[Rcpp-devel] Problem exposing inherited member function of derived class to R through RCPP_MODULE

Luke.Domanski at csiro.au Luke.Domanski at csiro.au
Tue Oct 1 01:22:28 CEST 2013

> If for some reason you cannot make A::fun2() virtual (e.g. fun2 need to
> be a template), you can just create a wrapper function in the derived
> class and expose this to R with its name changed to the function being
> wrapped. E.g.
> I am not sure how to overcome this problem if (for some reason) you
> cannot use a virtual function, e.g. fun2 is a template function.

Sorry, that didn't make any sense. The following was supposed to be deleted from the post

> If for some reason you cannot make A::fun2() virtual (e.g. fun2 need to
> be a template), you can just create a wrapper function in the derived
> class and expose this to R with its name changed to the function being
> wrapped. E.g.

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