[Roxygen-devel] parameters with default NULL value

Melissa Jane Hubisz mjhubisz at cornell.edu
Tue Jan 19 16:31:49 CET 2010

I've been developing a fairly large package in R and was thrilled to
discover roxygen.  Thank you for providing this useful tool!

I  have been using the most recent version of roxygen from the SVN
repository.  One problem I have encountered is that the "usage" is not
displayed properly if a function has parameters whose default value is
NULL.  For example, the function:
myfunc <- function(a, b=NULL, c=0) {NULL}

will have the documentation:
  myfunc(a, b, c=0)

which incorrectly implies that b is a required parameter.

I did a bit of poking around and this seems to have a simple fix, by
changing the function parse.formals in parse.R to:

parse.formals <- function(expressions) {
  formals <- NULL
  call <- car(expressions)
  if (is.call(call)) {
    f <- cadr(expressions)
    if (is.function.definition(f))
      formals <- tryCatch(formals(eval(call)),
                          error=function(e) NULL)
  if (is.null(formals)) formals
  else list(formals=Map(function(formal)
              if (is.null(formal)) 'NULL'                #THIS IS THE
ONLY CHANGE, it used to be the empty string ''
              else if (is.call(formal)) capture.output(formal)
              else as.character(maybe.quote(formal)), formals))

Not being very familiar with the inner workings of roxygen, I'm not
sure if this hack will break anything else, but it seems to work for
me.  If it is a proper solution, could it be incorporated into
roxygen?  If not, is there another way to fix this?

Thanks again for your work on this.  It's been a huge timesaver for me.

Melissa Hubisz
Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Cornell University

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