[Rcpp-devel] RcppEigen not compiling under Solaris 10 INTEL
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Mon Sep 30 23:21:56 CEST 2013
Change "either x86 or sparse" to "either x86 or sparc". I write sparse
more than I write sparc and my fingers took over.
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:
>> On 30 September 2013 at 16:46, Sul, Young L wrote:
>> | I know that from
>> http://cran.fhcrc.org/web/checks/check_results_RcppEigen.html
>> | RcppEigen isn?t compilable until Solaris 10 yet. I?m wondering if
>> anyone has a
>> | sense if this will be fixed in the future?
>> It's tricky:
>> -- packages Rcpp${FOO} fail for various values of ${FOO} also because
>> Rcpp
>> itself may not build (and in this particular case solaris-x86 seems
>> to
>> pass for Rcpp (Yay!) but solaris-sparc still fails (booh) so here it
>> is
>> indeed an RcppEigen issue)
>> -- none of the core member of the Rcpp group has access to either
>> Solaris
>> variant (though as I recall Martyn Plummer has a solaris x86 and
>> provided Romain access to this in the past)
>> -- so we cannot fix Rcpp, nor can we fix packages building on top of
>> Rcpp
>> -- and as "we" don't use these machine, fixes are not of high priority
>> (but
>> if someone could provide funding, Romain may be willing to tackle
>> this
>> but you'd have to ask him)
>> However, we have always accepted patches for this.
>> With RcppEigen, the added difficulty is that the listed maintainer is no
>> longer all that active around R.
> Actually the listed maintainer was writing a reply when your reply came
> through :-)
> I had been willing to bet that no one used RcppEigen on Solaris and its
> failing to build on Solaris was a non-issue, but Young Sui has proved me
> wrong.
> However, the problems Dirk described hold for me too. I don't have access
> to a Solaris system, either x86 or sparse, and don't know of a way that I
> could access such a system. Even if I could get access I doubt that I
> would be able to fix the parts complained about in the logs because they
> are in the Eigen code If I recall correctly the Eigen authors said they
> were not going to try to support Solaris because - wait for it - they don't
> have access to a Solaris system.
> I recall a suggestion of using openSolaris under virtualbox or some other
> virtualization software but, according to the Wikipedia page, openSolaris
> no longer exists.
> So that is an open spot -- if someone ambitious enough to tackle this would
>> step forward and adopt RcppEigen, we'd all appreciate it.
> Yes, I would be willing to pass RcppEigen onto another maintainer.
> However It happens that there will be a rather complicated shuffle
> involving the Matrix, RcppEigen and lme4 packages in the near future and
> probably I should be involved in that.
> The situation is that a recent release (and a minor version number at
> that) of the CHOLMOD software, on which the sparse Cholesky factorization
> in Matrix and in RcppEigen is based, added a field to the
> cholmod_factor_struct. If we use the new CHOLMOD version in Matrix, which
> we would like to do, then the installed versions of other packages will
> start to fail when the new Matrix is installed. It is going to be messy
> because there is no way to force an upgrade of a downstream package when a
> new Matrix is installed.
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