[Returnanalytics-commits] r2918 - in pkg/Meucci: . R demo man
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Wed Aug 28 20:02:06 CEST 2013
Author: xavierv
Date: 2013-08-28 20:02:06 +0200 (Wed, 28 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 2918
- added S_MeanVarianceBenchmark demo script from chapter 6 and its associated functions
Modified: pkg/Meucci/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/Meucci/DESCRIPTION 2013-08-28 10:38:55 UTC (rev 2917)
+++ pkg/Meucci/DESCRIPTION 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
+ 'MaxRsqCS.R'
+ 'EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.R'
+ 'EfficientFrontierReturns.R'
- 'MaxRsqCS.R'
Modified: pkg/Meucci/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/Meucci/NAMESPACE 2013-08-28 10:38:55 UTC (rev 2917)
+++ pkg/Meucci/NAMESPACE 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
Modified: pkg/Meucci/R/ConvertChangeInYield2Price.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/ConvertChangeInYield2Price.R 2013-08-28 10:38:55 UTC (rev 2917)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/ConvertChangeInYield2Price.R 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
ConvertChangeInYield2Price = function( Exp_DY, Cov_DY, Times2Mat, CurrentPrices )
Mu = log( CurrentPrices ) - Times2Mat * Exp_DY;
- Sigma = diag( Times2Mat^2 ) %*% Cov_DY;
+ Sigma = diag( Times2Mat ^ 2, length(Times2Mat) ) %*% Cov_DY;
Exp_Prices = exp(Mu + (1/2) * diag( Sigma ));
Cov_Prices = exp(Mu + (1/2) * diag( Sigma )) %*% t(exp(Mu + (1/2) * diag(Sigma))) * ( exp( Sigma ) - 1);
Added: pkg/Meucci/R/EfficientFrontierReturns.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/EfficientFrontierReturns.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/EfficientFrontierReturns.R 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#' Compute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns) by quadratic programming, as described in
+#' A. Meucci "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005
+#' @param NumPortf : [scalar] number of portfolio in the efficient frontier
+#' @param Covariance : [matrix] (N x N) covariance matrix
+#' @param ExpectedValues : [vector] (N x 1) expected returns
+#' @param Constraints : [struct] set of constraints. Default: weights sum to one, and no-short positions
+#' @return ExpectedValue : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) expected values of the portfolios
+#' @return Volatility : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) standard deviations of the portfolios
+#' @return Composition : [matrix] (NumPortf x N) optimal portfolios
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "EfficientFrontierReturns.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+#' @export
+EfficientFrontierReturns = function(NumPortf, Covariance, ExpectedValues, Constraints = NULL)
+ NumAssets = ncol(Covariance);
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ # determine return of minimum-risk portfolio
+ FirstDegree = matrix( 0, NumAssets, 1);
+ SecondDegree = Covariance;
+ if( !length(Constraints) )
+ {
+ Aeq = matrix( 1, 1, NumAssets);
+ beq = 1;
+ A = -diag( 1, NumAssets); # no-short constraint
+ b = matrix( 0, NumAssets, 1); # no-short constraint
+ }else
+ {
+ Aeq = Constraints$Aeq;
+ beq = Constraints$beq;
+ A = Constraints$Aleq; # no-short constraint
+ b = Constraints$bleq; # no-short constraint
+ }
+ x0 = 1 / NumAssets * matrix( 1, NumAssets, 1);
+ Amat = rbind( Aeq, A);
+ bvec = rbind( beq, b);
+###### MinVol_Weights = quadprog( SecondDegree, -FirstDegree, A, b, Aeq, beq, [], [], x0, options );
+ MinVol_Weights = matrix( solve.QP( Dmat = SecondDegree, dvec = -FirstDegree, Amat = -t(Amat), bvec = -bvec, meq = length( beq ) )$solution );
+ MinVol_Return = t( MinVol_Weights ) %*% ExpectedValues;
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ ### Determine return of maximum-return portfolio
+ MaxRet_Return = max(ExpectedValues);
+ MaxRet_Index = which( ExpectedValues == max(ExpectedValues) );
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ ### Slice efficient frontier in NumPortf equally thick horizontal sectors in the upper branch only
+ Step = (MaxRet_Return - MinVol_Return) / (NumPortf - 1);
+ TargetReturns = seq( MinVol_Return, MaxRet_Return, Step );
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ ### Compute the NumPortf compositions and risk-return coordinates of the optimal allocations relative to each slice
+ # initialization
+ Composition = matrix( NaN, NumPortf, NumAssets);
+ Volatility = matrix( NaN, NumPortf, 1);
+ ExpectedValue = matrix( NaN, NumPortf, 1);
+ # start with min vol portfolio
+ Composition[ 1, ] = t(MinVol_Weights);
+ Volatility[ 1 ] = sqrt(t(MinVol_Weights) %*% Covariance %*% MinVol_Weights);
+ ExpectedValue[ 1 ] = t(MinVol_Weights) %*% ExpectedValues;
+ for( i in 2 : (NumPortf - 1) )
+ {
+ # determine least risky portfolio for given expected return
+ AEq = rbind( matrix( 1, 1, NumAssets), t(ExpectedValues) );
+ bEq = rbind( 1, TargetReturns[ i ]);
+ Amat = rbind( AEq, A);
+ bvec = rbind( bEq, b)
+ Weights = t( solve.QP( Dmat = SecondDegree, dvec = -FirstDegree, Amat = -t(Amat), bvec = -bvec, meq = length( bEq ) )$solution );
+ #Weights = t(quadprog(SecondDegree, FirstDegree, A, b, AEq, bEq, [], [], x0, options));
+ Composition[ i, ] = Weights;
+ Volatility[ i ] = sqrt( Weights %*% Covariance %*% t(Weights));
+ ExpectedValue[ i ] = Weights %*% ExpectedValues;
+ }
+ # add max ret portfolio
+ Weights = matrix( 0, 1, NumAssets);
+ Weights[ MaxRet_Index ] = 1;
+ Composition[ nrow(Composition), ] = Weights;
+ Volatility[ length(Volatility) ] = sqrt(Weights %*% Covariance %*% t(Weights));
+ ExpectedValue[ length(ExpectedValue) ] = Weights %*% ExpectedValues;
+ return( list( ExpectedValue = ExpectedValue, Volatility = Volatility, Composition = Composition ) );
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/Meucci/R/EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.R 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#' Compute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns) by quadratic programming, as described in
+#' A. Meucci "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005
+#' @param NumPortf : [scalar] number of portfolio in the efficient frontier
+#' @param Covariance : [matrix] (N x N) covariance matrix
+#' @param ExpectedValues : [vector] (N x 1) expected returns
+#' @param Benchmark : [vector] (N x 1) of benchmark weights
+#' @param Constraints : [struct] set of constraints. Default: weights sum to one, and no-short positions
+#' @return ExpectedValue : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) expected values of the portfolios
+#' @return Volatility : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) standard deviations of the portfolios
+#' @return Composition : [matrix] (NumPortf x N) optimal portfolios
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+#' @export
+EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark = function(NumPortf, Covariance, ExpectedValues, Benchmark, Constraints = NULL)
+ NumAssets = ncol(Covariance);
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ # determine return of minimum-risk portfolio
+ FirstDegree = -Covariance %*% Benchmark;
+ SecondDegree = Covariance;
+ if( !length(Constraints) )
+ {
+ Aeq = matrix( 1, 1, NumAssets);
+ beq = 1;
+ A = -diag( 1, NumAssets); # no-short constraint
+ b = matrix( 0, NumAssets, 1); # no-short constraint
+ }else
+ {
+ Aeq = Constraints$Aeq;
+ beq = Constraints$beq;
+ A = Constraints$Aleq; # no-short constraint
+ b = Constraints$bleq; # no-short constraint
+ }
+ Amat = rbind( Aeq, A);
+ bvec = rbind( beq, b);
+###### MinVol_Weights = quadprog( SecondDegree, -FirstDegree, A, b, Aeq, beq, [], [], x0, options );
+ MinVol_Weights = matrix( solve.QP( Dmat = SecondDegree, dvec = -FirstDegree, Amat = -t(Amat), bvec = -bvec, meq = length( beq ) )$solution );
+ MinVol_Return = t( MinVol_Weights ) %*% ExpectedValues;
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ ### Determine return of maximum-return portfolio
+ MaxRet_Return = max(ExpectedValues);
+ MaxRet_Index = which( ExpectedValues == max(ExpectedValues) );
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ ### Slice efficient frontier in NumPortf equally thick horizontal sectors in the upper branch only
+ Step = (MaxRet_Return - MinVol_Return) / (NumPortf - 1);
+ TargetReturns = seq( MinVol_Return, MaxRet_Return, Step );
+ ##################################################################################################################
+ ### Compute the NumPortf compositions and risk-return coordinates of the optimal allocations relative to each slice
+ # initialization
+ Composition = matrix( NaN, NumPortf, NumAssets);
+ Volatility = matrix( NaN, NumPortf, 1);
+ ExpectedValue = matrix( NaN, NumPortf, 1);
+ # start with min vol portfolio
+ Composition[ 1, ] = t(MinVol_Weights);
+ Volatility[ 1 ] = sqrt(t(MinVol_Weights) %*% Covariance %*% MinVol_Weights);
+ ExpectedValue[ 1 ] = t(MinVol_Weights) %*% ExpectedValues;
+ for( i in 2 : (NumPortf - 1) )
+ {
+ # determine least risky portfolio for given expected return
+ AEq = rbind( matrix( 1, 1, NumAssets), t(ExpectedValues) );
+ bEq = rbind( 1, TargetReturns[ i ]);
+ Amat = rbind( AEq, A);
+ bvec = rbind( bEq, b)
+ Weights = t( solve.QP( Dmat = SecondDegree, dvec = -FirstDegree, Amat = -t(Amat), bvec = -bvec, meq = length( bEq ) )$solution );
+ #Weights = t(quadprog(SecondDegree, FirstDegree, A, b, AEq, bEq, [], [], x0, options));
+ Composition[ i, ] = Weights;
+ Volatility[ i ] = sqrt( Weights %*% Covariance %*% t(Weights));
+ ExpectedValue[ i ] = Weights %*% ExpectedValues;
+ }
+ # add max ret portfolio
+ Weights = matrix( 0, 1, NumAssets);
+ Weights[ MaxRet_Index ] = 1;
+ Composition[ nrow(Composition), ] = Weights;
+ Volatility[ length(Volatility) ] = sqrt(Weights %*% Covariance %*% t(Weights));
+ ExpectedValue[ length(ExpectedValue) ] = Weights %*% ExpectedValues;
+ return( list( ExpectedValue = ExpectedValue, Volatility = Volatility, Composition = Composition ) );
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: pkg/Meucci/R/MaxRsqCS.R
--- pkg/Meucci/R/MaxRsqCS.R 2013-08-28 10:38:55 UTC (rev 2917)
+++ pkg/Meucci/R/MaxRsqCS.R 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@
b = ipop( c = matrix( FirstDegree ), H = SecondDegree, A = Amat, b = bvec, l = lb , u = ub , r = rep(0, length(bvec)) )
# reshape for output
G = t( matrix( attributes(b)$primal, N, ) );
Modified: pkg/Meucci/demo/S_CrossSectionConstrainedIndustries.R
--- pkg/Meucci/demo/S_CrossSectionConstrainedIndustries.R 2013-08-28 10:38:55 UTC (rev 2917)
+++ pkg/Meucci/demo/S_CrossSectionConstrainedIndustries.R 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-### This script fits a cross-sectional linear factor model creating industry factors,
-### == Chapter 3 ==
#' This script fits a cross-sectional linear factor model creating industry factors, where the industry factors
#' are constrained to be uncorrelated with the market as described in A. Meucci, "Risk and Asset Allocation",
#' Springer, 2005, Chapter 3.
@@ -49,6 +43,8 @@
lb = -100
ub = 700
+#THE ROWS 3 and 6 should be 0 and instead of it we got outliers.
G = MaxRsqCS(X, B, W, A, D, Aeq, Deq, lb, ub);
# compute intercept a and residual U
Added: pkg/Meucci/demo/S_MeanVarianceBenchmark.R
--- pkg/Meucci/demo/S_MeanVarianceBenchmark.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/demo/S_MeanVarianceBenchmark.R 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#' This script projects the distribution of the market invariants for the bond and stock markets
+#' (i.e. the changes in yield to maturity and compounded returns) from the estimation interval to the investment horizon.
+#' Then it computes the distribution of prices at the investment horizon and translates this distribution into the returns
+#' distribution.
+#' Finally, it computes the mean-variance efficient frontier both for a total-return and for a benchmark-driven investor
+#' Described in A. Meucci,"Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005, Chapter 6.
+#' @references
+#' \url{http://symmys.com/node/170}
+#' See Meucci's script for "S_MeanVarianceBenchmark.m"
+#' @author Xavier Valls \email{flamejat@@gmail.com}
+### Load data
+### Inputs
+tau = 4 / 52; # time to horizon expressed in years
+tau_tilde = 1 / 52; # estimation period expressed in years
+FlatCurve = 0.04;
+TimeToMat = 5 / 52; # time to maturity of bond expressed in years
+# parameters of the distribution of the changes in yield to maturity
+u_minus_tau = TimeToMat - tau;
+mu = 0 * u_minus_tau;
+sigma=( 20 + 5 / 4 * u_minus_tau ) / 10000;
+nSim = 100000;
+Budget = 100;
+### Estimation of weekly invariants stock market (compounded returns)
+Week_C = log( StockSeries$Prices.TimeSeries[ -1, ]) - log( StockSeries$Prices.TimeSeries[-nrow(StockSeries$Prices.TimeSeries), ] );
+N = ncol(Week_C);
+la = 0.1;
+Shrk_Exp = matrix( 0, N, 1 );
+Exp_C_Hat = ( 1 - la ) * matrix( apply( Week_C, 2, mean ) ) + la * Shrk_Exp;
+lb = 0.1;
+Shrk_Cov = diag( 1, N ) * sum(diag(cov(Week_C))) / N;
+Cov_C_Hat = ( 1 - lb ) * cov(Week_C) + lb * (Shrk_Cov);
+### Stock market projection to horizon and pricing
+Exp_Hrzn_C_Hat = Exp_C_Hat * tau / tau_tilde;
+Cov_Hrzn_C_Hat = Cov_C_Hat * tau / tau_tilde;
+StockCompReturns_Scenarios = rmvnorm( nSim, Exp_Hrzn_C_Hat, Cov_Hrzn_C_Hat);
+StockCurrent_Prices = matrix( StockSeries$Prices.TimeSeries[ nrow(StockSeries$Prices.TimeSeries), ]);
+StockMarket_Scenarios = ( matrix( 1, nSim, 1) %*% t(StockCurrent_Prices)) * exp( StockCompReturns_Scenarios );
+# MV inputs - analytical
+Stock = ConvertCompoundedReturns2Price(Exp_Hrzn_C_Hat, Cov_Hrzn_C_Hat, StockCurrent_Prices);
+print( Stock$Exp_Prices );
+print( Stock$Cov_Prices );
+# MV inputs - numerical
+StockExp_Prices = matrix( apply( StockMarket_Scenarios, 2, mean ));
+StockCov_Prices = cov( StockMarket_Scenarios );
+### Bond market projection to horizon and pricing
+BondCurrent_Prices_Shifted = exp( -FlatCurve * u_minus_tau);
+BondCurrent_Prices = exp( -FlatCurve * TimeToMat);
+# generate changes in yield-to-maturity
+DY_Scenarios = matrix( rnorm( nSim, mu * tau / tau_tilde, sigma * sqrt(tau / tau_tilde)) );
+# compute the horizon prices, (3.81) in "Risk and Asset Allocation" - Springer
+X = -u_minus_tau * DY_Scenarios;
+BondMarket_Scenarios = BondCurrent_Prices_Shifted * exp(X);
+# MV inputs - analytical
+Exp_Hrzn_DY_Hat = mu * tau / tau_tilde;
+SDev_Hrzn_DY_Hat = sigma * sqrt(tau / tau_tilde);
+Cov_Hrzn_DY_Hat = diag( SDev_Hrzn_DY_Hat, length(SDev_Hrzn_DY_Hat) ) %*% diag( SDev_Hrzn_DY_Hat, length(SDev_Hrzn_DY_Hat) );
+Bond = ConvertChangeInYield2Price(Exp_Hrzn_DY_Hat, Cov_Hrzn_DY_Hat, u_minus_tau, BondCurrent_Prices_Shifted);
+# MV inputs - numerical
+BondExp_Prices = t( mean( BondMarket_Scenarios ));
+BondCov_Prices = cov(BondMarket_Scenarios);
+### Put market together and compute returns
+Current_Prices = rbind( StockCurrent_Prices, BondCurrent_Prices);
+Prices_Scenarios = cbind( StockMarket_Scenarios, BondMarket_Scenarios )
+Rets_Scenarios = Prices_Scenarios / (matrix( 1, nSim, 1 ) %*% t(Current_Prices)) - 1;
+E = matrix(apply( Rets_Scenarios, 2, mean));
+S = cov(Rets_Scenarios);
+N = ncol(StockSeries$Prices.TimeSeries) + 1;
+w_b = matrix( 1, N, 1) / N; # relative benchmar weights
+### Portolio optimization
+# MV total return quadratic optimization to determine one-parameter frontier of quasi-optimal solutions
+NumPortf = 40;
+Ef = EfficientFrontierReturns( NumPortf, S, E );
+Rel_ExpectedValue = array( 0, NumPortf );
+Rel_Std_Deviation = array( 0, NumPortf );
+for( k in 1 : NumPortf )
+ Rel_ExpectedValue[ k ] = t( Ef$Composition[ k, ] - w_b) %*% E;
+ Rel_Std_Deviation[ k ] = sqrt(t( Ef$Composition[ k, ] - w_b ) %*% S %*% ( Ef$Composition[ k, ] - w_b ) );
+### Benchmark-relative statistics
+# MV benchmark-relative quadratic optimization to determine one-parameter frontier of quasi-optimal solutions
+Ef_b = EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark(NumPortf, S, E, w_b);
+Rel_ExpectedValue_b = array( 0, NumPortf );
+Rel_Std_Deviation_b = array( 0, NumPortf );
+for( k in 1 : NumPortf )
+ Rel_ExpectedValue_b[ k ] = t( Ef_b$Composition[ k, ] - w_b ) %*% E;
+ Rel_Std_Deviation_b[ k ] = sqrt(t( Ef_b$Composition[ k, ] - w_b ) %*% S %*% ( Ef_b$Composition[ k, ] - w_b ) );
+### Plots
+# frontiers in total return space
+plot( Ef$Volatility, Ef$ExpectedValue, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "st.dev. rets.", ylab = "exp.val rets.",
+ xlim =c( Ef_b$Volatility[1], Ef_b$Volatility[length(Ef_b$Volatility)] ), ylim = c( min(Ef_b$ExpectedValue), max(Ef_b$ExpectedValue)) );
+lines( Ef_b$Volatility , Ef_b$ExpectedValue, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "red" );
+legend( "topleft", 1.9, c( "total ret", "relative" ), col = c( "blue","red" ),
+ lty=1, bg = "gray90" );
+# frontiers in relative return space
+plot( Rel_Std_Deviation, Rel_ExpectedValue, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "TE rets.", ylab = "EOP rets.",
+ xlim =c( Rel_Std_Deviation_b[1], Rel_Std_Deviation_b[length(Rel_Std_Deviation_b)] ), ylim = c( min( Rel_ExpectedValue_b ), max( Rel_ExpectedValue_b )) ););
+lines( Rel_Std_Deviation_b, Rel_ExpectedValue_b, lwd = 2, col = "red" );
+legend( "topleft", 1.9, c( "total ret", "relative" ), col = c( "blue","red" ),
+ lty=1, bg = "gray90" );
Added: pkg/Meucci/demo/covNRets.Rda
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: pkg/Meucci/demo/covNRets.Rda
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: pkg/Meucci/man/EfficientFrontierReturns.Rd
--- pkg/Meucci/man/EfficientFrontierReturns.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/man/EfficientFrontierReturns.Rd 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\title{Compute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns) by quadratic programming, as described in
+A. Meucci "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005}
+ EfficientFrontierReturns(NumPortf, Covariance,
+ ExpectedValues, Constraints = NULL)
+ \item{NumPortf}{: [scalar] number of portfolio in the
+ efficient frontier}
+ \item{Covariance}{: [matrix] (N x N) covariance matrix}
+ \item{ExpectedValues}{: [vector] (N x 1) expected
+ returns}
+ \item{Constraints}{: [struct] set of constraints.
+ Default: weights sum to one, and no-short positions}
+ ExpectedValue : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) expected values
+ of the portfolios
+ Volatility : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) standard deviations
+ of the portfolios
+ Composition : [matrix] (NumPortf x N) optimal portfolios
+ Compute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns)
+ by quadratic programming, as described in A. Meucci "Risk
+ and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005
+ Xavier Valls \email{flamejat at gmail.com}
+ \url{http://symmys.com/node/170} See Meucci's script for
+ "EfficientFrontierReturns.m"
Added: pkg/Meucci/man/EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.Rd
--- pkg/Meucci/man/EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Meucci/man/EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.Rd 2013-08-28 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2918)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+\title{Compute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns) by quadratic programming, as described in
+A. Meucci "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005}
+ EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark(NumPortf, Covariance,
+ ExpectedValues, Benchmark, Constraints = NULL)
+ \item{NumPortf}{: [scalar] number of portfolio in the
+ efficient frontier}
+ \item{Covariance}{: [matrix] (N x N) covariance matrix}
+ \item{ExpectedValues}{: [vector] (N x 1) expected
+ returns}
+ \item{Benchmark}{: [vector] (N x 1) of benchmark weights}
+ \item{Constraints}{: [struct] set of constraints.
+ Default: weights sum to one, and no-short positions}
+ ExpectedValue : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) expected values
+ of the portfolios
+ Volatility : [vector] (NumPortf x 1) standard deviations
+ of the portfolios
+ Composition : [matrix] (NumPortf x N) optimal portfolios
+ Compute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns)
+ by quadratic programming, as described in A. Meucci "Risk
+ and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005
+ Xavier Valls \email{flamejat at gmail.com}
+ \url{http://symmys.com/node/170} See Meucci's script for
+ "EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmark.m"
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