[Rcpp-devel] strange behaviour ... something to do with RInside?
Jonathon Love
jon at thon.love
Tue Sep 8 20:08:23 CEST 2015
hi dirk,
with further testing, it occurs with any version from CRAN (available
for trusty at least).
r-base-core | 3.2.2-1trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.2.1-4trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.2.1-3trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.2.1-2trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.2.1-1trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.2.0-4trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.2.0-1trusty |
r-base-core | 3.1.3-1trusty |
r-base-core | 3.1.2-1trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.1.1-1trusty0 |
r-base-core | 3.1.0-1trusty0 |
works with this one (from archive.ubuntu.com):
r-base-core | 3.0.2-1ubuntu1 |
using rcpp 0.12.0 and rinside 0.2.13 from my PPA
any clues?
with thanks
On 8/09/2015 4:29 pm, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 8 September 2015 at 09:28, Jonathon Love wrote:
> | hi dirk,
> |
> | my application JASP makes use of RInside, and has for about two years
> | now (https://jasp-stats.org). however, i've just found the most bizare
> | bug. it only seems to occur under R 3.2.2 (from CRAN) under Ubuntu
> | Trusty. the issue does not occur under R 3.0.2 (from the standard ubuntu
> | repos), nor does it occur under R 3.2.2 on Ubuntu Vivid.
> |
> | the problem is, bizarely enough, to do with a call to stats::quantile( )
> |
> | calling:
> |
> | stats::quantile(x, probs=0.01)
> |
> | within JASP, gives the error:
> |
> | "unused argument (probs = 0.01)"
> |
> | but calling it outside of JASP, in an R session run at the terminal,
> | gives me the expected result.
> |
> | i have inspected the Version, the .libPaths(), everything between the
> | terminal and JASP is identical.
> | calling:
> |
> | print(stats::quantiles)
> |
> | gives me the same (short) function definition in both environments
> |
> | if i run stats::quantile(1:10), inside of JASP, it gives me the exact
> | vector back (rather than the quantiles)!
> |
> | if i go to the R SVN, and copy the stats::quantile.default() into the
> | JASP R code, rename it, and substitute calls within JASP, everything
> | works fine.
> |
> | there's also an issue with stats::as.formula() not working
> |
> | in typically JASP usage, dozens of R functions are called, and there
> | don't seem to be any issues other than these, so it appears to be
> | isolated to the stats package.
> |
> | the only difference i can see, is that one runs inside of RInside, the
> | other at the terminal.
> |
> | any idea of what it could cause this?
> We are aware of one issue between R 3.2.2 and Rcpp 0.12.0 which is due to
> recent changes in R prior to the R 3.2.2 release. That is addressed in
> Rcpp's master branch on GitHub so you could try that. It should also work
> with R-devel. We are planning Rcpp 0.12.1 "relatively soon" because of this.
> Hope that helps, if it doesn;t we need to dig deeper.
> Dirk
JASP - A Fresh Way to Do Statistics
How happy is he born and taught,
That serveth not another's will;
Whose armour is his honest thought,
And simple truth his utmost skill
This man is freed from servile bands
Of hope to rise, or fear to fall:
Lord of himself, though not of lands,
And, having nothing, yet hath all.
-- Sir Henry Wotton
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