[Rsiena-commits] r154 - in pkg: RSiena RSiena/man RSienaTest RSienaTest/R RSienaTest/doc RSienaTest/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Jun 5 20:17:56 CEST 2011

Author: ripleyrm
Date: 2011-06-05 20:17:56 +0200 (Sun, 05 Jun 2011)
New Revision: 154

New Bayes routine

Modified: pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSiena/DESCRIPTION	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: RSiena
 Type: Package
 Title: Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
-Date: 2011-06-04
+Date: 2011-06-05
 Author: Various
 Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), xtable
 Imports: Matrix

Modified: pkg/RSiena/changeLog
--- pkg/RSiena/changeLog	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSiena/changeLog	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2011-06-05 R-forge revision 154 RSienaTest only
+	* doc/missingsEtc.tex, doc/bayes.tex, doc.maxlikec.tex: added
+	* doc/RSienaSpec.tex, doc/simstats0c.tex: updated
+	* R/bayes.r, R/maxlikec.r, R/initializeFRAN.r: new Bayes routine
 2011-06-04 R-forge revision 153
 	* R/effects.r, R/initializeFRAN.r, R/print07Report.r, R/sienaprint.r,

Modified: pkg/RSiena/man/RSiena-package.Rd
--- pkg/RSiena/man/RSiena-package.Rd	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSiena/man/RSiena-package.Rd	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 Package: \tab RSiena\cr
 Type: \tab Package\cr
-Version: \tab\cr
-Date: \tab 2011-06-04\cr
+Version: \tab\cr
+Date: \tab 2011-06-05\cr
 License: \tab GPL-2 \cr
 LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RSienaTest/DESCRIPTION	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/DESCRIPTION	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: RSienaTest
 Type: Package
 Title: Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
-Date: 2011-06-04
+Date: 2011-06-05
 Author: Various
 Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), xtable
 Imports: Matrix

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/R/bayes.r
--- pkg/RSienaTest/R/bayes.r	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/R/bayes.r	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
 ## ****************************************************************************/
 ##@bayes algorithm  fit a Bayesian model
 bayes <- function(data, effects, model, nwarm=100, nmain=100, nrunMHBatches=20,
-                 nrunMH=100, save=TRUE, nbrNodes=1, seed=1)
+                  nrunMH=100, save=TRUE, nbrNodes=1, seed=1, dfra=NULL,
+                  priorSigma=NULL)
     createStores <- function(z)
         npar <- length(z$theta)
         basicRate <- z$basicRate
-        numberRows <- nmain * nrunMHBatches *
-                               (z$observations - 1)
-        z$posteriorTot <- rep(0, npar)
-        z$posteriorMII <- matrix(0, nrow=npar, ncol=npar)
-        z$lambdadist <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(basicRate))
-        z$lambdas  <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(basicRate))
-        z$betas <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(!basicRate))
-        z$candidates <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(!basicRate))
-        z$acceptances <- rep(NA, numberRows)
-        z$MHacceptances <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=7)
-        z$MHrejections <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows , ncol=7)
-        z$MHproportions <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=7)
+        numberRows <- nmain * nrunMHBatches
+        z$posteriorTot <- matrix(0, nrow=z$nGroup, ncol=npar)
+        z$posteriorMII <- array(0, dim=c(z$nGroup, npar, npar))
+        #z$lambdadist <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(basicRate))
+        #z$lambdas  <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(basicRate))
+        #z$betas <- matrix(NA, nrow=numberRows, ncol=sum(!basicRate))
+        z$candidates <- array(NA, dim=c(numberRows, z$nGroup, npar))
+        z$acceptances <- matrix(NA, nrow=z$nGroup, ncol=numberRows)
+        z$MHacceptances <- array(NA, dim=c(z$nGroup, numberRows, 7))
+        z$MHrejections <- array(NA, dim=c(z$nGroup, numberRows, 7))
+        z$MHproportions <- array(NA, dim=c(z$nGroup, numberRows, 7))
     storeData <- function()
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
         basicRate <- z$basicRate
         npar <- length(z$theta)
         end <- start + nrun - 1
-        z$accepts <- as.logical(z$accepts)
         z$acceptances[start:end] <- z$accepts
-        z$lambdas[start:end, ] <- z$parameters[, basicRate]
-        z$lambdadist[start:end, ] <- z$shapes[, basicRate]
-        z$candidates[start:end, ] <- z$parameters[, !basicRate]
-        z$parameters[!z$accepts, !basicRate] <- NA
-        z$parameters[, !basicRate] <-
-            carryForward(z$parameters[, !basicRate], z$betas[1:end,])
-        z$betas[start:end, ] <- z$parameters[, !basicRate]
+       # z$lambdas[start:end, ] <- z$parameters[, basicRate]
+       # z$lambdadist[start:end, ] <- z$shapes[, basicRate]
+        z$candidates[start:end, ] <- z$parameters
+      #  z$parameters[start:end, ] <- NA
+      #  z$parameters[, !basicRate] <-
+      #      carryForward(z$parameters[, !basicRate], z$betas[1:end,])
+      #  z$betas[start:end, ] <- z$parameters[, !basicRate]
+        browser()
         z$posteriorTot <- z$posteriorTot + colSums(z$parameters)
         for (i in npar)
@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@
             z <- MCMCcycle(z, nrunMH=1, nrunMHBatches=100)
             actual <- z$BayesAcceptances ## acceptances
             ans <- rescaleCGD(100 * (z$observations - 1))
-            z$scaleFactor <- z$scaleFactor * ans
+            z$scaleFactors <- z$scaleFactors * ans
             if (success | iter == maxiter)
-            if (z$scaleFactor < tiny)
+            if (z$scaleFactors < tiny)
                 cat('scalefactor < tiny\n')
@@ -141,11 +141,20 @@
     ## Should we save and restore theta if we use multiple processors?
     ## Currently get separate thetas per wave (and then mix them up).
-    z <- initializeBayes(data, effects, model, nbrNodes, seed)
+    z <- initializeBayes(data, effects, model, nbrNodes, seed, priorSigma)
     z <- createStores(z)
     z$sub <- 0
+    if (is.null(dfra))
+    {
+        z <- getDFRA(z, 10)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ## maybe some validation here one day
+        z$dfra <- dfra
+    }
     z <- improveMH(z)
     if (!save)
@@ -214,73 +223,90 @@
+    z$FRAN <- NULL
 MCMCcycle <- function(z, nrunMH, nrunMHBatches)
-    f <- FRANstore() ## retrieve info
-    ## set up a matrix of required group/periods
-    groupPeriods <- attr(f, "groupPeriods")
-    callGrid <- cbind(rep(1:f$nGroup, groupPeriods - 1),
-                      as.vector(unlist(sapply(groupPeriods - 1,
-                                              function(x) 1:x))))
-    ## z$int2 is the number of processors if iterating by period, so 1 means
-    ## we are not. Can only parallelize by period at the moment.
-    ## browser()
-    if (nrow(callGrid) == 1)
+    z$accepts <- matrix(NA, nrow=z$nGroup, nrunMHBatches)
+    z$parameters <- array(NA, dim=c(nrunMHBatches, z$nGroup, z$pp))
+    for (i in 1:nrunMHBatches)
-        ans <- .Call("MCMCcycle", PACKAGE=pkgname, f$pData, f$pModel,
-                     f$myeffects, as.integer(1), as.integer(1),
-                     z$scaleFactor, nrunMH, nrunMHBatches)
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (z$int2 == 1)
+        for (j in 1:nrunMH)
-            anss <- apply(callGrid, 1, doMCMCcycle, z$scaleFactor,
-                          nrunMH, nrunMHBatches)
+            ans <- z$FRAN(z, returnChains=TRUE, byGroup=TRUE)
-        else
-        {
-            use <- 1:(min(nrow(callGrid), z$int2))
-            anss <- parRapply(z$cl[use], callGrid, doMCMCcycle, z$scaleFactor,
-                          nrunMH, nrunMHBatches)
-        }
-         ## reorganize the anss so it looks like the normal one
-        ans <- NULL
-        ans[[1]] <- c(sapply(anss, "[[", 1))## acceptances
-        ans[[2]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(anss, "[[", 2))
-        ans[[3]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(anss, "[[", 3))
-        ans[[4]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(anss, "[[", 4))
-        ans[[5]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(anss, "[[", 5))
-         ans[[6]] <- do.call(c, lapply(anss, "[[", 6))
-   }
-    ## process the return values
-    z$BayesAcceptances <- sum(ans[[1]])
-    z$accepts <- ans[[1]]
-    z$parameters <- ans[[2]]
-    z$shapes <- ans[[3]]
-    z$MHaccepts <- ans[[4]]
-    z$MHrejects <- ans[[5]]
-    z$chains <- ans[[6]]
+        z$chain <- ans$chain
+        z <- sampleParameters(z)
+        z$accepts[, i] <- z$accept
+        z$parameters[i, , ] <- z$thetaMat
+    }
+    z$BayesAcceptances <- sum(z$accepts)
-doMCMCcycle <- function(x, scaleFactor, nrunMH, nrunMHBatches)
+sampleParameters <- function(z)
-    group <- x[1]
-    period <- x[2]
+    #browser()
     f <- FRANstore()
-    .Call("MCMCcycle", PACKAGE=pkgname, f$pData, f$pModel,
-                 f$myeffects, as.integer(period),
-                 as.integer(group),
-                 scaleFactor, nrunMH, nrunMHBatches)
+    ## get a multivariate normal with covariance matrix dfra multiplied by a
+    ## scale factor which varies between groups
+    require(MASS)
+    require(mvtnorm)
+    thetaChanges <- t(sapply(z$scaleFactors, function(x)
+                           mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0, z$pp),
+                           Sigma= x*z$dfra)))
+    priorOld <- apply(z$thetaMat, 1, dmvnorm, mean=rep(0, z$pp),
+                      sigma=z$priorSigma,
+                      log=TRUE)
+    priorNew<- apply(z$thetaMat + thetaChanges, 1, dmvnorm, mean=rep(0, z$pp),
+                     sigma=z$priorSigma, log=TRUE)
+    logpOld <- sapply(z$chain, function(x)
+                  {
+                      sum(sapply(x, function(x1) sum(x1$LogOptionSetProb +
+                                     x1$LogChoiceProb)))
+                  }
+                      )
+    thetas <- z$thetaMat + thetaChanges
+    ans <- lapply(1:length(z$chain),  function(i)
+              {
+                  chaini <- z$chain[[i]]
+                  lapply(1:length(chaini), function(i1)
+                     {
+                         ch <- chaini[[i1]]
+                         .Call("getChainProbabilities", ch,
+                               PACKAGE = pkgname,
+                               f$pData, f$pModel,
+                               as.integer(i),
+                               as.integer(i1),
+                               f$myeffects, thetas[i, ])
+                     }
+                         )
+              }
+                  )
+    logpNew <- sapply(ans, function(x)
+                  {
+                      sum(sapply(x, function(x1) sum(x1$LogOptionSetProb +
+                                                     x1$LogChoiceProb)))
+                  }
+                      )
+    proposalProbability <- priorNew - priorOld + logpNew - logpOld
+    if (log(runif(1)) < proposalProbability)
+    {
+        z$accept <- TRUE
+        z$thetaMat <- thetas
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        z$accept <- FALSE
+    }
+    cat(thetas, priorNew, priorOld, logpNew, logpOld, exp(proposalProbability),
+        z$accept,'\n')
+    z
-initializeBayes <- function(data, effects, model, nbrNodes, seed)
+initializeBayes <- function(data, effects, model, nbrNodes, seed, priorSigma)
     ## initialise
@@ -298,9 +324,9 @@
-    model$FRAN <- getFromNamespace(model$FRANname, pos=grep("RSiena",
+    z$FRAN <- getFromNamespace(model$FRANname, pos=grep("RSiena",
-    z <- model$FRAN(z, model, INIT=TRUE, data=data, effects=effects)
+    z <- z$FRAN(z, model, INIT=TRUE, data=data, effects=effects)
@@ -324,7 +350,32 @@
     z$numm <- 20
     z$scaleFactor <- 1
+    z$scaleFactors <- rep(1, z$nGroup)
+    z$returnDataFrame <- TRUE # chains come back as data frames not lists
+    if (is.null(priorSigma))
+    {
+        z$priorSigma <- diag(z$pp) * 10000
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        z$priorSigma <- priorSigma
+    }
+    z
+getDFRA <- function(z, n)
+    # do n MLmodelsteps with the initial thetas and get
+    # derivs
+    z$sdf <- array(0, dim=c(n, z$pp, z$pp))
+    z$Phase <- 1
+    z$Deriv <- TRUE
+    for (i in 1:n)
+    {
+       ans <- z$FRAN(z)
+       z$sdf[i, , ] <- ans$dff
+   }
+    z$dfra <-  t(apply(z$sdf, c(2, 3), mean))

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/R/initializeFRAN.r
--- pkg/RSienaTest/R/initializeFRAN.r	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/R/initializeFRAN.r	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -455,6 +455,8 @@
             z$maxlikeTargets2 <- ans
             z$mult <- x$mult
             z$nrunMH <- z$mult * sum(z$maxlikeTargets[z$effects$basicRate])
+            ##thetaMat is to allow different thetas for each group in Bayes
+            z$thetaMat <- matrix(z$theta, nrow=nGroup, ncol=z$pp, byrow=TRUE)
@@ -488,7 +490,7 @@
     if (x$maxlike)
-        simpleRates <- TRUE ## get a sensible test for this soon!
+        simpleRates <- TRUE
         if (any(!z$effects$basicRate & z$effects$type =="rate"))
            # browser()
@@ -574,14 +576,15 @@
         z$f <- f
         z <- initForAlgorithms(z)
         z$periodNos <- attr(data, "periodNos")
-		if (! returnDeps) {
+        z$f$myeffects <- NULL
+        z$f$myCompleteEffects <- NULL
+		if (!returnDeps) {
 			z$f[1:nGroup] <- NULL
     if (initC || (z$int == 1 && z$int2 == 1 &&
                   (is.null(z$nbrNodes) || z$nbrNodes == 1)))
         f[1:nGroup] <- NULL
     FRANstore(f) ## store f in FRANstore

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/R/maxlikec.r
--- pkg/RSienaTest/R/maxlikec.r	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/R/maxlikec.r	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 ##@maxlikec siena07 ML Simulation Module
 maxlikec <- function(z, x, INIT=FALSE, TERM=FALSE, initC=FALSE, data=NULL,
                     effects=NULL, profileData=FALSE, prevAns=NULL,
-                    returnDeps=FALSE, returnChains=FALSE)
+                    returnDeps=FALSE, returnChains=FALSE, byGroup=FALSE)
     if (INIT || initC)  ## initC is to initialise multiple C processes in phase3
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
         if (z$int2 == 1)
-            anss <- apply(callGrid, 1, doMLModel, z$Deriv, z$theta,
+            anss <- apply(callGrid, 1, doMLModel, z$Deriv, z$thetaMat,
                           returnDeps,  z$nrunMH, z$addChainToStore,
                           z$needChangeContributions, z$returnDataFrame,
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
             use <- 1:(min(nrow(callGrid), z$int2))
-            anss <- parRapply(z$cl[use], callGrid, doMLModel, z$Deriv, z$theta,
+            anss <- parRapply(z$cl[use], callGrid, doMLModel, z$Deriv,
+                              z$thetaMat,
                               returnDeps, z$nrunMH, z$addChainToStore,
                               z$returnDataFrame, returnChains)
@@ -108,30 +109,33 @@
        ## browser()
         if (returnChains)
+            ##TODO put names on these?
             fff <- lapply(anss, function(x) x[[6]][[1]])
             fff <- split(fff, callGrid[1, ]) ## split by group
             ans[[6]] <- fff
         ans[[7]] <- lapply(anss, "[[", 7) ## derivative
         ans[[8]] <- lapply(anss, "[[", 8)
-        ans[[8]] <- do.call("+",  ans[[8]]) ## accepts
         ans[[9]] <- lapply(anss, "[[", 9)
-        ans[[9]] <- do.call("+",  ans[[9]]) ## rejects
         ans[[10]] <- lapply(anss, "[[", 10)
-        ans[[10]] <- do.call("+",  ans[[10]]) ## aborts
+        if (!byGroup)
+        {
+            ans[[8]] <- Reduce("+",  ans[[8]]) ## accepts
+            ans[[9]] <- Reduce("+",  ans[[9]]) ## rejects
+            ans[[10]] <- Reduce("+",  ans[[10]]) ## aborts
+        }
-    dff <- ans[[7]]
     fra <- -t(ans[[1]]) ##note sign change
- ##   if (returnDeps)
-  ##      sims <- ans[[6]]
-   ## else
-       sims <- NULL
+    ##   if (returnDeps)
+    ##      sims <- ans[[6]]
+    ## else
+    sims <- NULL
-    #print(length(sims[[1]]))
+    ##print(length(sims[[1]]))
     ##if (returnDeps) ## this is not finished yet!
     ##    ## attach the names
@@ -144,93 +148,92 @@
     ##        {
     ##            periodNos <- periodNo:(periodNo  + length(sims[[i]][[j]]) - 1)
     ##            names(sims[[i]][[j]]) <- periodNos
-     ##       }
+    ##       }
     ##        periodNo <- periodNos[length(periodNos)] + 2
     ##   }
     if (z$Deriv) ## need to reformat the derivatives
-        ## current format is a list of vectors of the lower? triangle
-        ## of the matrix. Need to be put into a symmetric matrix.
-        ## Tricky part is getting the rates in the right place!
-        ## Note that we do not yet deal with rate effects other than the basic
-        dff <- matrix(0, nrow=z$pp, ncol=z$pp)
-        nPeriods <- length(ans[[7]])
-        dff2 <- array(0, dim=c(nPeriods, z$pp, z$pp))
-        for (period in 1:nPeriods)
-        {
-            dffraw <- ans[[7]][[period]]
-            ## start indexes row/col for first effect for the variable
-            start <- 1
-            ## rawsub is subscript in the vector
-            rawsub <- 1
-            ## f$myeffects is a list of data frames per dependent variable
-            ## of selected effects.
-            for (i in 1:length(f$myeffects))
-            {
-                dffPeriod <- matrix(0, nrow=z$pp, ncol=z$pp)
-                ## rows is the number of effects for this variable
-                rows <- nrow(f$myeffects[[i]])
-                ## nRates is the number of rate effects for this variable
-                ## at present nRates will be the number of periods.
-                nRates <- sum(f$myeffects[[i]]$type == 'rate')
-                ## nonRates is the number of rows/cols in the objective function
-                ## part of the derivative matrix dff.
-                nonRates <- rows - nRates
-                ## first put the basic rate for this variable in the right place
-                dffPeriod[cbind(start:(start + nRates -1),
-                                start:(start + nRates - 1))] <-
-                                    dffraw[rawsub:(rawsub + nRates - 1)]
-                ##
-                ## now the matrix of objective function effects
-                ##
-                start <- start + nRates
-                ##
-                rawsub <- rawsub + nRates
-                ##
-                dffPeriod[start : (start + nonRates - 1 ),
-                          start : (start + nonRates - 1)] <-
-                              dffraw[rawsub:(rawsub + nonRates * nonRates - 1)]
-                start <- start + nonRates
-                rawsub <- rawsub + nonRates * nonRates
-                dffPeriod <- dffPeriod + t(dffPeriod)
-                diag(dffPeriod) <- diag(dffPeriod) / 2
-                dff2[period , , ] <- dff2[period, , ] - dffPeriod
-                dff <- dff - dffPeriod
-            }
-        }
+        resp <- reformatDerivs(z, f, ans[[7]])
+        dff <- resp[[1]]
+        dff2 <- resp[[2]]
         dff <- NULL
         dff2 <- NULL
-    # browser()
+    ## browser()
+    ##print(length(ans[[6]][[1]][[1]]))
     list(fra = fra, ntim0 = NULL, feasible = TRUE, OK = TRUE,
          sims=sims, dff = dff, dff2=dff2,
          chain = ans[[6]], accepts=ans[[8]],
          rejects= ans[[9]], aborts=ans[[10]])
-dist2full<-function(dis) {
-      n<-attr(dis,"Size")
-      full<-matrix(0,n,n)
-      full[lower.tri(full)]<-dis
-      full+t(full)
 ##@doMLModel Maximum likelihood
-doMLModel <- function(x, Deriv, theta, returnDeps, nrunMH, addChainToStore,
+doMLModel <- function(x, Deriv, thetaMat, returnDeps, nrunMH, addChainToStore,
                       needChangeContributions, returnDataFrame, returnChains)
     f <- FRANstore()
     .Call("mlPeriod", PACKAGE=pkgname, Deriv, f$pData,
-          f$pModel, f$myeffects, theta, returnDeps,
+          f$pModel, f$myeffects, thetaMat[x[1], ], returnDeps,
           as.integer(x[1]), as.integer(x[2]), nrunMH, addChainToStore,
           needChangeContributions, returnDataFrame, returnChains)
+reformatDerivs <- function(z, f, derivList)
+    ## current format is a list of vectors of the lower? triangle
+    ## of the matrix. Need to be put into a symmetric matrix.
+    ## Tricky part is getting the rates in the right place!
+    ## Note that we do not yet deal with rate effects other than the basic
+    dff <- matrix(0, nrow=z$pp, ncol=z$pp)
+    nPeriods <- length(derivList)
+    dff2 <- array(0, dim=c(nPeriods, z$pp, z$pp))
+    for (period in 1:nPeriods)
+    {
+        dffraw <- derivList[[period]]
+        ## start indexes row/col for first effect for the variable
+        start <- 1
+        ## rawsub is subscript in the vector
+        rawsub <- 1
+        ## f$myeffects is a list of data frames per dependent variable
+        ## of selected effects.
+        for (i in 1:length(f$myeffects))
+        {
+            dffPeriod <- matrix(0, nrow=z$pp, ncol=z$pp)
+            ## rows is the number of effects for this variable
+            rows <- nrow(f$myeffects[[i]])
+            ## nRates is the number of rate effects for this variable
+            ## at present nRates will be the number of periods.
+            nRates <- sum(f$myeffects[[i]]$type == 'rate')
+            ## nonRates is the number of rows/cols in the objective function
+            ## part of the derivative matrix dff.
+            nonRates <- rows - nRates
+            ## first put the basic rate for this variable in the right place
+            dffPeriod[cbind(start:(start + nRates -1),
+                            start:(start + nRates - 1))] <-
+                                dffraw[rawsub:(rawsub + nRates - 1)]
+            ##
+            ## now the matrix of objective function effects
+            ##
+            start <- start + nRates
+            ##
+            rawsub <- rawsub + nRates
+            ##
+            dffPeriod[start : (start + nonRates - 1 ),
+                      start : (start + nonRates - 1)] <-
+                          dffraw[rawsub:(rawsub + nonRates * nonRates - 1)]
+            start <- start + nonRates
+            rawsub <- rawsub + nonRates * nonRates
+            dffPeriod <- dffPeriod + t(dffPeriod)
+            diag(dffPeriod) <- diag(dffPeriod) / 2
+            dff2[period , , ] <- dff2[period, , ] - dffPeriod
+            dff <- dff - dffPeriod
+        }
+    }
+    list(dff, dff2)

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/changeLog
--- pkg/RSienaTest/changeLog	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/changeLog	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2011-06-05 R-forge revision 154 RSienaTest only
+	* doc/missingsEtc.tex, doc/bayes.tex, doc.maxlikec.tex: added
+	* doc/RSienaSpec.tex, doc/simstats0c.tex: updated
+	* R/bayes.r, R/maxlikec.r, R/initializeFRAN.r: new Bayes routine
 2011-06-04 R-forge revision 153
 	* R/effects.r, R/initializeFRAN.r, R/print07Report.r, R/sienaprint.r,

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/doc/RSIENAspec.tex
--- pkg/RSienaTest/doc/RSIENAspec.tex	2011-06-04 13:03:10 UTC (rev 153)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/doc/RSIENAspec.tex	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -310,7 +310,8 @@
 \STATE Check that the ends of each interval in each object are not less than 1
 or greater than the number of waves and that each line has an even number of
-\STATE Generate a data frame of events(section \ref{sec:events}), a matrix of active flags(section \ref{sec:active}) and a matrix
+\STATE Generate a data frame of events(section \ref{sec:events}),
+a matrix of activeStart flags(section \ref{sec:active}) and a matrix
 of actions(section \ref{sec:actions})\\
 \STATE Add these to the object as attributes
@@ -325,11 +326,11 @@
 \sfn{ }\nnm{actor}\\
 \sfn{ }\nnm{time} between 0 and 1
+\subsubsection{ActiveStart Flags}
-\STATE Active flags matrix has a row per actor and a column per period\\
-\sfn{ }TRUE if the actor is present at the start of the period
+\STATE activeStart matrix has a row per actor and a column per period\\
+\sfn{ }TRUE if the actor is active at the start of the period

Added: pkg/RSienaTest/doc/bayes.tex
--- pkg/RSienaTest/doc/bayes.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/doc/bayes.tex	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\newcommand{\nm}[1]{\textsf{\small #1}}
+\newcommand{\R}{{\sf R }}
+\newcommand{\Rn}{{\sf R}}
+\newcommand{\rs}{{\sf RSiena}}
+\newcommand{\RS}{{\sf RSiena }}
+\newcommand{\SI}{{\sf Siena3 }}
+\newcommand{\Sn}{{\sf Siena3}}
+% no labels in list of references:
+\hyphenation{Snij-ders Duijn DataSpecification dataspecification dependentvariable ModelSpecification}
+% centered section headings with a period after the number;
+% sans serif fonts for section and subsection headings
+ \renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection{section}{1}
+                {0pt}{\baselineskip}{0.5\baselineskip}
+                {\centering\sffamily} }
+ \renewcommand{\subsection}{\@startsection{subsection}{2}
+                {0pt}{0.7\baselineskip}{0.3\baselineskip}
+                {\sffamily} }
+\newcommand{\ts}[1]{\par{\color[named]{Red}TS: #1}\par}
+\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0} %% For line spacing.
+\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus1ex}
+\title{RSiena: Bayesian models}
+\author{Ruth Ripley}
+\item Input of a covariance matrix for the prior is mandatory: default the
+  identity times 10000.
+\item Input of a covariance matrix for the Bayesian proposal is optional: if
+  null it will be calculated from a few iterations of the MH step.
+\item Default number of iterations for this step if performed is 10.
+\item Could allow clever extraction of dfra from a previous result of siena07 or
+  bayes. Maybe this will work anyway via prevAns.
+\paragraph{Main algorithm}
+\STATE set up data in C as usual
+\STATE create minimal chain and do burnin
+\STATE Do $n$ groups of \sfn{nrunMH} steps to estimate \nnm{dfra} as in siena07
+\STATE Get scalefactors such that about 40 out of 100 Bayesian proposals after
+single MH steps are accepted. See below for details of
+generation and probabilities for Bayesian proposals.
+\paragraph{Bayesian proposals}
+\FORALL {groups}
+\STATE get a multivariate normal with mean 0 and covariance \nnm{dfra} *
+scale factor for this group
+\STATE Calculate the proposal probability:
+\item[prior] Multivariate normal density for the parameters with mean 0
+  and covariance as supplied in the input argument.
+\item[chain] Calculate sum of log probabilities of choice of variable/actor
+plus log choice probabilities.
+\STATE The log probability of acceptance is then new - old  of log prior +
+log chain

Property changes on: pkg/RSienaTest/doc/bayes.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/RSienaTest/doc/maxlikec.tex
--- pkg/RSienaTest/doc/maxlikec.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/doc/maxlikec.tex	2011-06-05 18:17:56 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\newcommand{\nm}[1]{\textsf{\small #1}}
+\newcommand{\R}{{\sf R }}
+\newcommand{\Rn}{{\sf R}}
+\newcommand{\rs}{{\sf RSiena}}
+\newcommand{\RS}{{\sf RSiena }}
+\newcommand{\SI}{{\sf Siena3 }}
+\newcommand{\Sn}{{\sf Siena3}}
+% no labels in list of references:
+\hyphenation{Snij-ders Duijn DataSpecification dataspecification dependentvariable ModelSpecification}
+% centered section headings with a period after the number;
+% sans serif fonts for section and subsection headings
+ \renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection{section}{1}
+                {0pt}{\baselineskip}{0.5\baselineskip}
+                {\centering\sffamily} }
+ \renewcommand{\subsection}{\@startsection{subsection}{2}
+                {0pt}{0.7\baselineskip}{0.3\baselineskip}
+                {\sffamily} }
+\newcommand{\ts}[1]{\par{\color[named]{Red}TS: #1}\par}
+\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0} %% For line spacing.
+\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus1ex}
+\title{Maximum likelihood/FRAN}
+\author{Ruth Ripley}
+The \R function \nnm{maxlikec} (so named during development when I had other
+versions which did not call C!) is the function which controls the maximum
+likleihood simulations.  It is used as an argument to the function
+\nnm{sienaModelCreate} and its name is stored as the element named \nm{FRAN} of
+the model object.  It has three (or 3+) modes: initial, to set up the C++ data
+structure, terminal (to tidy up) and ordinary (to do one complete
+simulation). (There is an extra mode for using multiple processors, which does
+some of the work of an initial call.) It uses C++ functions for most of its
+The interface to C++ and to \nnm{robmon} is more or less the same as for
+\nnm{simstats0c}. The terminal call is the same as for \nnm{simstats0c}.
+\section{Initial call to maxlikec}
+As for \nnm{simstatsc}, plus an additional call to C++ to initialise the
+\item Copy over the parameters needed for maxmimum liklihood:
+\item Values controlling length of permutation
+\item Probabilities of the different MH steps
+\item Proportion of missing data
+\IF{this is the first call, (to main process)}
+\STATE Set up a minimal chain: see section \ref{sec:minch}.
+\STATE Do a pre burnin for each chain: see section \ref{sec:preburnin}

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 154

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