[Returnanalytics-commits] r2198 - pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci

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Mon Jul 23 08:11:13 CEST 2012

Author: mkshah
Date: 2012-07-23 08:11:13 +0200 (Mon, 23 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 2198

Adding the 00index file and changing DESCRIPTION

Added: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/00index
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/00index	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/00index	2012-07-23 06:11:13 UTC (rev 2198)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Central2Raw                         Transforms first n central moments into first n raw moments (first
+                                    central moment defined as expectation)
+CMAcombination                      CMA combination. Glues an arbitrary copula and arbitrary marginal
+                                    distributions into a new joint distribution
+CMAseparation                       CMA separation. Decomposes arbitrary joint distributions
+                                    (scenario-probabilities) into their copula and marginals
+ComputeMoments                      Takes a matrix of joint-scenario probability distributions and
+                                    generates expectations, standard devation, and correlation matrix for
+                                    the assets
+ComputeMVE                          Compute the minimum volume ellipsoid for a given (multi-variate)
+                                    time-series
+CondProbViews                       Input conditional views
+Cumul2Raw                           Transforms cumulants of Y-t into raw moments
+DetectOutliersViaMVE                Use the minimum volume ellipsoid to detect outliers
+efficientFrontier                   Construct the mean-variance efficient frontier using a quadratic solver
+EntropyProg                         Entropy pooling program for blending views on scenarios with a prior
+                                    scenario-probability distribution
+gaussHermiteMesh                    Generates grid reprensentation of a distribution according to the
+                                    method suggested by Meucci and inspired from Gauss-Hermite quadratures.
+GenerateLogNormalDistribution       Generate arbitrary distribution of a shifted-lognormal invariant
+hermitePolynomial                   Generate a Hermite Polynomial of order n
+integrateSubIntervals               Integrate the subinterval for the given cumulative distribution
+                                    function to get the equivalent probability
+kernelbw                            Generates bandwidth of a Gaussian Kernel Density Estimator based on
+                                    Silverman's rule of thumb
+kernelcdf                           Evaluates cumulative distribution function for the input numeric value
+kernelinv                           Evaluates inverse probability distribution function for the input
+                                    probability in order to get the data point
+kernelpdf                           Evaluates probability distribution function for the input numeric value
+linreturn                           Generate arithmetric returns and arithmetric covariance matrix given a
+                                    distribution of log returns
+MvnRnd                              Generates normal simulations whose sample moments match the population
+                                    moments
+NoisyObservations                   Generate observations from a two asset covariance matrix and add
+                                    outliers
+normalizeProb                       Generates the normalized probability for an input probability value
+PanicCopula                         Copula-Marginal Algorithm (CMA)
+PartialConfidencePosterior          Constructs the partial confidence posterior based on a prior, sample
+                                    mu/covariance, and relative confidence in the prior
+pHist                               Generates histogram
+PlotDistributions                   Plot numerical and analytical prior and posterior distributions
+Prior2Posterior                     Calculate the full-confidence posterior distributions of Mu and Sigma
+private_fun                         Evaluates the difference between calculated cumulative distribution
+                                    function for a data point and the true value
+Raw2Central                         Transforms the first n raw moments into the first n central moments
+Raw2Cumul                           Transforms raw moments into cumulants
+RejectOutlier                       Finds the "worst" outlier in a multivariate time series
+RIEfficientFrontier                 Generates an efficient frontier based on Meucci's Ranking Information
+                                    version with the following inputs
+                                    Construct a Bayesian mean-variance efficient frontier and identifies
+                                    the most robust portfolio
+StackedBarChart                     Generate a Stacked Bar Chart based on the frontier weights matrix
+std                                 Calculates the population standard deviation
+subIntervals                        Generate the intervals containing jth point of the grid.
+SummStats                           Compute summary stats
+Tweak                               tweak a matrix
+ViewRanking                         view the rankings

Modified: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/DESCRIPTION	2012-07-23 02:42:08 UTC (rev 2197)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/Meucci/DESCRIPTION	2012-07-23 06:11:13 UTC (rev 2198)
@@ -1,38 +1,23 @@
-Package: Meucci
-Type: Package
-Title: Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis.
-Version: 0.1
-Date: $Date: 2012-06-06 15:18:48 -0500 (Wed, 06 Jun 2012) $
-Author: Ram Ahluwalia, Manan Shah
-Maintainer: Brian G. Peterson <brian at braverock.com>
-Description: stub for Meucci
-    R (>= 2.14.0),
-    zoo,
-    xts (>= 0.8),
-    matlab,
-    ggplot2
-    Hmisc,
-    MASS,
-    tseries,
-    quadprog,
-    sn,
-    robustbase,
-    quantreg,
-    gplots,
-    ff
-License: GPL
-URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/returnanalytics/
-Copyright: (c) 2004-2012
-    'CmaCopula.R'
-    'DetectOutliersviaMVE.R'
-    'EntropyProg.R'
-    'FullyFlexibleBayesNets.R'
-    'HermiteGrid.R'
-    'InvariantProjection.R'
-    'logToArithmeticCovariance.R'
-    'Prior2Posterior.R'
-    'RankingInformation.R'
-    'RobustBayesianAllocation.R'
+Package: Meucci
+Type: Package
+Title: Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis.
+Version: 0.1
+Date: $Date: 2012-06-06 15:18:48 -0500 (Wed, 06 Jun 2012) $
+Author: Ram Ahluwalia, Manan Shah
+Maintainer: Brian G. Peterson <brian at braverock.com>
+Description: stub for Meucci
+Depends: R (>= 2.14.0), zoo, xts (>= 0.8), matlab, ggplot2, MASS, pracma, Hmisc, Matrix, nloptr, limSolve,moments, quadprog
+License: GPL
+URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/returnanalytics/
+Copyright: (c) 2004-2012
+    'CmaCopula.R'
+    'DetectOutliersviaMVE.R'
+    'EntropyProg.R'
+    'FullyFlexibleBayesNets.R'
+    'HermiteGrid.R'
+    'InvariantProjection.R'
+    'logToArithmeticCovariance.R'
+    'Prior2Posterior.R'
+    'RankingInformation.R'
+    'RobustBayesianAllocation.R'

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