[Roxygen-devel] error with S4 class definition

Vinh Nguyen vqnguyen at uci.edu
Sun Oct 3 03:07:39 CEST 2010

Dear list,

I'm getting the following error when I run roxygenize():
Error in cdr(preorder.flatten.expression(expression)) :
  CDRing a null list

The culprit appears to be the S4 class definition (not there if I
remove it from the .R file):

##' inference class
##' hello
##' @name inference-class
##' @slot .Data matrix consisting of inferential values
##' @slot sample.size Sample size used in model fit.
##' @slot robust.se Boolean indicator whether robust standard errors were
##' used.
##' @slot two.sided Boolean indicator whether p-values corresond to a
##' two-sided test or one-sided.
##' @slot ci.level Confidence level.
setClass(Class="inference", representation=representation(model="character"
                                     , sample.size="numeric"
                                     , robust.se="logical"
                                     , two.sided="logical"
                                     , ci.level="numeric")
         , contains="matrix")

I *think* this was brought up
 Let me know if I'm missing anything.  I updated to the devel version
of roxygen and I still have the error.

Note I'm going with S4 classes as I think this is the recommended way
(from R Core?) moving forward.

Thanks for your help.
Vinh Nguyen
Department of Statistics
Donald Bren School of ICS
2231 Bren Hall
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92607
vqnguyen at uci.edu | http://www.ics.uci.edu/~vqnguyen/
Schedule a meeting: http://tungle.me/VinhNguyen

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