[Rcpp-devel] Speed up of the data.frame creation in DataFrame.h

Dmitry Nesterov dmitry.nesterov at gmail.com
Sat Jun 7 04:00:55 CEST 2014

Where is the Rcpp git repository that I can fork? Does it have a description of regression environment too?
Thanks, Dmitry

On Jun 6, 2014, at 9:58 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:

> Dmitry,
> On 6 June 2014 at 21:41, Dmitry Nesterov wrote:
> | I would try to do that, although I only have the Mac OSX 10.9.3 to work on.
> The OS should not matter.  Rcpp works on Linux, OS X and Windows.
> | If this is ok for regression tests, then where can I get instructions on where to fork from and how to run the tests?
> You would need to start with some git tutorials.  Pull requests are described
> at   https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request   but you may
> need to recurse higher up about how to fork a repo, how to commit to it etc pp.
> It's worth it in the long run, and a total pain in the arse in the short
> run. Basically not unlike R and C++ ;-)
> Dirk
> -- 
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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