[Rsiena-commits] r79 - in pkg: RSiena RSiena/R RSiena/data RSiena/inst/doc RSiena/man RSienaTest RSienaTest/R RSienaTest/data RSienaTest/doc RSienaTest/inst/doc RSienaTest/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Apr 13 18:57:04 CEST 2010

Author: ripleyrm
Date: 2010-04-13 18:57:01 +0200 (Tue, 13 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 79

New function sienatimetest

Modified: pkg/RSiena/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/RSiena/NAMESPACE	2010-04-12 19:48:16 UTC (rev 78)
+++ pkg/RSiena/NAMESPACE	2010-04-13 16:57:01 UTC (rev 79)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 sienaGroupCreate,  sienaModelCreate, sienaNet, sienaNodeSet, #simstats0c,
        varCovar, varDyadCovar, setEffect, includeEffects, includeInteraction,
        effectsDocumentation, sienaDataConstraint, #maxlikefn,
-       installGui, siena08, iwlsm)#, sienaTimeTest)
+       installGui, siena08, iwlsm, sienaTimeTest)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 S3method(addAttributes, varCovar)
 S3method(addAttributes, coDyadCovar)
 S3method(addAttributes, varDyadCovar)
-#S3method(print, sienaTimeTest)
-#S3method(summary, sienaTimeTest)
-#S3method(print, summary.sienaTimeTest)
-#S3method(plot, sienaTimeTest)
+S3method(print, sienaTimeTest)
+S3method(summary, sienaTimeTest)
+S3method(print, summary.sienaTimeTest)
+S3method(plot, sienaTimeTest)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/siena01.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/siena01.r	2010-04-12 19:48:16 UTC (rev 78)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/siena01.r	2010-04-13 16:57:01 UTC (rev 79)
@@ -508,9 +508,13 @@
                                effect2=rep(0, nrow(myeff)),
+             if (is.null(myeffcopy$timeDummy))
+            {
+                myeffcopy$timeDummy <- rep(",", nrow(myeff))
+            }
             editCols <- c("name", "effectName", "type", "include", "fix",
                           "test", "initialValue", "parm", "effectNumber",
-                          "effect1", "effect2", "effect3")
+                          "effect1", "effect2", "effect3", "timeDummy")
             effEdit <- myeffcopy[, editCols]
             for (i in c("include", "fix", "test"))
@@ -576,10 +580,27 @@
                     ## correspond to the conditional variable
                     if (!is.null(estimAns$rate))
+                        efflist <- apply(myeff[myeff$include, ], 1, function(x)
+                                         paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
+                                                   "type", "groupName",
+                                                   "interaction1",
+                                                   "interaction2", "period")],
+                                               collapse="|"))
+                        condeff <- attr(estimAns$f, "condEffects")
+                        condeff$initialValue <- estimAns$rate
+                        estimAns$effects$initialValue <- estimAns$theta
+                        neweff <- rbind(estimAns$effects, condeff)
+                        newlist <- apply(neweff, 1, function(x)
+                                         paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
+                                                   "type", "groupName",
+                                                   "interaction1",
+                                                   "interaction2", "period")],
+                                               collapse="|"))
                         use <- which(myeff$include)
                         initValues <- rep(0, length(use))
-                        initValues[estimAns$condvar] <- estimAns$rate
-                        initValues[-estimAns$condvar] <- estimAns$theta
+                        initValues <- neweff$initialValue[match(efflist,
+                                                                newlist)]
                         myeff$initialValue[myeff$include] <<- initValues
@@ -587,7 +608,21 @@
                     if (!estimAns$termination == "UserInterrupt")
-                        myeff$initialValue[myeff$include] <<- estimAns$theta
+                        efflist <- apply(myeff[myeff$include, ], 1, function(x)
+                                         paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
+                                                   "type", "groupName",
+                                                   "interaction1",
+                                                   "interaction2", "period")],
+                                               collapse="|"))
+                        newlist <- apply(estimAns$effects, 1, function(x)
+                                         paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
+                                                   "type", "groupName",
+                                                   "interaction1",
+                                                   "interaction2", "period")],
+                                               collapse="|"))
+                        subs <- match(efflist, newlist)
+                        myeff$initialValue[myeff$include] <<-
+                            estimAns$theta[subs]
                 wasopen <- FALSE
@@ -665,9 +700,20 @@
         ##@showFn internal siena01Gui
         showFn <- function()
+            if (is.null(myeff$effectNumber))
+            {
+                myeff <- cbind(effectNumber=1:nrow(myeff), myeff,
+                                   effect1=rep(0, nrow(myeff)),
+                                   effect2=rep(0, nrow(myeff)),
+                                   effect3=rep(0,nrow(myeff)))
+            }
+            if (is.null(myeff$timeDummy))
+            {
+                myeff$timeDummy <- rep(",", nrow(myeff))
+            }
             editCols <- c("name", "effectName", "type", "include", "fix",
                           "test", "initialValue", "parm", "effectNumber",
-                          "effect1", "effect2", "effect3")
+                          "effect1", "effect2", "effect3", "timeDummy")
             effEdit <- myeff[myeff$include, editCols]
             for (i in c("include", "fix", "test"))

Added: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r	2010-04-13 16:57:01 UTC (rev 79)
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+## * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
+## *
+## * Web: http://stat.gamma.rug.nl/siena.html
+## *
+## * File: sienaTimeTest.r
+## *
+## * Description: This file contains the sienaTimeTest code for testing the
+## * significance of additional time dummies interacted with effects, and
+## * sienaTimeFix, which is called to set up time dummy interacted effects.
+## ****************************************************************************/
+##@sienaTimeTest siena07 Does test for time homogeneity of effects
+sienaTimeTest <- function (sienaFit)
+	observations <- sienaFit$f$observations
+	if (observations <=2)
+	{
+		stop("You must have at least three time periods to test
+			 for non-heterogeneity across time.")
+	}
+## Find out which dummies have already been included in the model:
+	indRateEffects <- which(sienaFit$effects$shortName=="Rate")
+	indDummiedEffects <- grep("Dummy", sienaFit$effects$effectName)
+	indBaseEffects <- setdiff(1:nrow(sienaFit$effects), c(indRateEffects,
+														  indDummiedEffects))
+	toTest <- array(TRUE, dim=c(length(indBaseEffects),
+								sienaFit$f$observations - 2))
+	dummyByEffect <- array(0, dim=c(length(indBaseEffects),
+									sienaFit$f$observations - 2))
+	rownames(toTest) <- sienaFit$effects$effectNumber[indBaseEffects]
+	colnames(toTest) <- 2:(sienaFit$f$observations - 1)
+	dimnames(dummyByEffect) <- dimnames(toTest)
+## Must be able to screen out DummyX ego effects that are fixed:
+	dscreen <- which(sienaFit$effects$shortName=='egoX' & sienaFit$effects$fix
+					 & length(grep("Dummy", sienaFit$effects$effectName)) > 0)
+	if (length(dscreen)==0)
+	{
+		dscreen <- 99999
+	}
+	for (i in sienaFit$effects$effectNumber[sienaFit$effects$timeDummy != ',']){
+		tmp <- toString(sienaFit$effects$timeDummy[
+					   sienaFit$effects$effectNumber == i])
+		tmp <- strsplit(tmp, split=",", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
+		if (length(which(!tmp == '')) > 0)
+		{
+			if (tmp[1]=='isDummy' & !(i %in% sienaFit$effects$
+									  effectNumber[dscreen]))
+			{
+				toTest[rownames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[3]),
+				colnames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[2])] <- FALSE
+				dummyByEffect[rownames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[3]),
+				colnames(toTest)==as.numeric(tmp[2])]  <-
+				which(sienaFit$effects$effectNumber[-dscreen]==i)
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			next
+		}
+	}
+	nEffects <- length(indBaseEffects) + sum(!toTest)
+	nSims <- sienaFit$n3
+	nameslist <- list(
+					Iteration=paste("it", 1:nSims, sep=""),
+					Wave=paste("Wave", 1:(observations - 1), sep=""),
+					Effect=sienaFit$effects$effectName
+					)
+	nDummies <- sum(toTest)
+	nTotalEffects <- nDummies + nEffects
+	obsStats <- t(sienaFit$targets2[-dscreen, ])
+	moment <- sienaFit$sf2[, , -dscreen] - rep(obsStats, each=nSims)
+	dummyNames <- rep("", nDummies)
+	G <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, observations - 1, nEffects + nDummies))
+	G[, , 1:nEffects] <- moment
+	inc <- nEffects
+	for (i in 1:nrow(toTest))
+	{
+		for (j in 1:ncol(toTest))
+		{
+			if (toTest[i, j])
+			{
+				inc <- inc + 1
+				G[, j + 1, inc] <- moment[, j + 1, i]
+				dummyNames[inc-nEffects] <- paste("(*)Dummy", j + 1, ":",
+												  nameslist$Effect[i], sep="")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	dimnames(G) <- list(nameslist$Iteration, nameslist$Wave,
+						c(nameslist$Effect[-dscreen], dummyNames))
+	sigma <- cov(apply(G, c(1, 3), sum))
+	SF <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, observations - 1, nEffects + nDummies))
+	SF[, , 1:nEffects] <- sienaFit$ssc[ , , -dscreen]
+	inc <- nEffects
+## Add any dummies that have been previously estimated:
+	dummyProps <- list()
+	for (i in 1:nrow(toTest))
+	{
+		for (j in 1:ncol(toTest))
+		{
+			if (toTest[i, j])
+			{
+				inc <- inc + 1
+				SF[, j + 1, inc] <- sienaFit$ssc[, j + 1, i]
+				dummyNames[inc-nEffects] <- paste("(*)Dummy", j + 1, ":",
+												  nameslist$Effect[i], sep="")
+				dummyByEffect[i, j]=inc
+				dummyProps$shortName[inc] <- sienaFit$effects$shortName[i]
+				dummyProps$type[inc] <- sienaFit$effects$type[i]
+				dummyProps$period[inc] <- j + 1
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	dimnames(SF) <- list(nameslist$Iteration, nameslist$Wave,
+						 c(nameslist$Effect[-dscreen], dummyNames))
+	D <- derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations(SF, G)
+	fra <- apply(G, 3, sum) / nSims
+	doTests <- c(rep(FALSE, nEffects), rep(TRUE, nDummies))
+	jointTest <- ScoreTest(nTotalEffects, D, sigma, fra, doTests, maxlike=FALSE)
+	jointTestP <- 1 - pchisq(jointTest$testresOverall, nDummies)
+	individualTest <- jointTest$testresulto[1:nDummies]
+	individualTestP <- 2 * (1-pnorm(abs(individualTest))[1:nDummies])
+	rownames(jointTestP) <- c("Joint Significant Test")
+	colnames(jointTestP) <- c("p-Val")
+	thetaOneStep <- c(sienaFit$theta[-dscreen], rep(0, nDummies)) +
+	jointTest$oneStep
+	effectTest <- sapply(1:length(indBaseEffects), function (i)
+					{
+						 doTests <- rep(FALSE, nEffects + nDummies)
+						 tmp <- which(dummyProps$shortName ==
+									  sienaFit$effects$shortName[i])
+						 if (length(tmp) > 0)
+						 {
+							doTests[tmp] <- TRUE
+							test <- ScoreTest(nTotalEffects, D, sigma, fra,
+										   doTests, FALSE)
+							test$testresOverall
+						 }
+						 else
+						 {
+							NA
+						 }
+					})
+	dim(effectTest) <- c(length(indBaseEffects), 1)
+	effectTestP <- round(1 - pchisq(effectTest, apply(toTest, 1, sum)), 5)
+	rownames(effectTestP) <- nameslist$Effect[indBaseEffects]
+	colnames(effectTestP) <- c("p-Val")
+	thetaStar <- cbind(c(sienaFit$theta[-dscreen], rep(0, nDummies)),
+					   thetaOneStep,
+					   round(c(2-2 * pnorm(abs(sienaFit$theta[-dscreen]/
+											 sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta)[-dscreen]))),
+							   individualTestP), 5))
+	colnames(thetaStar) <- c("Initial Est.", "One Step Est.", "p-Value")
+	rownames(thetaStar) <- dimnames(SF)[[3]]
+	returnObj <- list(
+					  JointTest=jointTestP,
+					  EffectTest=effectTestP,
+					  IndividualTest=thetaStar,
+					  JointTestStatistics=jointTest,
+					  EffectTestStatistics=effectTest,
+					  IndividualTestStatistics=individualTest,
+					  CovDummyEst=jointTest$covMatrix,
+					  Moments=G,
+					  NonRateIndices=indBaseEffects,
+					  Waves=dim(G)[2],
+					  Sims=dim(G)[1],
+					  Effects=dim(G)[3],
+					  DummyIndexByEffect=dummyByEffect,
+					  DummyStdErr=sqrt(diag(jointTest$covMatrix)),
+					  OriginalEffects=nEffects,
+					  OriginalThetaStderr=sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta))[-dscreen],
+					  SienaFit=sienaFit,
+					  DummyProps=dummyProps,
+					  ToTest=toTest
+					  )
+	class(returnObj) <- "sienaTimeTest"
+	returnObj
+summary.sienaTimeTest <- function(object, ...)
+	if (!inherits(object, "sienaTimeTest"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate Siena time test object")
+	}
+	class(object) <- c("summary.sienaTimeTest", class(object))
+	object
+print.summary.sienaTimeTest <- function(x, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "summary.sienaTimeTest"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate Siena time test summary object")
+	}
+	print.sienaTimeTest(x)
+## Additional output to the print will go in here:
+	cat("\nIndividual significance tests and one-step estimators:\n")
+	print(x$IndividualTest)
+	cat("\nParameter-wise joint significance tests (i.e. each
+		parameter across all dummies):\n")
+	print(x$EffectTest)
+	if (x$Waves <=2)
+	{
+		cat("\n\nNote that these parameter-wise tests have a different
+			form than the individual tests, thus testing with 3 observations
+			may yield different individual and parameter-wise values.\n\n")
+	}
+	tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(rownames(x$IndividualTest)), ") ",
+				 rownames(x$IndividualTest), "\n", sep="")
+	cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting the pairwise moment
+		correlations:\n", tmp)
+	tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(x$NonRateIndices), ") ",
+				 rownames(x$IndividualTest)[x$NonRateIndices], "\n", sep="")
+	cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting the effect-wise
+		fitted parameters:\n", tmp)
+	effectNames <- rownames(x$IndividualTest)
+	dummies <- grepl("Dummy", effectNames)
+	dummyIndex <- paste(" (", 1:sum(dummies), ") ", effectNames[dummies],
+						"\n", sep="")
+	cat("\nIf you would like to fit time dummies to your model, use the
+		following indices:\n", dummyIndex)
+	cat("\nType \"?sienaTimeTest\" for more information on this output.\n")
+	invisible(x)
+print.sienaTimeTest <- function(x, ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "sienaTimeTest"))
+	{
+		stop("not a legitimate Siena time test object")
+	}
+	effectNames <- rownames(x$IndividualTest)
+	dummies <- grepl("Dummy", effectNames)
+	dummyIndex <- paste(" (", 1:sum(dummies), ") ", effectNames[dummies],
+						"\n", sep="")
+	cat("Joint significance test of the dummy parameters:\np-Val = ",
+		x$JointTest,
+		", \nWhere H0: The following parameters are zero:\n",
+		dummyIndex
+		)
+	invisible(x)
+plot.sienaTimeTest <- function(x, pairwise=FALSE, effects=1:2,
+	dims=c(2, 1), scale=.2, plevels=c(.1, .5, .025),
+	multiplot=FALSE, ...)
+	require(lattice)
+	timetest <- x
+	if (pairwise)
+	{
+## On a "pairwise" call, print a pairwise plot of moments
+		if (length(intersect(effects, 1:timetest$OriginalEffects))!=
+			length(effects))
+		{
+			cat("Detected an error with the effects included. For a
+				parameter-plot, use the following indices:")
+			tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(rownames(timetest$IndividualTest)),
+						 ") ", rownames(timetest$IndividualTest), "\n", sep="")
+			cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting the pairwise
+				moment correlations:\n", tmp)
+			stop(" ")
+		}
+		if (length(effects)==0)
+		{
+			x <- timetest$Moments
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if (class(effects)!="integer")
+			{
+				stop("Effects is not a vector of integers.")
+			}
+			x <- timetest$Moments[, , effects]
+		}
+		panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor, ...)
+		{
+			usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
+			par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
+			r <- abs(cor(x, y))
+			txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1]
+			txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep="")
+			if(missing(cex.cor)) cex.cor <- 0.8 / strwidth(txt)
+			text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex.cor * r)
+		}
+		pairs(apply(x, c(1, 3), sum),
+			  lower.panel=panel.smooth,
+			  upper.panel=panel.cor,
+			  pch=5, ...)
+	}
+	else
+	{
+## Otherwise, make the parameter plots:
+		if (length(intersect(effects, 1:1:nrow(x$ToTest)))!=length(effects))
+		{
+			cat("Detected an error with the effects included. For a parameter
+				-plot, use the following indices:")
+			tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(timetest$NonRateIndices), ") ",
+						 rownames(timetest$IndividualTest)
+						 [timetest$NonRateIndices], "\n", sep="")
+			cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting the effect-wise
+				fitted parameters:\n", tmp)
+			stop(" ")
+		}
+		if (multiplot)
+		{
+			dims=c(1,1)
+			nplots=length(effects)
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		nplots=(dims[1] * dims[2])
+		}
+		if (length(effects) > nplots)
+		{
+			stop("You have included space for ", nplots, " plots, but have
+				 requested ",
+				 length(effects), " effects to be plotted. Use dims=c(x, y).")
+		}
+		xaxis <- 1:timetest$Waves
+		if (length(effects)==1)
+		{
+			yaxis <- timetest$IndividualTest[as.vector(c(effects,
+														 timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ])), 2]
+			dim(yaxis) <- c(1, timetest$Waves)
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			yaxis <- timetest$IndividualTest[as.vector(t(cbind(effects,
+															   timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ]))), 2]
+			yaxis <- matrix(yaxis, nrow=length(effects), ncol=timetest$Waves,
+							byrow=TRUE)
+		}
+		rownames(yaxis) <- rownames(timetest$IndividualTest)[effects]
+		colnames(yaxis) <- 1:timetest$Waves
+		vals <- yaxis
+		basevals <- array(yaxis[, 1], dim=dim(yaxis))
+		basevals[, 1] <- 0
+		yaxis <- yaxis + basevals
+		pvals <- timetest$IndividualTest[c(effects, as.vector(
+															  t(timetest$DummyIndexByEffect[effects, ]))), 3]
+		dummysd <- abs(c(vals / qnorm(1 - pvals / 2)))
+		dummysd[effects] <- timetest$OriginalThetaStderr[effects]
+		dim(dummysd) <- c(length(effects), timetest$Waves)
+		dim(pvals) <- dim(dummysd)
+		dim(vals) <- dim(dummysd)
+		rownames(dummysd) <- rownames(timetest$IndividualTest)[effects]
+		colnames(dummysd) <- 1:timetest$Waves
+##Function to print a panel:
+		makeplot <- function (i)
+		{
+			ymin=min(yaxis[i, ] - scale * abs(yaxis[i, ]))
+			ymax=max(yaxis[i, ] + scale * abs(yaxis[i, ]))
+			xyplot(yaxis[i, ] ~ xaxis,
+				   type = "p", main = rownames(timetest$IndividualTest)
+				   [timetest$NonRateIndices[effects[i]]],
+				   sub=paste("p=", timetest$EffectTest[effects[i]]), bty="n",
+				   xlab="Wave", ylab="Parameter Value", auto.key=TRUE,
+				   ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xlim=c(0, length(xaxis) + 1),
+				   panel=function(x, y){
+                       for (j in 1:length(x))
+                       {
+                           if ( c(FALSE, timetest$ToTest[effects[i], ])[j] )
+                           {
+                               tmp="red"
+                           }
+                           else
+                           {
+                               tmp="gray"
+                           }
+                           l <- yaxis[i, j] - abs(qnorm(plevels[1]  /  2,
+                                                        sd=dummysd[i, j]))
+                           u <- yaxis[i, j] + abs(qnorm(plevels[1] / 2,
+                                                        sd=dummysd[i, j]))
+                           panel.xyplot(c(x[j], x[j]), c(l, u), reference=TRUE,
+                                        col=tmp, alpha=.50,
+                                        type="l", lend=1, lwd=10)
+                           panel.xyplot(c(x[j], x[j]), c(l, u), reference=TRUE,
+                                        col=tmp, alpha=.75,
+                                        type="p", pch=45, cex=3)
+                           l <- yaxis[i, j] - abs(qnorm(plevels[2] / 2,
+                                                        sd=dummysd[i, j]))
+                           u <- yaxis[i, j] + abs(qnorm(plevels[2] / 2,
+                                                        sd=dummysd[i, j]))
+                           panel.xyplot(c(x[j], x[j]), c(l, u), reference=TRUE,
+                                        col=tmp, alpha=.50,
+                                        type="l", lend=1, lwd=10)
+                           panel.xyplot(c(x[j], x[j]), c(l, u), reference=TRUE,
+                                        col=tmp, alpha=.75,
+                                        type="p", pch=45, cex=3)
+                           l <- yaxis[i, j] - abs(qnorm(plevels[3] / 2,
+                                                        sd=dummysd[i, j]))
+                           u <- yaxis[i, j] + abs(qnorm(plevels[3] / 2,
+                                                        sd=dummysd[i, j]))
+                           panel.xyplot(c(x[j], x[j]), c(l, u), reference=TRUE,
+                                        col=tmp, alpha=.25,
+                                        type="l", lend=1, lwd=10)
+                       }
+                       panel.xyplot(x, y, type="s", reference=TRUE,
+                                    col="black", alpha=.75, pch=2)
+                       panel.xyplot(x, y, type="p", reference=TRUE, pch=20,
+                                    col=1)
+                       panel.abline(a=timetest$IndividualTest[effects[i], 1],
+                                    reference=TRUE,
+                                    col="black", lwd=2, alpha=.75)
+				   }, ...)
+		}
+		if (length(effects) > 1 & !multiplot)
+		{
+            print(makeplot(1), newpage=TRUE, more=TRUE, split=c(1, 1, dims[1],
+                                                        dims[2]))
+			if(dims[1] > dims[2])
+			{
+				col=1
+				row=2
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				row=1
+				col=2
+			}
+			if (length(effects) > 2)
+			{
+				for (i in 2:(length(effects)-1))
+				{
+					print(makeplot(i), more=TRUE, split=c(row, col, dims[1],
+														  dims[2]))
+					col <- col + 1
+					if(col > dims[2])
+					{
+						col=1
+						row <- row + 1
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			print(makeplot(length(effects)), split=c(row, col, dims[1],
+                                             dims[2]))
+		}
+		else if (length(effects) > 1 & multiplot)
+		{
+			for (i in 1:(length(effects)))
+			{
+				dev.new()
+				print(makeplot(i), newpage=TRUE, more=FALSE,
+                      split=c(1, 1, 1, 1))
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			print(makeplot(1), newpage=TRUE, more=FALSE, split=c(1, 1, 1, 1))
+		}
+	}
+##@sienaTimeFix siena07 Adds time dummy terms to the effects object
+sienaTimeFix <- function(effects, data)
+    if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
+    {
+        warning("Time dummy not implemented for multi-group projects")
+        effects$timeDummy <- ","
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        observations <- data$observations - 1
+        if (observations < 2 && any(effects$timeDummy != ","))
+        {
+            warning("Time dummies not relevant with only 2 periods")
+            effects$timeDummy <- ","
+        }
+    }
+    use <- effects$name == effects$name[1]
+    if (any(effects$timeDummy[!use] != ","))
+    {
+        warning("Time dummy only implemented for first dependent variable")
+        effects$timeDummy[!use] <- ","
+    }
+    if (length(unique(effects$groupName)) > 1)
+    {
+        warning("Time dummy not implemented for multi-group projects")
+        effects$timeDummy <- ","
+    }
+    covar <- effects$interaction1 != ""
+    if (any(effects$timeDummy[covar] != ","))
+    {
+        warning("Time dummy not implemented for covariate effects")
+        effects$timeDummy[covar] <- ","
+    }
+    eval <- effects$type =="eval"
+	if (any(effects$timeDummy[!eval] !=','))
+	{
+		warning("Time dummy effects are only implemented",
+                " for one mode network effects of type eval.")
+        effects$timeDummy[!eval] <- ","
+	}
+	if (all(effects$timeDummy==',') )
+	{
+##		No time dummy interactions to add, so kick the inputs back.
+		return(list (effects=effects, data=data))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		alreadyDummied <- grep("isDummy", effects$timeDummy)
+		effects$timeDummy[effects$timeDummy=="all"]  <-
+            paste(2:(data$observations-1), collapse = ",")
+		if (length(alreadyDummied)  >  0)
+		{
+## Just remove those effects that have already been dummied so as to
+## not messy things up. The assumption is that the user will retain
+## all of the previous dummied effects within the column.
+			effects <- effects[-alreadyDummied, ]
+		}
+		dummiedEffects <- effects$effectNumber[effects$timeDummy != ',']
+		covToAdd <- NULL
+		dummyCombos <- list()
+		ctr=1
+## This might need to be changed for sienaGroup:
+		nact=dim(data$depvars[[1]])[1]
+		nper=dim(data$depvars[[1]])[3]
+		for (i in dummiedEffects)
+		{
+## Get the time periods that we want dummied for effect i:
+			tmp <- toString(effects$timeDummy[effects$effectNumber == i])
+			tmp <- strsplit(tmp, split=",", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
+			if (length(which(!tmp == '')) > 0)
+			{
+				tmp=as.numeric(tmp)
+				tmp=tmp[tmp > 1 & tmp  <  nper]
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				next
+			}
+			if (length(which(!is.numeric(tmp))) > 0)
+			{
+				stop("Invalid input for time dummy column of effects object:", tmp)
+			}
+			if (length(tmp) > 0)
+			{
+				dummyCombos[[ctr]]=list(effectNumber=i, periods=tmp)
+				ctr=ctr + 1
+				covToAdd <- unique(c(covToAdd, tmp))
+			}
+		}
+## Add the required covariate effects to the effect objects
+		ctr <- length(data$vCovars) + 1
+		for (i in covToAdd)
+		{
+			dname <- paste("Dummy", i, sep='')
+			tmp <- array(0, c(nact, nper-1))
+			tmp[, i]=1
+			tmp <- varCovar(tmp)
+			tmp <- addAttributes.varCovar(tmp, name=dname)
+			data$vCovars[[ctr]] <- tmp
+			names(data$vCovars)[ctr] <- dname
+			ctr <- ctr + 1
+			tmprow <- allEffects[allEffects$functionName==
+			'Sum of outdegrees x xxxxxx' & allEffects$type=='eval'
+			& allEffects$effectGroup=='covarNonSymmetricObjective', ]
+			tmprow$name <- effects$name[effects$shortName=='density' &
+			effects$type=='eval'][1]
+			tmprow$effectFn <- 'NULL'
+			tmprow$statisticFn <- 'NULL'
+			tmprow$netType <- 'oneMode'
+			tmprow$groupName <- 'Group1'
+			tmprow$group <- 1
+			tmprow$fix <- TRUE
+			tmprow$include <- TRUE
+			tmprow$effectNumber <- max(effects$effectNumber) + 1
+			tmprow <- tmprow[, colnames(effects)]
+			tmprow$effectName <- gsub('xxxxxx', dname, tmprow$effectName)
+			tmprow$functionName <- gsub('xxxxxx', dname, tmprow$functionName)
+			tmprow$interaction1 <- dname
+			tmprow$timeDummy <- paste('isDummy', i,
+									  effects$effectNumber[effects$shortName=='density' &
+									  effects$type=='eval'], sep=',')
+			rownames(tmprow) <- dname
+			effects <- rbind(effects, tmprow)
+		}
+		for (i in 1:length(dummyCombos))
+		{
+			baseNum=dummyCombos[[i]]$effectNumber
+			for (j in 1:length(dummyCombos[[i]]$periods))
+			{
+				dname <- paste("Dummy", dummyCombos[[i]]$periods[j], sep="")
+				dummyNum <- effects$effectNumber[rownames(effects)==dname]
+				if (effects$shortName[baseNum] != 'density')
+				{
+## Make a user specified interaction
+## for the time dummy interacted effect
+					tmprow <- allEffects[allEffects$shortName=='unspInt'
+					& allEffects$type=='eval'
+					& allEffects$effectGroup=='unspecifiedNetInteraction', ]
+					tmprow$name <- effects$name[effects$effectNumber==baseNum]
+					tmprow$effectFn <- 'NULL'
+					tmprow$statisticFn <- 'NULL'
+					tmprow$netType <- 'oneMode'
+					tmprow$groupName <- 'Group1'
+					tmprow$group <- 1
+					tmprow$fix <- FALSE
+					tmprow$include <- TRUE
+					tmprow$effectNumber <- max(effects$effectNumber) + 1
+					tmprow <- tmprow[, colnames(effects)]
+					tmprow$effectName <- 'unspecified interaction effect'
+					tmprow$functionName <- 'unspecified interaction statistic'
+					rownames(tmprow) <- paste(dname, baseNum, sep='.')
+					tmprow$effect1 <- baseNum
+					tmprow$effect2 <- dummyNum
+					tmprow$timeDummy <- paste('isDummy',
+											  dummyCombos[[i]]$periods[j], baseNum, sep=',')
+					effects <- rbind(effects, tmprow)
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					effects$fix[effects$effectNumber==dummyNum] <- FALSE
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		list(effects=effects, data=data)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/RSiena/R/sienaTimeTest.r
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: pkg/RSiena/R/simstatsc.r
--- pkg/RSiena/R/simstatsc.r	2010-04-12 19:48:16 UTC (rev 78)
+++ pkg/RSiena/R/simstatsc.r	2010-04-13 16:57:01 UTC (rev 79)
@@ -1212,18 +1212,24 @@
                 oldlist <- apply(prevEffects, 1, function(x)
                                  paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
                                            "type", "groupName",
-                                           "interaction1", "interaction2")],
+                                           "interaction1", "interaction2",
+                                           "period")],
                 efflist <- apply(effects, 1, function(x)
                                  paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
                                            "type", "groupName",
-                                           "interaction1", "interaction2")],
+                                           "interaction1", "interaction2",
+                                           "period")],
                 use <- efflist %in% oldlist
                 effects$initialValue[use] <-
                     prevEffects$initialValue[match(efflist, oldlist)][use]
+        ## add any effects needed for time dummies
+        tmp <- sienaTimeFix(effects, data)
+        data <- tmp$data
+        effects <- tmp$effects
         ## find any effects not included which are needed for interactions
         interactionNos <- unique(c(effects$effect1, effects$effect2,

Modified: pkg/RSiena/changeLog
--- pkg/RSiena/changeLog	2010-04-12 19:48:16 UTC (rev 78)
+++ pkg/RSiena/changeLog	2010-04-13 16:57:01 UTC (rev 79)
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2010-04-13 R-forge revision 79
+	* R/sienaTimeTest.r, man/sienaTimeTest.Rd, data/allEffects.csv,
+	R/simstatsc.r, man/allEffects.Rd, man/getEffects.Rd:
+	new function sienaTimeTest.
+2010-04-12 R-forge revision 78
+	* R/sienaeffects.r, man/includeEffects.Rd,
+	man/includeInteraction.Rd, man/setEffects.Rd: allow character or
+	non character input of effect names.
+	* R/siena01.r: include effectNumber, effect1, effect2, effect3 in
+	display of included effects.
+	* R/print01Report.r: ignore diagonal missing values in total count
 2010-04-12 R-forge revision 77 (RSiena only)
 	* inst/examples/many, man/coDyadCovar.Rd: added new line to end.
@@ -54,7 +69,8 @@
 	* R/sienaDataCreate.r: changes to attributes concerning missing
 	values. Remove warning in checkConstraints with bipartite networks.
 	* R/sienaPrint.r: fix to text re rates for conditional simulation
-	* R/simstatsc.r: changes for maxlike
+	* R/simstatsc.r: changes for maxlike, also changes to use of
+	previous values
 	* R/maxlikec.r: new function for maximum likelihood, corresponding
 	to simstatsc.r
 	* src/model/Model.cpp, Model.h, ml/MLSimulation.cpp,
@@ -63,6 +79,8 @@
 	variables/NetworkVariable.cpp, variables/NetworkVariable.h,
 	siena07.cpp: changes for max like.
 	* tests/parallel.Rout.save: updated test output.
+	* R/phase2.r: fixed bug, could not use multiple processors with
+	only one effect
 2010-03-31 R-forge revision 75

Modified: pkg/RSiena/data/allEffects.csv
--- pkg/RSiena/data/allEffects.csv	2010-04-12 19:48:16 UTC (rev 78)
+++ pkg/RSiena/data/allEffects.csv	2010-04-13 16:57:01 UTC (rev 79)
@@ -1,171 +1,171 @@
-behaviorOneModeObjective,behavior xxxxxx average similarity,beh. xxxxxx average similarity,avSim,TRUE,yyyyyy,,eval,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0,0,objective,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,
-behaviorOneModeObjective,behavior xxxxxx total similarity,beh. xxxxxx total similarity,totSim,TRUE,yyyyyy,,eval,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0,0,objective,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,
-behaviorOneModeObjective,behavior xxxxxx indegree,beh. xxxxxx indegrees,indeg,TRUE,yyyyyy,,eval,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0,0,objective,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,
-behaviorOneModeObjective,behavior xxxxxx outdegree,beh. xxxxxx outdegrees,outdeg,TRUE,yyyyyy,,eval,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0,0,objective,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,
-behaviorOneModeObjective,behavior xxxxxx isolate,beh. xxxxxx isolate,isolate,FALSE,yyyyyy,,eval,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0,0,objective,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,
-behaviorOneModeObjective,behavior xxxxxx ave. sim. x reciprocity,beh. xxxxxx ave. similarity x reciprocity,avSimRecip,FALSE,yyyyyy,,eval,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0,0,objective,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 79

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