[Robast-commits] r369 - branches/robast-0.7/pkg branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/man branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEstOld/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEstOld/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/man branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/man branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobLox/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobLox/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobLox/man branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobLoxBioC branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobLoxBioC/inst branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobLoxBioC/man branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobRex branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobRex/chm branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobRex/inst www
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Sep 4 17:54:54 CEST 2009
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-09-04 17:54:54 +0200 (Fri, 04 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 369
+ for x-checking: uploaded screen output from R CMD check RandVar into file branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar-check-output.txt
+ updated NEWS files (@ Matthias: pls check)
+ changed all running versions to 0.7 U a corresponding remark is added to both NEWS and <pkg>-package.Rd files
+ new NEWS file for folder www
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/chm/0ROptEst-package.html
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/chm/0ROptEst-package.html 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/chm/0ROptEst-package.html 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<table summary="Rd table">
<td align="left">
-Package: </td><td align="left"> ROptEst</td>
+Package: </td><td align="left"> ROptEst </td>
<td align="left">
@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@
<td align="left">
-Date: </td><td align="left"> 2009-09-02 </td>
+Date: </td><td align="left"> 2009-09-04 </td>
<td align="left">
-Depends: </td><td align="left"> R(>= 2.7.0), methods, distr(>= 2.0), distrEx(>= 2.0),distrMod(>= 2.0), RandVar(>= 0.6.4), RobAStBase</td>
+Depends: </td><td align="left"> R(>= 2.7.0), methods, distr(>= 2.0), distrEx(>= 2.0), distrMod(>= 2.0), RandVar(>= 0.6.4), RobAStBase </td>
<td align="left">
-LazyLoad: </td><td align="left"> yes</td>
+LazyLoad: </td><td align="left"> yes </td>
<td align="left">
-License: </td><td align="left"> LGPL-3</td>
+License: </td><td align="left"> LGPL-3 </td>
<td align="left">
@@ -66,6 +66,16 @@
+<h3>Package versions</h3>
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/chm/ROptEst.chm
(Binary files differ)
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/inst/NEWS
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -2,11 +2,192 @@
## News: to package ROptEst
+(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information)
version 0.7
-+ added finite-sample correction factor to function roptest
+-> optional use of alternative algorithm to obtain Lagrange multipliers
+ using duality based optimization
+-> rewritten algorithm:
++ getInfRob_asGRisk.R now have both an iterative and an optimization
++ getInfRob_asHampel.R algorithm to obtain Lagrange Multipliers;
+ --- i.e. depending on argument OptOrIter (default: iteration as before...)
+ they call getLagrangeMultByOptim resp. getLagrangeMultByIter
+ (unfortunately: optimization is slow; only L-BFGS-B works satisfactory)
++ getInfLM now gains (unfortunately not a good idea as to speed!) the new
+ MSE - optimization routines for obtaining LagrangeMultipliers
+*** optIC Solution for general trafo / with nuisance
++ we now can digest case p=1, k>1 for asymmetric biastypes as well as for total variation
++ implemented lower Case solution for *=v p=1 k>1
++ roptest gains arguments withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer, na.rm
+*** others
++ added argument fsCor to function roptest enabling a finite-sample correction of the radius ...
++ all scripts do run now without (obvious) error ---
+ at the exception of NormalLocationScaleModel.R ---
+ and there the radiusminimax solution for self-standardization ...
++ in script GammaModel.R, added comment due to new E method in distrEx
+ which increases precision of certain computations.
++ scripts in part now with R output in comment
++ new example with k=15 steps in script PoissonModel.R
++ example for lower Case solution for *=v p=1 k>1 added in script NormalLocationScaleModel.R
++ new example for trafo-based model in script NormalLocationScaleModel.R
++ inserted some new lines in script NormalLocationScaleModel.R
+ --- now has an example with nuisance parameters
++ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files; in English (for possible collaborators)
++ added keyword robust and made some minor corrections ...
++ added/updated NEWS files, updated CITATION files using code by A. Zeileis
++ Rd-parsing:
+ * patch for Brian Ripley's
+ Re: [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe?
+ * fixed errors / warnings in .Rd files detected by parser 2
+ (c.f. [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25)
++ svn-revision-tags
+ * added in all DESCRIPTION files
+ * added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files because
+ substituting $LastChangedDate by svn would cause problems for
+ packages built under Windows (German) local when checking under Linux.
++ removed pdf-file from version control - Rnw-file is sufficient
++ k dimension / p dimension -- trafo & nuisance
+ * lower case and Hampel now seem to work with trafo
+ * in getInfRob_asHampel: added argument checkBounds, setting this to FALSE
+ clearly speeds up computations for asHampel Risk
+ * cniper contamination now also available for partial ICs
+ * slightly modified b search range in MSE problem -- in the hope it will do
+ for Totalvariation neighborhood, p=1, k>1
+ * new: getAsRisk for "asBias", "RealRandVariable", "TotalVarNeighborhood" and "ANY"
+ * getModifyIC has been changed so that also nuisance parameter models
+ can be covered.
++ new IC algorithm
+ * upper by default is now set to NULL in getInfRobIC_asGRisk, getInfRobIC_asHampel, getIneffDiff
+ * slightly modified b search range in MSE problem -- in the hope it will do
+ for Totalvariation neighborhood, p=1, k>1
+ * outsourced several steps in getInfRob_asGRisk.R and getInfRob_asHampel.R
+ into internal, non-exported functions
+ .getLowUpB() .getLowerSol() .getUpperSol() .checkUpLow()
+ * radiusMinimaxIC gains argument loRad0 to be able to adjust
+ the lower search bound (for getIneffDiff) case by case.
+ * getInfCent, getInfGamma
+ - uses getLow/getUp now
+ - changed search interval for getInfCent Totalvariation one-dim
+ - use of lower.tail = FALSE instead of 1-p in
+ * verbosity:
+ - for rob.-opt. ICs: in verbose mode now an automatic check for [p]IC is done
+ - optIC, getIneffDiff, getInfLM, getInfRob,
+ leastFavorableRadius, .LowerCaseMultivariate.R[TV],
+ radiusMinimaxIC gain default NULL for argument verbose
+ in these function we check for is.null and if so set it
+ to getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")
+ - new helper function .checkPIC for checking within getInfRobIC
+ - work on pretty printing if verbose == TRUE, ...
+ - getIneffDiff now inhibits permanent checks for IC even if verbose==TRUE
+ - in addition to precision information, current Lagrange multipliers are issued if verbose==TRUE
+ (but only every 5 iterations in asGRisk- and every 15 in asBias-method for getInfRobIC)
+ * lowerCase solutions now count the number of iterations
+ * changed detault search interval for r in radiusMinimaxIC.R
+ * changed default search interval for b in getInfRobIC_asGRisk (one-dim)
+ * getLagrangeMultBy[...]() gain arg a.start to transmit the actual
+ centering / clipping modification in transformed models
++ Risk slot
+ * made Risk slot slightly more consistent (no longer double asMSE),
+ in particular in case there is no convergence.
++ roptest
+ * now has an argument initial.est.ArgList to transmit arguments
+ for a call to initial.est (for those familiar with it:
+ similarly to startEstArgList in roptest.gpareto...)
+ * roptest gains arguments withUpdateInKer, IC.UpdateInKer, na.rm
++ getmodifyIC
+ * new generic scaleUpdateIC for scale-Update in
+ location/scale/locscale models
+ -> to avoid similar code for the many variants
+ ScaleModel, LocationScaleModel, LocationUnknownScaleModel,
+ ScaleUnknownLocationModel; in the latter two also
+ totalvariation nbds are allowed
+ * getModifyIC gains ... argument
+ and for signature((L2FamIC = "L2ParamFamily",
+ neighbor = "Neighborhood", risk ="asRisk")
+ inserts a verbose= getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")
+ into modifyIC-slot
++ scripts
+ * two minor buglets in scripts NormalLocationScaleModel.R & UnderOverShootRisk.R
+ * small shape parameters in GammaModel.R
+ lead to functions which are hard to integrate numerically;
+ added some code to demonstrate this ...
++ k dimension / p dimension issues
+ * fixed issues with polymorph nature of slot param of ParamFamParameter:
+ now we can determine opt-rob ICs for trafos; annotation gets right;
+ see example(comparePlot)
+ * Symmetry slots did not work correctly for non-trivial trafos
+ (at least would have to be reworked); now: all entries are computed
+ * in ..asHampel: bmax had to be converted to matrix in case p=1, k>1
++ new IC algorithm issues
+ * in MSE-method (as iter <= 1 always), clipping bounds in weights
+ in Total Variation case (p=1, k>1) were never updated
+ -> new helper functino .isVirginW
+ * small bugs removed in getInfRobIC_asGRisk, getInfRobIC_asHampel, getInfClip
+ * std (standardization in non-standard norms) was not updated correctly in getLagrangeMultBy[...]
++ roptest
+ * modifies slot start of return value to become initial.est argument
++ others:
+ * definition of weight was missing in getInfRobIC_asCov.R
+ * small bug in getAsRisk. Now radiusMinimaxIC works for models with trafo.
+ * corrected a simple bug in scaleUpdateIC for UncondNeighborhoods
+ * fixed an error in getModifyIC in the computation of the transferred risks
+ * fixed a buglet in getModifyIC.R:
+ had to cast out a second appearance of argument verbose (within ...) ...
+ * getAsRisk for "asBias", "RealRandVariable", "ContNeighborhood" and "ANY"
+ was lacking argument Finfo and did not check for verbose
+ * minor documentation bug in radiusMinimaxIC.Rd
++ remains to be done: self standardization does not yet work...
++ total variation nbd: case 1=p<k works but still some checking needed.
++ to be checked: symm for total variation
version 0.6.2
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/man/0ROptEst-package.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/man/0ROptEst-package.Rd 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEst/man/0ROptEst-package.Rd 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@
\code{\link[distrMod]{distrMod-package}}, \code{\link[RandVar]{RandVar-package}},
+\section{Package versions}{
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information.
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEstOld/chm/ROptEstOld.chm
(Binary files differ)
Added: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEstOld/inst/NEWS
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEstOld/inst/NEWS (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptEstOld/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+## News: to package ROptEstOld
+(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information)
+version 0.7
+user-visible CHANGES:
++ introduced package ROptEstOld for use with ROptRegTS and RobRex
++ removed symmetry and DistributionSymmetry implementation to make ROptEstOld compatible with distr 2.2
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/DESCRIPTION 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/DESCRIPTION 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Package: ROptRegTS
-Version: 0.6.1
+Version: 0.7
Date: 2009-09-04
Title: Optimally robust estimation for regression-type models
Description: Optimally robust estimation for regression-type models using S4 classes and methods
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/chm/00Index.html
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/chm/00Index.html 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/chm/00Index.html 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<param name="keyword" value=".. contents">
-<h2>Help pages for package ‘ROptRegTS’ version 0.6.1</h2>
+<h2>Help pages for package ‘ROptRegTS’ version 0.7</h2>
<p align="center">
<a href="#A">A</a>
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/inst/NEWS
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/ROptRegTS/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -2,7 +2,40 @@
## News: to package ROptRegTS
+(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information)
+version 0.7
+user-visible CHANGES:
++ now depends on ROptEstOld!
++ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files; in English (for possible collaborators)
++ added keyword robust and made some minor corrections ...
++ added/updated NEWS files, updated CITATION files using code by A. Zeileis
++ Rd-parsing:
+ * patch for Brian Ripley's
+ Re: [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe?
+ * fixed errors / warnings in .Rd files detected by parser 2
+ (c.f. [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25)
++ svn-revision-tags
+ * added in all DESCRIPTION files
+ * added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files because
+ substituting $LastChangedDate by svn would cause problems for
+ packages built under Windows (German) local when checking under Linux.
++ removed pdf-file from version control - Rnw-file is sufficient
version 0.6.1
+ introduced option("newDevice") to control new opening of graphic devices
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/chm/0RandVar-package.html
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/chm/0RandVar-package.html 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/chm/0RandVar-package.html 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<table summary="Rd table">
<td align="left">
-Package: </td><td align="left"> RandVar</td>
+Package: </td><td align="left"> RandVar </td>
<td align="left">
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<td align="left">
-Date: </td><td align="left"> 2009-04-14 </td>
+Date: </td><td align="left"> 2009-09-04 </td>
<td align="left">
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
<td align="left">
-LazyLoad: </td><td align="left"> yes</td>
+LazyLoad: </td><td align="left"> yes </td>
<td align="left">
-License: </td><td align="left"> LGPL-3</td>
+License: </td><td align="left"> LGPL-3 </td>
<td align="left">
@@ -66,6 +66,16 @@
+<h3>Package versions</h3>
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/chm/RandVar.chm
(Binary files differ)
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -2,7 +2,63 @@
## News: to package RandVar
+(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information)
+version 0.7
+user-visible CHANGES:
++ added svn-revision version tags to Vignette RandVar
++ expectation gains ... argument to pass on accuracy arguments
++ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files; in English (for possible collaborators)
++ added keyword robust and made some minor corrections ...
++ added/updated NEWS files, updated CITATION files using code by A. Zeileis
++ Rd-parsing:
+ * patch for Brian Ripley's
+ Re: [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe?
+ * fixed errors / warnings in .Rd files detected by parser 2
+ (c.f. [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25)
++ svn-revision-tags
+ * added in all DESCRIPTION files
+ * added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files because
+ substituting $LastChangedDate by svn would cause problems for
+ packages built under Windows (German) local when checking under Linux.
++ removed pdf-file from version control - Rnw-file is sufficient
++ Introduced .Rout.save files for tests.R and examples - minor problem
+ due to system.time: may slightly vary from run to run.
++ fixed "NOTE" in R CMD check for RandVar
++ fixed a bug introduced in the last version:
+ function(x); is incorrect R-code ! ...
+ -> when imageDistribution is automatically produced with
+ .getImageDistr() by default, automatically, an AbscontDistribution was produced;
+ this fails if result has non-trivial discrete part --- in extremo: if it is a DiracDistribution.
+ now it checks if some values are repeatedly produced in simulations; in this case it
+ will produce a UnivarLebDecDistribution --- else still an AbscontDistribution.
++ fixed documentation error in EuclRandVarList-class.Rd, EuclRandVariable-class.Rd
++ nasty little bug in matrix multiplication - wrong order of maps generated
++ fixed a warning issue in .Rd files of RandVar
++ inlcuded the svn-multi.sty svnkw.sty to RandVar/inst/doc acc. to indication by Kurt Hornik
++ Missing links in Rd files corrected. Links were indeed missing (cf. current version on CRAN) -
+ name of html-file has to be specified; e.g. 0distr-package instead of distr-package.
version 0.6.6
+ quicker way to compute image distributions of objects of class
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/man/0RandVar-package.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/man/0RandVar-package.Rd 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/man/0RandVar-package.Rd 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -32,6 +32,13 @@
\code{\link[distr:0distr-package]{distr-package}}, \code{\link[distrEx:0distrEx-package]{distrEx-package}}
+\section{Package versions}{
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information.
Added: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar-check-output.txt
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar-check-output.txt (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar-check-output.txt 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+C:\rtest\RobASt\branches\robast-0.7\pkg>R CMD check RandVar
+* checking for working pdflatex ... OK
+* using log directory 'C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar.Rc
+* using R version 2.10.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-08-12 r49170)
+* using session charset: ISO8859-1
+* checking for file 'RandVar/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
+* this is package 'RandVar' version '0.7'
+* package encoding: latin1
+* checking package name space information ... OK
+* checking package dependencies ... OK
+* checking if this is a source package ... OK
+* checking for .dll and .exe files ... OK
+* checking whether package 'RandVar' can be installed ... OK
+* checking package directory ... OK
+* checking for portable file names ... OK
+* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
+* checking top-level files ... OK
+* checking index information ... OK
+* checking package subdirectories ... OK
+* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
+* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
+* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
+* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ...
+* checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies
+* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK
+* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
+* checking replacement functions ... OK
+* checking foreign function calls ... OK
+* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
+* checking Rd files ... OK
+* checking Rd files against version 2 parser ... OK
+* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
+* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
+* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
+* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
+* checking examples ... OK
+* checking differences from 'RandVar-Ex.Rout' to 'RandVar-Ex.Rout.save' .
+* checking tests ...
+ Ausf³hren 'tests.R'
+ Comparing 'tests.Rout' to 'tests.Rout.save' ...482c482
+< 0 0 0
+> 0.004 0.000 0.002
+< 0 0 0
+> 0.000 0.000 0.003
+< 0.02 0.00 0.02
+> 0.004 0.000 0.004
+< 0 0 0
+> 0.004 0.000 0.001
+< 0.02 0.00 0.01
+> 0.012 0.000 0.009
+< 0 0 0
+> 0.008 0.000 0.007
+< 0.08 0.00 0.07
+> 0.044 0.000 0.042
+ OK
+* checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... WARNING
+Package vignettes without corresponding PDF:
+ C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVar.Rnw
+* checking PDF version of manual ... OK
+WARNING: There was 1 warning, see
+ C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RandVar.Rcheck/00check.log
+for details
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/chm/0RobAStBase-package.html
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/chm/0RobAStBase-package.html 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/chm/0RobAStBase-package.html 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -66,6 +66,16 @@
+<h3>Package versions</h3>
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/chm/RobAStBase.chm
(Binary files differ)
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/inst/NEWS
--- branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 02:34:05 UTC (rev 368)
+++ branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/inst/NEWS 2009-09-04 15:54:54 UTC (rev 369)
@@ -2,7 +2,203 @@
## News: to package RobAStBase
+(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information)
+version 0.7
+user-visible CHANGES:
++ enhanced plotting:
+ * suggestions by A. Unwin, Augsburg;
+ plot for ICs, infoPlot, and comparePlot may be restricted to selected subplots;
+ * ylim can now be matrix-valued...
+ * infoPlot and comparePlot now have a placeable legend location - argument
+ * plot functions gain data argument:
+ it is "y" for plot(IC, numeric) and for comparePlot,
+ for infoPlot it is argument "data"
+ * plot functions gain arguments
+ - which.lbs : select some data indices for plotting,
+ - which.Order : select some order statistics from the remaining data
+ for plotting (ordered; w.r.t. norm of IC) (in descending order)
+ - return.Order : shall ordering be printed out?
++ documentation
+ * added some UML class diagrams
++ checking functions
+ * checkIC gains ... argument to pass on accuracy arguments to E()
++ estimators
+ * unified treatmend of NAs:
+ - class Estimate gains slot completecases to control for NA in the input
+ - slot samplesize only counts remaining cases
+ - samplesize accessor has argument onlycompletecases and hence can issue both remaining
+ and original samplesize
+ - locMEstimator gains arg na.rm
+ * class kStepEstimator gains slots
+ - start: argument start of kStepEstimator
+ - startval:matrix of transformed starting values
+ - ustarval:matrix of untransformed starting values
+ - ksteps: matrix of (intermediate) transformed estimates
+ - uksteps: matrix of (intermediate) untransformed estimates
+ - ICList: optional: the (intermediate) (total) ICs
+ - pICList: optional: the (intermediate) [p]ICs
+ and corresponding accessors
+ * oneStepEstimator and kStepEstimator gain an argument startArgList
++ ICs
+ * we now can digest case p=1, k>1 for asymmetric biastypes as well as for total variation
++ new getRobAStBaseOption-s
+ * "all.verbose" : globally set verbose to TRUE
+ * "withUpdateInKer" --- what to do in kStep on ker(D)
+ * "IC.UpdateInKer" --- IC to use in kStep on ker(D)
++ utilities:
+ * robModel gains trafo and trafo<- methods to access/modify
+ slot trafo
+ * RobAStBaseMASK for masked methods
+ * replacement function radius for Neighborhood
++ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files; in English (for possible collaborators)
++ added keyword robust and made some minor corrections ...
++ added/updated NEWS files, updated CITATION files using code by A. Zeileis
++ Rd-parsing:
+ * patch for Brian Ripley's
+ Re: [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe?
+ * fixed errors / warnings in .Rd files detected by parser 2
+ (c.f. [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25)
++ svn-revision-tags
+ * added in all DESCRIPTION files
+ * added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files because
+ substituting $LastChangedDate by svn would cause problems for
+ packages built under Windows (German) local when checking under Linux.
++ removed pdf-file from version control - Rnw-file is sufficient
++ estimators
+ * implementation of oneStepEstimator simplified, no longer dispatching on argument "start".
++ plotting
+ * also named parameters are used in axis annotation if available.
+ * plot-methods now accept to.draw.arg no matter whether mfColRow==TRUE or FALSE
++ for consistency mat item in trafo slot is now always matrix(1)
++ changes for treatment of kStepEstimator with nuisance parameters...
++ oneStepEstimator and kStepEstimator implemented anew
+ * oneStepEstimator and kStepEstimator no longer are generic.
+ * kStepEstimator
+ - now only uses one function
+ - works with non-trivial trafo
+ - has new arguments
+ withUpdateInKer : shall we update IC in ker(D)?
+ IC.UpdateInKer : which is the default IC to be taken for ker(D) -- default = NULL
+ in which case we use getBoundedIC
+ na.rm : unified treatment of missings
+ * new generic function kStepEstimatorStart to produce starting values for one/kstep
+ works with
+ - numeric
+ - estimate
+ - function (to be evaluated at data x)
+ * kStepEstimatorStart-method for function now has arguments
+ (start, x, nrvalues, na.rm, L2Fam, startList)
+ * oneStepEstimator now basically calls kStepEstimator except for the case
+ when IC is not of class "IC", in which similar code is adapted by hand
++ kStepEstimator
+ - we do update only on demand, i.e. when with.u.var is TRUE
+ (which is true only in the last iteration step)
+ if (! var.to.be.c), ie. if asvar information is missing in
+ the optimized IC, we calculate it as
+ var0 <- matrix(E(L2Fam, IC.c %*% t(IC.c)),p,p)
+ - deletion of dim attribute (which enters after rowMean(....)
+ - naming of coordinates of [untransformed.]estimate and
+ [untransformed.]asvar is done consistently to slot param
+ - in case no variance is computed in optIC asvar is determined
+ by E() in pxp dimension (= !var.to.be.c)
+ computations in k-Space are more problematic than thought
+ if matrix D has not got full rank or nuisance parameters are present:
+ * k-dimensional untransformed.estimate
+ this was clear; no problems as to this;
+ works for both options withUpdateInKer TRUE or FALSE
+ * k-dimensional IC
+ D^- %*% pIC is not an IC in case ker D is not trivial.
+ two options:
+ -> withUpdateInKer FALSE: be content
+ with a solution in Psi^(D^-D) ...
+ IC.tot = IC.tot1 = D^- %*% pIC
+ -> withUpdateInKer TRUE: complete IC.tot1
+ by addition of IC.tot2 = projker %*% IC2
+ for projker = I - D^-D and IC2 is either
+ a given IC IC.UpdateInKer or a default bounded IC gotten by getBoundedIC.
+ * kxk dimensinoal var
+ this is most problematic in case ker D is non-trivial:
+ - if argument start is of class ALEstimate and has a non-NULL pIC-slot
+ IC0, this one is taken for computation of untransformed.asvar, i.e.
+ IC.tot.0 = projker %*% IC0 + D^- %*% pIC
+ and untransformed.asvar = E(IC.tot.0 %*% IC.tot.0' )
+ otherwise NULL is returned in this case
+ - if argument start is of class Estimate and has a non-NULL asvar-slot
+ the one is taken later
+ - variances u.var and var0 are calculated in internal function
++ new function getBoundedIC to produce (arbitrarily; in fact rather large b) bounded IC as EuclRandVariable
+ used in kStepEstimator to give default IC to be projected on ker D.
++ .onAttach now uses startupmessages
++ StartClass now also contains "matrix"
++ argument "start" in kStepEstimator and oneStepEstimator is NULL by default
+ (and then replaced by L2Fam at startPar)
++ clip and start obtain signatures acc. to graphics/stats methods
++ introduce particular show methods for [Optional]pICList
++ new file kStepEstimate.R (forgot to upload so far)
++ S4 methods for masked functions in masked.R
++ new generic radius<- for Neighborhood
++ in plotting functions:
+ * fixed xlim and ylim args for plots;
+ * fixed some bugs with lty[I], lwd[I], col[I] in comparePlot and infoPlot
+ * legend.location was missing in usage-section
+ * bug(?) in plot corrected now works for trafo ...
+ similar bug in plot method for L2ParamFamily?!
+ * minor correction of plot title
+ * infoPlot.R minor bugs corrected - seems to work now, but code has some fragile points ...
+ * removed some little bug in comparePlot.R
++ Rd docu:
+ * minor documentation error in infoPlot.Rd
++ small bug in checkIC corrected
++ the "dim" attribute issue:
+ * new kstepEstimator returned [untransformed.]estimates with dim - attribute ...
+ this caused e.g. problems in RobLox, in rlsOptIC.AL.Rd, changed this;
+ * yet another small change ... to eliminate non-wanted dim-attribute
++ minor typo in kStepEstimator
version 0.1.3
+ new plotting features similar to package distr
Modified: branches/robast-0.7/pkg/RobAStBase/man/0RobAStBase-package.Rd
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 369
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