[Rcpp-devel] Please allow me to introduce myself.

Robi Ragan robi.ragan at sjsu.edu
Thu Feb 20 18:28:59 CET 2014

Hello Rcpp-devel,
I was advised to post under my real name so let me introduce myself before I ask my first question and the "Ripleying" can begin in earnest. 
My name is Robi I am an assistant professor at San Jose State. I am working on series of R packages that facilitate Social Choice Analysis in R. All of the underlying algorithms are currently being translate from R into Cpp to speed up computation time and make the algorithms more portable to other non-R uses.
I have been using R for about 7 years and have taught several workshops on data visualization, R itself and taught a graduate course on using R for agent-based modeling. I even did a quick seminar for interested colleagues on using Rcpp back when it was young.
My Cpp is not as good as it should be, and I admit I could use a proper course in it, but the time never seems to be there. So most of my questions will stem from my ignorance on that side of things. 
Most of my struggles seem to happen at the intersection of the Rcpp object types (like NumericMatrix) and converting those objects into the proper format for the Cpp libraries I want to use (most of them in Boost). Then of course I need to get the output from the code produced with the library back into an Rcpp object type so it can be handed back to R through the magic of Rcpp.
I will ask my specific questions in another post. But thanks to all on the Rcpp team, its a really great accomplishment that puts some very powerful tools within the reach of those of us who are R programers.
Apologies in advance.
Robi Ragan
Assistant Professor of Economics
San Jose State University

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