.null(legendHeight))
+		{
+			legendHeight <- max(0.6,ceiling(length(x$effectNames)/legendColumns)*0.2) 
+		}   
+	}
+	if(!is.null(height))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(height))
+		{
+			height <- height
+		}else{
+			height <- NULL
+			warning("height has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(height))
+	{
+		if(legend)
+		{
+			height <- (2*waves+2*legendHeight)*1
+		}else{
+			height <- (2*waves)*1
+		}
+	}
+	if(!is.null(width))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(width))
+		{
+			width <- width
+		}else{
+			width <- NULL
+			warning("width has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(width))
+	{
+		if(addPieChart)
+		{
+			width = (actors/3+2)*1
+		}else{
+			width = (actors/3+1)*1
+		}
+	}
+	if(!is.null(cex.legend))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(cex.legend))
+		{
+			cex.legend <- cex.legend
+		}else{
+			cex.legend <- NULL
+			warning("cex.legend has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(cex.legend))
+	{
+		cex.legend <- 1.3
+	}
+	if(!is.null(cex.names))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(cex.names))
+		{
+			cex.names <- cex.names
+		}else{
+			cex.names <- NULL
+			warning("cex.names has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(cex.names))
+	{
+		cex.names <- 1
+	}
+	if(!is.null(radius))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(radius))
+		{
+			rad <- radius
+		}else{
+			rad <- NULL
+			warning("radius has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(radius))
+	{
+		rad <- 1
+	}
+	createPdf = FALSE
+	if(!is.null(file))
+	{
+		if (is.character(file)){
+			pdf(file = file, width = width, height = height)
+			createPdf = TRUE
+		}else{
+			file = NULL
+			warning("file has to be a of type 'character' \n could not create pdf")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(file))
+	{
+		windows(width = width, height = height)
+	}
+	if(!is.null(col))
+	{
+		cl <- col
+	}else{
+		alph <- 175
+		green <- rgb(127, 201, 127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		lila <-rgb(190, 174, 212,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		orange <- rgb(253, 192, 134,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		yellow <- rgb(255, 255, 153,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		blue <- rgb(56, 108, 176,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		lightgray <- rgb(184,184,184,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		darkgray <- rgb(56,56,56,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		gray <- rgb(120,120,120,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		pink <- rgb(240,2,127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		brown <- rgb(191,91,23,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		cl <- c(green,lila,orange,yellow,blue,lightgray,darkgray,gray,pink,brown)
+		while(length(cl)<length(x$effectNames)){
+			alph <- (alph+75)%%255
+			green <- rgb(127, 201, 127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			lila <-rgb(190, 174, 212,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			orange <- rgb(253, 192, 134,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			yellow <- rgb(255, 255, 153,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			blue <- rgb(56, 108, 176,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			lightgray <- rgb(184,184,184,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			darkgray <- rgb(56,56,56,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			gray <- rgb(120,120,120,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			pink <- rgb(240,2,127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			brown <- rgb(191,91,23,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			cl <- c(cl,green,lila,orange,yellow,blue,lightgray,darkgray,gray,pink,brown)
+		}	
+	}
+	bordergrey <-"gray25"
+	if(addPieChart)
+	{
+		if(legend)
+		{
+			layoutMatrix <- matrix(c(1:(2*waves+1),(2*waves+1)), byrow= TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=(waves+1))
+			layout(layoutMatrix,widths=c((actors/3),2),heights=c(rep(1,waves),legendHeight)) 
+		}else{
+			layoutMatrix <- matrix(c(1:(2*waves)), byrow= TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=waves)
+			layout(layoutMatrix,widths=c((actors/3),2),heights=rep(1,waves)) 
+		}
+		par( oma = c( 0, 0, 2, 0 ),mar = par()$mar+c(-1,0,-3,-2), xpd=T , cex = 0.75, no.readonly = TRUE )  
+	}else{
+		if(legend)
+		{
+			layoutMatrix <- matrix(c(1:(waves+1)), byrow= TRUE, ncol=1, nrow=(waves+1))
+			layout(layoutMatrix,widths=c((actors/3)),heights=c(rep(1,waves),legendHeight)) 
+		}else{
+			layoutMatrix <- matrix(c(1:waves), byrow= TRUE, ncol=1, nrow=waves)
+			layout(layoutMatrix,widths=c((actors/3)),heights=rep(1,waves)) 
+		}
+		par( oma = c( 0, 0, 2, 0 ),mar = par()$mar+c(-1,0,-3,1), xpd=T , cex = 0.75, no.readonly = TRUE )  
+	}
+	for(w in 1:waves)
+	{
+		barplot(cbind(x$RIActors[[w]], x$expectedRI[[w]]),space=c(rep(0.1,actors),1.5),width=c(rep(1,actors),1), beside =FALSE, yaxt = "n", xlab="Actor", cex.names = cex.names, ylab=paste("wave ", w, sep=""),border=bordergrey,  col = cl, names.arg=c(1:actors,"exp. rel. imp.")) 
+		axis(2, at=c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1),labels=c("0","","0.5","","1"))
+		axis(4, at=c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1),labels=c("0","","0.5","","1")) 
+		if(addPieChart)
+		{
+			pie(x$expectedRI[[w]], col = cl, labels=NA, border = bordergrey, radius = rad)
+			mtext("exp. rel. imp.",side = 1, line = 1, cex=cex.names*0.75)
+		}
+	}
+	if(legend)
+	{
+		plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), col=rgb(0,0,0,0),axes=FALSE,  ylab = "", xlab = "")
+		legend(0, 1, x$effectNames, fill=cl, ncol = legendColumns, bty = "n", cex=cex.legend)
+	}
+	if(createPdf)
+	{
+		dev.off()
+	} 
+	invisible(cl)

Added: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaRIDynamics.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaRIDynamics.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaRIDynamics.r	2014-03-30 21:14:41 UTC (rev 267)
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
+# *
+# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/
+# *
+# * File: sienaRIDynamics.r
+# *
+# * Description: Used to determine, print, and plots relative importances of effects
+# * in sequences of simulated micro-steps 
+# *****************************************************************************/
+##@sienaRIDynamics. Use as RSiena:::sienaRIDynamics()
+sienaRIDynamics <- function(data, ans=NULL, algorithm=NULL, effects=NULL, theta=NULL , depvar=NULL, intervalsPerPeriod=NULL)
+	if(length(data$depvars)>1){
+		if(is.null(depvar)){
+			warning("If the models contains more than one dependent variables, \n it should be specified by variable 'depvar' for which dependent variable the relative importances should be calculated. \n\n")
+			warning(paste("As 'depvar = NULL', relative importances are calculated for variable ", currentNetName, sep=""))
+			currentNetName <- attr(data$depvars,"names")[1]
+		}else if(!(depvar %in% attr(data$depvars,"names"))){
+			stop("'depvar' is not a name of a dependent variable")
+		}else{
+			currentNetName <- depvar
+		}
+	}else{
+		currentNetName <- depvar
+	}
+	if (!inherits(data, "siena"))
+	{
+		stop("data is not a legitimate Siena data specification")
+	}
+	if(!is.null(ans))
+	{
+		if (!inherits(ans, "sienaFit"))
+		{
+			stop("ans is not a legitimate Siena fit object")
+		}
+		if(!is.null(algorithm)||!is.null(theta)||!is.null(effects))
+		{
+			warning("some information are multiply defined \n results will be based on 'theta', 'algorithm', and 'effects' stored in 'ans' (as 'ans$theta', 'ans$x', 'ans$effects')")
+		}
+		if(!is.null(intervalsPerPeriod))
+		{
+			if(is.numeric(intervalsPerPeriod))
+			{
+				intervalsPerPeriod <- as.integer(intervalsPerPeriods)
+			}else{
+				intervalsPerPeriod <- NULL
+				warning("'intervalsPerPeriod' has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+			}
+		}
+		if(is.null(intervalsPerPeriod))
+		{
+			intervalsPerPeriod <- 10
+		}
+		RIValues <- calculateRIDynamics(data = data, theta= ans$theta, algorithm = ans$x,  effects = ans$effects, depvar = currentNetName, intervalsPerPeriod=intervalsPerPeriod)	
+	}else{
+		if (!inherits(algorithm, "sienaAlgorithm"))
+		{
+			stop("algorithm is not a legitimate Siena algorithm specification")
+		}
+		algo <- algorithm
+		if (!inherits(effects, "sienaEffects"))
+		{
+			stop("effects is not a legitimate Siena effects object")
+		}		
+		effs <- effects
+		if(!is.numeric(theta))
+		{
+			stop("theta is not a legitimate parameter vector")
+		}
+		if(length(theta) != sum(effs$include==TRUE))
+		{
+			if(length(theta) == sum(effs$include==TRUE & effs$type!="rate"))
+			{
+				stop("vector of model parameters has wrong dimension, maybe rate parameters are missing")											
+			}
+			stop("theta is not a legitimate parameter vector \n number of parameters has to match number of effects")								
+		}
+		paras <- theta
+		if(!is.null(intervalsPerPeriod))
+		{
+			if(is.numeric(intervalsPerPeriod))
+			{
+				intervalsPerPeriod <- as.integer(intervalsPerPeriods)
+			}else{
+				intervalsPerPeriod <- NULL
+				warning("'intervalsPerPeriod' has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+			}
+		}
+		if(is.null(intervalsPerPeriod))
+		{
+			intervalsPerPeriod <- 10
+		}
+		## all necessary information available
+		RIValues <- calculateRIDynamics(data = data, theta= paras, algorithm = algo,  effects = effs, depvar = currentNetName, intervalsPerPeriod=intervalsPerPeriod)
+	}
+	RIValues
+##@calculateRIDynamics calculateRIDynamics simulates sequences of micro-steps, and aggregates the relative importances of effects over micro-steps of same time intervals
+calculateRIDynamics <- function(data=NULL, theta=NULL, algorithm=NULL, effects=NULL, depvar=NULL, intervalsPerPeriod=10, returnActorStatistics=NULL)
+	x <- algorithm
+	currentNetName <- depvar
+	z  <-  NULL
+	z$FRAN <- getFromNamespace(x$FRANname, pkgname)
+	x$cconditional <-  FALSE
+	z$print <- FALSE
+	z$Phase <- 3
+	z <- initializeFRAN(z, x, data, effects, prevAns=NULL, initC=FALSE, returnDeps=FALSE)
+	z$returnChangeContributions <- TRUE	
+	z$theta <- theta
+	if (!is.null(x$randomSeed))
+	{
+		set.seed(x$randomSeed, kind="default")
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (exists(".Random.seed"))
+		{
+			rm(.Random.seed, pos=1)
+			RNGkind(kind="default")
+		}
+	}
+	chains <- x$n3
+	periods <- data$observation-1 
+	effects <- effects[effects$include==TRUE,]
+	noRate <- effects$type != "rate"
+	thetaNoRate <- theta[noRate]
+	effectNames <- effects$shortName[noRate]
+	effectTypes <- effects$type[noRate]
+	networkName <- effects$name[noRate]
+	networkInteraction <- effects$interaction1[noRate]
+	effectIds <- paste(effectNames,effectTypes,networkInteraction, sep = ".") 
+	currentNetObjEffs <- effects$name[noRate] == currentNetName
+	RIintervalValues <- list()
+	for(period in 1:periods)
+	{
+		RIintervalValues[[period]] <- data.frame(row.names = effectIds[currentNetObjEffs])
+	}
+	for (chain in (1:chains))
+	{
+		ans <- z$FRAN(z, x)	
+		for(period in 1:periods)
+		{
+			microSteps <- length(ans$changeContributions[[1]][[period]])
+			stepsPerInterval <- microSteps/intervalsPerPeriod
+			RItmp <- data.frame(row.names = effectIds[currentNetObjEffs])
+			interval <- 1
+			stepsInIntervalCounter <- 0
+			for(microStep in 1:microSteps)
+			{
+				#currentNetName <- attr(ans$changeContributions[[1]][[period]][[microStep]],"networkName")
+				if(attr(ans$changeContributions[[1]][[period]][[microStep]],"networkName")==currentNetName){
+					stepsInIntervalCounter <- stepsInIntervalCounter + 1 
+					## distributions[1,] contains the probabilities of the available choices in this micr-step
+					## distributions[2,],distributions[3,], ...contains the probabilities of the available choices
+					## if the parameter of the second, third, ... effects is set to zero.
+					distributions <- calculateDistributions(ans$changeContributions[[1]][[period]][[microStep]], thetaNoRate[currentNetObjEffs])
+					## If one wishes another measure than the L^1-difference between distributions,
+					## here is the right place to call some new function instead of "L1D".
+					RItmp[,stepsInIntervalCounter] <- standardize(L1D(distributions[1,], distributions[2:dim(distributions)[1],]))            
+				}
+				if (microStep > interval * stepsPerInterval || microStep == microSteps) 
+				{
+					if(chain == 1)
+					{
+						RIintervalValues[[period]][,interval] <-  rowSums(RItmp)/length(RItmp)
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						RIintervalValues[[period]][,interval] <- RIintervalValues[[period]][,interval] + rowSums(RItmp)/length(RItmp)
+					}
+					interval <- interval + 1
+					stepsInIntervalCounter <- 0
+				}
+			}
+		}		
+	}
+	for(period in 1:periods)
+	{  
+		RIintervalValues[[period]] <- RIintervalValues[[period]]/chains
+	}
+	RIDynamics <- NULL
+	RIDynamics$intervalValues <-RIintervalValues
+	RIDynamics$dependentVariable <- currentNetName
+	RIDynamics$effectNames <- paste(effectTypes[currentNetObjEffs], " ", (effects$effectName[noRate])[currentNetObjEffs], sep="")
+	class(RIDynamics) <- "sienaRIDynamics"	
+	RIDynamics
+standardize <- function(values = NULL)
+	newValues <- values/sum(values)
+##@print.sienaRIDynamics Methods
+print.sienaRIDynamics <- function(x, ...){
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaRIDynamics"))
+	{
+		stop("x is not of class 'sienaRIDynamics' ")
+	}
+	periods <- length(x$intervalValues)
+	intervals <- length(x$intervalValues[[1]])
+	effs <- length(x$effectNames)
+	cat(paste("\n  Relative importance of effects in micro-steps of dependent variable '", x$dependentVariable,"'. \n \n",sep=""))
+	cat(paste("  Periods between observations are devided into ", intervals, " intervals. \n \n",sep=""))
+	cat(paste("  Displayed results are aggregations over intervals:\n", sep=""))
+	for(p in 1:periods){
+		cat(paste("\n\nPeriod ",p,":\n", sep=""))
+		colNames = paste("int ", 1:intervals, sep="")
+		line1 <- paste(format("", width =52), sep="")
+		line2 <- paste(format(1:effs,width=3), '. ', format(x$effectNames, width = 45),sep="")
+		col <- 0
+		for(i in 1:length(colNames))
+		{
+			col <- col + 1
+			line1 <- paste(line1, format(colNames[i], width=8),"  ", sep = "")
+			line2 <- paste(line2, format(round(x$intervalValues[[p]][[i]], 4), width=8, nsmall=4),"  ",sep="")
+			if(col == 5)
+			{
+				line2 <- paste(line2, rep('\n',effs), sep="")
+				cat(as.matrix(line1),'\n \n', sep='')    
+				cat(as.matrix(line2),'\n', sep='') 
+				line1 <- paste(format("", width =52), sep="")
+				line2 <- paste(format(1:effs,width=3), '. ', format(x$effectNames, width = 45),sep="")
+				col<-0
+			}
+		}
+		if(col>0)
+		{
+			line2 <- paste(line2, rep('\n',effs), sep="")
+			cat(as.matrix(line1),'\n \n', sep='')    
+			cat(as.matrix(line2),'\n', sep='') 
+		}
+	}
+	invisible(x)
+##@summary.sienaRIDynamics Methods
+summary.sienaRIDynamics <- function(object, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaRIDynamics"))
+	{
+		stop("x is not of class 'sienaRIDynamics' ")
+	}
+	class(x) <- c("summary.sienaRIDynamics", class(x))
+	x
+##@print.summary.sienaRIDynamics Methods
+print.summary.sienaRIDynamics <- function(x, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "summary.sienaRIDynamics"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate summary of a 'sienaRIDynamics' object")
+	}
+	print.sienaRIDynamics(x)
+	invisible(x)
+##@plot.sienaRIDynamics Methods
+plot.sienaRIDynamics <- function(x, staticValues = NULL, file = NULL, col = NULL, ylim=NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, legend = TRUE, legendColumns = NULL, legendHeight = NULL, cex.scale = NULL, cex.legend = NULL, cex.axis = NULL, cex.names = NULL, ylab = "", xlab = "", ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaRIDynamics"))
+	{
+		stop("x is not of class 'sienaRIDynamics' ")
+	}
+	if(legend)
+	{
+		if(!is.null(legendColumns))
+		{
+			if(is.numeric(legendColumns))
+			{
+				legendColumns <- as.integer(legendColumns)
+			}else{
+				legendColumns <- NULL
+				warning("legendColumns has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+			}
+		}
+		if(is.null(legendColumns))
+		{
+			legendColumns <- 3
+		}
+		if(!is.null(legendHeight))
+		{
+			if(is.numeric(legendHeight))
+			{
+				legendHeight <- legendHeight
+			}else{
+				legendHeight <- NULL
+				warning("legendHeight has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+			}
+		}
+		if(is.null(legendHeight))
+		{
+			legendHeight <- 1
+		}   
+	}
+	if(!is.null(height))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(height))
+		{
+			height <- height
+		}else{
+			height <- NULL
+			warning("height has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(height))
+	{
+		if(legend)
+		{
+			height <- 4
+		}else{
+			height <- 3
+		}
+	}
+	if(!is.null(width))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(width))
+		{
+			width <- width
+		}else{
+			width <- NULL
+			warning("width has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(width))
+	{
+		width <- 8
+	}
+	if(!is.null(cex.scale))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(cex.scale))
+		{
+			cex.scale <- cex.scale
+		}else{
+			cex.scale <- NULL
+			warning("cex.scale has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(cex.scale))
+	{
+		cex.scale <- 1
+	}
+	if(!is.null(cex.legend))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(cex.legend))
+		{
+			cex.legend <- cex.legend
+		}else{
+			cex.legend <- NULL
+			warning("cex.legend has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(cex.legend))
+	{
+		cex.legend <- 1
+	}
+	if(!is.null(cex.names))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(cex.names))
+		{
+			cex.names <- cex.names
+		}else{
+			cex.names <- NULL
+			warning("cex.names has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(cex.names))
+	{
+		cex.names <- 1
+	}
+	if(!is.null(cex.axis))
+	{
+		if(is.numeric(cex.axis))
+		{
+			cex.axis <- cex.axis
+		}else{
+			cex.axis <- NULL
+			warning("cex.axis has to be of type 'numeric' \n used default settings")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(cex.axis))
+	{
+		cex.axis <- 1
+	}
+	createPdf = FALSE
+	if(!is.null(file))
+	{
+		if (is.character(file)){
+			pdf(file = file, width = width, height = height)
+			createPdf = TRUE
+		}else{
+			file = NULL
+			warning("file has to be a of type 'character' \n could not create pdf")
+		}
+	}
+	if(is.null(file))
+	{
+		windows(width = width, height = height)
+	}
+	if(!is.null(col))
+	{
+		cl <- col
+	}
+	if(is.null(col))
+	{
+		alph <- 175
+		green <- rgb(127, 201, 127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		lila <-rgb(190, 174, 212,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		orange <- rgb(253, 192, 134,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		yellow <- rgb(255, 255, 153,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		blue <- rgb(56, 108, 176,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		lightgray <- rgb(184,184,184,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		darkgray <- rgb(56,56,56,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		gray <- rgb(120,120,120,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		pink <- rgb(240,2,127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		brown <- rgb(191,91,23,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+		cl <- c(green,lila,orange,yellow,blue,lightgray,darkgray,gray,pink,brown)
+		while(length(cl)<length(x$effectNames)){
+			alph <- (alph+75)%%255
+			green <- rgb(127, 201, 127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			lila <-rgb(190, 174, 212,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			orange <- rgb(253, 192, 134,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			yellow <- rgb(255, 255, 153,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			blue <- rgb(56, 108, 176,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			lightgray <- rgb(184,184,184,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			darkgray <- rgb(56,56,56,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			gray <- rgb(120,120,120,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			pink <- rgb(240,2,127,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			brown <- rgb(191,91,23,alph, maxColorValue = 255)
+			cl <- c(cl,green,lila,orange,yellow,blue,lightgray,darkgray,gray,pink,brown)
+		}	
+	}
+	bordergrey <-"gray25"
+	values <- x$intervalValues	
+	periods <- length(values)
+	effectNames <- x$effectNames
+	effectNumber <- length(effectNames)
+	lineTypes <- rep("solid",effectNumber)
+	legendNames <- effectNames
+	if(is.null(ylim))
+	{
+		ylim <-c(0,ceiling(max(unlist(lapply(values, max)))*10)*0.1)
+	}else{
+		ylim <-ylim
+	}
+	if(legend)
+	{
+		layout(rbind(1:periods, rep(periods+1,periods)),widths=rep(4, periods),heights=c(3,1))
+	}else{
+		layout(rbind(1:periods),widths=rep(4, periods),heights=c(3))
+	}
+	par( oma = c( 1, 3, 1, 3 ),mar = par()$mar+c(-5,-4.1,-4,-2.1), xpd=T ) 
+	for(period in 1:periods){
+		timeseries<-ts(t(values[[period]]))
+		plot.ts(timeseries, plot.type = "single",  col = cl, lty = lineTypes, lwd = rep(1.5,effectNumber), bty = "n",xaxt = "n",yaxt = "n", ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, ylim = ylim)
+		for(eff in 1:effectNumber)
+		{
+			points(ts(t(values[[period]]))[,eff], col = cl[eff], type = "p", pch = 20)
+			if(!is.null(staticValues))
+			{

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 267

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