[Rsiena-commits] r278 - in pkg: RSiena RSiena/R RSiena/data RSiena/inst/doc RSiena/man RSiena/src/model/effects RSiena/src/model/effects/generic RSienaTest RSienaTest/R RSienaTest/data RSienaTest/doc RSienaTest/inst/doc RSienaTest/man RSienaTest/src/model/effects RSienaTest/src/model/effects/generic RSienaTest/src/model/variables

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jul 24 12:00:53 CEST 2014

Author: tomsnijders
Date: 2014-07-24 12:00:52 +0200 (Thu, 24 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 278

Version 1.1-278. See changelog.

Modified: pkg/RSiena/ChangeLog
--- pkg/RSiena/ChangeLog	2014-06-22 20:19:13 UTC (rev 277)
+++ pkg/RSiena/ChangeLog	2014-07-24 10:00:52 UTC (rev 278)
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+2014-07-24 R-Forge Revision 278
+Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
+   * Added s50s to RSiena.rda.
+   * Corrected se component of sienaFit objects
+     (should be standard error, was its square).
+   * new effects totDist2, altInDist2, totInDist2,
+     totDist2W, altInDist2W, totInDist2W.
+   * Warnings turned off for calculation of z$regrCoef
+     and z$regrCor in phase1.r and phase3.r.
+   * print01Report() improved for changing dyadic covariates,
+     and some layout improvement for long variable names,
+	 and bug corrected for reporting upOnly/downOnly cases.
+Changes in RSienaTest:
+   * Adapted sienaBayes and glueBayes and print.sienaBayes to allow
+     inclusion of interaction effects without the corresponding
+     main effects (use $requestedEffects instead of $effects).
+   * glueBayes(): checks of equality of prior parameters restricted
+     to !ratesInVarying; parameter nwarm2 added (sienaBayes.r).
+   * sienaBayes: Multiplied priorSigma for rate parameters by priorKappa;
+     changed z$nwarm to 0 if !is.null(prevBayes); change result of
+     dmvnorm() to -Inf if cov. matrix singular; dropped plotit functionality.
 2014-06-22 R-Forge Revision 277
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
    * Some documentation of returnChains in siena07.Rd.
@@ -38,7 +60,7 @@
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
    * NAMESPACE: removed entries sienaRIDynamics with the corresponding
      print, summary, and plot methods (to be entered later when
-	  problems have been solved).
+      problems have been solved).
    * Removed sienaRIDynamics.Rd (ditto).
    * Some changes in sienaRIDynamics.r but not enough to make it work.
    * Duplication of outInv and outSqInv effects for two-mode networks
@@ -109,9 +131,9 @@
 2014-03-17 R-Forge Revision 266
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
    * getTargets.r: Added actorTargets function for use with multiple imputation
-	   of behaviour variable.
+       of behaviour variable.
    * sienaModelCreate.r, initializeFRAN.r, setup07setup.cpp, Model.cpp, Model.h,
-	   MLSimulation.cpp, MLSimulation.h: added localML option to sienaAlgorithm.
+       MLSimulation.cpp, MLSimulation.h: added localML option to sienaAlgorithm.
    * allEffects.csv: added "local" column for use with localML option.
 2014-03-14 R-Forge Revisions 261-265
@@ -128,46 +150,46 @@
      as well as statistic contributions of all potential tie flips or behavior changes
      for all simulated micro-steps (simstatsc.r).
    * Modified model(...) such that it calculates and returns the statistics newly needed in
-   	 simstats0c(...) (siena07model.cpp)
+     simstats0c(...) (siena07model.cpp)
    * Added methods, functions, constructors, and fields needed due to changes in getTargets(...) and model(...):
-   			public void needChangeContributions(bool flag) (Model.h, Model.cpp)
-			public bool needChangeContributions()	       (Model.h, Model.cpp)
-			private bool lneedChangeContributions2		   (Model.h)
-			SEXP getChangeContributionsList(...)           (siena07utilities.h, siena07utilities.cpp)
-			SEXP createRObjectAttributes(...)              (siena07utilities.h, siena07utilities.cpp)
-			void getChangeContributionStatistics(...)      (siena07internals.h, siena07internals.cpp)
-			void getActorStatistics(...)                   (siena07internals.h, siena07internals.cpp)
-			public StatisticCalculator(..., bool)		   (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-	        public StatisticCalculator(..., bool, bool)    (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-			public vector<double *> staticChangeContributions(...) (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-	        public double * actorStatistics(...)		   (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-	     	private bool lneedActorStatistics              (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-		    private bool lcountStaticChangeContributions   (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-		    private map<EffectInfo *, double * > lactorStatistics (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-	        private map<EffectInfo *, vector<double *> > lstaticChangeContributions (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            public void needChangeContributions(bool flag) (Model.h, Model.cpp)
+            public bool needChangeContributions()          (Model.h, Model.cpp)
+            private bool lneedChangeContributions2         (Model.h)
+            SEXP getChangeContributionsList(...)           (siena07utilities.h, siena07utilities.cpp)
+            SEXP createRObjectAttributes(...)              (siena07utilities.h, siena07utilities.cpp)
+            void getChangeContributionStatistics(...)      (siena07internals.h, siena07internals.cpp)
+            void getActorStatistics(...)                   (siena07internals.h, siena07internals.cpp)
+            public StatisticCalculator(..., bool)          (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            public StatisticCalculator(..., bool, bool)    (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            public vector<double *> staticChangeContributions(...) (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            public double * actorStatistics(...)           (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            private bool lneedActorStatistics              (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            private bool lcountStaticChangeContributions   (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            private map<EffectInfo *, double * > lactorStatistics (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+            private map<EffectInfo *, vector<double *> > lstaticChangeContributions (StatisticCalculator.h, StatisticCalculator.cpp)
    * Modifications of functions
-   		calculateNetworkEvaluationStatistics(...) (StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-		calculateBehaviorStatistics(...)          (StatisticCalculator.cpp)
-	Specifically, assignments of form "this->lstatistics[pInfo] = pEffect->evaluationStatistic()"
-	are extended in order to also store actor statistics and change contributions.
+        calculateNetworkEvaluationStatistics(...) (StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+        calculateBehaviorStatistics(...)          (StatisticCalculator.cpp)
+    Specifically, assignments of form "this->lstatistics[pInfo] = pEffect->evaluationStatistic()"
+    are extended in order to also store actor statistics and change contributions.
    * Added a field and corresponding get-and set-methods to class MiniStep
-   	 for storing potential statistic contributions of changes in micro-steps
-   	 		private map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> > * lpChangeContributions				  (MiniStep.h, MiniStep.cpp)
-   	  		public map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> >* changeContributions()					  (MiniStep.h, MiniStep.cpp)
-			public void changeContributions(map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> > * contributions) (MiniStep.h, MiniStep.cpp)
-	* Added field to class DependentVariable (DependentVariable.h, DependentVariable.cpp)
-		protected map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> > * lpChangeContribution;
+     for storing potential statistic contributions of changes in micro-steps
+            private map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> > * lpChangeContributions                  (MiniStep.h, MiniStep.cpp)
+            public map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> >* changeContributions()                    (MiniStep.h, MiniStep.cpp)
+            public void changeContributions(map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> > * contributions) (MiniStep.h, MiniStep.cpp)
+    * Added field to class DependentVariable (DependentVariable.h, DependentVariable.cpp)
+        protected map<const EffectInfo *, vector<double> > * lpChangeContribution;
    * Modifications of functions makeChange() and calculateTieFlipProbabilities()
-   	 	in class NetworkVariable (NetworkVariable.cpp)
-   	 	calculateProbabilities(), totalEvaluationContribution(), totalEndowmentContribution(), and totalCreationContribution()
-   	 	in class BehaviorVariable (BehaviorVariable.cpp)
-   	 	in order to store statistic contributions of effects to all possible choices od an actor in the current micro-step
+        in class NetworkVariable (NetworkVariable.cpp)
+        calculateProbabilities(), totalEvaluationContribution(), totalEndowmentContribution(), and totalCreationContribution()
+        in class BehaviorVariable (BehaviorVariable.cpp)
+        in order to store statistic contributions of effects to all possible choices od an actor in the current micro-step
    * Added functions to classes NetworkEffect and BehaviorEffect (NetworkEffect.h, NetworkEffect.cpp, BehaviorEffect.h, BehaviorEffect.cpp)
-   		such that, in addition to the sum of statistics ovar all actors, individual actor statistics can be returned
-   			public virtual pair <double, double * > statistic(..., bool needActorStatistics)
-			public virtual pair <double, double * > evaluationStatistic(...,bool needActorStatistics)
-			public virtual pair <double, double * > endowmentStatistic(..., bool needActorStatistics)
-			public virtual pair <double, double * > creationStatistic(..., bool needActorStatistics)
+        such that, in addition to the sum of statistics ovar all actors, individual actor statistics can be returned
+            public virtual pair <double, double * > statistic(..., bool needActorStatistics)
+            public virtual pair <double, double * > evaluationStatistic(...,bool needActorStatistics)
+            public virtual pair <double, double * > endowmentStatistic(..., bool needActorStatistics)
+            public virtual pair <double, double * > creationStatistic(..., bool needActorStatistics)
 2014-02-17 R-Forge Revision 254
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
@@ -245,17 +267,17 @@
 2013-11-29 R-Forge Revision 249
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
-	* Fix warning in EpochSimulation regarding String-plus-int.
-	  Once RSiena moves to C++11 this can be replaced by std::to_string
+    * Fix warning in EpochSimulation regarding String-plus-int.
+      Once RSiena moves to C++11 this can be replaced by std::to_string
 2013-11-28 R-Forge Revision 247
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
-	* Fix problem with std::map<int,int>::const_iterator constructor
-	  call in IncidentTieIterator.cpp
-	* Fix ambiguous call of abs in AlterCovariateAv/TotSimEffect by
-	  replacing cmath by cstdlib
-	* Fix problem with using namespace std in DiffusionEffectValueTable
-	  and EffectValueTable
+    * Fix problem with std::map<int,int>::const_iterator constructor
+      call in IncidentTieIterator.cpp
+    * Fix ambiguous call of abs in AlterCovariateAv/TotSimEffect by
+      replacing cmath by cstdlib
+    * Fix problem with using namespace std in DiffusionEffectValueTable
+      and EffectValueTable
 2013-10-31 R-Forge Revision 246
 Changes in RSiena and RSienaTest:
@@ -263,7 +285,7 @@
      avAltAltX to differentiate sources of peer influence in directed networks.
    * Added effect class covarBehaviorNetObjective to effectsDocumentation.R.
    * Fix of a bug that occurred in the case of on average decreasing behavior
-	 variables.
+     variables.
 2013-10-16 R-Forge Revision 245
 Changes in RSienaTest:
@@ -313,11 +335,11 @@
    * Prettier response printed to console for includeEffects() and setEffect().
    * z$estMeans added to siena objects z:
      vector of estimated expected values of statistics;
-	 this is colMeans(z$sf) + z$targets but if dolby,
-	 the regression on the scores is subtracted.
+     this is colMeans(z$sf) + z$targets but if dolby,
+     the regression on the scores is subtracted.
    * Correction to Dolby option for the case of more than 2 waves:
      in phase1.r and phase3.r, scores are added (instead of averaged)
-	 over waves. (Averaging was wrong, because in phase 2 they are added.)
+     over waves. (Averaging was wrong, because in phase 2 they are added.)
    * All single quotes in .Rd files replaced by double quotes
      (first seemed required by the disappearance of inconsolata.sty,
      probably superfluous).
@@ -385,17 +407,17 @@
 2013-05-10 R-forge revision 230
 Changes in RSiena as well as RSienaTest:
-	* Add attribute maxObsOutDegree to <object of class siena>$depvars[[.]]
+    * Add attribute maxObsOutDegree to <object of class siena>$depvars[[.]]
    * Check whether this maximum observed degree is not higher than maxDegree
-	  (printDataReport.r).
-	* Fix bug in implementation of maxDegree (initializeFRAN.r)
-	* Fix bug in print.siena and extend print.siena (sienaprint.r).
-	* Make print method for sienaDependent (sienaprint.r).
+      (printDataReport.r).
+    * Fix bug in implementation of maxDegree (initializeFRAN.r)
+    * Fix bug in print.siena and extend print.siena (sienaprint.r).
+    * Make print method for sienaDependent (sienaprint.r).
 Changes only in RSienaTest:
-	* File
-	  \pkg\RSienaTest\inst\doc\effects.pdf
-	  was updated.
+    * File
+      \pkg\RSienaTest\inst\doc\effects.pdf
+      was updated.
 2013-05-10 R-forge revision 229
 Changes only in RSiena:
@@ -404,16 +426,16 @@
 2013-04-20 R-forge revision 228
 Changes only in RSiena:
-	* Files
-	  \pkg\RSiena\src\model\variables\DiffusionEffectValueTable.cpp
-	  \pkg\RSiena\src\model\variables\DiffusionEffectValueTable.h
-	  \pkg\RSiena\man\sienaGOF-auxiliary.Rd
-	  \pkg\RSiena\man\sienaGOF.Rd
-	  were erroneously not committed in revision 227.
-	  Therefore this was done now.
-	* Also, file
-	  \pkg\RSiena\inst\doc\effects.pdf
-	  was updated.
+    * Files
+      \pkg\RSiena\src\model\variables\DiffusionEffectValueTable.cpp
+      \pkg\RSiena\src\model\variables\DiffusionEffectValueTable.h
+      \pkg\RSiena\man\sienaGOF-auxiliary.Rd
+      \pkg\RSiena\man\sienaGOF.Rd
+      were erroneously not committed in revision 227.
+      Therefore this was done now.
+    * Also, file
+      \pkg\RSiena\inst\doc\effects.pdf
+      was updated.
 2013-04-19 R-forge revision 227
 Changes in RSiena as well as RSienaTest;
@@ -424,218 +446,218 @@
 I hope the list of changes indicated here is complete.
 For Siena only:
-	* function bayes() was removed (still under development in RSienaTest).
-	* Attributes "allowOnly" and "simOnly" ported from RSienaTest.
-	* Improved error messages in  includeEffects ported from RSienaTest.
-	* sienaGOF ported from RSienaTest.
-	* siena.table() ported from RSienaTest, in file sienatable.r.
-	* Changes of revision 226 ported from RSienaTest.
+    * function bayes() was removed (still under development in RSienaTest).
+    * Attributes "allowOnly" and "simOnly" ported from RSienaTest.
+    * Improved error messages in  includeEffects ported from RSienaTest.
+    * sienaGOF ported from RSienaTest.
+    * siena.table() ported from RSienaTest, in file sienatable.r.
+    * Changes of revision 226 ported from RSienaTest.
 For RSienaTest only:
-	* bayes() renamed to sienaBayes() and considerably changed.
-	* Added function print.sienaBayesFit to sienaprint.r, with
-		new documentation file printsienaBayesFit.Rd.
-	* Some invisible developments for settings model.
+    * bayes() renamed to sienaBayes() and considerably changed.
+    * Added function print.sienaBayesFit to sienaprint.r, with
+        new documentation file printsienaBayesFit.Rd.
+    * Some invisible developments for settings model.
 For RSiena and RSienaTest:
-	* Changes to sienaGOF: new use structure with auxiliary functions
-		sparseMatrixExtraction, networkExtraction, behaviorExtraction,
-		allowing to test any dependent variable;
-		commented out some superfluous lines.
-	* The function sienaModelCreate() is now called sienaAlgorithmCreate(),
-		but the earlier name is still retained as an alias;
-		the class name of the object created by this function is now called
-		sienaAlgorithm.
-	* The function sienaNet() is now called sienaDependent(),
-		but the earlier name is still retained as an alias;
-		the class name of the object created by this function is now
-		sienaDependent.
-	* The function effectsDocumentation() now has an extra argument "effects";
-		if this points to an effects object, all available effects
-		in this effects object are listed with shortName,
-		with a variety of other often used characteristics.
-	* Effect type "covarBehaviorOneModeRate" was added.
-	* Added effects (some existed already in RSienaTest):
-		average exposure effect on rate xxxxxx, avExposure
-		susceptibility to av. exp. by indegree effect on rate xxxxxx,
-			susceptAvIn
-		total exposure effect on rate xxxxxx, totExposure,
-		infection by indegree effect on rate xxxxxx, infectIn,
-		infection by outdegree effect on rate xxxxxx,  infectOut,
-		susceptibility to av. exp. by zzzzzz effect on rate xxxxxx,
-			susceptAvCovar
-		infection by zzzzzz effect on rate xxxxxx, infectCovar,
-		WW=>X cyclic closure of xxxxxx, cyWWX
-		WW=>X shared incoming xxxxxx, InWWX
-		WW=>X shared outgoing xxxxxx, OutWWX
-		xxxxxx alter at distance 2 (#), altDist2
-		xxxxxx similarity at distance 2, simDist2
-		transitive triplets xxxxxx similarity, simXTransTrip
-		transitive triplets same xxxxxx, sameXTransTrip
-		transitive triplets jumping xxxxxx, jumpXTransTrip
-		transitive reciprocated triplets, transRecTrip
-		GWESP I -> K -> J (#), gwespFF
-		GWESP I <- K <- J (#), gwespBB
-		GWESP I <- K -> J (#), gwespFB
-		GWESP I -> K <- J (#), gwespBF
-		GWESP I <> K <> J (#), gwespRR
-		isolate - popularity, isolatePop
-		in-isolate Outdegree, inIsDegree
-		network-isolate, isolateNet
-		outdegree^(1/#) xxxxxx popularity, outPopIntn xxxxxx
-		closure jumping yyyyyy, jumpWWClosure
-		mixed xxxxxx closure jumping yyyyyy, jumpWXClosure
-		cyclic closure of xxxxxx, cyClosure
-		shared incoming xxxxxx, sharedIn
-	* Outdegree-popularity effect: multiplication by n dropped.
-	* GWESP effects: default parameter changed from 25 to 69
-		(corresponding to alpha = log(2).) See the manual.
-	* Added to siena07:
-		option "Dolby" for variance reduction.
-		Correlations between scores and statistics are reported in output file;
-		this is a measure for the amount of variance reduction.
-	* Added to siena07:
-		option "diagonalize" for having more possibilities for
-		tuning the algorithm
-		(extent of diagonalization of matrix D in Robbins-Monro update).
-	* sienaTimeTest() updated; now also contains effect-wise tests,
-		groupwise tests (for group objects), automatic exclusion of
-		collinear effects, and has prettier output and improved	summary.
-	* Truncation of update steps in phase2.r modified.
-	* Overall maximum convergence ratio, x$tconv.max
-		(maximum value of t-ratio for convergence, for any linear combination)
-		added to result of siena07.
-	* The print method for objects of class siena (created by sienaDataCreate)
-		has been extended with printing "uponly" and "downly" attributes,
-		if these are TRUE.
-	* A bug in the starting values for two-mode networks was corrected.
-	* Small bug fixed in print01Report() for reporting of uponly and downonly,
-		in the case where this does not affect all periods.
-	* Changed almost all .Rd documentation files: sometimes to make them
-		better understandable or complete, sometimes to make more appropriate
-		examples, sometimes only minor prettifications.
-	* Updated:
-		pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript01DataFormat.R,
-	 	pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript02VariableFormat.R,
- 	 	pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript03SienaRunModel.R,
- 	 	pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript04SienaBehaviour.R.
-		(of pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\RSienaDescriptives
-		 only the date was changed.)
- 	* Updated tests\scriptfile.Rout.win to current version
-		(scriptfile.Rout.save).
-	* Manual and siena.bib updated.
+    * Changes to sienaGOF: new use structure with auxiliary functions
+        sparseMatrixExtraction, networkExtraction, behaviorExtraction,
+        allowing to test any dependent variable;
+        commented out some superfluous lines.
+    * The function sienaModelCreate() is now called sienaAlgorithmCreate(),
+        but the earlier name is still retained as an alias;
+        the class name of the object created by this function is now called
+        sienaAlgorithm.
+    * The function sienaNet() is now called sienaDependent(),
+        but the earlier name is still retained as an alias;
+        the class name of the object created by this function is now
+        sienaDependent.
+    * The function effectsDocumentation() now has an extra argument "effects";
+        if this points to an effects object, all available effects
+        in this effects object are listed with shortName,
+        with a variety of other often used characteristics.
+    * Effect type "covarBehaviorOneModeRate" was added.
+    * Added effects (some existed already in RSienaTest):
+        average exposure effect on rate xxxxxx, avExposure
+        susceptibility to av. exp. by indegree effect on rate xxxxxx,
+            susceptAvIn
+        total exposure effect on rate xxxxxx, totExposure,
+        infection by indegree effect on rate xxxxxx, infectIn,
+        infection by outdegree effect on rate xxxxxx,  infectOut,
+        susceptibility to av. exp. by zzzzzz effect on rate xxxxxx,
+            susceptAvCovar
+        infection by zzzzzz effect on rate xxxxxx, infectCovar,
+        WW=>X cyclic closure of xxxxxx, cyWWX
+        WW=>X shared incoming xxxxxx, InWWX
+        WW=>X shared outgoing xxxxxx, OutWWX
+        xxxxxx alter at distance 2 (#), altDist2
+        xxxxxx similarity at distance 2, simDist2
+        transitive triplets xxxxxx similarity, simXTransTrip
+        transitive triplets same xxxxxx, sameXTransTrip
+        transitive triplets jumping xxxxxx, jumpXTransTrip
+        transitive reciprocated triplets, transRecTrip
+        GWESP I -> K -> J (#), gwespFF
+        GWESP I <- K <- J (#), gwespBB
+        GWESP I <- K -> J (#), gwespFB
+        GWESP I -> K <- J (#), gwespBF
+        GWESP I <> K <> J (#), gwespRR
+        isolate - popularity, isolatePop
+        in-isolate Outdegree, inIsDegree
+        network-isolate, isolateNet
+        outdegree^(1/#) xxxxxx popularity, outPopIntn xxxxxx
+        closure jumping yyyyyy, jumpWWClosure
+        mixed xxxxxx closure jumping yyyyyy, jumpWXClosure
+        cyclic closure of xxxxxx, cyClosure
+        shared incoming xxxxxx, sharedIn
+    * Outdegree-popularity effect: multiplication by n dropped.
+    * GWESP effects: default parameter changed from 25 to 69
+        (corresponding to alpha = log(2).) See the manual.
+    * Added to siena07:
+        option "Dolby" for variance reduction.
+        Correlations between scores and statistics are reported in output file;
+        this is a measure for the amount of variance reduction.
+    * Added to siena07:
+        option "diagonalize" for having more possibilities for
+        tuning the algorithm
+        (extent of diagonalization of matrix D in Robbins-Monro update).
+    * sienaTimeTest() updated; now also contains effect-wise tests,
+        groupwise tests (for group objects), automatic exclusion of
+        collinear effects, and has prettier output and improved summary.
+    * Truncation of update steps in phase2.r modified.
+    * Overall maximum convergence ratio, x$tconv.max
+        (maximum value of t-ratio for convergence, for any linear combination)
+        added to result of siena07.
+    * The print method for objects of class siena (created by sienaDataCreate)
+        has been extended with printing "uponly" and "downly" attributes,
+        if these are TRUE.
+    * A bug in the starting values for two-mode networks was corrected.
+    * Small bug fixed in print01Report() for reporting of uponly and downonly,
+        in the case where this does not affect all periods.
+    * Changed almost all .Rd documentation files: sometimes to make them
+        better understandable or complete, sometimes to make more appropriate
+        examples, sometimes only minor prettifications.
+    * Updated:
+        pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript01DataFormat.R,
+        pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript02VariableFormat.R,
+        pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript03SienaRunModel.R,
+        pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\Rscript04SienaBehaviour.R.
+        (of pkg\RSiena(Test)\inst\scripts\RSienaDescriptives
+         only the date was changed.)
+    * Updated tests\scriptfile.Rout.win to current version
+        (scriptfile.Rout.save).
+    * Manual and siena.bib updated.
 2013-04-17 R-forge revision 226 RSienaTest only
-	* changed:
-		pkg/RSienaTest/src/model/effects/generic/AlterPredicate.h
-		pkg/RSienaTest/src/model/effects/generic/CovariatePredicate.h
-		pkg/RSienaTest/src/model/filters/PermittedChangeFilter.
-		Note: changes:
+    * changed:
+        pkg/RSienaTest/src/model/effects/generic/AlterPredicate.h
+        pkg/RSienaTest/src/model/effects/generic/CovariatePredicate.h
+        pkg/RSienaTest/src/model/filters/PermittedChangeFilter.
+        Note: changes:
         base classes have always a virtual destructor
         reduced visibility of abstract class constructors
 2013-03-12 R-forge revision 225
-	* Removed files and directories that were put in, at the highest directory
-		level, by mistake at revision 220.
+    * Removed files and directories that were put in, at the highest directory
+        level, by mistake at revision 220.
 2013-02-14 R-forge revision 224 RSiena only
-	* Added pkg//RSiena/po/R-ko.mo and pkg//RSiena/po/R-ko.po
+    * Added pkg//RSiena/po/R-ko.mo and pkg//RSiena/po/R-ko.po
 2013-01-01 R-forge revision 223
-	* R/sienaDataCreateFromSession.R: change assignments to frame of
-	function rather than using global environment.
+    * R/sienaDataCreateFromSession.R: change assignments to frame of
+    function rather than using global environment.
 2012-12-24 R-forge revision 222 mostly RSienaTest only
-	* tests/slowtest.R (added), R/document.R, .Rbuildignore: Created function
-	to concatenate all examples and run them, including the dontrun ones.
-	* R/bayes, R/algorithms.r, man/sienaGOF.Rd,
-	man/sienaNet.Rd (also RSiena): minor changes to make the new test
-	run sensibly.
-	* tests/effectsTest.R: edited comments
+    * tests/slowtest.R (added), R/document.R, .Rbuildignore: Created function
+    to concatenate all examples and run them, including the dontrun ones.
+    * R/bayes, R/algorithms.r, man/sienaGOF.Rd,
+    man/sienaNet.Rd (also RSiena): minor changes to make the new test
+    run sensibly.
+    * tests/effectsTest.R: edited comments
 2012-12-23 R-forge revision 221 RSiena and RSienaTest
-	* R/robmon.r, siena07.r, simstatsc.r: corrected check for R version
-	so will work with R version 3.0.0.
+    * R/robmon.r, siena07.r, simstatsc.r: corrected check for R version
+    so will work with R version 3.0.0.
 2012-09-10 R-forge revision 220
-	* Unintended changes in highest directory (i.e., without effect on packages);
+    * Unintended changes in highest directory (i.e., without effect on packages);
      undone in revision 225.
 2012-07-06 R-forge revision 219
-	For RSiena and RSienaTest:
-	* Added matrices N3401, N3403, N3404, N3406, and HN3401, HN3403, HN3404,
-		HN3406 to RSiena.Rda, with associated documentation files
-		N3401.Rd and HN3401.Rd.
-	* Updates to manual and RSiena.bib.
+    For RSiena and RSienaTest:
+    * Added matrices N3401, N3403, N3404, N3406, and HN3401, HN3403, HN3404,
+        HN3406 to RSiena.Rda, with associated documentation files
+        N3401.Rd and HN3401.Rd.
+    * Updates to manual and RSiena.bib.
    For RSienaTest only:
-	* Further serious changes in bayes.r and documentation bayes.tex.
-	* Added function print.sienaBayesFit to sienaprint.r, with
-		new documentation file printsienaBayesFit.Rd
-	* Small changes to sienaGOF: commented out some superfluous lines.
-	* Made all siena07 calls in tests and examples to batch=TRUE:
-		this affected tests\effectsTest.R, man\plot.sienaTimeTest.Rd,
-		man\sienaTimetest.Rd.
-	* Changed documentation files bayes.Rd, sienaGroupCreate.Rd,
-		siena08.Rd, siena07.Rd, sienaDataCreate.Rd, sienaModelCreate.Rd.
-	* Updated tests\scriptfile.Rout.win to current version (scriptfile.Rout.save
-		still needs to be done!)
-	* New and changed effects: changes to
-		\src\AllEffects.h, \data\allEffects.csv,
-		in \src\model\effects : \EffectFactory.cpp, AllEffects.h,
-			SameCovariateTransitiveTripletsEffect.cpp,
-			new files JumpCovariateTransitiveTripletsEffect.cpp and .h
-		in \src\model\effects\generic : MixedNetworkAlterFunction.cpp and .h,
-			SameCovariateMixedTwoPathFunction.cpp and .h,
-			SameCovariateTwoPathFunction.cpp and .h,
-			CovariateMixedNetworkAlterFunction.cpp and .h.
+    * Further serious changes in bayes.r and documentation bayes.tex.
+    * Added function print.sienaBayesFit to sienaprint.r, with
+        new documentation file printsienaBayesFit.Rd
+    * Small changes to sienaGOF: commented out some superfluous lines.
+    * Made all siena07 calls in tests and examples to batch=TRUE:
+        this affected tests\effectsTest.R, man\plot.sienaTimeTest.Rd,
+        man\sienaTimetest.Rd.
+    * Changed documentation files bayes.Rd, sienaGroupCreate.Rd,
+        siena08.Rd, siena07.Rd, sienaDataCreate.Rd, sienaModelCreate.Rd.
+    * Updated tests\scriptfile.Rout.win to current version (scriptfile.Rout.save
+        still needs to be done!)
+    * New and changed effects: changes to
+        \src\AllEffects.h, \data\allEffects.csv,
+        in \src\model\effects : \EffectFactory.cpp, AllEffects.h,
+            SameCovariateTransitiveTripletsEffect.cpp,
+            new files JumpCovariateTransitiveTripletsEffect.cpp and .h
+        in \src\model\effects\generic : MixedNetworkAlterFunction.cpp and .h,
+            SameCovariateMixedTwoPathFunction.cpp and .h,
+            SameCovariateTwoPathFunction.cpp and .h,
+            CovariateMixedNetworkAlterFunction.cpp and .h.
    * Removed some extra documentation producing a warning in R CMD check.
 2012-06-07 R-forge revision 216
    All for RSienaTest only.
-	* R/bayes.r: considerable update (no known errors now,
-		except multigroup does not work for dyadic covariates.)
-	* R/print07report.r: small cosmetic change
+    * R/bayes.r: considerable update (no known errors now,
+        except multigroup does not work for dyadic covariates.)
+    * R/print07report.r: small cosmetic change
    * data/allEffects.csv,
-	  src/model/effects/AllEffects.h, src/model/effects/effectFactory.cpp,
-	  src/model/effects/InIsolateDegreeEffect.h,
-	  src/model/effects/InIsolateDegreeEffect.cpp,
-	  src/model/effects/IsolateNetEffect.h,
-	  src/model/effects/IsolateNetEffect.cpp,
-	  src/model/effects/IsolatePopEffect.h,
-	  src/model/effects/IsolatePopEffect.cpp,
-	  src/model/effects/WWXClosureEffect.h,
-	  src/model/effects/WWXClosureEffect.cpp,
-	  src/model/effects/generic/OutStarFunction.h,
-	  src/model/effects/generic/OutStarFunction.cpp,
-	  src/model/effects/generic/ReverseTwoPathFunction.h,
-	  src/model/effects/generic/ReverseTwoPathFunction.cpp:
-	  new effects.
-	* R/printInitialDescription.r: minor rewriting.
-	* Manual correspondingly updated.
+      src/model/effects/AllEffects.h, src/model/effects/effectFactory.cpp,
+      src/model/effects/InIsolateDegreeEffect.h,
+      src/model/effects/InIsolateDegreeEffect.cpp,
+      src/model/effects/IsolateNetEffect.h,
+      src/model/effects/IsolateNetEffect.cpp,
+      src/model/effects/IsolatePopEffect.h,
+      src/model/effects/IsolatePopEffect.cpp,
+      src/model/effects/WWXClosureEffect.h,
+      src/model/effects/WWXClosureEffect.cpp,
+      src/model/effects/generic/OutStarFunction.h,
+      src/model/effects/generic/OutStarFunction.cpp,
+      src/model/effects/generic/ReverseTwoPathFunction.h,
+      src/model/effects/generic/ReverseTwoPathFunction.cpp:
+      new effects.
+    * R/printInitialDescription.r: minor rewriting.
+    * Manual correspondingly updated.
 2012-05-18 R-forge revision 213
    All for RSienaTest only.
-	* R/effects.r and R/printInitialDescription.r:
-	  protect against situations where matrix matchange has zero rows or columns
-	  (i.e., prevent runtime error)
-	* R/sienaprint.r, R/print07Report.r, R/phase3.r, R/terminateFRAN.r,
-	  R/robmon.r, R/sienaModelcreate.r, man/siena07.Rd, man/sienaModelCreate.r:
-	  incorporate argument simOnly in sienaModelCreate() to facilitate
-	  simulation without estimation.
+    * R/effects.r and R/printInitialDescription.r:
+      protect against situations where matrix matchange has zero rows or columns
+      (i.e., prevent runtime error)
+    * R/sienaprint.r, R/print07Report.r, R/phase3.r, R/terminateFRAN.r,
+      R/robmon.r, R/sienaModelcreate.r, man/siena07.Rd, man/sienaModelCreate.r:
+      incorporate argument simOnly in sienaModelCreate() to facilitate
+      simulation without estimation.
    * R/initializeFRAN.r, R/sienaDataCreate.r, R/sienautils.r, man/sienaNet.Rd:
      incorporate argument allowOnly in sienaNet() to permit
-	  ignoring monotonicity in data and its consequences for upOnly and downOnly.

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 278

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