[Roxygen-devel] roxygen and subclassing? - Error in cdr(preorder.flatten.expression(expression))

Mark Herzog mherzog at prbo.org
Sat Aug 22 21:12:25 CEST 2009

Hello -

I am working with the devel source code (S4 support) and receiving the following error (includes roxygen call, in case that helps):

> roxygenize(package.dir=paste(work.dir,"/release/",sep=""),
+ roxygen.dir=paste(work.dir,"/release/pkg.roxygen",sep=""),
+ copy.package=FALSE,
+ unlink.target=FALSE,
+ use.Rd2=TRUE
+ )
Error in cdr(preorder.flatten.expression(expression)) :
  CDRing a null list

After doing some  investigation, I believe it is related to subclassing, (e.g. using 'contains' argument within a setClass statement).
Is this something that is not supported yet within roxygen, or am I doing something incorrectly? Is there a workaround?
I tried adding #' @nord to the line before the setClass statement, but that didn't seem to help.

> Sys.info()
                     sysname                      release
                   "Windows"                         "XP"
"build 2600, Service Pack 3"

Thanks for any insight,

Mark Herzog, Ph.D.
Informatics Division Director
Quantitative and Computational Sciences
PRBO Conservation Science
3820 Cypress Drive #11
Petaluma, CA 94954
707-781-2555 x308 (office)
707-765-1685      (fax)
707-992-5726 (google voice)
mpherzog (skype)

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