[Rsiena-commits] r76 - in pkg/RSienaTest: . R data doc inst/doc inst/examples man src src/data src/model src/model/effects src/model/ml src/model/variables src/network src/utils tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Apr 12 18:01:04 CEST 2010

Author: ripleyrm
Date: 2010-04-12 18:01:03 +0200 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 76

many changes. bug fixes, compiler problems, maxlike

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/R/globals.r
--- pkg/RSienaTest/R/globals.r	2010-03-31 10:15:52 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/R/globals.r	2010-04-12 16:01:03 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -139,9 +139,13 @@
         Report(c("@", level, "\n", text, "\n"), hdest=dest, sep="", fill=fill)
         Report(rep(ch, sum(nchar(text))), hdest=dest, sep="", fill=fill)
         if (level < 3)
+        {
             Report("\n\n", hdest = dest)
+        }
+        {
             Report("\n", hdest = dest)
+        }
@@ -149,10 +153,14 @@
 PrtOutMat<- function(mat, dest)
     if (missing(dest))
-        Report(format(t(mat)), sep=c(rep.int(" ", ncol(mat) - 1), "\n"))
+    {
+        Report(format(t(mat), scientific=FALSE),
+               sep=c(rep.int(" ", ncol(mat) - 1), "\n"))
+    }
-        Report(format(t(mat)), sep=c(rep.int(" ", ncol(mat) - 1), "\n"),
+        Report(format(t(mat), scientific=FALSE),
+               sep=c(rep.int(" ", ncol(mat) - 1), "\n"),
         Report("\n", hdest=deparse(substitute(dest)))

Property changes on: pkg/RSienaTest/R/iwlsm.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: pkg/RSienaTest/R/maxlike.r
--- pkg/RSienaTest/R/maxlike.r	2010-03-31 10:15:52 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/RSienaTest/R/maxlike.r	2010-04-12 16:01:03 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -1,797 +1,797 @@
-maxlikefn<- function(z,x,INIT=FALSE,TERM=FALSE, data, effects=NULL,nstart=1000,
-                     pinsdel=0.6,pperm=0.3,prelins=0.1,multfactor=2.0,
-                     promul=0.1,promul0=0.5,pdiaginsdel=0.1,
-                     fromFiniteDiff=FALSE, noSamples=1, sampInterval=50, int=1)
-    mlInit<- function(z,x,data,effects)
-    {
-        f <- NULL
-        if (!inherits(data, 'siena'))
-            stop('not valid siena data object')
-        if (is.null(effects))
-            effects <- getEffects(data)
-        if (!is.data.frame(effects))
-            stop('effects is not a data.frame')
-        effects <- effects[effects$include,]
-        z$theta <- effects$initialValue
-        z$fixed <- effects$fix
-        z$test <- effects$test
-        z$pp <- length(z$test)
-        z$posj <- rep(FALSE,z$pp)
-        z$targets <- rep(0, z$pp)
-        ##  effectsNames<- getEffectNames(effects)
-        z$posj[grep('basic', effects$effectName)] <- TRUE
-        z$posj[grep('constant', effects$effectName)] <- TRUE
-        z$BasicRateFunction <- z$posj
-        observations <- data$observations
-        mats <- vector('list', observations)
-        f$mynets <- vector('list', observations)
-        types <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x)attr(x,'type'))
-        netsubs <- which(types=='oneMode')
-        netsub <- min(netsubs) ### only one for now
-        actsubs <- which(types=='behavior')
-        for (i in 1:observations)
-        {
-            mats[[i]] <- data$depvars[[netsub]][, , i]
-            f$mynets[[i]] <- mats[[i]]
-            if (i==1)
-                f$mynets[[i]][is.na(mats[[i]])] <-0
-            else ##carry missing forward!
-                f$mynets[[i]][is.na(mats[[i]])] <-
-                    f$mynets[[i - 1]][is.na(mats[[i]])]
-            f$mynets[[i]][mats[[i]]==10] <- 0
-            f$mynets[[i]][mats[[i]]==11] <- 1
-        }
-        f$mystructs <- vector('list',observations)
-        for (i in 1:observations)
-        {
-            f$mystructs[[i]] <- mats[[i]]
-            f$mystructs[[i]][, ] <- 0
-            f$mystructs[[i]][mats[[i]]==11] <- 1
-            f$mystructs[[i]][mats[[i]]==10] <- 1
-        }
-        f$mats <- mats
-        for (i in 1:observations)
-        {
-            f$mats[[i]][mats[[i]]==11] <- 1
-            f$mats[[i]][mats[[i]]==10] <- 0
-        }
-        if (length(actsubs)>0)
-        {
-            acts <- matrix(data$depvars[[actsubs[1]]],
-                          ncol=observations)
-            f$acts <- acts
-            f$myacts <- acts
-            f$myacts[is.na(acts)] <- 0
-            f$meanact <- round(mean(acts,na.rm=TRUE))
-        }
-        f$observations <- observations
-        ## browser()
-        if (any(z$targets!=0))
-        {
-            Report(c('Targets should be zero for maximum likelihood:',
-                     'they have been zeroed\n'))
-            z$targets <- rep(0, z$pp)
-        }
-        mat1 <- data$depvars[[netsub]][, , 1]
-        mat2 <- data$depvars[[netsub]][, , 2]
-       # f$mat1<- mat1
-       # f$mat2<- mat2
-        startmat <- mat1
-        startmat[is.na(startmat)] <- 0
-        endmat <- mat2
-        endmat[is.na(endmat)] <- startmat[is.na(endmat)]
-        diffmat <- startmat != endmat
-        if (is.null(x$multfactor))
-            f$niter <- multfactor * sum(diffmat)
-        else
-            f$niter <- x$multfactor * sum(diffmat)
-### create initial chain
-        chain <- matrix(0, nrow=sum(diffmat), ncol=4)
-        chain[,1] <- row(diffmat)[diffmat]
-        chain[,2] <- col(diffmat)[diffmat]
-        chain <- chain[sample(1:nrow(chain)),]
-        chain[, 4] <- 1:nrow(chain)
-       ##chain<- chain ##(here you can put a known chain in (eg from
-        ##delphi!)
-        cat(nrow(chain), '\n')
-### initialise
-        pinsdel <- pinsdel/(1 - pperm)
-        pdiaginsdel <- pdiaginsdel/(1 - pperm)
-        iter <- 0
-        ##burnin
-###construct a max like object to be passed to FRAN
-        f$startmat <- startmat
-        f$endmat <- endmat
-        f$chain <- chain
-        f$accepts <-  rep(0,4)
-        f$rejects <- rep(0,4)
-        f$probs <- c(pinsdel, 0, pdiaginsdel)#
-        f$madechain <- FALSE
-        f$numm <- 20
-        for (i in 1:nstart)
-        {
-            iter <- iter+1
-            ##   cat(iter,'\n')
-            f <- mhstep(z$theta, f, promul, prelins)
-        }
-        f$madechain <- TRUE
-        pinsdel <- pinsdel * (1-pperm)
-        pdiaginsdel <- pdiaginsdel * ( 1-pperm)
-        f$probs <- c(pinsdel, pperm, pdiaginsdel)
-        f$mats <- f$mystructs <- f$mynets <- NULL
-        FRANstore(f)
-        z
-    }
-    ##start of function
-    scores <- NULL
-    dff <- NULL
-    theta <- z$theta
-    ##   f<- z$f
-    if (INIT)
-    {
-        z <- mlInit(z, x, data, effects)
-       ## f <<-f
-        return(z)
-    }
-    else if (TERM)
-    {
-        f <-  FRANstore()
-        z$f <- f
-        return(z)
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        f <- FRANstore()
-        niter <- f$niter
-        nactors <- nrow(f$startmat)
-        promul <- promul0
-      #  int <- x$int
-        if (z$Phase==2)
-        {
-            f$accepts <-  rep(0, 4)
-            f$rejects <- rep(0, 4)
-            varmat <- FALSE
-           ## browser()
-            if (z$nit == 1)## beginning of a subphase
-            {
-                i <- 1
-                while (i <= 10 * niter)
-                {
-                    f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
-                    i <- i + f$n
-                }
-            }
-            Z <- vector("list", noSamples)
-            i <- 1
-            while (i <= niter)
-            {
-                f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
-                i <- i + f$n
-           }
-            Z[[1]] <- f$chain
-            if (noSamples > 1)
-            {
-                for (sample in 2:noSamples)
-                {
-                    i <- 1
-                    while (i < sampInterval)
-                    {
-                        f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
-                        i <- i + f$n
-                    }
-                    Z[[sample]] <- f$chain
-                }
-            }
-            ans <- calcgrad(theta, Z, f$startmat, varmat)
-          # browser()
-            f$Z <-  Z
-            f$chain <- f$Z[[noSamples]]
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            varmat <- TRUE
-            i <- 1
-            while (i <= niter)
-            {
-                f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
-                i <- i + f$n
-            }
-            ans <- calcgrad(theta, f$chain, f$startmat, varmat)
-        }
-        ## browser()
-        scores <- ans$sc
-        dff <- ans$dff
-        ##cat(object.size(f),  object.size(f$chain), object.size(f$startmat), '\n')
-        FRANstore(f)
-      #  cat(scores,'\n')
-        ##browser()
-        list(fra=matrix(scores, nrow=1), sc=NULL, dff=dff, OK=TRUE,
-             rejectprop=f$rejects / (f$accepts + f$rejects))
-    }
-mhIntStep <- function(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
-    ff <- lapply(1:int, function(x, theta, f, promul, prelins)
-                 mhstep(theta, f, promul, prelins),
-                 theta=theta, f=f, promul=promul,
-                 prelins=prelins)
-    acts <- sapply(ff, function(x)x$act)
-    steptypes <- sapply(ff, function(x)x$steptype)
-    if (any(acts))
-    {
-        firstAct <- min(which(acts))
-        n <- firstAct
-        f$chain <- ff[[n]]$chain
-        f$act <- c(rep(FALSE, n-1), TRUE)
-        f$steptype <- steptypes[1:n]
-        f$accepts[steptypes[n]] <- f$accepts[steptypes[n]]+1
-        f$numm <- ff[[n]]$numm
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        n <- int
-        f$chain <- ff[[n]]$chain
-        f$act <-  rep(FALSE, n)
-        f$steptype <- steptypes
-        f$numm <- ff[[n]]$numm
-    }
-    rejects <- f$steptype[!f$act]
-    rejNos <- table(rejects)
-    rejs <- as.numeric(names(rejNos))
-    f$rejects[rejs] <- f$rejects[rejs] + as.vector(rejNos)
-    f$n <- n
-    f
-mhstep <- function(theta, f, promul, prelins)
-    mhtryinsertdiag<- function(i,kpos)
-    {
-        tmpnet<- startmat
-        mychain<- chain[1:(kpos-1),,drop=FALSE]
-        ## tmpnet[mychain[,1:2]]<-
-        ##     1-tmpnet[mychain[,1:2]]
-        for (mysub in 1:nrow(mychain))
-        {
-            ii <- mychain[mysub,1]
-            jj <- mychain[mysub,2]
-            tmpnet[ii,jj] <- 1- tmpnet[ii,jj]
-        }
-        diag(tmpnet)<- 0
-        ps<- calcprobs(i,tmpnet,betapar,nactors)
-        pr<- 1/sum(ps)
-        ndiag<-nrow(chain[chain[,1]==chain[,2],,drop=FALSE])
-        ##   ans <- kappasigmamu(nactors,nrow(chain),lambda,add1=TRUE)
-        ##  mu<- ans$mu + 1/lambda/nactors
-        ##  sigma2 <- ans$sigma2 + 1/lambda/lambda/nactors/nactors
-        prr<- pr*lambda*nactors/(ndiag+1 )
-        ##    prdelphi <- log(pr) - log(nactors) - ans$kappa - 0.5*log(sigma2) -
-        ##        (1-mu)^2/2/sigma2
-        ##    prr <- exp(prdelphi) * (nrow(chain)+1)/(ndiag+1) * nactors
-        if (runif(1)<prr)
-            accept<-TRUE
-        else
-            accept<-FALSE
-        accept
-    }
-    mhtrycanceldiag<- function(i,dpos)
-    {
-        tmpnet<- startmat
-        mychain<- chain[1:(dpos-1),,drop=FALSE]
-        ## tmpnet[mychain[,1:2]]<-
-        ##    1-tmpnet[mychain[,1:2]]
-        for (mysub in 1:nrow(mychain))
-        {
-            ii <- mychain[mysub,1]
-            jj <- mychain[mysub,2]
-            tmpnet[ii,jj] <- 1- tmpnet[ii,jj]
-        }
-        diag(tmpnet)<-0
-        ps<-calcprobs(i,tmpnet,betapar,nactors)
-        pr<- 1/sum(ps)
-        ## browser()
-        ndiag<-nrow(chain[chain[,1]==chain[,2],,drop=FALSE])
-        prr<- ndiag/pr/lambda/nactors
-        ## ans <- kappasigmamu(nactors,nrow(chain+1),lambda,add1=TRUE)
-        ## mu<- ans$mu - 1/lambda/nactors
-        ## sigma2 <- ans$sigma2 - 1/lambda/lambda/nactors/nactors
-        ## prdelphi <- -log(pr) + log(nactors) - ans$kappa - 0.5*log(sigma2) -
-        ##     (1-mu)^2/2/sigma2
-        ## prr <- exp(prdelphi) / (nrow(chain))*(ndiag) / nactors
-        if (runif(1)<prr)
-            accept<-TRUE
-        else
-            accept<-FALSE
-        accept
-    }
-    mhinsdelperm<- function(insdel)
-    {
-        findCCPs <- function(mat)
-        {
-            if (nrow(mat) > 0)
-            {
-                dontuse <- c(diff(mat[, 4]), 0) == 1
-                ccps <- mat[!dontuse, , drop=FALSE]
-                nc <- nrow(ccps) - 1
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ccps <- NULL
-                nc <- 0
-            }
-            list(ccps=ccps, nc=nc)
-        }
-        ##fix up numm
-        numm<- f$numm
-        if (numm > nrow(chain))
-            numm <- nrow(chain)
-        if (numm > 40)
-            numm <- 40
-        if (numm < 2)
-            numm <- 2
-        num <- trunc(numm)
-        if (!f$madechain)
-            num <- 0
-        ##  else
-        ##      cat('num=', num, 'numm=', numm, '\n')
-        if (insdel)
-        {
-            mults<-as.matrix(unique(chain[duplicated(chain[,1:2])&
-                                          chain[,1]!=chain[,2],,drop=FALSE]))
-            nmul<- nrow(mults)
-            if (is.null(nmul))
-                nmul <- 0
-            if (nmul>0 && runif(1)<promul)
-            {
-                ##choose one of unique duplicates
-                mypair <- mults[sample(1:nmul,1),]
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                mypair <- sample(1:nactors,2)
-            }
-            from <- mypair[1]
-            to <- mypair[2]
-            similar<- chain[chain[,1]==from&chain[,2]==to,,drop=FALSE]
-            nk<- nrow(similar)
-            ##nk is number of this connection
-            tmp <- findCCPs(similar)
-            nc <- tmp$nc
-            ccps <- tmp$ccps
-            ## nc<- nrow(similar[similar[,3]>0,,drop=FALSE])/2
-            if (nc < 1)
-                ins<- TRUE
-            else
-            {
-                if (runif(1) < prelins)
-                    ins <- TRUE
-                else
-                    ins <- FALSE
-            }
-            del <- !ins
-            if (ins)
-            {
-                if (nk==0)
-                {
-                    kmypair<- sample(1:(nrow(chain)+1),2)
-                    numav1<- nrow(chain)+1
-                    numav2<- nrow(chain)
-                    k1<- min(kmypair)
-                    k2<- max(kmypair)
-                    ##  newsub<- 1
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ##   if (nc>0)
-####   {
-                    ##       ccps<- chain[chain[,1]==from&chain[,2]==to&
-                    ##                    chain[,3]>0,]
-                    ##       ccpsubs<- unique(ccps[,3])
-                    ##       subslist<- 1:(max(ccpsubs)+1)
-                    ##       newsub<- min(subslist[!subslist %in% ccpsubs])
-                    ##   }
-                    ##   else
-                    ##       newsub<- 1
-                    samplist<- 1:nrow(chain)
-                    samplist<- samplist[!(from==chain[,1]&to==chain[,2])]
-                    samplist<- c(samplist,nrow(chain)+1)
-                    numav1<- length(samplist)
-                    k1<- sample(samplist,1)
-                    ## find last previous and next of this kind
-                    thiskind<-(1:nrow(chain))[from==chain[,1]&to==chain[,2]]
-                    k<- max(c(0,thiskind[thiskind<k1]))+1
-                    kk<- min(c(thiskind[thiskind>k1],nrow(chain)+1))
-                    if (k>nrow(chain))   ##not possible to proceed
-                        return(list(chain=chain,accept=FALSE))
-                    numav2<- kk-k
-                    k2<- sample(1:numav2,1)
-                    if (k2==k1)
-                    {
-                        k2 <- kk
-                    }
-                    if (k2<k1)
-                    {
-                        kk<- k2
-                        k2<- k1
-                        k1<- kk
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else ##del
-            {
-                ##  possible<- chain[chain[,1]==from&chain[,2]==to&chain[,3]>0,]
-                ##  subs<- unique(possible[,3])
-                subs <- 1:nc
-                if (length(subs)>1)
-                    ##       kmypair<- sample(subs,1)
-                    kccp <- sample(subs, 1)
-                else
-                    kccp <- subs
-                ##   kmypair<- subs
-                pair <- ccps[kccp : (kccp + 1), 4]
-                ##  pair<- chain[chain[,1]==from&chain[,2]==to&
-                ##              chain[,3]==kmypair,4]
-                k1<- min(pair)
-                k2<- max(pair)
-                numav1<-nrow(chain)+1-nrow(similar)
-                tempchain <- chain[-pair, ]
-                thiskind <- (1:nrow(tempchain))[from == tempchain[, 1] &
-                                                to == tempchain[, 2]]
-                ##  thiskind<- (1:nrow(chain))[from==chain[,1]&to==chain[,2]]
-                k<- max(c(0,thiskind[thiskind<k1]))
-                kk<- min(c(thiskind[thiskind>k1],nrow(chain)+1))
-                if (k==0 &kk>nrow(chain))
-                    numav2<- numav1-1
-                else
-                    numav2 <- kk-k-3
-                ##     numav2<-kk-k-2
-            }
-        } #if insdel
-        else
-        {
-            ins<- FALSE
-            del<- FALSE
-            k2<- nrow(chain)+1
-            k1<- sample(1:nrow(chain),1)
-        }
-        ##set up network to just before k1
-        tmpnet<- startmat
-        if (k1>2)
-        {
-            mychain<- chain[1:(k1-1),,drop=FALSE]
-            ##  tmpnet[mychain[,1:2]]<-
-            ##      1-tmpnet[mychain[,1:2]]
-            for (mysub in 1:nrow(mychain))
-            {
-                ii <- mychain[mysub,1]
-                jj <- mychain[mysub,2]
-                tmpnet[ii,jj] <- 1- tmpnet[ii,jj]
-            }
-            diag(tmpnet)<- 0
-        }
-        k1mat<- tmpnet
-        ##decide on permutation
-        ## permute num steps but not including k2, stop before end
-        ##if deleting k1, remove that one first
-        if (del)
-        {
-            num<- min(num,k2-k1-1)
-            end<- k1+num
-            start<- k1+1
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            num <- min(num,k2-k1)
-            end <- k1+num-1
-            start <- k1
-        }
-        truncated <- num!=trunc(numm)
-        ##calculate probs of existing chain from k1 to end or k2
-        if (ins)
-            thisend<- k2-1
-        else if (del)
-            thisend<- k2
-        else
-            thisend<- end
-        prbefore<- rep(0,thisend-k1+1)
-        for (link in k1:thisend)
-        {
-            i<- chain[link,1]
-            j<- chain[link,2]
-            ps<- calcprobs(i,tmpnet,betapar,nactors)
-            prbefore[link-k1+1]<- ps[j]/sum(ps)
-            if (i!=j)
-                tmpnet[i,j]<- 1-tmpnet[i,j]
-        }
-        ##reset up network to just before k1
-        tmpnet<- k1mat
-        if (num > 0)
-        {
-            permchain<- chain[start:end,,drop=FALSE]
-            myorder<- sample(1:nrow(permchain))
-            permchain<- permchain[myorder,]
-        }
-        else
-            permchain <- NULL
-        ##reconstruct new chain
-        if (k1>1)
-            tempchain<- chain[1:(k1-1),]
-        else
-            tempchain<- NULL
-        if (ins)
-            tempchain<- rbind(tempchain,c(from,to,0,0))
-        ## tempchain<- rbind(tempchain,c(from,to,newsub,0))
-        tempchain<- rbind(tempchain,permchain)
-        if (end<(k2-1))
-            tempchain<- rbind(tempchain,chain[(end+1):(k2-1),]) ##check this
-        if (ins)
-            tempchain<- rbind(tempchain,c(from,to,0,0))
-        ## tempchain<- rbind(tempchain,c(from,to,newsub,0))
-        if (!del & k2<=nrow(chain))
-            tempchain<- rbind(tempchain, chain[k2:nrow(chain),])
-        if (del &k2 < nrow(chain))
-            tempchain<- rbind(tempchain, chain[(k2+1):nrow(chain),])
-        ##calc all probs between k1 and k2 for new chain
-        if (ins)
-        {
-            start<- k1
-            end<- k2+1
-        }
-        else
-            if (del)
-            {
-                start<- k1
-                end<- k2-2
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                start<- k1
-                end<- k1+num-1
-            }
-        if (end-start+1>0)
-        {
-            prafter<- rep(0,end-start+1)
-            for (link in start:end)
-            {
-                i<- tempchain[link,1]
-                j<- tempchain[link,2]
-                ps<- calcprobs(i,tmpnet,betapar,nactors)
-                prafter[link-start+1]<- ps[j]/sum(ps)
-                if (i!=j)
-                    tmpnet[i,j]<- 1-tmpnet[i,j]
-            }
-        }
-        else
-            prafter<- 1
-        ##now try to get the ratios
-        ##  if(del) browser()
-        ##  ans<- kappasigmamu(nactors,nrow(chain),lambda,add1=TRUE)
-        ##  if (ins)
-        ##  {
-        ##      mu<- ans$mu+2/nactors/lambda
-        ##      sigma2 <- ans$sigma2+2/nactors/nactors/lambda/lambda
-        ##      prdelphi <- sum(log(prafter)) - sum(log(prbefore)) -
-        ##          2 * log(nactors) -ans$kappa - 0.5 * log(sigma2) -
-        ##              (1-mu)^2/2/sigma2
-        ##      prdelphi <- exp(prdelphi)
-        ##  }
-        ##  if (del)
-        ##  {
-        ##      mu<- ans$mu - 2/nactors/lambda
-        ##      sigma2 <- ans$sigma2 - 2/nactors/nactors/lambda/lambda
-        ##      prdelphi <- sum(log(prafter))-sum(log(prbefore)) +
-        ##          2 * log(nactors) - ans$kappa - 0.5 * log(sigma2) -
-        ##              (1-mu)^2/2/sigma2
-        ##      prdelphi <- exp(prdelphi)
-        ##  }
-        ##  if (!insdel)
-        ##  {
-        ##      prdelphi<- sum(log(prafter))-sum(log(prbefore))
-        ##  }
-        logprobrat<- 0
-        if (ins)
-            logprobrat<- 2*log(lambda)-log(nrow(chain)+2)-
-                log(nrow(chain)+1)
-        if (del)
-            logprobrat<- -2*log(lambda)+log(nrow(chain))+
-                log(nrow(chain)-1)
-        logprobrat<- logprobrat - sum(log(prbefore))
-        if (length(prafter)>0)
-            logprobrat<- logprobrat +
-                sum(log(prafter))
-        probrat<- exp(logprobrat)
-        pa<- (1-promul)/nactors/(nactors-1)
-        ## tempchain[,4] <- 1:nrow(tempchain)
-        if (insdel)
-        {
-            newsimilar <- tempchain[tempchain[, 1] == from &
-                                    tempchain[, 2] == to, ,
-                                    drop=FALSE]
-            newnc <- findCCPs(newsimilar)$nc
-        }
-        if (ins)
-        {
-            if (nk<2)
-                pp<- (promul/(nmul+1) +pa)/pa*(1-prelins)*
-                    ##      numav1*numav2/2/(nc+1)
-                    numav1*numav2/2/(newnc)
-            else
-                pp<- (1-prelins)/numav1*numav2/2/(newnc)
-            ##     pp<- (1-prelins)/numav1*numav2/2/(nc+1)
-            if (nc>=1) pp <- pp/prelins
-        }
-        else if (del)
-        {
-            if (nk<4)
-                pp<- pa*2*nc/(promul/nmul +pa)/
-                    (1-prelins)/numav1/numav2
-            else
-                pp<- 1/(1-prelins)/numav1/numav2*2*nc
-            ## if (nc>=2)
-            if (newnc >= 1)
-                pp <- pp*prelins
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pp<- 1
-        }
-        probrat <- probrat*pp
-        ##cat('probrat ',probrat1,' ')
-        ##   probrat <- prdelphi * pp
-        ## cat(probrat,' ',probrat-probrat1,'\n')
-        if (insdel&ins)
-            nn<- 3
-        else if (insdel&del)
-            nn<- 4
-        else
-            nn<- 5
-      ##  cat(probrat, '\n')
-        accept<- FALSE
-        if (probrat>1)
-        {
-            accept<- TRUE
-        }
-        else
-            if (runif(1)< probrat)
-                accept<- TRUE
-        if (sum(tempchain[,3]==1)%%2!=0)
-            browser()
-        if (accept)
-            chain<- tempchain
-        ## cat(num,f$numm,accept , insdel,truncated,accept,'\n')
-        ##   if (!insdel)
-        ##      browser()
-        if (accept && !insdel && !truncated)
-            numm<- numm+0.5
-        if (!accept && !insdel && !truncated)
-            numm <- numm-0.5
-        #browser()
-        list(chain=chain,accept=accept,numm=numm)
-    }##end of procedure
-    #########################################################################
-    ##start of mhstep
-    #########################################################################
-    #cat('start', f$numm,'\n')
-   ## print(table(f$chain))
-    startmat<- f$startmat
-    nactors<- nrow(startmat)
-    chain<- f$chain
-    lambda<- theta[1]
-    betapar<- theta[-1]
-    steptype<- sample(1:3,1,prob=f$probs)
-   # cat(steptype,'step type\n')
-    if (steptype==1)
-    {
-        ans<- mhinsdelperm(TRUE)
-        act<- ans$accept
-        chain<- ans$chain
-    }
-    else  if (steptype==2)
-    {
-        if (f$madechain)
-        {
-            ans<-mhinsdelperm(FALSE)
-            act<- ans$accept
-            chain<- ans$chain
-            f$numm <- ans$numm
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            act<- NA
-        }
-    }
-    else ##if (steptype==3)
-    {
-        actor <- sample(1:nactors,1)
-        kpos<- sample(1:(nrow(chain)+1),1)
-        act<- mhtryinsertdiag(actor,kpos)
-        if (act)
-        {
-            if (kpos>1)
-                tmp<- chain[1:(kpos-1),]
-            else
-                tmp<- NULL
-            tmp<- rbind(tmp,c(actor,actor,0,0))
-            if (kpos<=nrow(chain))
-                tmp<- rbind(tmp, chain[kpos:nrow(chain),])
-            ##if (sum(chain[,3]==1)%%2!=0)
-            ##      browser()
-            chain <- tmp
-            chain[, 4] <- 1:nrow(chain)
-        }
-        ## }
-        ## else
-        ## {
-        diags<-chain[chain[,1]==chain[,2],,drop=FALSE]
-        ndiag<- nrow(diags)
-        act<- FALSE
-        if (ndiag>0)
-        {
-            ## browser()
-            kk<- sample(1:ndiag,1)
-            actor<- diags[kk,1]
-            dpos<- diags[kk,4]
-            ## if(chain[dpos,1]!=actor) browser()
-            act <- mhtrycanceldiag(chain[dpos,1],dpos)
-            if (act)
-            {
-                if (dpos>1)
-                    tmp<- chain[1:(dpos-1),]
-                else
-                    tmp<- NULL
-                if (dpos<nrow(chain))
-                    tmp<- rbind(tmp, chain[(dpos+1):nrow(chain),])
-                if (sum(chain[,3]==1)%%2!=0)
-                    browser()
-                chain <- tmp
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ##    cat('act',act,'steptype',steptype,' ')
-    chain[, 4] <- 1:nrow(chain)
-    f$chain <- chain
-    f$act <- act
-    f$steptype <- steptype
-    #cat(f$numm,'\n')
-    f
-calcprobs <- function(i, tmpnet, betapar, nactors)
-    ss <- matrix(0, nrow=nactors, ncol=2)
-    myout <- tmpnet[i, ]
-    myin <- tmpnet[, i]
-    ss[, 1] <- 1 - 2 * myout
-    ss[, 2] <- (1 - 2 * myout) * myin
-    ss[i, ] <- 0
-    fs <- drop(ss %*% betapar)
-    exp(fs)
-doMoreUpdates <- function(z, x, n)
-    f <- FRANstore()
-    for (i in 1:n)
-    {
-        ans <- calcgrad(z$theta, f$Z, f$startmat, varmat=FALSE)
-        fchange <- as.vector(z$gain * ans$sc %*% z$dinv)
-        fchange <- ifelse(z$posj & (fchange > z$theta), z$theta * 0.5, fchange)
-        z$theta <- z$theta - fchange
-        z$thav <- z$thav + z$theta
-        z$thavn <- z$thavn + 1
-    }
-    z
+maxlikefn<- function(z,x,INIT=FALSE,TERM=FALSE, data, effects=NULL,nstart=1000,
+                     pinsdel=0.6,pperm=0.3,prelins=0.1,multfactor=2.0,
+                     promul=0.1,promul0=0.5,pdiaginsdel=0.1,
+                     fromFiniteDiff=FALSE, noSamples=1, sampInterval=50, int=1)
+    mlInit<- function(z,x,data,effects)
+    {
+        f <- NULL
+        if (!inherits(data, 'siena'))
+            stop('not valid siena data object')
+        if (is.null(effects))
+            effects <- getEffects(data)
+        if (!is.data.frame(effects))
+            stop('effects is not a data.frame')
+        effects <- effects[effects$include,]
+        z$theta <- effects$initialValue
+        z$fixed <- effects$fix
+        z$test <- effects$test
+        z$pp <- length(z$test)
+        z$posj <- rep(FALSE,z$pp)
+        z$targets <- rep(0, z$pp)
+        ##  effectsNames<- getEffectNames(effects)
+        z$posj[grep('basic', effects$effectName)] <- TRUE
+        z$posj[grep('constant', effects$effectName)] <- TRUE
+        z$BasicRateFunction <- z$posj
+        observations <- data$observations
+        mats <- vector('list', observations)
+        f$mynets <- vector('list', observations)
+        types <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x)attr(x,'type'))
+        netsubs <- which(types=='oneMode')
+        netsub <- min(netsubs) ### only one for now
+        actsubs <- which(types=='behavior')
+        for (i in 1:observations)
+        {
+            mats[[i]] <- data$depvars[[netsub]][, , i]
+            f$mynets[[i]] <- mats[[i]]
+            if (i==1)
+                f$mynets[[i]][is.na(mats[[i]])] <-0
+            else ##carry missing forward!
+                f$mynets[[i]][is.na(mats[[i]])] <-
+                    f$mynets[[i - 1]][is.na(mats[[i]])]
+            f$mynets[[i]][mats[[i]]==10] <- 0
+            f$mynets[[i]][mats[[i]]==11] <- 1
+        }
+        f$mystructs <- vector('list',observations)
+        for (i in 1:observations)
+        {
+            f$mystructs[[i]] <- mats[[i]]
+            f$mystructs[[i]][, ] <- 0
+            f$mystructs[[i]][mats[[i]]==11] <- 1
+            f$mystructs[[i]][mats[[i]]==10] <- 1
+        }
+        f$mats <- mats
+        for (i in 1:observations)
+        {
+            f$mats[[i]][mats[[i]]==11] <- 1
+            f$mats[[i]][mats[[i]]==10] <- 0
+        }
+        if (length(actsubs)>0)
+        {
+            acts <- matrix(data$depvars[[actsubs[1]]],
+                          ncol=observations)
+            f$acts <- acts
+            f$myacts <- acts
+            f$myacts[is.na(acts)] <- 0
+            f$meanact <- round(mean(acts,na.rm=TRUE))
+        }
+        f$observations <- observations
+        ## browser()
+        if (any(z$targets!=0))
+        {
+            Report(c('Targets should be zero for maximum likelihood:',
+                     'they have been zeroed\n'))
+            z$targets <- rep(0, z$pp)
+        }
+        mat1 <- data$depvars[[netsub]][, , 1]
+        mat2 <- data$depvars[[netsub]][, , 2]
+       # f$mat1<- mat1
+       # f$mat2<- mat2
+        startmat <- mat1
+        startmat[is.na(startmat)] <- 0
+        endmat <- mat2
+        endmat[is.na(endmat)] <- startmat[is.na(endmat)]
+        diffmat <- startmat != endmat
+        if (is.null(x$multfactor))
+            f$niter <- multfactor * sum(diffmat)
+        else
+            f$niter <- x$multfactor * sum(diffmat)
+### create initial chain
+        chain <- matrix(0, nrow=sum(diffmat), ncol=4)
+        chain[,1] <- row(diffmat)[diffmat]
+        chain[,2] <- col(diffmat)[diffmat]
+        chain <- chain[sample(1:nrow(chain)),]
+        chain[, 4] <- 1:nrow(chain)
+       ##chain<- chain ##(here you can put a known chain in (eg from
+        ##delphi!)
+        cat(nrow(chain), '\n')
+### initialise
+        pinsdel <- pinsdel/(1 - pperm)
+        pdiaginsdel <- pdiaginsdel/(1 - pperm)
+        iter <- 0
+        ##burnin
+###construct a max like object to be passed to FRAN
+        f$startmat <- startmat
+        f$endmat <- endmat
+        f$chain <- chain
+        f$accepts <-  rep(0,6)
+        f$rejects <- rep(0,6)
+        f$probs <- c(pinsdel, 0, pdiaginsdel)#
+        f$madechain <- FALSE
+        f$numm <- 20
+        for (i in 1:nstart)
+        {
+            iter <- iter+1
+            ##   cat(iter,'\n')
+            f <- mhstep(z$theta, f, promul, prelins)
+        }
+        f$madechain <- TRUE
+        pinsdel <- pinsdel * (1-pperm)
+        pdiaginsdel <- pdiaginsdel * ( 1-pperm)
+        f$probs <- c(pinsdel, pperm, pdiaginsdel)
+        f$mats <- f$mystructs <- f$mynets <- NULL
+        FRANstore(f)
+        z
+    }
+    ##start of function
+    scores <- NULL
+    dff <- NULL
+    theta <- z$theta
+    ##   f<- z$f
+    if (INIT)
+    {
+        z <- mlInit(z, x, data, effects)
+       ## f <<-f
+        return(z)
+    }
+    else if (TERM)
+    {
+        f <-  FRANstore()
+        z$f <- f
+        return(z)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        f <- FRANstore()
+        niter <- f$niter
+        nactors <- nrow(f$startmat)
+        promul <- promul0
+      #  int <- x$int
+        if (z$Phase==2)
+        {
+            f$accepts <-  rep(0, 6)
+            f$rejects <- rep(0, 6)
+            varmat <- FALSE
+           ## browser()
+            if (z$nit == 1)## beginning of a subphase
+            {
+                i <- 1
+                while (i <= 10 * niter)
+                {
+                    f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
+                    i <- i + f$n
+                }
+            }
+            Z <- vector("list", noSamples)
+            i <- 1
+            while (i <= niter)
+            {
+                f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
+                i <- i + f$n
+           }
+            Z[[1]] <- f$chain
+            if (noSamples > 1)
+            {
+                for (sample in 2:noSamples)
+                {
+                    i <- 1
+                    while (i < sampInterval)
+                    {
+                        f <- mhIntStep(theta, f, promul, prelins, int)
+                        i <- i + f$n
+                    }
+                    Z[[sample]] <- f$chain
+                }

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rsiena -r 76

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