[Rcpp-devel] rex2arma: from R expression to RcppArmadillo code

Serguei Sokol serguei.sokol at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 17:44:14 CET 2014


Le 03/11/2014 17:33, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :
> Serguei,
> Thanks for your enthusiasm about Rcpp and RcppArmadillo. It is mostly shared :)
> You give a long "sales job" on rex2arma, which is fine.  Open Source mostly
> works differently.  If you really wanted this to be part of RcppArmadillo,
> could you provide a pull request?  Code rules, and we need to see the code.
That was precisely the sens of my question : where can I put the code ?
Have you a github account ?


> But without having seen the code, why not ... just make rex2arma a package
> which you would author and ship to CRAN?  Just a thought.
> Cheers, Dirk

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