[Rsiena-commits] r230 - in pkg: RSiena RSiena/R RSiena/inst/doc RSiena/man RSiena/src/model/variables RSiena/tests RSienaTest RSienaTest/R RSienaTest/doc RSienaTest/inst/doc RSienaTest/inst/scripts RSienaTest/man RSienaTest/src/model/variables RSienaTest/tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri May 10 18:31:09 CEST 2013

Author: tomsnijders
Date: 2013-05-10 18:31:08 +0200 (Fri, 10 May 2013)
New Revision: 230

For both RSiena and RSienaTest:
Bug in implementation of maxDegree corrected (thsnks to Nynke Niezink).
Changes to print.siena (correction & extension).
Print method for class sienaDependent added.
Further details in changelogs.

Modified: pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-10 02:53:27 UTC (rev 229)
+++ pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-10 16:31:08 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: RSiena
 Type: Package
 Title: Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
-Version: 1.1-227
-Date: 2013-04-19
+Version: 1.1-230
+Date: 2013-05-10
 Author: Various
 Depends: R (>= 2.15.0)
 Imports: Matrix

Modified: pkg/RSiena/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/RSiena/NAMESPACE	2013-05-10 02:53:27 UTC (rev 229)
+++ pkg/RSiena/NAMESPACE	2013-05-10 16:31:08 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
 export(coCovar, coDyadCovar, getEffects, model.create, print01Report,
 siena01Gui, siena07, sienaCompositionChange, updateTheta,
 sienaCompositionChangeFromFile, sienaDataCreate, sienaDataCreateFromSession,
-sienaGroupCreate, sienaModelCreate, sienaAlgorithmCreate, sienaNet,
-sienaDependent, sienaNodeSet, xtable.sienaFit,
-varCovar, varDyadCovar, setEffect, includeEffects, includeInteraction,
-effectsDocumentation, sienaDataConstraint, print.xtable.sienaFit,
-installGui, siena08, iwlsm, sienaTimeTest, includeTimeDummy,
-sienaGOF, sparseMatrixExtraction, networkExtraction, behaviorExtraction,
-OutdegreeDistribution, IndegreeDistribution, BehaviorDistribution,
-siena.table, xtable)
+sienaGroupCreate, sienaModelCreate, sienaAlgorithmCreate, sienaNet, 
+       sienaDependent, sienaNodeSet, xtable.sienaFit,
+       varCovar, varDyadCovar, setEffect, includeEffects, includeInteraction,
+       effectsDocumentation, sienaDataConstraint, print.xtable.sienaFit,
+       installGui, siena08, iwlsm, sienaTimeTest, includeTimeDummy, 
+       sienaGOF, sparseMatrixExtraction, networkExtraction, behaviorExtraction,
+       OutdegreeDistribution, IndegreeDistribution, BehaviorDistribution,
+       siena.table, xtable)
 S3method(print, siena)
 S3method(print, sienaGroup)
+S3method(print, sienaDependent)
 S3method(print, sienaFit)
 S3method(print, summary.sienaFit)
 S3method(print, sienaAlgorithm)

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/initializeFRAN.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/initializeFRAN.r	2013-05-10 02:53:27 UTC (rev 229)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/initializeFRAN.r	2013-05-10 16:31:08 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
 		## add any effects needed for settings model
 # this now is replaced by adding the settings in getEffects,
-# which is the more logical place.		
+# which is the more logical place.
 # If all works, this can be deleted,
 # and also the function addSettingsEffects can be deleted.
 # I used this function as a template for the change to getEffects.
 # I wonder why the next 8 lines cannot be dropped;
-# gives error message "cannot find setting col". 
+# gives error message "cannot find setting col".
 		if (!is.null(x$settings))
 			effects <- addSettingsEffects(effects, x)
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
-        MAXDEGREE <- as.integer(x$MaxDegree)
+        MAXDEGREE <- x$MaxDegree
         storage.mode(MAXDEGREE) <- "integer"
     if (z$cconditional)
@@ -529,7 +529,6 @@
 	ans <- .Call("setupModelOptions", PACKAGE=pkgname,
                  pData, pModel, MAXDEGREE, CONDVAR, CONDTARGET,
                  profileData, z$parallelTesting, x$modelType, z$simpleRates)
     if (x$maxlike)
         if (!initC)

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/printDataReport.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/printDataReport.r	2013-05-10 02:53:27 UTC (rev 229)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/printDataReport.r	2013-05-10 16:31:08 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
 # *
-# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snidjers/siena
+# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
 # *
 # * File: printDatareport.r
 # *
@@ -154,6 +154,18 @@
                 mdnet <- names(x$MaxDegree)[i]
                 Report(c("Dependent network variable", mdnet, ':\n'), outf)
+				maxod <- max(
+					attr(f$Data1$depvars[[match(mdnet, attr(f, "netnames"))]],
+					"maxObsOutDegree"))
+                if (maxod > x$MaxDegree[i])
+					{
+						Report(c("The algorithm object requires outdegrees not",
+						"larger than", x$MaxDegree[i], '\n',
+						"but the maximum observed outdegree is", maxod,
+						".\n"), outf)
+						Report("This is incompatible.\n", outf)
+		stop("Incompatibility between data and MaxDegree in algorithm object.")
+					}
                 if (attr(f, 'symmetric')[match(mdnet, attr(f, "netnames"))])
                     Report(c("All graphs are constrained to having degrees not",

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaDataCreate.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaDataCreate.r	2013-05-10 02:53:27 UTC (rev 229)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaDataCreate.r	2013-05-10 16:31:08 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -14,585 +14,585 @@
 ##@addAttributes.coCovar DataCreate
 addAttributes.coCovar <- function(x, name, ...)
-    varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    range2 <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    attr(x, 'moreThan2') <- length(table(x)) > 2
-    vartotal <- sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x))
-    x <- x - varmean
-    attr(x, 'mean') <- varmean
-    rr <- rangeAndSimilarity(x, range2)
-    if (rr$range[2] == rr$range[1] && !any(is.na(x)))
-        attr(x, 'poszvar') <- FALSE
-    else
-        attr(x, 'poszvar') <- TRUE
-    attr(x, 'range') <- rr$range[2] - rr$range[1]
-    storage.mode(attr(x, 'range')) <- 'double'
-    attr(x, 'range2') <- range2
-    ## attr(x, 'simTotal') <- rr$simTotal
-    attr(x, 'simMean') <- rr$simMean
-    ## attr(x, 'simCnt') <- rr$simCnt
-    attr(x, "name") <- name
-    attr(x, "vartotal") <- vartotal
-    attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCount
-    x
+	varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	range2 <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	attr(x, 'moreThan2') <- length(table(x)) > 2
+	vartotal <- sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x))
+	x <- x - varmean
+	attr(x, 'mean') <- varmean
+	rr <- rangeAndSimilarity(x, range2)
+	if (rr$range[2] == rr$range[1] && !any(is.na(x)))
+		attr(x, 'poszvar') <- FALSE
+	else
+		attr(x, 'poszvar') <- TRUE
+	attr(x, 'range') <- rr$range[2] - rr$range[1]
+	storage.mode(attr(x, 'range')) <- 'double'
+	attr(x, 'range2') <- range2
+	## attr(x, 'simTotal') <- rr$simTotal
+	attr(x, 'simMean') <- rr$simMean
+	## attr(x, 'simCnt') <- rr$simCnt
+	attr(x, "name") <- name
+	attr(x, "vartotal") <- vartotal
+	attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCount
+	x
 ##@addAttributes.varCovar DataCreate
 addAttributes.varCovar <- function(x, name, ...)
-    tmpmat <- x
-    varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    vartotal <- sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x))
-    attr(x, "rangep") <- apply(x, 2, range, na.rm=TRUE)
-    attr(x, "meanp") <- colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    cr <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-    attr(x, 'range') <- cr[2] - cr[1]
-    storage.mode(attr(x, 'range')) <- 'double'
-    attr(x, 'mean') <- varmean
-    x <- x - varmean
-    rr <- rangeAndSimilarity(tmpmat, cr)
-    if (rr$range[2] == rr$range[1] && !any(is.na(tmpmat)))
-        attr(x, 'poszvar') <- FALSE
-    else
-        attr(x, 'poszvar') <- TRUE
-    attr(x, 'simMean') <- rr$simMean
-    attr(x, 'moreThan2') <- length(unique(x)) > 2
-    attr(x, 'name') <- name
-    attr(x, "vartotal") <- vartotal
-    attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCount
-    x
+	tmpmat <- x
+	varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	vartotal <- sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x))
+	attr(x, "rangep") <- apply(x, 2, range, na.rm=TRUE)
+	attr(x, "meanp") <- colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	cr <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+	attr(x, 'range') <- cr[2] - cr[1]
+	storage.mode(attr(x, 'range')) <- 'double'
+	attr(x, 'mean') <- varmean
+	x <- x - varmean
+	rr <- rangeAndSimilarity(tmpmat, cr)
+	if (rr$range[2] == rr$range[1] && !any(is.na(tmpmat)))
+		attr(x, 'poszvar') <- FALSE
+	else
+		attr(x, 'poszvar') <- TRUE
+	attr(x, 'simMean') <- rr$simMean
+	attr(x, 'moreThan2') <- length(unique(x)) > 2
+	attr(x, 'name') <- name
+	attr(x, "vartotal") <- vartotal
+	attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCount
+	x
 ##@addAttributes.coDyadCovar DataCreate
 addAttributes.coDyadCovar <- function(x, name, bipartite, ...)
-    sparse <- attr(x, "sparse")
-    if (!bipartite) ## remove diagonal for calculation of mean
-    {
-        if (!sparse)
-        {
-            diag(x) <- NA
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            diag(x[[1]])  <-  NA
-        }
-    }
-    if (sparse)
-    {
-        nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x[[1]]))
-        varmean <- sum(x[[1]], na.rm=TRUE) / nonMissingCount
-        ## sparse mean is incorrect
-        rr <-  range(x[[1]], na.rm=TRUE)
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-        rr <-  range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-        nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x))
-    }
-    attr(x,'mean') <- varmean
-    attr(x,'range') <- rr[2] - rr[1]
-    storage.mode(attr(x, 'range')) <- 'double'
-    attr(x,'range2') <- rr
-    attr(x, 'name') <- name
-    attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCount
-    if (!bipartite) #zero the diagonal
-    {
-        if (sparse)
-        {
-            diag(x[[1]]) <- 0
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            diag(x) <- 0
-        }
-    }
-    x
+	sparse <- attr(x, "sparse")
+	if (!bipartite) ## remove diagonal for calculation of mean
+	{
+		if (!sparse)
+		{
+			diag(x) <- NA
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			diag(x[[1]])  <-  NA
+		}
+	}
+	if (sparse)
+	{
+		nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x[[1]]))
+		varmean <- sum(x[[1]], na.rm=TRUE) / nonMissingCount
+		## sparse mean is incorrect
+		rr <-  range(x[[1]], na.rm=TRUE)
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+		rr <-  range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+		nonMissingCount <- sum(!is.na(x))
+	}
+	attr(x,'mean') <- varmean
+	attr(x,'range') <- rr[2] - rr[1]
+	storage.mode(attr(x, 'range')) <- 'double'
+	attr(x,'range2') <- rr
+	attr(x, 'name') <- name
+	attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCount
+	if (!bipartite) #zero the diagonal
+	{
+		if (sparse)
+		{
+			diag(x[[1]]) <- 0
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			diag(x) <- 0
+		}
+	}
+	x
 ##@addAttributes.varDyadCovar DataCreate
 addAttributes.varDyadCovar <- function(x, name, bipartite, ...)
-    sparse <- attr(x, "sparse")
-    vardims <- attr(x, "vardims")
-    if (!bipartite) ## remove the diagonal before calculating the mean
-    {
-        for (obs in 1:vardims[3])
-        {
-            if (sparse)
-            {
-                diag(x[[obs]]) <- NA
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                diag(x[, , obs]) <- NA
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (sparse)
-    {
-        totalValue <- 0
-        totalCount <- 0
-        meanp <- rep(NA, vardims[3])
-        nonMissingCounts <- rep(NA, vardims[3])
-        for (obs in 1:vardims[3])
-        {
-            totalValue <- totalValue + sum(x[[obs]], na.rm=TRUE)
-            nonMissingCounts[obs] <- sum(!is.na(x[[obs]]))
-            totalCount <- totalCount +  nonMissingCounts[obs]
-            meanp[obs] <- sum(x[[obs]], na.rm=TRUE) /
-                nonMissingCounts[obs]
-      }
-        varmean <- totalValue / totalCount
-        rr <- range(sapply(x, range, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
-        attr(x, "meanp") <- meanp
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-        rr <-  range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
-        attr(x, "meanp") <- colMeans(x, dims=2, na.rm=TRUE)
-        nonMissingCounts <- colSums(!is.na(x), dims=2)
-    }
-    attr(x, "mean") <- varmean
-    attr(x, "range") <- rr[2] - rr[1]
-    storage.mode(attr(x, "range")) <- "double"
-    attr(x, "name") <- name
-    attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCounts
-    if (!bipartite) ## put diagonal to zero
-    {
-        for (obs in 1:vardims[3])
-        {
-            if (!sparse)
-            {
-                diag(x[, , obs]) <- 0
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                diag(x[[obs]]) <- 0
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    x
+	sparse <- attr(x, "sparse")
+	vardims <- attr(x, "vardims")
+	if (!bipartite) ## remove the diagonal before calculating the mean
+	{
+		for (obs in 1:vardims[3])
+		{
+			if (sparse)
+			{
+				diag(x[[obs]]) <- NA
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				diag(x[, , obs]) <- NA
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (sparse)
+	{
+		totalValue <- 0
+		totalCount <- 0
+		meanp <- rep(NA, vardims[3])
+		nonMissingCounts <- rep(NA, vardims[3])
+		for (obs in 1:vardims[3])
+		{
+			totalValue <- totalValue + sum(x[[obs]], na.rm=TRUE)
+			nonMissingCounts[obs] <- sum(!is.na(x[[obs]]))
+			totalCount <- totalCount +	nonMissingCounts[obs]
+			meanp[obs] <- sum(x[[obs]], na.rm=TRUE) /
+				nonMissingCounts[obs]
+	  }
+		varmean <- totalValue / totalCount
+		rr <- range(sapply(x, range, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
+		attr(x, "meanp") <- meanp
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		varmean <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+		rr <-  range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+		attr(x, "meanp") <- colMeans(x, dims=2, na.rm=TRUE)
+		nonMissingCounts <- colSums(!is.na(x), dims=2)
+	}
+	attr(x, "mean") <- varmean
+	attr(x, "range") <- rr[2] - rr[1]
+	storage.mode(attr(x, "range")) <- "double"
+	attr(x, "name") <- name
+	attr(x, "nonMissingCount") <- nonMissingCounts
+	if (!bipartite) ## put diagonal to zero
+	{
+		for (obs in 1:vardims[3])
+		{
+			if (!sparse)
+			{
+				diag(x[, , obs]) <- 0
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				diag(x[[obs]]) <- 0
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	x
 ##@sienaDataCreate DataCreate
 sienaDataCreate<- function(..., nodeSets=NULL, getDocumentation=FALSE)
-    ##@validNodeSet internal sienaDataCreate
-    validNodeSet <- function(nodeSetName, n)
-    {
+	##@validNodeSet internal sienaDataCreate
+	validNodeSet <- function(nodeSetName, n)
+	{
 		sub <- match(nodeSetName, nodeSetNames)
 		if (is.na(sub))
 			stop("node set not found")
 		n == length(nodeSets[[sub]])
-    }
-    if (getDocumentation)
-    {
-        return(getInternals())
-    }
-    narg <- nargs()
-    ## find a set of names for the objects: either the names given in the
-    ## argument list or the names of the objects in the argument list
-    dots <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1] ##first entry is the word 'list'
-    if (length(dots) == 0)
-    {
-        stop('need some networks')
-    }
-    nm <- names(dots)
-    if (is.null(nm))
-    {
-        fixup <- seq(along=dots)
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fixup <- nm == ''
-    }
-    dep <- sapply(dots[fixup], function(x) deparse(x)[1])
-    if (is.null(nm))
-    {
-        nm <- dep
-    }
-    else if (length(dep) > 0)
-    {
-        nm[fixup] <- dep
-    }
-    dots <- list(...)
-    names(dots) <- nm
-    if (any(duplicated(nm)))
-    {
-        stop('names must be unique')
-    }
-    ## process the inputs: check dimensions,
-    ## sort out missings and structural zeros and symmetric etc
-    ## check sizes match the corresponding nodeSets
-    observations <- 0
-    depvars <- vector('list',narg)
-    cCovars <- vector('list',narg)
-    vCovars <- vector('list',narg)
-    dycCovars <- vector('list',narg)
-    dyvCovars <- vector('list',narg)
-    compositionChange <- vector('list',narg)
-    v1 <- 0; v2 <- 0; v3 <- 0; v4 <- 0; v5 <- 0; v6 <- 0
-    for (i in seq(along = dots))
-        switch(class(dots[[i]]),
-               sienaDependent = {
-                   if (attr(dots[[i]],'sparse'))
-                   {
-                       ##  require(Matrix)
-                       netdims <- c(dim(dots[[i]][[1]]), length(dots[[i]]))
-                   }
-                   else
-                   {
-                       netdims <- dim(dots[[i]])
-                   }
-                   if (observations == 0)
-                   {
-                       observations <- netdims[3]
-                   }
-                   else if (observations != netdims[3])
-                   {
-                       stop('differing number of observations')
-                   }
-                   v1 <- v1 + 1
-                   depvars[[v1]] <- dots[[i]]
-                   names(depvars)[v1] <- nm[i]
-               },
-               coCovar = {
-                   v2 <- v2 + 1
-                   cCovars[[v2]] <- dots[[i]]
-                   names(cCovars)[v2] <- nm[i]
-               },
-               varCovar = {
-                   v3 <- v3 + 1
-                   vCovars[[v3]] <- dots[[i]]
-                   names(vCovars)[v3] <- nm[i]
-               },
-               coDyadCovar = {
-                   v4 <- v4 + 1
-                   dycCovars[[v4]] <- dots[[i]]
-                   names(dycCovars)[v4] <- nm[i]
-               },
-               varDyadCovar = {
-                   v5 <- v5 + 1
-                   dyvCovars[[v5]] <- dots[[i]]
-                   names(dyvCovars)[v5] <- nm[i]
-               },
-               compositionChange = {
-                   v6 <- v6 + 1
-                   compositionChange[[v6]] <- dots[[i]]
-                   names(compositionChange)[v6] <- nm[i]
-               },
-               stop(paste("invalid object in sienaDataCreate",
-                          class(dots[[i]])), call.=FALSE)
-               )
-    if (v1 == 0)
-    {
-        stop("need a dependent variable")
-    }
-    depvars <- depvars[1:v1]
-    if (is.null(nodeSets))
-    {
-        nodeSets <- list(sienaNodeSet(attr(depvars[[1]], "netdims")[1]))
-    }
-    nodeSetNames <- sapply(nodeSets,function(x) attr(x,"nodeSetName"))
-    names(nodeSets) <- nodeSetNames
-    if (v2 == 0)
-    {
-        cCovars <- list()
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        cCovars <- cCovars[1:v2]
-    }
-    if (v3 == 0)
-    {
-        vCovars <- list()
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        vCovars <- vCovars[1:v3]
-    }
-    if (v4 == 0)
-    {
-        dycCovars <- list()
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        dycCovars <- dycCovars[1:v4]
-    }
-    if (v5 == 0)
-    {
-        dyvCovars <- list()
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        dyvCovars <- dyvCovars[1:v5]
-    }
-    if (v6 == 0)
-    {
-        compositionChange <- list()
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        compositionChange <- compositionChange[1:v6]
-    }
-    ##now can check dimensions and find ranges
-    for (i in seq(along = cCovars))
-    {
-        if (!validNodeSet(attr(cCovars[[i]], 'nodeSet'), length(cCovars[[i]])))
-        {
-            stop('constant covariate incorrect node set: ', names(cCovars)[i])
-        }
-        cCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(cCovars[[i]], names(cCovars)[i])
-    }
-    for (i in seq(along=vCovars)) ## note that behaviour variables are not here!
-    {
-        if (observations < 3)
-        {
-            stop("Changing covariates are not possible with only two waves")
-        }
-        if (!validNodeSet(attr(vCovars[[i]], 'nodeSet'), nrow(vCovars[[i]])))
-            stop('changing covariate incorrect size: ', names(vCovars)[i])
-        if (ncol(vCovars[[i]]) < (observations - 1))
-            stop('changing covariate not enough columns')
-        if (ncol(vCovars[[i]]) != (observations - 1))
-        {
-            tmpatt <- attributes(vCovars[[i]])
-            vCovars[[i]] <- vCovars[[i]][, 1:(observations - 1), drop=FALSE]
-            attnames <- names(tmpatt)
-            for (att in seq(along=attnames))
-            {
-                if (!attnames[att] %in% c('dim', 'dimnames'))
-                {
-                    attr(vCovars[[i]], attnames[att]) <- tmpatt[[att]]
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        vCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(vCovars[[i]], names(vCovars)[i])
-    }
-    for (i in seq(along=dycCovars))
-    {
-        nattr <- attr(dycCovars[[i]], 'nodeSet')
-        bipartite <- attr(dycCovars[[i]], "type") == "bipartite"
-        if (attr(dycCovars[[i]], "sparse"))
-        {
-            thisdycCovar <- dycCovars[[i]][[1]]
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            thisdycCovar <- dycCovars[[i]]
-        }
-        if (!validNodeSet(nattr[1], nrow(thisdycCovar)))
+	}
+	if (getDocumentation)
+	{
+		return(getInternals())
+	}
+	narg <- nargs()
+	## find a set of names for the objects: either the names given in the
+	## argument list or the names of the objects in the argument list
+	dots <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1] ##first entry is the word 'list'
+	if (length(dots) == 0)
+	{
+		stop('need some networks')
+	}
+	nm <- names(dots)
+	if (is.null(nm))
+	{
+		fixup <- seq(along=dots)
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		fixup <- nm == ''
+	}
+	dep <- sapply(dots[fixup], function(x) deparse(x)[1])
+	if (is.null(nm))
+	{
+		nm <- dep
+	}
+	else if (length(dep) > 0)
+	{
+		nm[fixup] <- dep
+	}
+	dots <- list(...)
+	names(dots) <- nm
+	if (any(duplicated(nm)))
+	{
+		stop('names must be unique')
+	}
+	## process the inputs: check dimensions,
+	## sort out missings and structural zeros and symmetric etc
+	## check sizes match the corresponding nodeSets
+	observations <- 0
+	depvars <- vector('list',narg)
+	cCovars <- vector('list',narg)
+	vCovars <- vector('list',narg)
+	dycCovars <- vector('list',narg)
+	dyvCovars <- vector('list',narg)
+	compositionChange <- vector('list',narg)
+	v1 <- 0; v2 <- 0; v3 <- 0; v4 <- 0; v5 <- 0; v6 <- 0
+	for (i in seq(along = dots))
+		switch(class(dots[[i]]),
+			   sienaDependent = {
+				   if (attr(dots[[i]],'sparse'))
+				   {
+					   ##  require(Matrix)
+					   netdims <- c(dim(dots[[i]][[1]]), length(dots[[i]]))
+				   }
+				   else
+				   {
+					   netdims <- dim(dots[[i]])
+				   }
+				   if (observations == 0)
+				   {
+					   observations <- netdims[3]
+				   }
+				   else if (observations != netdims[3])
+				   {
+					   stop('differing number of observations')
+				   }
+				   v1 <- v1 + 1
+				   depvars[[v1]] <- dots[[i]]
+				   names(depvars)[v1] <- nm[i]
+			   },
+			   coCovar = {
+				   v2 <- v2 + 1
+				   cCovars[[v2]] <- dots[[i]]
+				   names(cCovars)[v2] <- nm[i]
+			   },
+			   varCovar = {
+				   v3 <- v3 + 1
+				   vCovars[[v3]] <- dots[[i]]
+				   names(vCovars)[v3] <- nm[i]
+			   },
+			   coDyadCovar = {
+				   v4 <- v4 + 1
+				   dycCovars[[v4]] <- dots[[i]]
+				   names(dycCovars)[v4] <- nm[i]
+			   },
+			   varDyadCovar = {
+				   v5 <- v5 + 1
+				   dyvCovars[[v5]] <- dots[[i]]
+				   names(dyvCovars)[v5] <- nm[i]
+			   },
+			   compositionChange = {
+				   v6 <- v6 + 1
+				   compositionChange[[v6]] <- dots[[i]]
+				   names(compositionChange)[v6] <- nm[i]
+			   },
+			   stop(paste("invalid object in sienaDataCreate",
+						  class(dots[[i]])), call.=FALSE)
+			   )
+	if (v1 == 0)
+	{
+		stop("need a dependent variable")
+	}
+	depvars <- depvars[1:v1]
+	if (is.null(nodeSets))
+	{
+		nodeSets <- list(sienaNodeSet(attr(depvars[[1]], "netdims")[1]))
+	}
+	nodeSetNames <- sapply(nodeSets,function(x) attr(x,"nodeSetName"))
+	names(nodeSets) <- nodeSetNames
+	if (v2 == 0)
+	{
+		cCovars <- list()
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		cCovars <- cCovars[1:v2]
+	}
+	if (v3 == 0)
+	{
+		vCovars <- list()
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		vCovars <- vCovars[1:v3]
+	}
+	if (v4 == 0)
+	{
+		dycCovars <- list()
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		dycCovars <- dycCovars[1:v4]
+	}
+	if (v5 == 0)
+	{
+		dyvCovars <- list()
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		dyvCovars <- dyvCovars[1:v5]
+	}
+	if (v6 == 0)
+	{
+		compositionChange <- list()
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		compositionChange <- compositionChange[1:v6]
+	}
+	##now can check dimensions and find ranges
+	for (i in seq(along = cCovars))
+	{
+		if (!validNodeSet(attr(cCovars[[i]], 'nodeSet'), length(cCovars[[i]])))
-            stop("dyadic covariate incorrect nbr rows", names(dycCovars)[i])
+			stop('constant covariate incorrect node set: ', names(cCovars)[i])
-        if (!validNodeSet(nattr[2], ncol(thisdycCovar)))
+		cCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(cCovars[[i]], names(cCovars)[i])
+	}
+	for (i in seq(along=vCovars)) ## note that behaviour variables are not here!
+	{
+		if (observations < 3)
-             stop("dyadic covariate incorrect nbr columns",
-                  names(dycCovars)[i])
+			stop("Changing covariates are not possible with only two waves")
+		}
+		if (!validNodeSet(attr(vCovars[[i]], 'nodeSet'), nrow(vCovars[[i]])))
+			stop('changing covariate incorrect size: ', names(vCovars)[i])
+		if (ncol(vCovars[[i]]) < (observations - 1))
+			stop('changing covariate not enough columns')
+		if (ncol(vCovars[[i]]) != (observations - 1))
+		{
+			tmpatt <- attributes(vCovars[[i]])
+			vCovars[[i]] <- vCovars[[i]][, 1:(observations - 1), drop=FALSE]
+			attnames <- names(tmpatt)
+			for (att in seq(along=attnames))
+			{
+				if (!attnames[att] %in% c('dim', 'dimnames'))
+				{
+					attr(vCovars[[i]], attnames[att]) <- tmpatt[[att]]
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		vCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(vCovars[[i]], names(vCovars)[i])
+	}
+	for (i in seq(along=dycCovars))
+	{
+		nattr <- attr(dycCovars[[i]], 'nodeSet')
+		bipartite <- attr(dycCovars[[i]], "type") == "bipartite"
+		if (attr(dycCovars[[i]], "sparse"))
+		{
+			thisdycCovar <- dycCovars[[i]][[1]]
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			thisdycCovar <- dycCovars[[i]]
+		}
+		if (!validNodeSet(nattr[1], nrow(thisdycCovar)))
+		{
+			stop("dyadic covariate incorrect nbr rows", names(dycCovars)[i])
+		}
+		if (!validNodeSet(nattr[2], ncol(thisdycCovar)))
+		{
+			 stop("dyadic covariate incorrect nbr columns",
+				  names(dycCovars)[i])
-        dycCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(dycCovars[[i]], names(dycCovars)[i],
-                                        bipartite)
-    }
-    for (i in seq(along=dyvCovars))
-    {
-        if (observations < 3)
-        {
-            stop("Changing covariates are not possible with only two waves")
-        }
-        nattr <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]],'nodeSet')
-        sparse <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]], "sparse")
-        bipartite <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]], "type") == "bipartite"
-        vardims <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]], "vardims")
-        if (!validNodeSet(nattr[1], vardims[1]))
-        {
-            stop('dyadic changing covariate incorrect number of rows ',
-                 names(dyvCovars)[i])
-        }
-        if (!validNodeSet(nattr[2], vardims[2]))
-        {
-            stop('dyadic changing covariate incorrect number of columns ',
-                 names(dyvCovars)[i])
-        }
-        if (vardims[3] < (observations - 1))
-        {
-            stop('Dyadic changing covariate not enough observations')
-        }
-        if (vardims[3] != (observations - 1))
-        {
-            tmpatt <- attributes(dyvCovars[[i]])
-            if (sparse)
-            {
-                dyvCovars[[i]] <- dyvCovars[[i]][1:(observations - 1)]
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                dyvCovars[[i]] <- dyvCovars[[i]][, 1:(observations - 1)]
-            }
-            attnames <- names(tmpatt)
-            for (att in seq(along=attnames))
-            {
-                if (attnames[att] != "dim")
-                {
-                    attr(dyvCovars[[i]], attnames[att]) <- tmpatt[[att]]
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        dyvCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(dyvCovars[[i]], names(dyvCovars)[i],
-                                        bipartite)
-    }
-    compnodesets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x) attr(x, 'nodeSet'))
-    if (any(duplicated(compnodesets)))
-        stop('Only one composition change allowed for each nodeSet')
-    for (i in seq(along = compositionChange))
-    {
-        thisNodeSet <- attr(compositionChange[[i]], 'nodeSet')
-        nodeSetSize <- length(compositionChange[[i]])
-        if (!validNodeSet(thisNodeSet, nodeSetSize))
-            stop('composition change incorrect size: ',
-                 names(compositionChange)[i])
-        if (any(sapply(compositionChange[[i]], function(x)
-                       any(x < 1.0 | x > observations))))
-            stop("invalid times of composition change")
-        if (!all(sapply(compositionChange[[i]], length) %% 2 == 0))
-            stop(" Each composition change entry must have an ",
-                 "even number of digits")
-        ## generate events and active flags
-        activeStart <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=nodeSetSize, ncol=observations)
-        action <- matrix(0, nrow=nodeSetSize, ncol=observations)
-        events <- vector("list", nodeSetSize * 2 * observations)
-        evSubs <- 1
-        for (j in 1:nodeSetSize)
-        {
-            xsubs <- 1
-            x <- compositionChange[[i]][[j]]
-            repeat
-            {
-                ##process one interval
-                ##start <- x[xsubs]
-                ##end <- x[xsubs+1]
-                startIndex <- ceiling(x[xsubs])
-                endIndex <- trunc(x[xsubs + 1])
-              #  if (startIndex < observations && startIndex <= activeEndIndex)
-              #  {
-                    activeStart[j, startIndex:endIndex] <- TRUE
-              #  }
-                if (x[xsubs] > 1.0)
-                {
-                    period <- trunc(x[xsubs])
-                    evTime <- x[xsubs] - period
-                    events[[evSubs]] <- data.frame(event="join",
-                                                   period=period,
-                                                   actor = j, time=evTime)
-                    evSubs <- evSubs + 1
-                }
-                if (x[xsubs+1] < observations)
-                {
-                    period <- trunc(x[xsubs+1])
-                    evTime <- x[xsubs+1] - period
-                    events[[evSubs]] <- data.frame(event="leave",
-                                                   period=period,
-                                                   actor = j, time=evTime)
-                    evSubs <- evSubs + 1
-                }
-                xsubs <- xsubs + 2
-                if (xsubs > length(x))
-                {
-                    break
-                }
-            }
-         #   cat(j, 'active',activeStart[j,],  x, '\n')
-            if (any(!activeStart[j, ]))
-            {
-                notActive <- which(!activeStart[j, ])
-                for (jj in notActive)
-                {
-                    precActive <- jj > 1 && sum(activeStart[j, 1:(jj - 1)]) > 0
-                    len <- length(activeStart[i,])
-                    succActive <- (jj < len) &&
-                    (sum(activeStart[j, (jj + 1):len]) > 0)
+		dycCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(dycCovars[[i]], names(dycCovars)[i],
+										bipartite)
+	}
+	for (i in seq(along=dyvCovars))
+	{
+		if (observations < 3)
+		{
+			stop("Changing covariates are not possible with only two waves")
+		}
+		nattr <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]],'nodeSet')
+		sparse <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]], "sparse")
+		bipartite <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]], "type") == "bipartite"
+		vardims <- attr(dyvCovars[[i]], "vardims")
+		if (!validNodeSet(nattr[1], vardims[1]))
+		{
+			stop('dyadic changing covariate incorrect number of rows ',
+				 names(dyvCovars)[i])
+		}
+		if (!validNodeSet(nattr[2], vardims[2]))
+		{
+			stop('dyadic changing covariate incorrect number of columns ',
+				 names(dyvCovars)[i])
+		}
+		if (vardims[3] < (observations - 1))
+		{
+			stop('Dyadic changing covariate not enough observations')
+		}
+		if (vardims[3] != (observations - 1))
+		{
+			tmpatt <- attributes(dyvCovars[[i]])
+			if (sparse)
+			{
+				dyvCovars[[i]] <- dyvCovars[[i]][1:(observations - 1)]
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				dyvCovars[[i]] <- dyvCovars[[i]][, 1:(observations - 1)]
+			}
+			attnames <- names(tmpatt)
+			for (att in seq(along=attnames))
+			{
+				if (attnames[att] != "dim")
+				{
+					attr(dyvCovars[[i]], attnames[att]) <- tmpatt[[att]]
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		dyvCovars[[i]] <- addAttributes(dyvCovars[[i]], names(dyvCovars)[i],
+										bipartite)
+	}
+	compnodesets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x) attr(x, 'nodeSet'))
+	if (any(duplicated(compnodesets)))
+		stop('Only one composition change allowed for each nodeSet')
+	for (i in seq(along = compositionChange))
+	{
+		thisNodeSet <- attr(compositionChange[[i]], 'nodeSet')
+		nodeSetSize <- length(compositionChange[[i]])
+		if (!validNodeSet(thisNodeSet, nodeSetSize))
+			stop('composition change incorrect size: ',
+				 names(compositionChange)[i])
+		if (any(sapply(compositionChange[[i]], function(x)
+					   any(x < 1.0 | x > observations))))
+			stop("invalid times of composition change")
+		if (!all(sapply(compositionChange[[i]], length) %% 2 == 0))
+			stop(" Each composition change entry must have an ",
+				 "even number of digits")
+		## generate events and active flags
+		activeStart <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=nodeSetSize, ncol=observations)
+		action <- matrix(0, nrow=nodeSetSize, ncol=observations)
+		events <- vector("list", nodeSetSize * 2 * observations)
+		evSubs <- 1
+		for (j in 1:nodeSetSize)
+		{
+			xsubs <- 1
+			x <- compositionChange[[i]][[j]]
+			repeat
+			{
+				##process one interval
+				##start <- x[xsubs]
+				##end <- x[xsubs+1]
+				startIndex <- ceiling(x[xsubs])
+				endIndex <- trunc(x[xsubs + 1])
+			  #	 if (startIndex < observations && startIndex <= activeEndIndex)
+			  #	 {
+					activeStart[j, startIndex:endIndex] <- TRUE
+			  #	 }
+				if (x[xsubs] > 1.0)
+				{
+					period <- trunc(x[xsubs])
+					evTime <- x[xsubs] - period
+					events[[evSubs]] <- data.frame(event="join",
+												   period=period,
+												   actor = j, time=evTime)
+					evSubs <- evSubs + 1
+				}
+				if (x[xsubs+1] < observations)
+				{
+					period <- trunc(x[xsubs+1])
+					evTime <- x[xsubs+1] - period
+					events[[evSubs]] <- data.frame(event="leave",
+												   period=period,
+												   actor = j, time=evTime)
+					evSubs <- evSubs + 1
+				}
+				xsubs <- xsubs + 2
+				if (xsubs > length(x))
+				{
+					break
+				}
+			}
+		 #	 cat(j, 'active',activeStart[j,],  x, '\n')
+			if (any(!activeStart[j, ]))
+			{
+				notActive <- which(!activeStart[j, ])
+				for (jj in notActive)
+				{

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 230

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