[Rcpp-devel] Issues creating static library using Makevars

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sat Jun 27 05:07:34 CEST 2020

On 26 June 2020 at 15:55, Akhila Chowdary Kolla wrote:
| But when I check the package I get the following warnings: using
| devtools::check()
| ‘../inst/include/Log.o’   File ‘testproject/libs/testproject.so’:     Found
| no calls to: ‘R_registerRoutines’, ‘R_useDynamicSymbols’    Compiled code
| should not call entry points which might terminate R nor write to
| stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor use Fortran I/O nor system
| RNGs. It is good practice to register native routines and to disable
| symbol search.*

See "Writing R Extensions"
|   *Found no calls to: ‘R_registerRoutines’, ‘R_useDynamicSymbols’  - why is

See "Writing R Extensions"

| this necessary as I am trying to compile some external C
| files(inst/include/DeepState.c) which are not in src folder*
|    *Compiled code should not call entry points which might terminate R
| nor write to stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor use Fortran
| I/O nor system RNGs. - what does this mean?*

See "Writing R Extensions"

| how can I solve this issue and get rid of the warning in the R CMD check?
| Can someone please suggest a way to resolve this?

See "Writing R Extensions" -- nobody here on the list "makes the rules". Only
R Core / CRAN do. We all just try live by them.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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