[Rsiena-commits] r96 - in pkg: RSiena RSiena/R RSiena/inst/doc RSiena/man RSienaTest RSienaTest/doc RSienaTest/inst/doc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Jun 4 16:12:29 CEST 2010

Author: ripleyrm
Date: 2010-06-04 16:12:27 +0200 (Fri, 04 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 96

Bug fixes, extensions to sienaTimeTest

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/effects.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/effects.r	2010-06-04 13:27:18 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/effects.r	2010-06-04 14:12:27 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -837,7 +837,8 @@
     ## add starting values for the other objects
     if (groupx && length(x) > 1)
-        period <- xx$observations   ### periods used so far
+        period <-  xx$observations ##periods used so far
         for (group in 2:length(x))
             xx <- x[[group]]
@@ -992,6 +993,7 @@
                        stop('error type'))
+            period <-  period + xx$observations ##periods used so far
     effects <- do.call(rbind, effects)
@@ -1035,7 +1037,7 @@
         }, z = depvar, y = dif)
         startRate <- tmp[1, ]
-        tmp <- rowSums(tmp[-1, ]) + 2
+        tmp <- rowSums(tmp[-1, , drop=FALSE]) + 2
         tendency <- log((tmp[2] * (tmp[3] + tmp[4])) /
                         (tmp[4] * (tmp[1] + tmp[2])))
         untrimmed <- tendency

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/effectsMethods.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/effectsMethods.r	2010-06-04 13:27:18 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/effectsMethods.r	2010-06-04 14:12:27 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -15,43 +15,51 @@
     if (!inherits(x, "sienaEffects"))
         stop("not a legitimate Siena effects object")
-    nDependents <- length(unique(x$name))
-    userSpecifieds <- x$shortName[x$include] %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt")
-    endowments <- !x$type[x$include] %in% c("rate", "eval")
-    specs <- x[x$include, c("name", "effectName", "include", "fix", "test",
-                            "initialValue", "parm")]
-    if (nDependents == 1)
+    if (typeof(fileName)=="character")
-        specs <- specs[, -1]
+        sink(fileName, split=TRUE)
-    if (any(endowments))
+    if (nrow(x) > 0)
-        specs <- cbind(specs, type=x[x$include, "type"])
-    }
-    if (any(userSpecifieds))
-    {
-        specs <- cbind(specs, x[x$include, c("effect1", "effect2")])
-        if (any (x$effect3[x$include] > 0))
+        nDependents <- length(unique(x$name))
+        userSpecifieds <- x$shortName[x$include] %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt")
+        endowments <- !x$type[x$include] %in% c("rate", "eval")
+        specs <- x[x$include, c("name", "effectName", "include", "fix", "test",
+                                "initialValue", "parm")]
+        if (nDependents == 1)
-            specs <- cbind(specs, effect3=x[x$include, "effect3"])
+            specs <- specs[, -1]
+        if (any(endowments))
+        {
+            specs <- cbind(specs, type=x[x$include, "type"])
+        }
+        if (any(userSpecifieds))
+        {
+            specs <- cbind(specs, x[x$include, c("effect1", "effect2")])
+            if (any (x$effect3[x$include] > 0))
+            {
+                specs <- cbind(specs, effect3=x[x$include, "effect3"])
+            }
+        }
+        specs[, "initialValue"] <- format(round(specs$initialValue,digits=5),
+                                          width=10)
+        row.names(specs) <- 1:nrow(specs)
+        print(as.matrix(specs), quote=FALSE)
-    specs[, "initialValue"] <- format(round(specs$initialValue,digits=5),
-                                      width=10)
-    row.names(specs) <- 1:nrow(specs)
-    if (typeof(fileName)=="character")
+    else
-        sink(fileName, split=TRUE)
+        print.data.frame(x)
-    print(as.matrix(specs), quote=FALSE)
     if (typeof(fileName)=="character")

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r	2010-06-04 13:27:18 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r	2010-06-04 14:12:27 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
 ## *
-## * Web: http://stat.gamma.rug.nl/siena.html
+## * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snidjers/siena
 ## *
 ## * File: sienaTimeTest.r
 ## *
@@ -10,90 +10,161 @@
 ## * sienaTimeFix, which is called to set up time dummy interacted effects.
 ## ****************************************************************************/
 ##@sienaTimeTest siena07 Does test for time homogeneity of effects
-sienaTimeTest <- function (sienaFit)
+sienaTimeTest <- function (sienaFit, effects=NULL, condition=FALSE)
 	observations <- sienaFit$f$observations
+	# There must be more than 2 observations to do a time test!
 	if (observations <=2)
 		stop("You must have at least three time periods to test
 			 for non-heterogeneity across time.")
-## Find out which dummies have already been included in the model:
-	indRateEffects <- which(sienaFit$effects$shortName=="Rate")
-	indDummiedEffects <- grep("Dummy", sienaFit$effects$effectName)
-	indBaseEffects <- setdiff(1:nrow(sienaFit$effects), c(indRateEffects,
+	## Screen out the undesired effects
+	if (!is.null(effects)) {
+		escreen = setdiff(1:nrow(sienaFit$effects), effects)
+	} else {
+		escreen = 99999
+	}
+	# Identify which effects are rate parameters
+	indRateEffects <- which(sienaFit$effects$shortName[-escreen]=="Rate")
+	# Identify which effects are estimated dummy terms
+	indDummiedEffects <- grep("Dummy", sienaFit$effects$effectName[-escreen])
+	# The effects which will be tested are stored here. Take all of the
+	# effects, and take out the rate and dummy effects. These indices
+	# will have to be changed for the moments, scores, etc. after we
+	# screen the sienaFit ingredients.
+	indBaseEffects <- setdiff(1:nrow(sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]), c(indRateEffects,
+	baseNames=sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$effectName[indBaseEffects]
+	# toTest will hold booleans for which of the time dummies have not
+	# been estimated and thus are candidates for time tests.
 	toTest <- array(TRUE, dim=c(length(indBaseEffects),
 								sienaFit$f$observations - 2))
+	rownames(toTest) <- sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$effectNumber[indBaseEffects]
+	colnames(toTest) <- 2:(sienaFit$f$observations - 1)
+	# dummyByEffect gets passed from sienaTimeTest so that other functions
+	# know which dummies belong to which base effects.
 	dummyByEffect <- array(0, dim=c(length(indBaseEffects),
 									sienaFit$f$observations - 2))
-	rownames(toTest) <- sienaFit$effects$effectNumber[indBaseEffects]
-	colnames(toTest) <- 2:(sienaFit$f$observations - 1)
 	dimnames(dummyByEffect) <- dimnames(toTest)
-## Must be able to screen out DummyX ego effects that are fixed:
-	dscreen <- which(sienaFit$effects$shortName=='egoX' & sienaFit$effects$fix
-					 & length(grep("Dummy", sienaFit$effects$effectName)) > 0)
+	# dscreen is the first important screening vector, which will determine
+	# which egoX dummies are fixed, so that we do not consider them as included
+	dscreen <- which(sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$shortName=='egoX' &
+					sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$fix
+					 & length(grep("Dummy",
+					sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$effectName)) > 0)
 	if (length(dscreen)==0)
 		dscreen <- 99999
-	for (i in sienaFit$effects$effectNumber[sienaFit$effects$timeDummy != ',']){
-		tmp <- toString(sienaFit$effects$timeDummy[
-					   sienaFit$effects$effectNumber == i])
+	## If the estimation was unconditional, the rate parameters will have scores
+	## and moments which must also be screened out. Ruth, is there a simple way to
+	## check conditioning? I tried $conditional and it doesn't seem to do what I
+	## intuitively expected. For now, I just check the dimensionality of the scores,
+	## as it will match the number of included "effects" on dimension 3 if uncond.
+	## estimation was used.
+	if (dim(sienaFit$sf2[,,-escreen])[3] == dim(sienaFit$effects[,,-escreen])[1]) {
+		rscreen <- indRateEffects
+	} else {
+		rscreen <- 99999
+	}
+	## Go through each effect which had a time dummy included, and incorporate this
+	## information into the toTest vector. i.e. if a time dummy was estimated, set
+	## its element in toTest equal to FALSE so that we do not time test it
+	for (i in sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$effectNumber
+		[sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$timeDummy != ',']){
+		tmp <- toString(sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$timeDummy[
+					   sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$effectNumber == i])
 		tmp <- strsplit(tmp, split=",", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
 		if (length(which(!tmp == '')) > 0)
-			if (tmp[1]=='isDummy' & !(i %in% sienaFit$effects$
+			## The effect we are looking at is a time dummy.
+			if (tmp[1]=='isDummy' & !(i %in% sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$
+				## Dont test this dummy...
-				colnames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[2])] <- FALSE
+					colnames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[2])] <- FALSE
+				## We want to be able to reference this effect given an
+				## index for the base effect and a time period, so store
+				## this information in dummyByEffect -- this is used
+				## extensively in plot.sienaTimeTest
-				colnames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[2])]  <-
-				which(sienaFit$effects$effectNumber[-dscreen]==i)
+					colnames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[2])]  <-
+					which(sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$
+					effectNumber[-c(rscreen,dscreen)]==i)
+			## The effect we are looking at had a time dummy,
+			## nothing required for now.
+	##  nEffects, nSims, nameslist, nDummies convert commonly used ingredients
+	##  from sienaFit into an easily accessed form based on the screens
+	##  set up above
 	nEffects <- length(indBaseEffects) + sum(!toTest)
-	nSims <- sienaFit$n3
+	## With the use of multiple nodes, sometimes the sienaFit object comes back
+	## with the wrong number of iterations!! Fixing it by looking elsewhere:
+	## Used to be: nSims <- sienaFit$n3
+	nSims <- dim(sienaFit$sf2[,,-escreen])[1]
 	nameslist <- list(
 					Iteration=paste("it", 1:nSims, sep=""),
 					Wave=paste("Wave", 1:(observations - 1), sep=""),
-					Effect=sienaFit$effects$effectName
+					Effect=sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$effectName[-c(dscreen,rscreen)]
 	nDummies <- sum(toTest)
 	nTotalEffects <- nDummies + nEffects
-	obsStats <- t(sienaFit$targets2[-dscreen, ])
-	moment <- sienaFit$sf2[, , -dscreen] - rep(obsStats, each=nSims)
+	## obsStats, moment, scores are the crucial ingredients from sienaFit which
+	## screen for the base effects and make the rest of the code clean
+	obsStats <- t(sienaFit$targets2[-c(dscreen,rscreen,escreen), ])
+	moment <- sienaFit$sf2[, , -c(dscreen,rscreen,escreen)] - rep(obsStats, each=nSims)
+	scores <- sienaFit$ssc[ , , -c(dscreen,rscreen,escreen)]
+	## Because the sienaFit object does not have a strict class definition,
+	## the $sf2 and $targets2 arrays cannot be expected to always have the
+	## proper format. The best we can do is therefore to die gracefully if
+	## the arrays do not line up:
+	G <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, observations - 1, nEffects + nDummies))
+	SF <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, observations - 1, nEffects + nDummies))
+	if (sum(dim(G[, , 1:nEffects]) != dim(moment))+
+		sum(dim(SF[, , 1:nEffects]) != dim(scores))>0) {
+		stop("The moments and scores in your sienaFit have unexpected dimensions.\n
+			It is possible that your model specifications are not yet implemented\n
+			in sienaTimeTest. Please contact the developers.\n\nDid you include
+			the base effect?\n")
+	}
+	## Will be used to construct the dummy names for output
 	dummyNames <- rep("", nDummies)
-	G <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, observations - 1, nEffects + nDummies))
+	## Set the base effects G equal to the moments from sienaFit
 	G[, , 1:nEffects] <- moment
+	## inc used for incrementing through the dummies
 	inc <- nEffects
 	for (i in 1:nrow(toTest))
 		for (j in 1:ncol(toTest))
+			## Go through each dummy to be tested
 			if (toTest[i, j])
 				inc <- inc + 1
+				## And add scores and moments for the specific time period j+1
 				G[, j + 1, inc] <- moment[, j + 1, i]
 				dummyNames[inc-nEffects] <- paste("(*)Dummy", j + 1, ":",
 												  nameslist$Effect[i], sep="")
+	## Put names onto G for easy reference
 	dimnames(G) <- list(nameslist$Iteration, nameslist$Wave,
-						c(nameslist$Effect[-dscreen], dummyNames))
+						c(nameslist$Effect, dummyNames))
+	## Make the covariance matrix for the new moments
 	sigma <- cov(apply(G, c(1, 3), sum))
-	SF <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, observations - 1, nEffects + nDummies))
-	SF[, , 1:nEffects] <- sienaFit$ssc[ , , -dscreen]
+	## Basically repeat this process for the scores:
+	SF[, , 1:nEffects] <- scores
 	inc <- nEffects
-## Add any dummies that have been previously estimated:
 	dummyProps <- list()
 	for (i in 1:nrow(toTest))
@@ -102,34 +173,48 @@
 			if (toTest[i, j])
 				inc <- inc + 1
-				SF[, j + 1, inc] <- sienaFit$ssc[, j + 1, i]
-				dummyNames[inc-nEffects] <- paste("(*)Dummy", j + 1, ":",
-												  nameslist$Effect[i], sep="")
+				SF[, j + 1, inc] <- scores[, j + 1, i]
+				## Save some information on these dummies for later;
+				## these operations dont relate directly to the scores
 				dummyByEffect[i, j]=inc
-				dummyProps$shortName[inc] <- sienaFit$effects$shortName[i]
-				dummyProps$type[inc] <- sienaFit$effects$type[i]
+				dummyProps$shortName[inc] <- sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$shortName[i]
+				dummyProps$interaction1[inc] <- sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$interaction1[i]
+				dummyProps$type[inc] <- sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$type[i]
 				dummyProps$period[inc] <- j + 1
-	dimnames(SF) <- list(nameslist$Iteration, nameslist$Wave,
-						 c(nameslist$Effect[-dscreen], dummyNames))
+	## Copy the dimnames for G
+	dimnames(SF) <- dimnames(G)
+	## We have now set up all of the ingredients properly, so we may proceed with
+	## the score type test of Schweinberger (2007)
 	D <- derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations(SF, G)
 	fra <- apply(G, 3, sum) / nSims
 	doTests <- c(rep(FALSE, nEffects), rep(TRUE, nDummies))
 	jointTest <- ScoreTest(nTotalEffects, D, sigma, fra, doTests, maxlike=FALSE)
 	jointTestP <- 1 - pchisq(jointTest$testresOverall, nDummies)
-	individualTest <- jointTest$testresulto[1:nDummies]
+	if (! condition) {
+		individualTest <- jointTest$testresulto[1:nDummies]
+	} else {
+		individualTest <- sapply(1:nDummies, function (i)
+			{ doTests <- rep(FALSE, nEffects + nDummies)
+				doTests[nDummies+i] <- TRUE
+				test <- ScoreTest(nTotalEffects, D, sigma, fra, doTests, FALSE)
+				test$testresulto[1]
+			})
+	}
 	individualTestP <- 2 * (1-pnorm(abs(individualTest))[1:nDummies])
 	rownames(jointTestP) <- c("Joint Significant Test")
 	colnames(jointTestP) <- c("p-Val")
-	thetaOneStep <- c(sienaFit$theta[-dscreen], rep(0, nDummies)) +
-	jointTest$oneStep
+	thetaOneStep <- c(sienaFit$theta[-c(dscreen,rscreen,escreen)], rep(0, nDummies)) +
+			jointTest$oneStep
 	effectTest <- sapply(1:length(indBaseEffects), function (i)
 						 doTests <- rep(FALSE, nEffects + nDummies)
 						 tmp <- which(dummyProps$shortName ==
-									  sienaFit$effects$shortName[i])
+									  sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$shortName[i] &
+									  dummyProps$interaction1 ==
+									  sienaFit$effects[-escreen,]$interaction1[i])
 						 if (length(tmp) > 0)
 							doTests[tmp] <- TRUE
@@ -142,17 +227,19 @@
 	dim(effectTest) <- c(length(indBaseEffects), 1)
 	effectTestP <- round(1 - pchisq(effectTest, apply(toTest, 1, sum)), 5)
-	rownames(effectTestP) <- nameslist$Effect[indBaseEffects]
+	rownames(effectTestP) <- baseNames
 	colnames(effectTestP) <- c("p-Val")
-	thetaStar <- cbind(c(sienaFit$theta[-dscreen], rep(0, nDummies)),
+	thetaStar <- cbind(c(sienaFit$theta[-c(dscreen,rscreen,escreen)], rep(0, nDummies)),
-					   round(c(2-2 * pnorm(abs(sienaFit$theta[-dscreen]/
-											 sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta)[-dscreen]))),
+					   round(c(2-2 * pnorm(abs(sienaFit$theta[-c(dscreen,rscreen,escreen)]/
+											 sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta)[-c(dscreen,
+											rscreen,escreen)]))),
 							   individualTestP), 5))
 	colnames(thetaStar) <- c("Initial Est.", "One Step Est.", "p-Value")
-	rownames(thetaStar) <- dimnames(SF)[[3]]
+	rownames(thetaStar) <- dimnames(G)[[3]]
 	returnObj <- list(
@@ -169,10 +256,12 @@
-					  OriginalThetaStderr=sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta))[-dscreen],
+					  OriginalThetaStderr=sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta))[-c(dscreen,
+									  		rscreen,escreen)],
-					  ToTest=toTest
+					  ToTest=toTest,
+					  ScreenedEffects=setdiff(c(rscreen,escreen),99999)
 	class(returnObj) <- "sienaTimeTest"
@@ -207,18 +296,11 @@
 	tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(rownames(x$IndividualTest)), ") ",
 				 rownames(x$IndividualTest), "\n", sep="")
-	cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting the pairwise moment
-		correlations:\n", tmp)
+	cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting:\n", tmp)
 	tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(x$NonRateIndices), ") ",
 				 rownames(x$IndividualTest)[x$NonRateIndices], "\n", sep="")
-	cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting the effect-wise
-		fitted parameters:\n", tmp)
-	effectNames <- rownames(x$IndividualTest)
-	dummies <- grepl("Dummy", effectNames)
-	dummyIndex <- paste(" (", 1:sum(dummies), ") ", effectNames[dummies],
-						"\n", sep="")
 	cat("\nIf you would like to fit time dummies to your model, use the
-		following indices:\n", dummyIndex)
+		timeDummy column in your effects object.")
 	cat("\nType \"?sienaTimeTest\" for more information on this output.\n")
@@ -321,14 +403,14 @@
 		if (length(effects)==1)
 			yaxis <- timetest$IndividualTest[as.vector(c(effects,
-														 timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ])), 2]
+									timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ])), 2]
 			dim(yaxis) <- c(1, timetest$Waves)
 			yaxis <- timetest$IndividualTest[as.vector(t(cbind(effects,
-															   timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ]))), 2]
+									timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ]))), 2]
 			yaxis <- matrix(yaxis, nrow=length(effects), ncol=timetest$Waves,
@@ -339,7 +421,7 @@
 		basevals[, 1] <- 0
 		yaxis <- yaxis + basevals
 		pvals <- timetest$IndividualTest[c(effects, as.vector(
-															  t(timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ]))), 3]
+									t(timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ]))), 3]
 		dummysd <- abs(c(vals / qnorm(1 - pvals / 2)))
 		dummysd[effects] <- timetest$OriginalThetaStderr[effects]
 		dim(dummysd) <- c(length(effects), timetest$Waves)
@@ -353,8 +435,7 @@
 			ymin=min(yaxis[i, ] - scale * abs(yaxis[i, ]))
 			ymax=max(yaxis[i, ] + scale * abs(yaxis[i, ]))
 			xyplot(yaxis[i, ] ~ xaxis,
-				   type = "p", main = rownames(timetest$IndividualTest)
-				   [timetest$NonRateIndices[effects[i]]],
+				   type = "p", main = rownames(timetest$EffectTest)[effects[i]] ,
 				   sub=paste("p=", timetest$EffectTest[effects[i]]), bty="n",
 				   xlab="Wave", ylab="Parameter Value", auto.key=TRUE,
 				   ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xlim=c(0, length(xaxis) + 1),
@@ -485,18 +566,19 @@
         warning("Time dummy not implemented for multi-group projects")
         effects$timeDummy <- ","
-    covar <- effects$interaction1 != ""
-    if (any(effects$timeDummy[covar] != ","))
-    {
-        warning("Time dummy not implemented for covariate effects")
-        effects$timeDummy[covar] <- ","
-    }
-    eval <- effects$type =="eval"
-	if (any(effects$timeDummy[!eval] !=','))
+ # Josh tested these covariate effects, they work as-is for sienaTimeFix.
+ #   covar <- effects$interaction1 != ""
+ #   if (any(effects$timeDummy[covar] != ","))
+ #   {
+ #       warning("Time dummy not implemented for covariate effects")
+ #       effects$timeDummy[covar] <- ","
+ #   }
+    implemented <- (effects$type == "eval" | effects$shortName == "RateX")
+	if (any(effects$timeDummy[!implemented] !=','))
 		warning("Time dummy effects are only implemented",
-                " for one mode network effects of type eval.")
-        effects$timeDummy[!eval] <- ","
+                " for one mode network effects of type eval or for RateX.")
+        effects$timeDummy[!implemented] <- ","
 	if (all(effects$timeDummy==',') )
@@ -505,6 +587,7 @@
+## 	One mode, eval effects, or RateX effects:
 		alreadyDummied <- grep("isDummy", effects$timeDummy)
 		effects$timeDummy[effects$timeDummy=="all"]  <-
             paste(2:(data$observations-1), collapse = ",")
@@ -515,8 +598,9 @@
 ## all of the previous dummied effects within the column.
 			effects <- effects[-alreadyDummied, ]
-		dummiedEffects <- effects$effectNumber[effects$timeDummy != ',']
+		dummiedEffects <- effects$effectNumber[effects$timeDummy != ',' & (effects$type=='eval' | effects$shortName=='RateX')]
 		covToAdd <- NULL
+		rateCovToAdd <- NULL
 		dummyCombos <- list()
 ## This might need to be changed for sienaGroup:
@@ -543,9 +627,49 @@
 			if (length(tmp) > 0)
-				dummyCombos[[ctr]]=list(effectNumber=i, periods=tmp)
-				ctr=ctr + 1
-				covToAdd <- unique(c(covToAdd, tmp))
+				if (effects$type[effects$effectNumber==i]=='eval') {
+					dummyCombos[[ctr]]=list(effectNumber=i, periods=tmp)
+					ctr=ctr + 1
+					covToAdd <- unique(c(covToAdd, tmp))
+				} else if (effects$shortName[effects$effectNumber==i]=='RateX') {
+					## RateX effect, has to be dealt with differently. Just add them now:
+					for (p in tmp) {
+						dname <- paste(effects$interaction1[effects$effectNumber==i],
+								"Dummy",p,sep="")
+						base <- matrix(0,nact,nper-1)
+						## Figure out the base values:
+						dvind <- which(names(data$cCovars) ==
+							effects$interaction1[effects$effectNumber==i])
+						## Stick them into the right time spot
+						base[,p] <- data$cCovars[[dvind]]
+						## make a new varCovar:
+						base <- varCovar(base)
+						base <- addAttributes.varCovar(base, name=dname)
+						data$vCovars[[length(data$vCovars)+1]] <- base
+						names(data$vCovars)[length(data$vCovars)] <- dname
+						## Now add the rate term:
+						tmprow <- allEffects[allEffects$functionName==
+										'Amount of change x xxxxxx' & allEffects$type=='rate'
+										& allEffects$effectGroup=='covarNonSymmetricRate', ]
+						tmprow$name <- effects$name[effects$shortName=='RateX' &
+										effects$type=='rate'][1]
+						tmprow$effectFn <- 'NULL'
+						tmprow$statisticFn <- 'NULL'
+						tmprow$netType <- 'oneMode'
+						tmprow$groupName <- 'Group1'
+						tmprow$group <- 1
+						tmprow$fix <- FALSE
+						tmprow$include <- TRUE
+						tmprow$effectNumber <- max(effects$effectNumber) + 1
+						tmprow <- tmprow[, colnames(effects)]
+						tmprow$effectName <- gsub('xxxxxx', dname, tmprow$effectName)
+						tmprow$functionName <- gsub('xxxxxx', dname, tmprow$functionName)
+						tmprow$interaction1 <- dname
+						tmprow$timeDummy <- paste('isDummy', p, i, sep=',')
+						rownames(tmprow) <- dname
+						effects <- rbind(effects, tmprow)
+					}
+				}
 ## Add the required covariate effects to the effect objects
@@ -583,10 +707,10 @@
 			rownames(tmprow) <- dname
 			effects <- rbind(effects, tmprow)
-		for (i in 1:length(dummyCombos))
+		for (i in seq(along=dummyCombos))
-			for (j in 1:length(dummyCombos[[i]]$periods))
+			for (j in seq(along=dummyCombos[[i]]$periods))
 				dname <- paste("Dummy", dummyCombos[[i]]$periods[j], sep="")
 				dummyNum <- effects$effectNumber[rownames(effects)==dname]
@@ -626,4 +750,39 @@
 		list(effects=effects, data=data)
+##@includeTimeDummy DataCreate
+includeTimeDummy <- function(myeff, ..., timeDummy="all", name=myeff$name[1],
+		type="eval", interaction1="", interaction2="", include=TRUE,
+		character=FALSE)
+	if (character)
+	{
+		dots <- sapply(list(...), function(x)x)
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		dots <- substitute(list(...))[-1] ##first entry is the word 'list'
+	}
+	if (length(dots) == 0)
+	{
+		stop("need some effect short names")
+	}
+	if (!character)
+	{
+		effectNames <- sapply(dots, function(x)deparse(x))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		effectNames <- dots
+	}
+	use <- myeff$shortName %in% effectNames &
+			myeff$type==type &
+			myeff$name==name &
+			myeff$interaction1 == interaction1 &
+			myeff$interaction2 == interaction2
+	myeff[use, "timeDummy"] <- timeDummy
+    myeff[use, "include"] <- include
+    print.data.frame(myeff[use,])
+	myeff

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaeffects.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaeffects.r	2010-06-04 13:27:18 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaeffects.r	2010-06-04 14:12:27 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -75,17 +75,20 @@
         shortNames <- dots
-    ## check that we have a spare row
-    ints <- myeff[myeff$name == name & myeff$shortName  %in%
-                  c("unspInt", "behUnspInt") &
-                  (is.na(myeff$effect1) | myeff$effect1 == 0)&
-                  myeff$type == type, ]
-    if (nrow(ints) == 0)
+    ## if want to include, check that we have a spare row
+    if (include)
-        stop("No more interactions available:",
-             "recreate the effects object requesting more interactions")
+        ints <- myeff[myeff$name == name & myeff$shortName  %in%
+                      c("unspInt", "behUnspInt") &
+                      (is.na(myeff$effect1) | myeff$effect1 == 0)&
+                      myeff$type == type, ]
+        if (nrow(ints) == 0)
+        {
+            stop("No more interactions available:",
+                 "recreate the effects object requesting more interactions")
+        }
+        ints <- ints[1, ]
-    ints <- ints[1, ]
     ## find the first underlying effect
     shortName <- shortNames[1]
     interact1 <- interaction1[1]
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@
         stop("Second effect not unique")
     effect2 <- myeff[use, "effectNumber"]
-     ## find the third underlying effect, if any
+    ## find the third underlying effect, if any
     if (length(shortNames) > 2)
@@ -148,11 +151,22 @@
         effect3 <- 0
-    intn <- myeff$effectNumber == ints$effectNumber
-    myeff[intn, "include"] <- include
-    myeff[intn, c("effect1", "effect2", "effect3")] <-
-        c(effect1, effect2, effect3)
+    if (include)
+    {
+        intn <- myeff$effectNumber == ints$effectNumber
+        myeff[intn, "include"] <- include
+        myeff[intn, c("effect1", "effect2", "effect3")] <-
+            c(effect1, effect2, effect3)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        intn <- (myeff$effect1 == effect1) & (myeff$effect2 == effect2)
+        if (effect3 > 0)
+        {
+            intn <- intn & (myeff$effect3 == effect3)
+        }
+        myeff[intn, "include"] <- FALSE
+    }
     print.data.frame(myeff[intn, c("name", "shortName", "type", "interaction1",
                      "interaction2", "include", "effect1", "effect2",
@@ -162,6 +176,7 @@
 ##@setEffect DataCreate
 setEffect <- function(myeff, shortName, parameter=0,
                       fix=FALSE, test=FALSE, initialValue=0,
+                      timeDummy=",",
                       include=TRUE, name=myeff$name[1],
                       type="eval", interaction1="", interaction2="",
@@ -188,8 +203,9 @@
     myeff[use, "fix"] <- fix
     myeff[use, "test"] <- test
     myeff[use, "initialValue"] <- initialValue
+    myeff[use, "timeDummy"] <- timeDummy
     print.data.frame(myeff[use, c("name", "shortName", "type", "interaction1",
                        "interaction2", "include", "parm", "fix", "test",
-                       "initialValue")])
+                       "initialValue", "timeDummy")])

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaprint.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaprint.r	2010-06-04 13:27:18 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaprint.r	2010-06-04 14:12:27 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@
                    for (j in 1:length(addtorow$command))
-                       ii <- grep(i-1, addtorow$pos[[j]])
-                       if (length(ii))
-                           if (i == 1 | addtorow$command[j] == 'Network Dynamics')
+                       ii <- match(i-1, addtorow$pos[[j]])
+                       if (!is.na(ii))
+                           if (i == 2 | addtorow$command[j] == 'Network Dynamics')
                                cat( addtorow$command[j], '\n')
                                cat('\n', addtorow$command[j], '\n', sep='')
@@ -208,8 +208,16 @@
 ##@sienaFitThetaTable Miscellaneous
 sienaFitThetaTable <- function(x, tstat=FALSE)
+    effects <- x$requestedEffects
     pp <- x$pp
-    nrates <- length(x$rate)
+    if (x$cconditional)
+    {
+        nrates <- length(x$rate)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nrates <- 0
+    }
     pp <- pp + nrates
     ## mydf stores the data before formatting
     mydf <- data.frame(dummy=rep(" ", pp),
@@ -285,7 +293,7 @@
     if (nBehavs > 0)
-        behEffects <- x$effects[x$effects$netType == 'behavior',]
+        behEffects <- effects[effects$netType == 'behavior',]
         behNames <- unique(behEffects$name)
     if (nBehavs > 1)
@@ -295,12 +303,12 @@
                                        '> ', behEffects$effectName,
-        x$effects$effectName[x$effects$netType=='behavior'] <-
+        effects$effectName[effects$netType=='behavior'] <-
     mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'row'] <-  1:x$pp
-    mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'type' ] <- x$effects$type
-    mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'text' ] <- x$effects$effectName
+    mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'type' ] <- effects$type
+    mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'text' ] <- effects$effectName
     mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'value' ] <- theta
     mydf[nrates + (1:x$pp), 'se' ] <- ses
     if (!is.null(x$tstat))
@@ -311,7 +319,7 @@
     if (nBehavs > 0 && nOneModes > 0)
-        nOneModeEff <- nrow(x$effects) - nrow(behEffects)
+        nOneModeEff <- nrow(effects) - nrow(behEffects)
         addtorow$command[addsub] <-
             'Behavior Dynamics'
         addtorow$pos[[addsub]] <- nrates + 2 + nOneModeEff

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/simstatsc.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/simstatsc.r	2010-06-04 13:27:18 UTC (rev 95)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/simstatsc.r	2010-06-04 14:12:27 UTC (rev 96)
@@ -679,6 +679,20 @@
     networks <- vector('list', observations)
     actorSet <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
     compActorSets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x)attr(x, "nodeSet"))
+    thisComp <- match(actorSet, compActorSets)
+    compChange <- any(!is.na(thisComp))
+    if (compChange)
+    {
+        stop("Composition change is not yet implemented for bipartite",
+             "networks")
+        action <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "action")
+        ccOption <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "ccOption")
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ccOption <- 0
+        action <- matrix(0, nrow=attr(depvar, "netdims")[1], ncol=observations)
+    }
     sparse <- attr(depvar, 'sparse')
     if (sparse)
@@ -700,23 +714,20 @@
             ## extract missing entries
             netmiss[[i]] <- netmat[is.na(netmat[,3]), , drop = FALSE]
-            netmiss[[i]] <-
-                netmiss[[i]][netmiss[[i]][, 1] != netmiss[[i]][, 2], ,
-                             drop=FALSE]
             ## carry forward missing values if any
-            for (j in seq(along=netmiss[[i]][,1]))
+            if (i == 1) # set missings to zero
-                if (i == 1) # set missings to zero
-                {
-                    networks[[i]][netmiss[[i]][j, 1],
-                                  netmiss[[i]][j, 2]] <- 0
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    networks[[i]][netmiss[[i]][j, 1], netmiss[[i]][j, 2]] <-
-                        networks[[i-1]][netmiss[[i]][j, 1], netmiss[[i]][j, 2]]
-                }
+                netmat <- netmat[!is.na(netmat[,3]), ]
+                networks[[i]] <- spMatrix(nActors, nActors, netmat[, 1],
+                                          netmat[, 2], netmat[,3])
+            else
+            {
+                netmiss1 <- netmiss[[i]][, 1:2]
+                storage.mode(netmiss1) <- 'integer'
+                networks[[i]][netmiss1[, 1:2]] <-
+                    networks[[i-1]][netmiss1[, 1:2]]
+            }
         for (i in 1:observations)
@@ -753,8 +764,6 @@
                 x2[x2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
                 mymat1 at x <- x1
                 mymat2 at x <- x2
-                diag(mymat1) <- 0
-                diag(mymat2) <- 0
                 mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 96

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