[Rsiena-commits] r72 - pkg/RSienaTest/doc

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Tue Mar 30 19:57:24 CEST 2010

Author: ripleyrm
Date: 2010-03-30 19:57:24 +0200 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 72

Missing bib file

Added: pkg/RSienaTest/doc/RSiena.bib
--- pkg/RSienaTest/doc/RSiena.bib	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/doc/RSiena.bib	2010-03-30 17:57:24 UTC (rev 72)
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+ at Article{AlbertAnderson84,
+  author = 		 {A. Albert and  J. A. Anderson},
+  title = 		 {On the existence of the maximum likelihood estimates
+in logistic regression models.},
+  journal = 	 {Biometrika},
+  year = 		 1984,
+  volume = 	 71,
+  pages = 	 {1--10}}
+ at article{
+   Author = {M. J. Anderson},
+   Title = {Permutation tests for univariate or multivariate analysis of variance and regression},
+   Journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences},
+   Volume = {58},
+   Number = {3},
+   Pages = {626--639},
+   Year = {2001} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {M. J. Anderson and P. Legendre},
+   Title = {An empirical comparison of permutation methods for tests of partial regression coefficients in a linear model},
+   Journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation},
+   Volume = {62},
+   Number = {3},
+   Pages = {271--303},
+   Year = {1999} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {M. J. Anderson and J. Robinson},
+   Title = {Permutation tests for linear models},
+   Journal = {Australian \& New Zealand Journal of Statistics},
+   Volume = {43},
+   Number = {1},
+   Pages = {75--88},
+   Year = {2001} }
+ at article{
+   Author = "Marti {Anderson} and Cajo J.F. {ter Braak}",
+   Title = {Permutation tests for multifactorial analysis of variance},
+   Journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation},
+   Volume = {73},
+   Pages = {85--113},
+   Year = {2003}  }
+ @INCOLLECTION{Andradottir98,
+  AUTHOR = "S. {Andrad\'{o}ttir}",
+  TITLE = {Simulation Optimization},
+  CHAPTER  = "9",
+  BOOKTITLE = "Handbook of Simulation. Principles, Methodology, Advances, Applications, and Practice",
+  PUBLISHER = "Wiley",
+  YEAR = "1998",
+    EDITOR = "J. {Banks}",
+    PAGES = "307--333",
+    ADDRESS = "New York"
+ }
+ at article{
+   Author = {L. Anselin},
+   Title = {Some Robust Approaches to Testing and Estimation in
+Spatial Econometrics},
+   Journal = {Regional Science and Urban Economics},
+   Volume = {20},
+   Number = {2},
+   Pages = {141--163},
+   Year = {1990} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {F. B. Baker and L. J. Hubert},
+   Title = {The analysis of social interaction data},
+   Journal = {Sociological Methods and Research},
+   Volume = {9},
+   Pages = {339--361},
+   Year = {1981} }
+ at ARTICLE{BalaGoyal00,
+  AUTHOR="Venkatesh {Bala} and Sanjeev {Goyal}",
+  TITLE = "A noncooperative model of network formation",
+    YEAR = "2000",
+  JOURNAL = "Econometrica",
+    VOLUME = "68",
+    PAGES = "1181--1229"
+ at ARTICLE{BaumanEnnett96,
+AUTHOR = "K.E. {Bauman} and S.T. {Ennett}",
+TITLE = {On the importance of peer influence for adolescent drug use: commonly neglected considerations.},
+YEAR = "1996",
+JOURNAL = "Addiction",
+VOLUME = "91",
+PAGES = "185--198"
+ at ARTICLE{Borgatti05,
+  AUTHOR="Stephen B. {Borgatti}",
+  TITLE = "Centrality and network flow",
+    YEAR = "2005",
+  JOURNAL = "Social Networks",
+    VOLUME = "27",
+    PAGES = "55--71"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Borgatti, S. P. and Cross, R.},
+   Title = {A relational view of information seeking and learning in social networks},
+   Journal = {Management Science},
+   Volume = {49},
+   Number = {4},
+   Pages = {432--445},
+   Year = {2003} }
+ at book{
+   Author = {Borgatti, S.P. and Everett, M.G. and Freeman, L.C.},
+   Title = {Ucinet for Wondows: Software for Social Network Analysis.},
+   Publisher = {Harvard Analytic Technologies},
+   Year = {2002} }
+ @INCOLLECTION{BowmanShenton85,
+  AUTHOR = "K. O. {Bowman} and L. R. {Shenton}",
+  TITLE = {Method of moments},
+  BOOKTITLE = "Encyclopedia of statistical sciences",
+  PUBLISHER = "Wiley",
+  YEAR = "1985",
+    VOLUME = "5",
+    PAGES = "467--473",
+    ADDRESS = "New York"
+ }
+ at ARTICLE{BrooksEA83,
+AUTHOR = "B.R. {Brooks} and R.E. {Bruccoleri} and B.D. {Olafson} and D.J. {States} and S. {Swaminathan} and M. {Karplus}",
+TITLE = {CHARMM: A program for macromolecular energy minimization and dynamics calculations},
+YEAR = "1983",
+JOURNAL = "Journal of Computational Chemistry",
+VOLUME = "4",
+ISSUE = "",
+PAGES = "187--217"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Brusco, M. J.},
+   Title = {Identifying a reordering of rows and columns for multiple proximity matrices using multiobjective programming},
+   Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
+   Volume = {46},
+   Number = {6},
+   Pages = {731--745},
+   Year = {2002} }
+ at ARTICLE{Burt87,
+AUTHOR = "R.S. {Burt}",
+TITLE = {Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion versus Structural Equivalence},
+YEAR = "1987",
+JOURNAL = "American Journal of Sociology",
+VOLUME = "92",
+PAGES = "1287--1335"
+ at BOOK{Byrne71,
+AUTHOR = "D. {Byrne}",
+TITLE = {The Attraction Paradigm},
+PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
+YEAR = "1971",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at Book{Cappe05,
+  author = 	 {Olivier Capp\'e and Eric Moulines and Tobias Ryd\'en},
+  title = 		 {Inference in Hidden Markov Models},
+  publisher = 	 {Springer},
+  year = 		 2005}
+ at ARTICLE{Carley91,
+  AUTHOR="Kathleen {Carley}",
+  TITLE = "A theory of group stability",
+    YEAR = "1991",
+  JOURNAL = "American Sociological Review",
+    VOLUME = "56",
+    PAGES = "331--354"
+ at BOOK{CarringtonEA05,
+AUTHOR = "Peter J. {Carrington} and John {Scott} and Stanley {Wasserman}",
+TITLE = "Models and methods in social network analysis",
+PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
+YEAR = "2005",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ @BOOK{Chen02,
+  AUTHOR = "H. F. {Chen}",
+  TITLE = {Stochastic approximation and its applications},
+  PUBLISHER = "Kluwer Academic",
+  YEAR = "2002",
+    ADDRESS = "Dordrecht"
+ }
+ at ARTICLE{Cochran54,
+  AUTHOR="W.G. {Cochran}",
+  TITLE = "The combination of estimates from different experiments",
+    YEAR = "1954",
+  JOURNAL = "Biometrics",
+    VOLUME = "10",
+    PAGES = "101--129"
+ at ARTICLE{Cohen77,
+AUTHOR = "Jere M. {Cohen}",
+TITLE = {Sources of Peer Group Homogeneity},
+YEAR = "1977",
+JOURNAL = "Sociology of Education",
+VOLUME = "50",
+ISSUE = "4",
+PAGES = "227--241"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Dekker, D. and Franses, P. H. and Krackhardt, D.},
+   Title = {An equilibrium-correction model for dynamic network data},
+   Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Sociology},
+   Volume = {27},
+   Number = {2-3},
+   Pages = {193--215},
+   Year = {2003} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Devries, H.},
+   Title = {The Rowwise Correlation between 2 Proximity Matrices and the Partial Rowwise Correlation},
+   Journal = {Psychometrika},
+   Volume = {58},
+   Number = {1},
+   Pages = {53--69},
+   Year = {1993} }
+ at INCOLLECTION{Doreian89,
+AUTHOR = "Patrick {Doreian}",
+TITLE = {Network Autocorrelation Models: Problems and Prospects},
+BOOKTITLE = "Spatial Statistics: Past, Present, Future",
+PUBLISHER = "Michigan Document Services",
+YEAR = "1989",
+EDITOR = "D.A. {Griffith}",
+ADDRESS = "Ann Arbor"
+ at INCOLLECTION{Doreian89a,
+AUTHOR = "Patrick {Doreian}",
+TITLE = {Two Regimes of Network Autocorrelation},
+BOOKTITLE = "The Small World",
+PAGES = "280--295",
+PUBLISHER = "Ablex",
+YEAR = "1989",
+EDITOR = " M. Kochen",
+ADDRESS = "Norwood"
+ at BOOK{DurlaufYoung01,
+EDITOR = "Steven N. {Durlauf} and H. Peyton {Young}",
+TITLE = "Social Dynamics",
+PUBLISHER = "The {MIT} Press",
+YEAR = "2001",
+ADDRESS = "Cambridge, Mass."
+ at book{
+   Author = {Edgington, E.S.},
+   Title = {Randomization Tests},
+   Publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
+   Address = {New York},
+   Year = {1969} }
+ at article{EhrhardtEA05,
+  author = {George C. M. A. {Ehrhardt} and Matteo {Marsili} and Fernando {Vega-Redondo}},
+  title = {Emergence and resilience of social networks: a general theoretical framework},
+  journal = {oai:arXiv.org:physics/0504124},
+  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0504124},
+  year = {2005}
+ at ARTICLE{EmirbayerGoodwin94,
+AUTHOR = "M. {Emirbayer} and J. {Goodwin}",
+TITLE = {Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency},
+YEAR = "1994",
+JOURNAL = "American Journal of Sociology",
+VOLUME = "99",
+ISSUE = "6",
+PAGES = "1411--1454"
+ at ARTICLE{EnnettBauman94,
+AUTHOR = "S.T. {Ennett} and K.E. {Bauman}",
+TITLE = {The Contribution of Influence and Selection to Adolescent Peer Group
+Homogeneity: The Case of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking},
+YEAR = "1994",
+JOURNAL = "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology",
+VOLUME = "67",
+PAGES = "653--663"
+ at Article{Federico04,
+  author = 		 {de {Federico de la R\'ua}, A.},
+  title = 		 {L'Analyse Longitudinal de R\'eseaux sociaux totaux avec SIENA - M\'ethode, discussion et application.},
+  journal = 	 {Bulletin de M\'ethodologie Sociologique},
+  year = 		 2004,
+  volume = 	 84,
+  pages = 	 {5--39}}
+ at Article{Federico05,
+  author = 		 {de {Federico de la R\'ua}, A.},
+  title = 		 {El an\'alisis din\'amico de redes sociales con SIENA.
+M\'etodo, Discusi\'on y Aplicaci\'on.},
+  journal = 	 {Empiria},
+  year = 		 2005,
+  volume = 	 10,
+  pages = 	 {151--181}}
+ at Book{Fisher32,
+  author = 	 {R. A. Fisher},
+  title = 		 {Statistical Methods for Research Workers},
+  publisher = 	 {Oliver \& Boyd},
+  year = 		 1932,
+  edition = 	 {4th}}
+ at ARTICLE{FisherBauman88,
+AUTHOR = "L.A. {Fisher} and K.E. {Bauman}",
+TITLE = {Influence and Selection in the Friend-Adolescent Relationship: Findings from Studies
+of Adolescent Smoking and Drinking},
+YEAR = "1988",
+JOURNAL = "Journal of Applied Social Psychology",
+VOLUME = "18",
+PAGES = "289--314"
+ at Article{Frank91,
+  author = 		 {O. Frank},
+  title = 		 {Statistical analysis of change in networks},
+  journal = 	 {Statistica Neerlandica},
+  year = 		 1991,
+  volume = 	 45,
+  pages = 	 {283--293}}
+ at Article{FrankStrauss86,
+  author = 		 {O. Frank and D. Strauss},
+  title = 		 {Markov graphs.},
+  journal = 	 {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
+  year = 		 1986,
+  volume = 	 81,
+  pages = 	 {832--842}}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Freedman, D. and Lane, D.},
+   Title = {A nonstochastic interpretation of reported significance levels},
+   Journal = {Journal of Business and Economic Statistics},
+   Volume = {1},
+   Pages = {292--298},
+   Year = {1983} }
+ at ARTICLE{Freeman79,
+  AUTHOR="Linton C. {Freeman}",
+  TITLE = "Centrality in networks: I. Conceptual clarification",
+    YEAR = "1979",
+  JOURNAL = "Social Networks",
+    VOLUME = "1",
+    PAGES = "215--239"
+ at InCollection{FreemanFreeman80,
+  author = 		 {L. C. Freeman and S.C. Freeman},
+  title = 		 {A semi-visible college: Structural effects of seven months
+of EIES participation by a social networks community.},
+  booktitle = 	 {Electronic Communication: Technology and Impacts},
+  pages = 	 {77--85},
+  publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of
+                  Science. Washington DC},
+  year = 	 1980,
+  editor = 	 {M. M. Henderson and M. J. McNaughton}}
+ at ARTICLE{Friedkin93,
+  AUTHOR="Noah E. {Friedkin}",
+  TITLE = "Structural Basis of Interpersonal Influence in Groups: A Longitudinal Case Study",
+    YEAR = "1993",
+  JOURNAL = "American Sociological Review",
+    VOLUME = "58",
+    PAGES = "861--872"
+ at BOOK{Friedkin98,
+AUTHOR = "Noah {Friedkin}",
+TITLE = {A Structural Theory of Social Influence},
+PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
+YEAR = "1998",
+ADDRESS = "Cambridge"
+ at ARTICLE{Friedkin01,
+AUTHOR = "Noah {Friedkin}",
+TITLE = {Norm Formation in Social Influence Networks},
+YEAR = "2001",
+JOURNAL = "Social Networks",
+VOLUME = "23",
+PAGES = "167--189"
+ at Article{Gelman95,
+  author = 		 {Andrew Gelman},
+  title = 		 {Method of moments using {M}onte {C}arlo Simulation},
+  journal = 	 {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
+  year = 		 1995,
+  volume = 	 4,
+  number = 	 1,
+  pages = 	 {36--54}}
+ at Article{GelmanMeng98,
+  author = 		 {Andrew Gelman and X.-L. Meng},
+  title = 		 {Simulating Normalizing Constants:
+From Importance Sampling to Bridge Sampling to Path Sampling.},
+  journal = 	 {Statistical Science},
+  year = 		 1998,
+  volume = 	 13,
+  pages = 	 {163--185}}
+ at Article{GeyerThompson92,
+  author = 		 {C. J. Geyer and E. A. Thompson},
+  title = 		 {Constrained Monte Carlo maximum likelihood for dependent data.
+  journal = 	 {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B},
+  year = 		 1992,
+  volume = 	 54,
+  pages = 	 {657--699}}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Gibbons, D. and Olk, P. M.},
+   Title = {Individual and structural origins of friendship and social position among professionals},
+   Journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
+   Volume = {84},
+   Number = {2},
+   Pages = {340--351},
+   Year = {2003} }
+ at ARTICLE{Granovetter73,
+AUTHOR = "Mark {Granovetter}",
+TITLE = {The Strength of Weak Ties},
+YEAR = "1973",
+JOURNAL = "American Journal of Sociology",
+VOLUME = "78",
+PAGES = "1360--1380"
+ at Article{GuKong98,
+  author = 	 {M. G. Gu and F. H. Kong},
+  title = 	 {A stochastic approximation algorithm with {M}arkov
+                  chain {M}onte-{C}arlo method for incomplete data
+                  estimation problems.},
+  journal = 	 {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A},
+  year = 	 1998,
+  volume =	 95,
+  pages =	 {7270--7274}
+ at InCollection{Handcock02,
+  author = 		 {Mark S. Handcock},
+  title = 		 {Statistical Models for Social Networks: Inference and Degeneracy.},
+  booktitle = 	 {Dynamic Social Network
+Modeling and Analysis: Workshop Summary and Papers},
+  pages = 	 {229--240},
+  publisher = {National Research Council of the
+National Academies. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.},
+  editor = 	 {Ronald Breiger and Kathleen Carley and Philippa E. Pattison}}
+ at Article{HandcockHunter06,
+  author = 		 {Mark S. Handcock and David R. Hunter},
+  title = 		 {Inference in curved exponential family models for networks.
+  journal = 	 {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
+  year = 		 2006,
+  volume = 	 15,
+  pages = 	 {565--583}}
+ at Article{HauckDonner77,
+  author = 		 {W. W. {Hauck Jr} and A. Donner},
+  title = 		 {Wald's test as applied to hypotheses in logit analysis.},
+  journal = 	 {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
+  year = 		 1977,
+  volume = 	 72,
+  pages = 	 {851--853}}
+ at ARTICLE{Haynie01,
+AUTHOR = "Dana L. {Haynie}",
+TITLE = {Delinquent Peers Revisited: Does Network Structure Matter?},
+YEAR = "2001",
+JOURNAL = "American Journal of Sociology",
+VOLUME = "106",
+PAGES = "1013--1057"
+ at Book{HedgesOlkin85,
+  author = 	 {L. V. Hedges and I. Olkin},
+  title = 		 {Statistical Methods for Meta-analysis},
+  publisher = 	 {New York: Academic Press.},
+  year = 		 1985,}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Heagerty, P. J. and Lele, S. R.},
+   Title = {A composite likelihood approach to binary spatial data},
+   Journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
+   Volume = {93},
+   Pages = {1099--1123},
+   Year = {1998} }
+ at BOOK{Heider58,
+AUTHOR = "Fritz {Heider}",
+TITLE = {The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations},
+PUBLISHER = "Wiley",
+YEAR = "1958",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ @ARTICLE{HollandLeinhardt81,
+  AUTHOR = "Paul W. {Holland} and Samuel {Leinhardt}",
+  TITLE = {An Exponential Family Of Probability Distributions For Directed Graphs},
+  YEAR = "1981",
+  JOURNAL = "Journal of the American Statistical Association",
+  VOLUME = "76",
+  PAGES = "33--65" }
+ at BOOK{Hollingshead49,
+AUTHOR = "Auguste de Belmont {Hollingshead}",
+TITLE = {Elmtown's Youth: the Impact of Social Classes on Adolescents},
+PUBLISHER = "Wiley",
+YEAR = "1949",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at BOOK{Homans74,
+AUTHOR = "George C. {Homans}",
+TITLE = {Elementary Forms of Social Behavior},
+PUBLISHER = "Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich",
+YEAR = "1974",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at ARTICLE{HoutzagerBaerveldt99,
+  AUTHOR="B. Houtzager and C. Baerveldt",
+  TITLE = "Just like normal: A social network study of the relation between petty
+    crime and the intimacy of adolescent friendships",
+    YEAR = "1999",
+  JOURNAL = "Social Behavior and Personality",
+    VOLUME = "27",
+    PAGES = "117--192"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Hubert, Lawrence J.},
+   Title = {Combinatorial Data Analysis: Association and Partial Association},
+   Journal = {Psychometrika},
+   Volume = {50},
+   Number = {4},
+   Pages = {449--467},
+   Year = {1985} }
+ at book{
+   Author = {Hubert, Lawrence J.},
+   Title = {Assignment Methods in Combinatorial Data Analysis},
+   Publisher = {Marcel Dekker, INC.},
+   Address = {New York and Basel},
+   Volume = {73},
+   Series = {Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs},
+   Year = {1987} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Hubert, Lawrence J. and Golledge, Reginald G.},
+   Title = {A Heuristic Method for the Comparison of Related Structures},
+   Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
+   Volume = {23},
+   Pages = {214--226},
+   Year = {1981} }
+ at Article{HuismanSnijders03,
+  author = 		 {M. E. Huisman and T.A. B. Snijders},
+  title = 		 {Statistical analysis of longitudinal network data
+with changing composition.},
+  journal = 	 {Sociological Methods \& Research},
+  year = 		 2003,
+  volume = 	 32,
+  pages = 	 {253--287}}
+ at Article{HuismanSteglich08,
+  author = 		 {M. Huisman and C. Steglich},
+  title = 		 {Treatment of non-response in longitudinal network data.
+  journal = 	 {Social Networks},
+  year = 		 2008,
+  volume = 	 30,
+  pages = 	 {297--308}}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Iyer, H. K. and Vecchia, D. F.},
+   Title = {Exact Moments of the Symmetric Cubic Assignment Statistic},
+   Journal = {Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods},
+   Volume = {18},
+   Number = {12},
+   Pages = {4309--4320},
+   Year = {1989} }
+ at InCollection{JariegoFederico06,
+  author = 		 {I. M. Jariego and A. de Federico de la R\'ua},
+  title = 		 {El an\'alisis din\'amico de redes con Siena.},
+  booktitle = 	 {Talleres de autoformaci\'on con programas inform\'aticos
+de an\'alisis de redes sociales},
+  pages = 	 {77--93},
+  publisher = {Bellaterra: Universit\'at Autonoma de Barcelona},
+  year = 	 2006,
+  editor = 	 {J. L. Molina and A. Quiroga and J. Mart\'i and I.M. Jariego
+and A. de Federico}}
+ at ARTICLE{KahnemanEA91,
+AUTHOR = "D. {Kahneman} and J.L. {Knetsch} and R.H. {Thaler}",
+TITLE = {Anomalies: the endowment effect, loss aversion and status quo bias},
+YEAR = "1991",
+JOURNAL = "Journal of Economic Perspectives",
+VOLUME = "5",
+PAGES = "193--206"
+ at ARTICLE{Kameda05,
+  AUTHOR="Tatsuya {Kameda}, Yohsuke {Ohtsubo}, Masanori {Takezawa}",
+  TITLE = "Centrality in Sociocognitive Networks and Social Influence:
+    An Illustration in a Group Decision-Making Context ",
+    YEAR = "1997",
+  JOURNAL = "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology",
+    VOLUME = "73",
+    PAGES = "296--309"
+ at ARTICLE{Kandel78,
+AUTHOR = "Denise B. {Kandel}",
+TITLE = {Similarity in Real-Life Adolescent Friendship Pairs},
+YEAR = "1978",
+JOURNAL = "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology",
+VOLUME = "36",
+PAGES = "306--312"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Kennedy, P. E.},
+   Title = {Randomization Tests in Econometrics},
+   Journal = {Journal of Business \& Economic Statistics},
+   Volume = {13},
+   Number = {1},
+   Pages = {85--94},
+   Year = {1995} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Kennedy, P. E. and Cade, B. S.},
+   Title = {Randomization tests for multiple regression},
+   Journal = {Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation},
+   Volume = {25},
+   Number = {4},
+   Pages = {923--936},
+   Year = {1996} }
+ at ARTICLE{KiesnerEA04,
+  AUTHOR="Jeff {Kiesner}, Margaret {Kerr}, H{\aa}kan {Stattin} ",
+  TITLE = "‘‘Very Important Persons'' in adolescence: going beyond
+          in-school, single friendships in the study of peer homophily",
+    YEAR = "2004",
+  JOURNAL = "Journal of Adolescence",
+    VOLUME = "27",
+    PAGES = "545--560"
+ at ARTICLE{Kirke04,
+AUTHOR = "Deirdre M. {Kirke}",
+TITLE = {Chain Reactions in Adolescents' Cigarette, Alcohol and Drug Use: Similarity Through
+Peer Influence or the Patterning of Ties in Peer Networks?},
+YEAR = "2004",
+JOURNAL = "Social Networks",
+VOLUME = "26",
+PAGES = "3--28"
+ at UNPUBLISHED{KnechtEA05,
+AUTHOR = "Andrea {Knecht} and Chris {Baerveldt} and Christian {Steglich}",
+YEAR = "2005",
+TITLE = "Friendship and Delinquency in Early Adolescence. A Study of Selection and Influence Effects",
+NOTE = "In preparation"
+ at TechReport{Kong92,
+  author = 		 {Augustine Kong},
+  title = 		 {A note on importance sampling using standardised weights.},
+  institution =  {Department of Statistics, University of Chicago},
+  year = 		 1992,
+  number = 	 348,
+  month = 	 {July}}
+ at PhdThesis{Koskinen04,
+  author = 		 {Johan H. Koskinen},
+  title = 		 {Essays on Bayesian Inference for Social Networks},
+  school = 		 {Department of Statistics, Stockholm University},
+  year = 		 {2004},
+ at Article{KoskinenSnijders07,
+  author = 		 {J. H. Koskinen and T.A.B. Snijders},
+  title = 		 {Bayesian inference for dynamic network data.
+  journal = 	 {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
+  year = 		 2007,
+  volume = 	 13,
+  pages = 	 {3930--3938}}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Krackhardt, D.},
+   Title = {QAP Partialling as a Test of Spuriousness},
+   Journal = {Social Networks},
+   Volume = {9},
+   Pages = {171--186},
+   Year = {1987 }  }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Krackhardt, D.},
+   Title = {Predicting with Networks - Nonparametric Multiple-Regression Analysis of Dyadic Data},
+   Journal = {Social Networks},
+   Volume = {10},
+   Number = {4},
+   Pages = {359--381},
+   Year = {1988} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Krijnen, W. P.},
+   Title = {An Inequality between the Weighted Average and the Rowwise Correlation-Coefficient for Proximity Matrices},
+   Journal = {Psychometrika},
+   Volume = {59},
+   Number = {2},
+   Pages = {269--270},
+   Year = {1994} }
+ at Book{KushnerYin97,
+  author =	 {Herbert J Kushner and George G Yin},
+  title = 	 {Stochastic Approximation: Algorithms and Applications},
+  publisher = 	 {Springer},
+  year = 	 1997,
+  address =	 {New York}
+ at BOOK{KushnerYin03,
+AUTHOR = "Harold J. {Kushner} and G. George {Yin}",
+TITLE = {Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications},
+PUBLISHER = "Springer",
+EDITION = "Second",
+YEAR = "2003",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Lapointe, F. J. and Garland, T.},
+   Title = {A generalized permutation model for the analysis of cross- species data},
+   Journal = {Journal of Classification},
+   Volume = {18},
+   Number = {1},
+   Pages = {109--127},
+   Year = {2001} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Laumann, Edward O. and Marsden, Peter V. and Galaskiewicz, Joseph},
+   Title = {Community-Elite Influence Structures: Extension of a Network Approach},
+   Journal = {American Journal of Sociology},
+   Volume = {83},
+   Number = {3},
+   Pages = {594--631},
+   Year = {1977} }
+ at book{
+   Author = {Laumann, Edward O. and Pappi, Franz U.},
+   Title = {Networks of Collective Action: A Perspective on Community Influence Systems.},
+   Publisher = {Academic Press},
+   Address = {New York},
+   Year = {1976} }
+ at INCOLLECTION{LazarsfieldMerton54,
+AUTHOR = "Paul F. {Lazarsfeld} and Robert K. {Merton}",
+TITLE = {Friendship as Social Process},
+BOOKTITLE = "Freedom and Control in Modern Society",
+PUBLISHER = "Octagon",
+YEAR = "1954",
+EDITOR = "M. {Berger} and T. {Abel} and C. {Page}",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at ARTICLE{LataneNowak97,
+  AUTHOR="Bibb {Latan\'{e}} and Andrej {Nowak}",
+  TITLE = "Self-Organizing Social Systems: Necessary and sufficient
+     conditions for the emergence of clustering, consolidation and continuing diversity",
+    YEAR = "1997",
+  JOURNAL = "Progress in Communication Science",
+    VOLUME = "13",
+    PAGES = "43--74"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Legendre, P.},
+   Title = {Comparison of Permutation Methods fot the Partial Correlation and Partial Mantel Tests},
+   Journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation},
+   Volume = {67},
+   Number = {1},
+   Pages = {37--73},
+   Year = {2000} }
+ at Article{Leenders95,
+  author = 		 {R. Th. A. J. Leenders},
+  title = 		 {Models for network dynamics: a {M}arkovian framework.},
+  journal = 	 {Journal of Mathematical Sociology},
+  year = 		 1995,
+  volume = 	 20,
+  pages = 	 {1--21}}
+ at InCollection{Lepkowski89,
+  author = 		 {J. M. Lepkowski},
+  title = 		 {Treatment of wave nonresponse in panel surveys.},
+  booktitle = 	 {Panel Surveys},
+  pages = 	 {348--374},
+  publisher = {Wiley, New York},
+  year = 	 1989,
+  editor = 	 {D. Kasprzyk and G. Duncan and G. Kalton and M. P. Singh}}
+ at INCOLLECTION{Lindenberg93,
+AUTHOR = "S.M. {Lindenberg}",
+TITLE = {Framing, empirical evidence and applications},
+BOOKTITLE = "Jahrbuch fur {N}eue {P}olitische {\"{O}}konomie",
+PAGES = "11--38",
+PUBLISHER = "Mohr (Siebeck)",
+YEAR = "1993",
+EDITOR = "Philipp {Herder-Dorneich} and Karl-Ernst {Schenk} and Dieter {Schmidtchen}",
+ADDRESS = "T{\"{u}}bingen"
+  AUTHOR = "M.W. {Macy} and J. {Kitts} and A. {Flache} and S. {Benard}",
+  TITLE = "A {H}opfield model of emergent structure",
+  YEAR = "2003",
+  BOOKTITLE = "Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis: Workshop Summary and Papers",
+  PUBLISHER = "National Academies Press",
+  ADDRESS = "Washington, DC",
+  EDITOR = "Ronald {Breiger} and K. {Carley} and P. {Pattison} ",
+  PAGES = "162--173"}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Mantel, Nathan},
+   Title = {The Detection of Disease Clustering and a Generalized Regression Approech},
+   Journal = {Cancer Research},
+   Volume = {27},
+   Number = {2},
+   Pages = {209--220},
+   Year = {1967} }
+ at ARTICLE{Mark98,
+  AUTHOR="Noah {Mark}",
+  TITLE = "Beyond individual differences: Social differentiation from first principles",
+    YEAR = "1991",
+  JOURNAL = "American Sociological Review",
+    VOLUME = "63",
+    PAGES = "309--330"
+ at article{MarsiliEA04,
+  author = {Matteo Marsili and Fernando Vega-Redondo and Frantisek Slanina},
+  title = {The Rise and Fall of a Networked Society},
+  journal = {PNAS},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {1439},
+  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0307321},
+  year = {2004}
+ at INCOLLECTION{McFadden74,
+AUTHOR = "Daniel {McFadden}",
+TITLE = {Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice behavior},
+BOOKTITLE = "Frontiers in Econometrics",
+PAGES = "105--142",
+PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
+YEAR = "1974",
+EDITOR = "Paul Zarembka",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at ARTICLE{McPhersonSmithLovin87,
+AUTHOR = "J. Miller {McPherson} and L. {Smith-Lovin}",
+TITLE = {Homophily in Voluntary Organizations: Status Distance and the Composition of Face-to-Face Groups},
+YEAR = "1987",
+JOURNAL = "American Sociological Review",
+VOLUME = "52",
+PAGES = "370--379"
+ at ARTICLE{McPhersonEA01,
+AUTHOR = "J. Miller {McPherson} and L. {Smith-Lovin} and J.M. {Cook}",
+TITLE = {Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks},
+YEAR = "2001",
+JOURNAL = "Annual Review of Sociology",
+VOLUME = "27",
+PAGES = "415--444"
+ at ARTICLE{MichellAmos97,
+AUTHOR = "Lynn {Michell} and Amanda {Amos}",
+TITLE = {Girls, Pecking Order and Smoking},
+YEAR = "1997",
+JOURNAL = "Social Science and Medicine",
+VOLUME = "44",
+ISSUE = "12",
+PAGES = "1861--1869"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Mizruchi, M. S.},
+   Title = {Capitalist Collective Action - Competition, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Coal Industry - Bowman,Jr},
+   Journal = {American Journal of Sociology},
+   Volume = {96},
+   Number = {2},
+   Pages = {473--475},
+   Year = {1990} }
+ at ARTICLE{MooreEA04,
+AUTHOR = "L. {Moore} and R. {Campbell} and F. {Starkey} and M. {Sidaway} and J. {Holliday} and S. {Audrey}
+and N. {Parry-Langdon} and M. {Bloor}",
+TITLE = {A school-based, peer-led, anti-smoking intervention that appears to work! MRC ASSIST trial},
+YEAR = "2004",
+JOURNAL = "Journal of Epidemiology \& Community Health",
+VOLUME = "58",
+ISSUE = "supplement 2",
+PAGES = "A26--A27"
+ at INCOLLECTION{Newcomb62,
+AUTHOR = "Theodore M. {Newcomb}",
+TITLE = {Student Peer-Group Influence},
+BOOKTITLE = "The American College: A Psychological and Social Interpretation of the Higher Learning",
+PUBLISHER = "Wiley",
+YEAR = "1962",
+EDITOR = "N. {Sanford}",
+ADDRESS = "New York"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Oden, N. L. and Sokal, R. R.},
+   Title = {An Investigation of 3-Matrix Permutation Tests},
+   Journal = {Journal of Classification},
+   Volume = {9},
+   Number = {2},
+   Pages = {275--290},
+   Year = {1992} }
+ at ARTICLE{OettinDonnermeyer98,
+AUTHOR = "Eugene R. {Oetting} and Joseph F. {Donnermeyer}",
+TITLE = {Primary Socialization Theory: the Etiology of Drug Use and Deviance. {I}},
+YEAR = "1998",
+JOURNAL = "Substance Use and Misuse",
+VOLUME = "33",
+PAGES = "995--1026"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Oja, H},
+   Title = {On Permutation Tests in Multiple Regression and Analysis of Covariance Problems.},
+   Journal = {Australian Journal of Statistics},
+   Volume = {29},
+   Pages = {81--100},
+   Year = {1987} }
+ at ARTICLE{PadgettAnsell93,
+AUTHOR = "J.F. {Padgett} and C.K. {Ansell}",
+TITLE = {Robust Action and the Rise of the {M}edici, 1400-1434},
+YEAR = "1993",
+JOURNAL = "American Journal of Sociology",
+VOLUME = "98",
+PAGES = "1259--1319"
+ at BOOK{Pahor03,
+AUTHOR = "Marko {Pahor}",
+TITLE = {Network Effects for the Dynamics of the Slovenian Ownership Network},
+PUBLISHER = "University of Ljubljana",
+YEAR = "2003",
+ADDRESS = "Ljubljana"
+ at article{
+   Author = {Pattison, P. and Wasserman, S. and Robins, G. and Kanfer, A. M.},
+   Title = {Statistical evaluation of algebraic constraints for social networks},
+   Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
+   Volume = {44},
+   Number = {4},
+   Pages = {536--568},
+   Year = {2000} }
+ at article{
+   Author = {Pattison, Philippa E.},
+   Title = {Network models: Some comments on papers in
+this special issue},
+   Journal = {Social Networks},
+   Volume = {10},
+   Number = {4},
+   Pages = {383--411},
+   Year = {1988} }
+ at Article{PearsonMichell00,
+  author = 		 {Michael A. Pearson and Lynn Michell},
+  title = 		 {Smoke Rings: Social network analysis of friendship groups,
+ smoking and drug-taking.},
+  journal = 	 {Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy},
+  year = 		 2000,
+  volume = 	 7,
+number = 1,
+  pages = 	 {21--37}}
+ at Article{PearsonWest03,
+  author = 		 {M. Pearson and P. West},
+  title = 		 {Drifting Smoke Rings: Social Network Analysis and Markov Processes in a
+Longitudinal Study of Friendship Groups and Risk-Taking.
+  journal = 	 {Connections},
+  year = 		 2003,
+  volume = 	 25,
+  number = 	 2,
+  pages = 	 {59--76}}
+ at Article{PearsonEA06,
+  author = 		 {Michael Pearson and Christian Steglich and Tom Snidjers},
+  title = 		 {Homophily and assimilation among sport-active adolescent substance users.},
+  journal = 	 {Connections},
+  year = 		 2006,
+  volume = 	 27,
+  number = 	 1,
+  pages = 	 {47--63}}
+ at Book{Pflug96,
+  author =	 {Georg Ch Pflug},
+  title = 	 {Optimization of stochastic models},
+  publisher = 	 {Kluwer},
+  year = 	 1990,
+  address =	 {Boston}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Pitman, E.J.G.},
+   Title = {Significance Tests Which May Be Applied to
+Samples from Any Population},
+   Journal = {Royal Statistical Society,
+   Volume = {4},
+   Pages = {119--130},
+   Year = {1937} }
+ at Article{Polyak90,
+  author = 	 {B. T. Polyak},
+  title = 	 {New method of stochastic approximation type},
+  journal = 	 {Automation and Remote Control},
+  year = 	 1990,
+  volume =	 51,
+  pages =	 {937--946}
+ at article{
+   Author = {Proctor, Charles H.},
+   Title = { Analyzing pair data and point data on social relationships, attitudes and background characteristics of Costa Rican Census Bureau employees.},
+   Journal = {Social Statistics Section, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association},
+   Pages = {457--465},
+   Year = {1969} }
+ at Article{Rao47,
+  author = 		 {C. R. Rao},
+  title = 		 {Large sample tests of statistical hypothesis concerning
+                  several parameters with applications to problems of
+  journal = 	 {Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society},
+  year = 		 1947,
+  volume = 	 44,
+  pages = 	 {50--57}}
+ at BOOK{RaudenbushBryk02,
+  TITLE = "Hierarchical Linear Models.
+ Applications and Data Analysis Methods",
+  AUTHOR = "Stephen W. {Raudenbush}, Anthony S. {Bryk}",
+  PUBLISHER = "Sage",
+  YEAR = "2002",
+      EDITION = "2nd",
+      ADDRESS = "Newbury Park, CA"
+ at Book{Ripley81,
+  author =       "Ripley, B. D.",
+  title =        "Spatial Statistics",
+  publisher =    "Wiley",
+  address =      "New York",
+  year =         "1981",
+  ISBN =         "0-471-08367-4",
+  note =         "252pp",
+ at Article{RobbinsMonro51,
+  author = 		 {H. Robbins and S. Monro},
+  title = 		 {A stochastic approximation method.
+  journal = 	 {Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
+  year = 		 1951,

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