[Robast-commits] r538 - in branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes: R tests tests/TestSuite

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jan 17 01:41:38 CET 2013

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2013-01-17 01:41:38 +0100 (Thu, 17 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 538

RobExtremes: some intermediate results; still to be debugged

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GEVFamily.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GEVFamily.R	2013-01-17 00:40:40 UTC (rev 537)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GEVFamily.R	2013-01-17 00:41:38 UTC (rev 538)
@@ -29,9 +29,39 @@
 ## trafo: optional parameter transformation
 ## start0Est: startEstimator for MLE and MDE --- if NULL HybridEstimator is used;
-GEVFamily <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5,trafo = NULL,start0Est = NULL){
-    if(is.null(trafo)) trafo = diag(2)
+GEVFamily <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5,
+                          of.interest = c("scale", "shape"),
+                          p = NULL, N = NULL, trafo = NULL,
+                          start0Est = NULL, withPos = TRUE){
+    if(is.null(trafo)){
+        of.interest <- unique(of.interest)
+        if(length(of.interest) > 2)
+            stop("A maximum number of two parameters resp. parameter transformations may be selected.")
+        if(!all(of.interest %in% c("scale", "shape", "quantile", "expected loss", "expected shortfall")))
+            stop("Parameters resp. transformations of interest have to be selected from: ",
+                "'scale', 'shape', 'quantile', 'expected loss', 'expected shortfall'.")
+        ## reordering of of.interest
+        if(("scale" %in% of.interest) && ("scale" != of.interest[1])){
+            of.interest[2] <- of.interest[1]
+            of.interest[1] <- "scale"
+        }
+        if(!("scale" %in% of.interest) && ("shape" %in% of.interest) && ("shape" != of.interest[1])){
+            of.interest[2] <- of.interest[1]
+            of.interest[1] <- "shape"
+        }
+        if(!any(c("scale", "shape") %in% of.interest) && ("quantile" %in% of.interest)
+          && ("quantile" != of.interest[1])){
+            of.interest[2] <- of.interest[1]
+            of.interest[1] <- "quantile"
+        }
+        if(!any(c("scale", "shape", "quantile") %in% of.interest)
+          && ("expected shortfall" %in% of.interest)
+          && ("expected shortfall" != of.interest[1])){
+            of.interest[2] <- of.interest[1]
+            of.interest[1] <- "expected shortfall"
+        }
+    }
     theta <- c(loc, scale, shape)
@@ -40,9 +70,129 @@
     ## parameters
     names(theta) <- c("loc", "scale", "shape")
-    param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = theta[2:3], 
+    if(!is.null(p)){
+       btq <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((-log(1-p0))^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
+                           names(q) <- "quantile"
+                           }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+       bDq <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1];  shape <- theta[2]
+                        D1 <- ((-log(1-p0))^(-shape)-1)/shape
+                        D2 <- -scale/shape*(D1 + log(-log(1-p0))*(-log(1-p0))^(-shape))
+                        D <- t(c(D1, D2))
+                        rownames(D) <- "quantile"; colnames(D) <- NULL
+                        D }, list(p0 = p))
+       btes <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L) es <- NA else {
+                            pg <- pgamma(-log(p0),1-theta[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
+                            es <- theta[1] * gamma(1-theta[2]) * pg / p0 /
+                                   theta[2] + loc0 }
+                            names(es) <- "expected shortfall"
+                            es }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+       bDes <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){ D1 <- D2 <- NA} else {
+                            scale <- theta[1]; shape <- theta[2]
+                            pg <- pgamma(-log(p0), 1-theta[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
+                            dd <- ddigamma(-log(p0),1-theta[2])
+                            D1 <- gamma(1-theta[2])*pg/p0/theta[2]
+                            D21 <- -theta[1]*gamma(1-theta[2])*pg/p0/theta[2]^2
+                            D22 < -theta[1]*digamma(1-theta[2])*pg/p0/theta[2]
+                            D23 <- theta[1]*dd/p0/theta[2]
+                            D2 <- D21+D22+D23}
+                            D <- t(c(D1, D2))
+                            rownames(D) <- "expected shortfall"
+                            colnames(D) <- NULL
+                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+    }
+    if(!is.null(N)){
+       btel <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L) el <- NA else{
+                            el <- N0*(loc0+theta[1]*gamma(1-theta[2])/theta[2])}
+                            names(el) <- "expected loss"
+                            el }, list(loc0 = loc,N0 = N))
+       bDel <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){ D1 <- D2 <- NA}else{
+                            scale <- theta[1]; shape <- theta[2]
+                            D1 <- N0*gamma(1-shape)/shape
+                            D2 <- -N0*theta[1]*digamma(1-theta[2])/theta[2]-
+                                   D1*scale/(1-shape)}
+                            D <- t(c(D1, D2))
+                            rownames(D) <- "expected loss"
+                            colnames(D) <- NULL
+                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, N0 = N))
+    }
+    if(is.null(trafo)){
+        tau <- NULL
+        if("scale" %in% of.interest){
+            tau <- function(theta){ th <- theta[1]; names(th) <- "scale";  th}
+            Dtau <- function(theta){ D <- t(c(1, 0)); rownames(D) <- "scale"; D}
+        }
+        if("shape" %in% of.interest){
+            if(is.null(tau)){
+               tau <- function(theta){th <- theta[2]; names(th) <- "shape"; th}
+               Dtau <- function(theta){D <- t(c(0,1));rownames(D) <- "shape";D}
+            }else{
+                tau <- function(theta){th <- theta
+                            names(th) <- c("scale", "shape"); th}
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ D <- diag(2);
+                            rownames(D) <- c("scale", "shape");D}
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if("quantile" %in% of.interest){
+            if(is.null(p)) stop("Probability 'p' has to be specified.")
+            if(is.null(tau)){
+                tau <- function(theta){ }; body(tau) <- btq
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ };body(Dtau) <- bDq
+            }else{
+                tau1 <- tau
+                tau <- function(theta){ }
+                body(tau) <- substitute({ btq0; c(tau0(theta), q) },
+                                        list(btq0=btq, tau0 = tau1))
+                Dtau1 <- Dtau
+                Dtau <- function(theta){}
+                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDq0; rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
+                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDq0 = bDq))
+            }
+        }
+        if("expected shortfall" %in% of.interest){
+            if(is.null(p)) stop("Probability 'p' has to be specified.")
+            if(is.null(tau)){
+                tau <- function(theta){ };  body(tau) <- btes
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ }; body(Dtau) <- bDes
+            }else{
+                tau1 <- tau
+                tau <- function(theta){ }
+                body(tau) <- substitute({ btes0; c(tau0(theta), es) },
+                                        list(tau0 = tau1, btes0=btes))
+                Dtau1 <- Dtau
+                Dtau <- function(theta){}
+                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDes0; rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
+                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDes0=bDes))
+            }
+        }
+        if("expected loss" %in% of.interest){
+            if(is.null(N)) stop("Expected frequency 'N' has to be specified.")
+            if(is.null(tau)){
+                tau <- function(theta){ }; body(tau) <- btel
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ }; body(Dtau) <- bDel
+            }else{
+                tau1 <- tau
+                tau <- function(theta){ }
+                body(tau) <- substitute({ btel0; c(tau0(theta), el) },
+                                        list(tau0 = tau1, btel0=btel))
+                Dtau1 <- Dtau
+                Dtau <- function(theta){}
+                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDel0; rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
+                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDel0=bDel))
+            }
+        }
+        trafo <- function(x){ list(fval = tau(x), mat = Dtau(x)) }
+    }else{
+        if(is.matrix(trafo) & nrow(trafo) > 2) stop("number of rows of 'trafo' > 2")
+    }
+    param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = c(theta[2],theta[3]),
                                fixed = theta[1],
-                               trafo = trafo)
+                               trafo = trafo, withPosRestr = withPos,
+                               .returnClsName ="ParamWithScaleAndShapeFamParameter")
     ## distribution
     distribution <- GEV(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)
@@ -53,8 +203,9 @@
         ## Pickand estimator
-        source("kMedMad_Qn_Estimators.R")
-           e0 <- EVTEst(x,est="kMAD")
+        #source("kMedMad_Qn_Estimators.R")
+           e0 <- PickandsEstimator(x,ParamFamily=GParetoFamily(loc = theta[1],
+                            scale = theta[2], shape = theta[3]))
               e1 <- start0Est(x, ...)
@@ -63,40 +214,52 @@
                e0 <- e0[c("scale", "shape")]
-        if(any(x < mu-e0["scale"]/e0["shape"])) stop("some data smaller than 'loc-scale/shape' ")
+        if(any(x < mu-e0["scale"]/e0["shape"]))
+               stop("some data smaller than 'loc-scale/shape' ")
         names(e0) <- NULL
+    ## what to do in case of leaving the parameter domain
+    makeOKPar <- function(theta) {
+        if(withPos){
+           if(!is.null(names(theta)))
+                 theta["shape"] <- abs(theta["shape"])
+           else  theta[2] <- abs(theta[2])
+        }
+        return(theta)
+    }
     modifyPar <- function(theta){
         theta <- abs(theta)
         GEV(loc = loc, scale = theta[1], shape = theta[2])
-    ## what to do in case of leaving the parameter domain
-    makeOKPar <- function(theta) {
-        theta <- abs(theta)
-        theta[2] <- pmin(theta[2],10)
-        return(theta)
-    }
     ## L2-derivative of the distribution
     L2deriv.fct <- function(param) {
-        beta <- force(main(param)[1])
-        xi <- force(main(param)[2])
-        mu <- fixed(param)[1] 
+        sc <- force(main(param)[1])
+        k <- force(main(param)[2])
+        tr <- fixed(param)[1]
         Lambda1 <- function(x) {
          y <- x*0
-         ind <- x>(mu-beta/xi)
-         y[ind] <- -1/beta - xi*(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta^2/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (x[ind]-mu)*(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)/beta^2
+         ind <- (x > mu-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+         x1 <- 1 + k * x
+         y[ind] <- (x*(1-x1^(-1/k))-1)/x1/sc
+#         xi*(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta^2/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (x[ind]-mu)*(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)/beta^2
         Lambda2 <- function(x) {
          y <- x*0
-         ind <- x>(mu-beta/xi)
-         y[ind]<- log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2+(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi)*log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2 + (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/xi
+         ind <- (x > tr-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+         x1 <- 1 + k * x
+         x2 <- x / x1
+         y[ind]<- (1-x1^(-1/k))/k*(log(x1)/k-x2)-x2
+#         log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2+(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi)*log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2 + (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/xi
         ## additional centering of scores to increase numerical precision!
@@ -107,33 +270,89 @@
     ## Fisher Information matrix as a function of parameters
     FisherInfo.fct <- function(param) {
-        beta <- force(main(param)[1])
-        xi <- force(main(param)[2])
-        mu <- force(fixed(param)[1])
-        fct <- L2deriv.fct(param)
-        P <-  GEV(loc = mu, scale = beta, shape = xi)
-        E11 <- E(P,function(x)fct[[1]](x)*fct[[1]](x))
-        E12 <- E(P,function(x)fct[[1]](x)*fct[[2]](x))
-        E22 <- E(P,function(x)fct[[2]](x)*fct[[2]](x))
-        return(PosSemDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(E11,E12,E12,E22),2,2)))
+        sc <- force(main(param)[1])
+        k <- force(main(param)[2])
+#        tr <- force(fixed(param)[1])
+#        fct <- L2deriv.fct(param)
+#        P2 <-  GPareto(loc = tr, scale = sc, shape = k)
+        G20 <- gamma(2*k)
+        G10 <- gamma(k)
+        G21 <- digamma(2*k)
+        G11 <- digamma(k)
+        G01 <- digamma(1)
+        G02 <- trigamma(1)
+        I11 <- G20*2*k*(k^2-4*k+1)+G10*2*k*(k^2+k-1)+1
+        I11 <- I11/sc^2/k^2
+        I12 <- G20*k*(2*k^2-1)+ G10*k^2*(2-4*k) - k + 3
+        I12 <- I12 + G21*2*k^2 -G11*k^2*(k^2+2*k+1) -G01*k
+        I12 <- I12/sc/k^3
+        I22 <- G20*2*k*(k^2+1)-G10*2*k*(2+3*k+k^2) -3*k^2  +8*k +3
+        I22 <- I22 - G11*2*k^2*(1+k)+G10*2*k*(3-k)+k^2 *G02
+        I22 <- I22 /k^4
+        mat <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(I11,I12,I12,I22),2,2))
+        dimnames(mat) <- list(scaleshapename,scaleshapename)
+        return(mat)
+#    FisherInfo.fct <- function(param) {
+#        beta <- force(main(param)[1])
+#        xi <- force(main(param)[2])
+#        mu <- force(fixed(param)[1])
+#        fct <- L2deriv.fct(param)
+#        P <-  GEV(loc = mu, scale = beta, shape = xi)
+#       E11 <- E(P,function(x)fct[[1]](x)*fct[[1]](x))
+#        E12 <- E(P,function(x)fct[[1]](x)*fct[[2]](x))
+#        E22 <- E(P,function(x)fct[[2]](x)*fct[[2]](x))
+#        return(PosSemDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(E11,E12,E12,E22),2,2)))
+#    }
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param)
     name <- "Generalized Extreme Value Family with positive shape parameter: Frechet Family"
     ## initializing the GPareto family with components of L2-family
-    res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, param = param, 
-                         distribution = distribution, 
-                         L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, 
-                         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct,
-                         FisherInfo = FisherInfo,
-                         startPar = startPar,
-                         makeOKPar = makeOKPar,
-                         modifyParam = modifyPar,
-                         .returnClsName = "GEVFamily")
-    f.call <- substitute(GEVFamily(loc = loc0, scale = scale0, shape = shape0,trafo = trafo0), 
-                         list(loc0 = loc, scale0 = scale, shape0 = shape,trafo0 = trafo))
-    res at fam.call <- f.call
-    return(res)
+    L2Fam <- new("GEVFamily")
+    L2Fam at scaleshapename <- scaleshapename
+    L2Fam at name <- name
+    L2Fam at param <- param
+    L2Fam at distribution <- distribution
+    L2Fam at L2deriv.fct <- L2deriv.fct
+    L2Fam at FisherInfo.fct <- FisherInfo.fct
+    L2Fam at FisherInfo <- FisherInfo
+    L2Fam at startPar <- startPar
+    L2Fam at makeOKPar <- makeOKPar
+    L2Fam at modifyParam <- modifyPar
+    L2Fam at L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(NonSymmetric(), NonSymmetric())
+    L2Fam at L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry(), NoSymmetry())
+    L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(L2deriv.fct(param),
+                               Domain = Reals()))
+    L2Fam at fam.call <- substitute(GEV(loc = loc0, scale = scale0,
+                                 shape = shape0, of.interest = of.interest0,
+                                 p = p0, N = N0, trafo = trafo0,
+                                 withPos = withPos0),
+                         list(loc0 = loc, scale0 = scale, shape0 = shape,
+                              of.interest0 = of.interest, p0 = p, N0 = N,
+                              trafo0 = trafo, withPos0 = withPos))
+    L2Fam at LogDeriv <- function(x){
+                  x0 <- (x-loc)/scale
+                  x1 <- 1 + x0 * shape
+                  (shape+1)/scale/x1 + x1^(-1-1/shape)/scale
+                  }
+    L2Fam at L2deriv <- L2deriv
+    L2Fam at L2derivDistr <- imageDistr(RandVar = L2deriv, distr = distribution)
+    return(L2Fam)
+#ddigamma(t,s) is d/ds \int_t^\infty exp(-x) (-log(x)) x^(-s) dx
+ddigamma <- function(t,s){
+              int <- function(x) exp(-x)*(-log(x))*x^(-s)
+              integrate(int, lower=t, upper=Inf)$value
+              }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GParetoFamily.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GParetoFamily.R	2013-01-17 00:40:40 UTC (rev 537)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/GParetoFamily.R	2013-01-17 00:41:38 UTC (rev 538)
@@ -76,169 +76,113 @@
     names(theta) <- c("loc", "scale", "shape")
     scaleshapename <- c("scale", "shape")
+    if(!is.null(p)){
+       btq <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
+                           names(q) <- "quantile"
+                           }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+       bDq <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1];  shape <- theta[2]
+                        D1 <- ((1-p0)^(-shape)-1)/shape
+                        D2 <- -scale/shape*(D1 + log(1-p0)*(1-p0)^(-shape))
+                        D <- t(c(D1, D2))
+                        rownames(D) <- "quantile"; colnames(D) <- NULL
+                        D }, list(p0 = p))
+       btes <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L) es <- NA else {
+                            q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
+                            es <- (q + theta[1] - theta[2]*loc0)/(1-theta[2])}
+                            names(es) <- "expected shortfall"
+                            es }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+       bDes <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){ D1 <- D2 <- NA}else{
+                            scale <- theta[1]; shape <- theta[2]
+                            q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
+                            dq1 <- ((1-p0)^(-shape)-1)/shape
+                            dq2 <- -scale/shape*(dq1 + log(1-p0)*(1-p0)^(-shape))
+                            D1 <- (dq1 + 1)/(1-shape)
+                            D2 <- (dq2 - loc0)/(1-shape) + (q + scale -
+                                       loc0*shape)/(1-shape)^2}
+                            D <- t(c(D1, D2))
+                            rownames(D) <- "expected shortfall"
+                            colnames(D) <- NULL
+                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+    }
+    if(!is.null(N)){
+       btel <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L) el <- NA else {
+                            el <- N0*(loc0 + theta[1]/(1-theta[2]))}
+                            names(el) <- "expected loss"
+                            el }, list(loc0 = loc,N0 = N))
+       bDel <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){ D1 <- D2 <- NA}else{
+                            scale <- theta[1]; shape <- theta[2]
+                            D1 <- N0/(1-shape)
+                            D2 <- D1*scale/(1-shape)}
+                            D <- t(c(D1, D2))
+                            rownames(D) <- "expected loss"
+                            colnames(D) <- NULL
+                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, N0 = N))
+    }
         tau <- NULL
         if("scale" %in% of.interest){
-            tau <- function(theta){ 
-                th <- theta[1]
-                names(th) <- "scale"
-                th
-            }
-            Dtau <- function(theta){ 
-                D <- t(c(1, 0))
-                rownames(D) <- "scale"
-                D 
-            }
+            tau <- function(theta){ th <- theta[1]; names(th) <- "scale";  th}
+            Dtau <- function(theta){ D <- t(c(1, 0)); rownames(D) <- "scale"; D}
         if("shape" %in% of.interest){
-                tau <- function(theta){ 
-                    th <- theta[2] 
-                    names(th) <- "shape"
-                    th
-                }
-                Dtau <- function(theta){ 
-                    D <- t(c(0, 1))
-                    rownames(D) <- "shape"
-                    D 
-                }
+               tau <- function(theta){th <- theta[2]; names(th) <- "shape"; th}
+               Dtau <- function(theta){D <- t(c(0,1));rownames(D) <- "shape";D}
-                tau <- function(theta){ 
-                  th <- theta 
-                  names(th) <- c("scale", "shape")
-                  th
+                tau <- function(theta){th <- theta
+                            names(th) <- c("scale", "shape"); th}
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ D <- diag(2);
+                            rownames(D) <- c("scale", "shape");D}
-                Dtau <- function(theta){ 
-                    D <- diag(2) 
-                    rownames(D) <- c("scale", "shape")
-                    D
-                }
         if("quantile" %in% of.interest){
             if(is.null(p)) stop("Probability 'p' has to be specified.")
-                tau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(tau) <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
-                                          names(q) <- "quantile"
-                                          q },
-                                        list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
-                Dtau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1]
-                                           shape <- theta[2]
-                                           D1 <- ((1-p0)^(-shape)-1)/shape
-                                           D2 <- -scale/shape*(D1 + log(1-p0)*(1-p0)^(-shape))
-                                           D <- t(c(D1, D2))
-                                           rownames(D) <- "quantile"
-                                           colnames(D) <- NULL
-                                           D },
-                                         list(p0 = p))
+                tau <- function(theta){ }; body(tau) <- btq
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ };body(Dtau) <- bDq
                 tau1 <- tau
                 tau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(tau) <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
-                                          names(q) <- "quantile"
-                                          c(tau0(theta), q) },
-                                        list(tau0 = tau1, loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+                body(tau) <- substitute({ btq0; c(tau0(theta), q) },
+                                        list(btq0=btq, tau0 = tau1))
                 Dtau1 <- Dtau
                 Dtau <- function(theta){}
-                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1]
-                                           shape <- theta[2]
-                                           D1 <- ((1-p0)^(-shape)-1)/shape
-                                           D2 <- -scale/shape*(D1 + log(1-p0)*(1-p0)^(-shape))
-                                           D <- t(c(D1, D2))
-                                           rownames(D) <- "quantile"
-                                           colnames(D) <- NULL
-                                           rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
-                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, p0 = p))
+                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDq0; rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
+                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDq0 = bDq))
         if("expected shortfall" %in% of.interest){
             if(is.null(p)) stop("Probability 'p' has to be specified.")
-                tau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(tau) <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
-                                          es <- (q + theta[1] - theta[2]*loc0)/(1-theta[2]) 
-                                          names(es) <- "expected shortfall"
-                                          es }, 
-                                        list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
-                Dtau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1]
-                                           shape <- theta[2]
-                                           q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
-                                           dq1 <- ((1-p0)^(-shape)-1)/shape
-                                           dq2 <- -scale/shape*(dq1 + log(1-p0)*(1-p0)^(-shape))
-                                           D1 <- (dq1 + 1)/(1-shape)
-                                           D2 <- (dq2 - loc0)/(1-shape) + (q + scale - loc0*shape)/(1-shape)^2
-                                           D <- t(c(D1, D2))
-                                           rownames(D) <- "expected shortfall"
-                                           colnames(D) <- NULL
-                                           D },
-                                         list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+                tau <- function(theta){ };  body(tau) <- btes
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ }; body(Dtau) <- bDes
                 tau1 <- tau
                 tau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(tau) <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
-                                          es <- (q + theta[1] - theta[2]*loc0)/(1-theta[2]) 
-                                          names(es) <- "expected shortfall"
-                                          c(tau0(theta), es) }, 
-                                        list(tau0 = tau1, loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+                body(tau) <- substitute({ btes0; c(tau0(theta), es) },
+                                        list(tau0 = tau1, btes0=btes))
                 Dtau1 <- Dtau
                 Dtau <- function(theta){}
-                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1]
-                                           shape <- theta[2]
-                                           q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((1-p0)^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
-                                           dq1 <- ((1-p0)^(-shape)-1)/shape
-                                           dq2 <- -scale/shape*(dq1 + log(1-p0)*(1-p0)^(-shape))
-                                           D1 <- (dq1 + 1)/(1-shape)
-                                           D2 <- (dq2 - loc0)/(1-shape) + (q + scale - loc0*shape)/(1-shape)^2
-                                           D <- t(c(D1, D2))
-                                           rownames(D) <- "expected shortfall"
-                                           colnames(D) <- NULL
-                                           rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
-                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
+                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDes0; rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
+                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDes0=bDes))
         if("expected loss" %in% of.interest){
             if(is.null(N)) stop("Expected frequency 'N' has to be specified.")
-                tau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(tau) <- substitute({ el <- N0*(loc0 + theta[1]*gamma(1/theta[2]-1)/(theta[2]^2*gamma(1/theta[2]+1)))
-                                          names(el) <- "expected loss"
-                                          el },
-                                        list(loc0 = loc,N0 = N))
-                Dtau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1]
-                                           shape <- theta[2]
-                                           Gneg <- gamma(1/shape-1)
-                                           Gpos <- gamma(1/shape+1)
-                                           D1 <- N0*Gneg/(shape^2*Gpos)
-                                           D2 <- N0*scale*Gneg*(digamma(1/shape+1) - 2*shape - digamma(1/shape-1))/(shape^4*Gpos)
-                                           D <- t(c(D1, D2))
-                                           rownames(D) <- "expected loss"
-                                           colnames(D) <- NULL
-                                           D },
-                                         list(loc0 = loc, N0 = N))
+                tau <- function(theta){ }; body(tau) <- btel
+                Dtau <- function(theta){ }; body(Dtau) <- bDel
                 tau1 <- tau
                 tau <- function(theta){ }
-                body(tau) <- substitute({ el <- N0*(loc0 + theta[1]*gamma(1/theta[2]-1)/(theta[2]^2*gamma(1/theta[2]+1)))
-                                          names(el) <- "expected loss"
-                                          c(tau0(theta), el) },
-                                        list(tau0 = tau1, loc0 = loc,N0 = N))
+                body(tau) <- substitute({ btel0; c(tau0(theta), el) },
+                                        list(tau0 = tau1, btel0=btel))
                 Dtau1 <- Dtau
                 Dtau <- function(theta){}
-                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1]
-                                           shape <- theta[2]
-                                           Gneg <- gamma(1/shape-1)
-                                           Gpos <- gamma(1/shape+1)
-                                           D1 <- N0*Gneg/(shape^2*Gpos)
-                                           D2 <- N0*scale*Gneg*(digamma(1/shape+1) - 2*shape - digamma(1/shape-1))/(shape^4*Gpos)
-                                           D <- t(c(D1, D2))
-                                           rownames(D) <- "expected loss"
-                                           colnames(D) <- NULL
-                                           rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
-                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, loc0 = loc, N0 = N))
+                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDel0; rbind(Dtau0(theta), D) },
+                                         list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDel0=bDel))
         trafo <- function(x){ list(fval = tau(x), mat = Dtau(x)) }
@@ -257,8 +201,6 @@
     startPar <- function(x,...){
         tr <- theta[1]
-        if(any(x < tr)) stop("some data smaller than 'loc' parameter")
         ## Pickand estimator
            e0 <- estimate(medkMADhybr(x, k=10, ParamFamily=GParetoFamily(loc = theta[1],
@@ -272,6 +214,10 @@
                e0 <- e0[c("scale", "shape")]
+        if(any(x < tr-e0["scale"]/e0["shape"]))
+               stop("some data smaller than 'loc-scale/shape' ")
         names(e0) <- NULL
@@ -310,16 +256,18 @@
         Lambda1 <- function(x) {
             y <- x*0
-            x0 <- (x-tr)/sc
-            x1 <- x0[x0>0]
-            y[x0>0] <- -1/sc + (1+k)/(1+k*x1)*x1/sc
+            ind <- (x > tr-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+            x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+            x1 <- 1 + k * x
+            y[ind] <- -1/sc + (1+k)/x1*x/sc
         Lambda2 <- function(x) {
             y <- x*0
-            x0 <- (x-tr)/sc
-            x1 <- x0[x0>0]
-            y[x0>0] <- log(1+k*x1)/k^2 - (1/k+1)*x1/(1+k*x1)
+            ind <- (x > tr-sc/k) # = [later] (x1>0)
+            x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
+            x1 <- 1 + k * x
+            y[ind] <- log(x1)/k^2 - (1/k+1)*x/x1
         ## additional centering of scores to increase numerical precision!
@@ -372,7 +320,7 @@
                               of.interest0 = of.interest, p0 = p, N0 = N,
                               trafo0 = trafo, withPos0 = withPos))
-    L2Fam at LogDeriv <- function(x) (shape+1)/(shape*(scale+(x-loc)))
+    L2Fam at LogDeriv <- function(x) (shape+1)/(scale+shape*(x-loc))
     L2Fam at L2deriv <- L2deriv
     L2Fam at L2derivDistr <- imageDistr(RandVar = L2deriv, distr = distribution)

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/LDEstimator.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/LDEstimator.R	2013-01-17 00:40:40 UTC (rev 537)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremes/R/LDEstimator.R	2013-01-17 00:41:38 UTC (rev 538)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
                           loc.fctal.0, disp.fctal.0, ParamFamily.0,
                         loc.est.ctrl.0 = NULL, loc.fctal.ctrl.0=NULL,
                         disp.est.ctrl.0 = NULL, disp.fctal.ctrl.0=NULL,
-                        q.lo.0 =0, q.up.0=Inf, log.q.0 =TRUE, ...
+                        q.lo.0 =0, q.up.0=Inf, log.q.0 =TRUE, ..., vdbg=FALSE
     dots <- list(...)
     loc.emp <- do.call(loc.est.0, args = .prepend(x.0,loc.est.ctrl.0, dots))
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
        sc.th <- do.call(disp.fctal.0, args = .prepend(distr.new,disp.fctal.ctrl.0, dots))
        val <- if(log.q.0) log(loc.th)-log(sc.th) - q.emp else
+       if(vdbg) print(val)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 538

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